• Title/Summary/Keyword: Meaning of work

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The research on the Career Consciousness of the College Students (revolve around D College Dental Technology Student) (전문대학생의 진로의식에 관한 연구 - D대학 치기공과 재학생을 중심으로 -)

  • Bae, Bong-Jin;Lee, Hwa-Sik;Park, Myung-Ho
    • Journal of Technologic Dentistry
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.387-401
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    • 2010
  • Purpose: The work of Dental technician which is part of national dental health, is more specialized recently. This research provides fundamental data from analyzing student's career consciousness according to needs of a career education. Here is the conclusion of the analysis about student's career consciousness, that is for a right choice of career. Methods: This study did questionnaire to a dental Laboratory Technology student who locate in Taegu. Question response student number was 570 people. Response contents analyzed to 506 people except imperfect questionnaire. Data used windows sas 8.0 program and did descriptive statistical analysis. Results: There is a meaningful difference in what they want to know about an occupation according to ages. (${\rho}$ < 0.01) All ages are similar to their occupational thinking, however they who are under twenties consider working environment. Most motives of an entrance are similar, there is a meaningful difference. (${\rho}$ < 0.05) According to a grade of college, there is a meaningful difference how to obtain informations of a career. (${\rho}$ < 0.05) Sophomores and juniors obtain information from seniors or family, however freshmen obtain from the internet because of an accessibility. There is a meaningful difference of a job meaning between men and women. (${\rho}$ < 0.01) Men are working for a means of living. But women give weight to a self-development. The older they grow, the more they know about their aptitude. Selecting subjects are different choosing time & motive. According to ages and where they are from, there is a meaningful difference how much know about their aptitude. (${\rho}$ < 0.05) Older Students know more than young students. Selecting subjects are different choosing time & motive. In accordance with a grade, ages, and where they are from, there are different degrees about how much know their interests. There is a meaningful difference of a choosing major period and choosing informations. (${\rho}$ < 0.01) And also there is a meaningful difference where they are from and why they enter to College. (${\rho}$ < 0.001) In accordance with a grade, ages, and where they are from, there are different degrees about how much know their aptitude. There is a meaningful difference of a choosing major period. (${\rho}$ < 0.01) And also there is a meaningful difference why they enter to College. (${\rho}$ < 0.001) Conclusion: Although we know that a career education is very important, however lots of students select a career without their aptitude & interest & character. We need to teach a career education systematically; considering students career consciousness, with a proper career guidance, cultivating career consciousness.

A Study on the Personality Structure of Characters in the Spiriting Away of Sen and Chihiro (<센과 치히로의 행방불명>에 나타난 캐릭터 성격구조의 이해)

  • Yang Se-Hyeok;Choa Eun-Jung
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.123-136
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    • 2005
  • The personality structure of animation characters is revealed as the characters' roles and behavioral patterns in the drama work as elements of sympathy with the audience. Therefore, character creation is not simply limited to the invention of outward appearance. It must start from understanding the importance of personality structure that leads the plot. Thus the present study examined various personality structures retained in characters, centering on The Spiriting Away Of Sen And Chihiro by director Hayao Miyazaki, who has created unique characters. As parts of this research, first, the general characteristics of animation characters were defined. Second, personality types were examined from Carl G. Jung's psychological viewpoint. Analysis was made by connecting the method of classifying personality types based on the multiplicity of personality, namely, 'extroversion and introversion, intuition and sense, thinking and feeling, and judgment and understanding' to the method of classification based on the organic relations among roles in the drama, namely,'victim, persecutor and savior'. Lastly, the research viewpoint derived from the analysis of characters in The Spiriting Away Of Sen And Chihiro was applied. The present study defined the general characteristic revealed by the personality types of characters and their organic relations as 'the personality structure of characters' and documented data. In addition, this study is regarded as meaning in that it suggested an example of the effective creation of animation characters that win the sympathy of the audience.

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Changes in Water Quality, Flora and Vegetation of Cheonggye Stream Before, During and After its Restoration (청계천 복원공사 전.중.후의 수질과 식물 및 식생의 변화)

  • Kim Hyea-Ju;Kim Sung-Hwan;Kim Song-Yee
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.235-258
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    • 2006
  • The monitoring of vegetation and water quality before(2003), during(2004) and after(2005) the restoration work of Cheonggye Stream indicated that $BOD_5$ concentration before the project averaged 51.1mg/L and that both the inflow of water from Hang River and the funnel of subway station water into the stream lowered the $BOD_5$ to 3.3mg/L, improving its water quality to the third grade. Species of plants slightly increased from 121 to 132 after the restoration. Specifically, perennial plant comprised 35.6%, an increase from 24.8% recorded before the restoration. Phragmites communis and Zoysia japonica communities were observed as the introduction vegetation. However, Humulus japonicus and Erigeron canadensis communities, which were classified into the first grade according to the vegetation conservation classification, were found to be still prevailing though they were dominant community before the restoration, meaning that the ecological condition of plants had not changed very significantly. An the other hand the water quality of the reference reach was classified into the first grade based on $BOD_5$, which implies the water quality of the section was better than the project reaches. Besides the section had more diverse plant species which numbered 154, and furthermore, the rate of immigrated plants comprised 13% which was lower than 28.8% recorded by the project sections. The project reaches are considered to be inferior to the reference section in terms of ecological condition. The effectiveness of the stream restoration cannot be determined only by such short-term investigation as was conducted in this study, and it is considered that the effectiveness of the restoration of Cheonggye Stream can be determined only if investigations in other major factors are conducted over the long-term period.

The modality and the symbol of the reform in donghak and the declaration in K. Marx (칼 맑스 선언문과 폐정 개혁문의 모달리떼와 그 상징성)

  • Sun, Mira
    • 기호학연구
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    • no.57
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    • pp.155-176
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    • 2018
  • This article is a study of Karl Marx's manifesto and the reform in donghak for the modality and their symbolism. As a text, Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels' declaration on the Communist Alliance and the reform program of the peasant Donghak were choose. This Declaration and the Reformation are the works of philosophical practice discourse of the 1800s in this article, which unfolds paradigmatically, deriving its common symbolic meaning in the semiotic sense, and evolving ideologically towards a democracy free of property. In the end, these two historical incident which are published in the contemporary breath, constitute an accusation against a nonhuman policy of surveillance and punishment. Twice a day, the space of the church is transformed into a factory, the act of dividing into two categories by capitalist and work and divorcing by accident is embodied as a social ethic. It is against the phenomenon that the structure of which no man exists is no longer institutionalized. The revolutionary movement aimed at breaking the framework of this hunt manifests itself in the two manifestos mentioned above, and Karl Marx completes the culmination of the utopia that must be achieved through the Declaration of the Communist Alliance by placing his being in the position of "eternal refugee". By choosing to die in his freedom developed during Jeon Bong-joon's trial, he also completes the people's spirit of revolution. In the case of simultaneous exploitation in East and West, the form of oppression is the withdrawal of capital from domination and power, and a new alternative to this is the philosophical context that allows the establishment of a new paradigm with "man is the greatest capital".

A Study on the Method of Activation of Space of Gwangheemun Considering Historical and Cultural Speciality (역사·문화적 특수성을 고려한 광희문(光熙門)의 공간 활성화 방안 연구)

  • Kim, Ji Eun;Park, Eun Soo
    • Korea Science and Art Forum
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    • v.19
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    • pp.243-257
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    • 2015
  • The Cultural Heritage Administration has selected Seoul Fortress Wall as the representative heritage of Korea to be applied for being registered as UNESCO World Heritage and announced the plan to restore and organize it, which has increased the interest to the Seoul Fortress Wall, the Historical Site No. 10. The great work to make the heritage value of Walls, 4 Big Gates and 4 Small Gates composing the Seoul Fortress wall with the length of 18.627 km to be recognized worldwide has limits if it is focused only on the physical restoration. It is because the Seoul Fortress Wall represents the long historical and cultural value as the space of life which connects closely the capital city and its vicinity. We need the plan to discover and utilize historical and cultural contents of Seoul Fortress Wall and its vicinity. Especially, Gwangheemun, which is one of the four Small Gates of Seoul Fortress Wall, is a precious cultural heritage which represents the transition of fortification technology of Chosun period as the space representing ordinary people. However, now Gwangheemun and its vicinity does not stand out the charm because of passive accessibility, landscape falling behind and absence of program. This made the lack of domestic and overseas tourists and the convenient space and various contents. This reality is because the value of space has been considered simply as a cultural heritage without considering the traditional, historical and cultural specificity. Therefore, this study is aimed to find the meaning and value of Gwangheemun by discovering its own latent intangible cultural, historical and artistic resource, and to find the way to connect with Gwangheemun, the existing tangible traditional architectural space and the way of vitalizing Gwangheemun as a new space.

A Study on Development of Digital Compilation Management System for Local Culture Contents: Focusing on the Case of The Encyclopedia of Korean Local Culture (향토문화 콘텐츠를 위한 디지털 편찬 관리시스템 개발에 관한 연구: "한국향토문화전자대전"의 사례를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Su-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Society for information Management
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.213-237
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    • 2009
  • Local culture is a cultural heritage that has come down from generation to generation in the natural environment of a region. It includes history, tradition, natural features, art, and historic relics. The Academy of Korean Studies has complied "The Encyclopedia of Korean Local Culture" using those local culture contents. Local culture content shave the features of documentary, such as authenticating the source, and managing hierarchy structure. Thus, to deal with local culture contents, a "circular knowledge information management system" is sought for that helps basic, fragmentary, and high-level information to circulate to create new knowledge information within the system. A user of this circular knowledge information management system is able not only to collect data directly in it, but also to fetch data from other database. Besides, processing the collected data helps to create new knowledge information. But, it's very difficult to sustain the features of the original hierarchy bearing meaning contained in the various kinds of local culture contents when building a new database. Moreover, this kind of work needs many times of correction over a long period of time. Therefore, a system in which compilation, correction, and service can be done simultaneously is needed. Therefore, in this study, focusing on the case of "The Encyclopedia of Korean Local Culture", I propose a XML-based digital compilation management system that can express hierarchy information and sustain the semantic features of the local culture contents containing lots of ancient documents, and introduce the expanded functions developed to manage contents in the system.

Study on 'Good Death' that Korean Aged People Recognize - Blessed Death - (노인이 인지하는 '좋은 죽음' 의미 연구 - '복(福) 있는 죽음' -)

  • Kim, Mee-Hye;Kwon, Kum-Ju;Lim, Yeon-Ok
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.56 no.2
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    • pp.195-213
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    • 2004
  • The purpose of this study is to explore and understand the meaning of 'Good Death' that the Korean aged people are generally thinking based on their values and the sentiments. For this purpose, we carried out individual and in-depth interviews with 40 aged persons living in Seoul taking their genders and social-economic status into consideration from March to May 2003. We applied qualitative research method to this study. Eight graduate students were responsible for the interviews. They majored in gerontology or had experiences of field work with old persons. It took an average of one and a half hour and maximum of two hours for each of the interviews. All of the processes of each interview were tape-recorded under the agreement with each interviewee. The main and sub themes from the data can be classified to seven categories according to the Phenomenological Approach designed by Colaizzi(1978). The main theme of good death that most of the interviewees considered was 'Blessed Death', very similar to 'Death Fortune' in the five good fortunes found in Korean tradition and the Confucianism. Also, the main concept is classified to seven sub-themes: (1) Not seeing their children's death; (2) Dying in front of their children; (3) Not to be a burden of their children during their lives; (4) Dying after doing all of their duties as parents; (5) Dying with no pain; (6) Completing the natural span of their lives; and (7) Prepared death. Thus, 'Blessed Death' that Korean aged people consider seems to be very closely related with the lives, health, happiness and success of their children. Based on the findings, we concluded that both social policy makers and social service providers are required to keep in mind the meanings of 'Good death' that most of the Korean aged people consider in order to help them enjoy successful aging during their remaining lives.

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Reactive oxygen species-dependent down-regulation of ubiquitin C-terminal hydrolase in Schizosaccharomyces pombe (Schizosaccharomyces pombe에서의 유비퀴틴 C-말단 가수분해효소의 활성산소종 의존성 하향조절)

  • Jo, Hannah;Lim, Hye-Won;Kwon, Hee-Souk;Lim, Chang-Jin;Park, Kwang Hark;Jin, Chang Duck;Kim, Kyunghoon
    • Korean Journal of Microbiology
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    • v.52 no.2
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    • pp.236-241
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    • 2016
  • The Schizosaccharomyces pombe $sdu1^+$ gene, belonging to the PPPDE superfamily of deubiquitinating enzyme (DUB) genes, was previously shown to encode a protein with ubiquitin C-terminal hydrolase (UCH) activity and to participate in the response against oxidative and nitrosative stresses. This work focused on the reactive oxygen species (ROS)-dependent regulation of the S. pombe $sdu1^+$ gene. UCH activities, encoded by the $sdu1^+$ gene, were attenuated in the S. pombe cells exposed to $H_2O_2$, superoxide radical-generating menadione (MD), and nitric oxide (NO)-generating sodium nitroprusside (SNP). Reduced glutathione (GSH) and its precursor N-acetylcysteine (NAC) were able to significantly enhance the UCH activities in the absence or presence of $H_2O_2$. However, the influences of both GSH and NAC on the ROS levels in the absence or presence of $H_2O_2$ were opposite to their effects on the UCH activities under the same conditions. The UCH activities in the Sdu1-overexpressing S. pombe cells were also diminished under exposure to $H_2O_2$, MD and SNP, but still remained to be higher than those in the vector control cells. In brief, it is proposed that the S. pombe $sdu1^+$ gene is regulated by ROS in a negative manner, the meaning of which largely remains elusive.

Searching for Laws and Systems to Revitalize Private Archives (민간 아카이브 활성화를 위한 법·제도 모색)

  • Sohn, Dong You
    • The Korean Journal of Archival Studies
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    • no.69
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    • pp.7-33
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    • 2021
  • From the beginning of the enactment and implementation of the Public Records Management Act, there has been a steady discussion on the establishment of local archives. Local archives include not only administrative records of local governments, but also private archives such as containing the lives of residents. Along with the academic discussion, there have been movements for local autonomy and decentralization. Currently, interest and discussion on private archiving are in the historical flow. In addition, private archiving has become a social concern because of the establishment of systems such as the Public Records Management Act and the Information Disclosure Act, the establishment of a digital environment, and the spread of the meaning and value of village community activities. There are several government agencies related to private archiving, and the grounds for performing their work are different, and there are many central administrative agencies to which they belong. Therefore, I propose that the National Archives take the lead and form a 'Consortium of Private archives Management Institutions'. The organization should promote first, cooperation of collection information and archives, second, coordination of tasks and functions between institutions, and third, establishment of a nationwide private archives management system. Now is our chance. Instead of reacting on an ad hoc basis, respond systematically with a long-term perspective.

A Study on the Art Works Creation of the Subconscious Experiences though the Scene Setting Technique : Focused on the Floral Art Work Creation based on Artist's Experiences (장면화 기법을 통한 무의식적 경험의 작품화에 관한 연구 -본인 경험을 바탕으로 한 화예 작품 창작을 중심으로-)

  • Kim, Dawoon;Yoo, Taeksang
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Floral Art and Design
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    • no.44
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    • pp.53-73
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    • 2021
  • This study is on the creation of art works through the methodological process of deducting the experiences and inspired feeling which the researcher experienced in the subconscious level as well as the conscious level in the field of floral art creation. The scene setting technique was applied to seize inner experiences and feeling in subconscious level. More concretely, visual note technique and image research technique were applied to record and preserve scenes as the seized inner mental images. To delineate the contents, the researcher created art works based on the experiences during the preparation period at the small town of Tours in France as well as the competitive and tough every day life during the attendance at the fashion school of ESOMD International Paris. The researcher was able to create 5 art works of Deja Vu, 'ㅅ(Seoul-Paris)', '崩(A Mountain on Two Moons)', '燈 (Load out and Stay)', 'ㅇ'deducting the deep experiences and inspired feeling through the methodological process in the subconscious level as well as the conscious level. The researcher was able to explore inner experiences finding self in disquietude and process of personal realization through the creation. The meaning of this research could be found as a case of qualitative research which presents approaches utilizing method of deducting experiences in subconscious level and applying to the creation of art works.