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Effect of Different Maturity Scores and Number of Extractions on the Sensory Traits of Water Extract from Hanwoo Shank Bones (한우 성숙도와 추출횟수가 사골용출액의 관능 특성에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Jin-Hyoung;Cho, Soo-Hyun;Seong, Pil-Nam;Hah, Kyung-Hee;Yun, Yeong-Tak;Lim, Dong-Gyun;Park, Beom-Young;Lee, Jong-Moon;Kim, Dong-Hun;Ahn, Chong-Nam
    • Food Science of Animal Resources
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.45-50
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    • 2008
  • This study was conducted to investigate the effect of different maturity scores [2 (bull), 2 (steer), 3-9 (cow)] and the number of extractions on water extract from Hanwoo shank bones (arm, fore shank, round and hind shank) with regard to sensory traits (white color, aroma, taste, overall acceptability). The white color of water extract from Hanwoo shank bones of maturity score 2 (bull and steer) was lighter than with maturity scores of 3-9 (cow) (p<0.05). The aroma of water extract from Hanwoo shank bones of maturity score 2 (bull and steer) was stronger than with other maturity scores 3-9 (cow) except for maturity score 5 (p<0.05). The taste and overall acceptability of water extract from Hanwoo shank bones of maturity score 2 (bull and steer) were higher than with maturity scores of 3-9 (cow) (p<0.05). The white color, aroma, taste and overall acceptability of water extract from Hanwoo shank bones of all maturity scores significantly decreased as the number of extractions (from 2nd to 4th) increased (p<0.05). In conclusion, there were significant differences between maturity scores 2 and maturity scores 3-9 (cow) with regard to sensory traits. Further studies need to address whether different maturity scores affect the price of shank bones in the meat industry.

Development of a Pre-treating Equipment and the Carcass Disposal System for Infected Poultry (감염가금 전처리 및 폐사가축 처리시스템 개발)

  • Hong, J.T.;Kim, H.J.;Yu, B.K.;Lee, S.H.;Hyun, C.S.;Ryu, I.S.;Oh, K.Y.;Kim, S.;Kwon, J.H.;Tack, D.S.
    • Journal of Animal Environmental Science
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.81-92
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    • 2011
  • When we bury the infected poultry into the ground, we have many problems such as the difficulty of making sufficient area for burying, environmental contamination by the leachate, unpleasant ordor. Also, in case of burning the carcass of the infected poultry, there are some problems such as high cost, dust, unpleasant odor, etc. It could cause environmental contamination which many peoples and environmental organization complains about. In this study, we develop a treating system which treats the infected poultry carcass in a environmental method preventing the environment contamination. This system is composed of many processes. The euthanasia system uses rigid vinyl to trap and to do a euthanasia the infected poultry with lethal gas, carbon dioxide. And then, with the tractor attached grappler infected poultry carcass could be put into the carcass treating system. The euthanasia system uses rigid vinyl to trap the infected birds and to confine lethal gas, carbon dioxide. Infected poultry carcass are moved to carcass disposal system by collecting device which is attached at tractor. The carcass treatment system (capacity of disposal : 6.3 $m^3$) is installed on a truck and do one pass work, which is input, crush, stir, sterilize, and discharge treated carcass. 1,000 chickens was killed within 9.7min by $CO_2$ (300L/min) in the tent (10 $m^3$). The collecting device could carry 142 chickens at a time, and the movable carcass treatment system could sterilize 2 tons carcass per hour (at one time). This treatment systems was eco-friendly because it reduced the volume of carcass by 31.9% with no wastewater generation.

Chemical Composition and Fermentation Characteristics of the Corn Silage During Feedout at Yonchon of Gyeonggi-do (연천지역에 있어서 옥수수 사일리지의 개봉 후 경과기간에 따른 시료성분 및 발효품질)

  • Sung Kyung Il;Kim Gon Sik;Lee June Woo;Kim Byung Wan;Kim Sang Rok
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.43-50
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this study is to discuss the ways to consistently feed high quality corn silage(CS). This study evaluated the effect of the corn silage, after a certain time has elapsed, on the chemical composition and fermentation characteristics after feedout during the winter feeding period of the CS. Six samples of CS from four dairy farms(E1, E2, E3, and L1 ) were taken in order to feed the milking cows over a winter feeding Period from November of 2002 until February of the following year, 2003(six samples were taken at the fellowing dates in the following order: sample one was taken on the 23rd Nov. 2002, sample two on the 5th of Dec. 2002, 3rd sample on the 23rd of Dec. 2002, 4th sample on the 7th of Jan. 2003, 5th sample on the 22nd of Jan. 2003, and the 6th sampling was carried out on the 6th of Feb. 2003) at the three sampling sites after the opening of the trench silos at intervals of 15 days. In the dry matter contents of CS, there wasn't any specific tendency according to the elapsed time in the range of 21.3~$27.3\%$ at all low dairy farm(E1, E2, E3, and L1). And the average dry matter contents were 24.1, 25.9, 23.6, and $20.4\%$. Considering the Proper amount of the dry matter of CS during the ripen yellow stage, the appropriate moisture content was $33\%$ (NRC, 1989), and these dry matter contents were all low. A consistent tendency was not found in the contents of CS. The average of CP contents were 10.2, 8.0, 8.5, and $9.8\%$ at the E1, E2, E3, and L1 farms, and there were significant differences. The TDN contents of CS were not different among forms according to the time elapsed. The pH, according to the time elapsed after opening of the CS, there were no differences at each of E1, E2, E3, md L1 farms. Average pH were 3.5, 3.9, 3.6, and 4.1, md all of them were in normal range. In the lactic acid contents of CS, a consistent tendency was not found among four farms. But according to the time elapsed. there was a goat difference from 1.13~$7.8\%$ The acetate, propionate, and butyrate contents of CS were very low. In this study, there was no significant difference in the CS's chemical composition and fermentation characteristics according to the elapsed time at all four dairy farms. Considering the proper dry matter contents of CS during the ripen yellow stage, the appropriate dry matter content was $33\%$, and dry matter contents of few farms were all low. To enhance the quality of corn silage should be ensiled com at proper dry matter content range from 28 to $35\%$ Therefore, content of the corn plant should be always be closely monitored prior to beginning harvest.

Effects of Systematic Variation Application of Fe, Mn, Cu, and Zn on the Dry Matter Yields of Orcharograss and White Clover (Fe, Mn, Cu 및 Zn의 Systematic Variation 시비가 Orchardgrass 및 White Clover의 건물수량에 미치는 영향)

  • Jung, Yeun-Kyu
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.193-200
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    • 2004
  • This pot experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of systematic variation application of Fe, Mn, Cu, and Zn on forage performance of orchardgrass and white clover. The treatments of systematic variation were 0/100, 25/75, 50/50, 75/25, and $100/0\%$ in the Fe/Cu(trial-1), Mn/Zn(trial-2), and Fe+Cu/Mn+Zn(trial-3), respectively. The treatments of Fe/Mn/Cu/Zn(trial-4) were composed of $70\%$ in main element and $10\%$ in other 3 elements, respectively. 1. By the systematic variations of Fe, Mn, Cu, and Zn, the yields were more significantly influenced in white clover than in orchardgrass. In addition, the yields of white clover were closely correlated to the trends of root/nodule growth and flowering. In the Fe/Cu trial, the relatively high yields were obtained at the $100/0\%$ in orchardgrass and at the $75/25\%$ in white clover. The yields of white clover were more negatively influenced by the 100/0(Cu control) than by the 0/100(Fe control). The yields of orchardgrass, however, tended to be opposite to the above trends. 2. In the Mn/Zn trial, both forages showed generally high yields at the high ratios of Mn/Zn. Compared with orchardgrass, the yields of white clover were greatly decreased by the Mn-deficiency(low ratio of Mn/Zn). The effects of Zn on forage yields, however, were not recognized. 3. In the Fe+Cu/Mn+Zn trial, the yields of orchardgrass tended to be slightly different among the treatments. The yields of white clover, however, were relatively' high at the 75/25, and showed a severe decrease at the 100/0 in the 2nd half cuts. In the Fe/Mn/Cu/Zn trial, the yields of white clover tended to be relatively high at the Cu and Zn treatments. It was likely to be caused by the balanced Fe/Mn ratio.

A Study on the Reliability Analysis and Risk Assessment of Liquefied Natural Gas Supply Utilities (천연가스 공급설비에 대한 기기신뢰도 분석 및 위험성 평가)

  • Ko, Jae-Sun;Kim, Hyo
    • Fire Science and Engineering
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.8-20
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    • 2003
  • Natural gas has been supplied through underground pipelines and valve stations as a new city gas in Seoul. In contrast to its handiness the natural gas has very substantial hazards due to fires and explosions occurring from careless treatments or malfunctions of the transporting system. The main objectives of this study are to identify major hazards and to perform risk assessments after assessing reliabilities of the composing units in dealing with typical pipeline networks. there-fore two method, fault tree analysis ;1nd event tree analysis, are used here. Random valve stations are selected and considered its situation in location. The value of small leakage, large rupture, and no supply of liquefied natural gas is estimated as that of top event. By this calculation the values of small leakage are 3.29 in I)C valve station, 1.41 in DS valve station, those of large rup-lure are $1.90Times10_{-2}$ in DC valve station, $2.32$\times$10^{-2}$ in DS valve station, and those of no supply of LNG to civil gas company are $2.33$\times$10 ^{-2}$ , $2.89$\times$10^{-2}$ in each valve station. And through minimal cut set we can find the parts that is important and should be more important in overall system. In DC valve station one line must be added between basic event 26,27 because the potential hazard of these parts is the highest value. If it is added the failure rate of no supply of LNG is reduced to one fourth. In DS valve station the failure rate of basic event 4 is 92eye of no supply of LNG. Therefore if the portion of this part is reduced (one line added) the total failure rate can be decreased to one tenth. This analytical study on the risk assessment is very useful to prepare emergency actions or procedures in case of gas accidents around underground pipeline networks and to establish a resolute gas safety management system for loss prevention in Seoul metropolitan area.

The Variation of Natural Population of Pinus densiflora S. et Z. in Korea (IX) -Needle and Wood Characteristics of Six Populations- (소나무천연집단(天然集團)의 변이(變異)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)(IX) -광주(廣州), 제천(堤川), 보은(報恩), 무주(茂朱), 구례(求禮), 제주집단(濟州集團)의 침엽(針葉) 및 재질형질(材質形質)-)

  • Yim, Kyong Bin;Lee, Kyong Jae
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.44 no.1
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    • pp.1-25
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    • 1979
  • Six natural populations of Pinus densiflora S. et Z. as shown in the location map (Flg 1) were studied during 1978. The numerial pouplation codes, 13 to 18. The results of populations 1 to 12 were reported in previous papers. Following the study methods described before, 20 trees were sampled from each population and morpological characteristics such as stem forms, branching habit needle and wood properties investigated. The results are summerized as follows; 1. The mean stand ages were ranged from 36 to 97 of years. The growth performances of trees of population 14. 15 and 18 was similar, but 13, 16, and 17 seemed to be inferior more or less. 2. The ratios of clear bole length were 0.70 in population 18 as the highest but 0.28 for population 16 as the lowest. 3. The population 17 was considered to be a stand of the coarser branching habit having the crown index (The maximum crown diameter/the crown height) 158 though the branching angles were almost horizontal. 4. The differences were observed in the clear bole length ratios and crown-indices between population as shown In Fig. 3 and 4. 5. As to the serration density, number of stomata row and resin duct; the significant differences exist between individual trees within population and also between populations. 6. Population 18 shown resin duct index 0.119 as the maximum. 7. The patterns of diameter growth, based on the width of 10-year-ring segment unit(for example, the 1st segment denotes the with between pith center and 10th year ring and the 2nd one is from 11th to 20th ring and so on.), were alike among populations as shown in Fig 9. 8. Significant differences between population in mean summer wood percentage as well as in wood specific gravity was observed. The values of wood specific gravity were increased with the increase of ages in population 14, 18 however vice versa in population 13, 15, and 17. 9. The fiber length was mereased with the increased of age but no differences between populations as shown in Fig. 12.

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The Development and Oviposition of Bean Bug, Riptortus clavatus Thunberg (Hemiptera: Alydidae) at Temperature Conditions (온도조건에 따른 톱다리개미허리노린재의 발육 및 산란)

  • Bae, Soon-Do;Kim, Hyun-Ju;Park, Chung-Gyoo;Lee, Geon-Hwi;Park, Sung-Tae
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.44 no.4 s.141
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    • pp.325-330
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    • 2005
  • This study was conducted to determine the effect of temperatures on the egg and nymphal development, adult longevity and oviposition of bean bug, Riptortus clavatus Thunberg, using Saealkong seed as food sources in fibrous nylon-tube at four different temperatures (20, 24, 28 and $32^{\circ}C$). Hatchability showed the highest value of 100% at $28^{\circ}C$ and decreased with increasing temperature. Egg duration ranged from 7 days at $32^{\circ}$ to 16.7 days at $20^{\circ}C$. Instar duration was longer with increasing instar stage. Nymphal duration was 38 days at $20^{\circ}C$, 30 days at $24^{\circ}C$, 23 days at $28^{\circ}C$, and 18 days at $32^{\circ}C$ Emergence rates to adult were 16, 41, 72 and 68% at 20, 24, 28 and $32^{\circ}C$, respectively. Female adult longelity ranged from a minimum 20 days at $20^{\circ}C$ to a maximum 63 days at $28^{\circ}C$, while the longevity of male ranged from 19 days at $20^{\circ}C$ to 60 days at $28^{\circ}C$. Preoviposition duration was shorter with increasing temperature and ranged from 11 days at $20^{\circ}C$ to 5 days at $32^{\circ}C$. Total number of eggs laid per female ranged from a minimum 21 eggs at $20^{\circ}C$ to a maximum 67 eggs at $28^{\circ}C$. Consequently, the estimated lower threshold tempeatures of each developmental stage were $10.3^{\circ}C$ for egg, and 9.3, 12.7, 10.0, 11.0 and 8.7 for the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th instar, respectively.

Analysis on the Effect of the Dental Health Characteristics of Adult on the Status of Recognition and Practical Application of Dental Hygiene Devices (성인의 구강건강 특성이 구강위생용품의 인지도와 사용 실태에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Eun-Ju;Lee, Mi-Oak
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.241-250
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study, which was processed from March $22^{nd}$ to April $9^{th}$ of 2010, was to figure out recognition, well-formed instructions, and Practical application about dental hygiene devices based on the dental health characteristics of 350 adults who dwell in Busan and Gyeongnam regions. Also, this study recommended the adults to use dental hygiene devices and provided such devices to help individuals take care of their dental health at home. The collected data was statistically processed with a statistics SPSS (Statistical Packages for Social Science 14.0. SPSS Inc. USA) program. First of all, in order to demonstrate the characteristics of the sample population statistics and that of the descriptive data, frequency analysis was performed and to find out the relationship between variations of the dental health, Chi-squared test through Crosstabs was operated. According to the study, recognition and Practical application of dental hygiene devices were very low. Therefore, public announcement about necessity and effectiveness of such devices should be reinforced nationwide and instructions on choosing the right device and using of the dental hygiene devices based on patients' conditions by dental hygienic human efforts gathered from dental health organization should be carried out.

Effect of Sex Education on Middle School Students' Access to the Obscene Online Computer and Video Film Contents (성교육이 중학생의 컴퓨터와 비디오 음란물 접촉에 미치는 효과)

  • Woo, Hae-Ja;Kim, Chung-Nam;Park, Kyung-Min
    • Research in Community and Public Health Nursing
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.795-814
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    • 2001
  • To evaluate the effect of sex education on middle school students' access to the obscene online computer and video film contents. 154 students were selected as experimental group. and 154 students were selected as control group, sampled randomly from Andong. Kyungbook, Korea. An analysis was performed. A non-equivalent control group pre test-post test research design was used. The data were collected from April 2nd to April 19th. 2001. A pre-survey was done on general characteristics and the condition of accessing obscene online computer and video film contents on both experimental and control group. From the survey results information. sex education contents were put together. The researcher organized 3 ready-made sex education program and explained to the four school health nurses about the ready-made sex education program step by step and they educated their selected students with three classes of 45 minutes lecture. Two weeks after the last lecture, a post-test was conducted. Four weeks from the last lecture, another post-test was conducted. The existing studies by Choi Yongseon(1998) and Kim Hyeok(1998) were reviewed and two professors in the department of community health nursing advised on the study questionnaire writing. An SPSS Win 10.0 was used. The data of respondents' general characteristics were analyzed using frequency and percentage. $X^2$ test was used to verify the homogeneity of the experimental group and the control group. Repeated Measures ANOVA was used to find out whether sex education had an effect on the awareness of obscene online computer and video film contents and under-age prostitution through the online computer networks. and time and frequency of access to the obscene online computer and video film contents. The results of the study are as follow. 1. The results of the verification of homogeneity between the experimental group and the control group showed that there was no significant difference between the experimental group and the control group. 2. The first hypothesis, 'the experimental group which received sex education would have a higher level of awareness of accessing obscene contents than the control group which did not receive the education' was supported at p<0.0001. 3. The second hypothesis. 'the experimental group which received sex education would have a higher level of awareness of underage prostitution on computer networks than the control group which did not receive the education' was supported at p<0.05. 4. The third hypothesis, 'the experimental group which received sex education would spend time less accessing obscene video and computer contents than the control group which did not receive the education' was rejected at p>.05. 5. The 4-1 hypothesis. 'the experimental group which received sex education would access obscene computer contents less frequently than the control group which did not receive the education' was supported at p<0.0001. 6. The 4-2 hypothesis, 'the experimental group which received sex education would access obscene video contents less frequently than the control group which did not receive the education' was supported at p<0.0001. In conclusion, a systematic step-by-step sex education program should be developed to protect middle school students from the harmful online computer and video film access. An effective teaching material for sex education should be prepared to decrease middle school students' access to obscene online computer and video film contents.

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Effect of Fusion Condition on In Vitro Development of Caprine Cloned Oocytes with Nuclear Transfer (재래산양에 있어서 핵이식란의 융합조건이 융합 및 체외발달에 미치는 영향)

  • 박희성;김태숙;이윤희;정수영;이명열;홍승표;박준규;김충희;정장용
    • Reproductive and Developmental Biology
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.127-132
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    • 2004
  • This study was conducted to examine the effects of electric stimulation conditions on in vitro developmental ability of caprine embryos after somatic cell nuclear transfer. Recipient oocytes were surgically collected after superovulation by using CIDR and FSH, PMSG, hCG and estrous synchronization in Korean native goats. The caprine ear cells were cultured in vitro in serum-starvation condition (TCM-l99 + 0.5% FBS) for 3 to 5 days of cell confluence. The zona pellucida of in vivo and in vitro matured oocytes were partially drilled using laser system. Single somatic cell was individually transferred into the enucleated oocyte. The reconstructed oocytes were electrically fused with 0.3M mannitol. After the electofusion, embryos were activated by electric stimulation or Ionomycin + 6-DMAP. Nuclear transfer embryos were cultured in mSOF medium supplemented with 0.8% BSA 6∼7 days at 39 , 5% $CO_2$, 5% $O_2$, 90% $N_2$. The fusion rate of donor cells was 60.4% and 40.3 % in ear cell and fetal fibroblast, and cleavage rate were 40.6% and 48.2%, respectively. No significant difference was found in the fusion and cleavage rate in different donor cells. Nuclear transferred oocytes were fused by electric pulses of 1.30∼1.40, 2.30∼2.39 and 2.40∼2.46 ㎸/cm. There was no significant difference among different electric pulses in fusion rates (26.7, 34.8 and 43.8%). The cleavage rate was higher (p<0.05) in 1.30∼1.40 ㎸/cm (82.9%) than 2.30∼2.39 ㎸/cm (43.8%) and 2.40∼2.46 ㎸/cm. (51.8%). The fusion rates of recipient oocyte source were 1st (43.5% and 23.6%), 2nd (55.7% and 39.2%) and 3rd (66.1% and 52.8%) in in vivo and in vitro oocytes. However, fusion ratee were significantly higher (p<0.05) in in vivo than in vitro oocyte. The cleavage rate of fused oocytes from in vivo and in vitro sources were 52.6% and 54.4%, respectively. No significant difference was found in the cleavage rate according to the recipient oocyte source. These results suggest that factors such as field pulse of electric stimulation and oocyte source could affect in vitro developmental ability of nuclear transplanted caprine oocytes.