• Title/Summary/Keyword: MATHEMATICA

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The extinction probability in systems randomly varying in time

  • Pazsit, Imre;Williams, M.M.R.;Pal, Lenard
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.49 no.6
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    • pp.1301-1309
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    • 2017
  • The extinction probability of a branching process (a neutron chain in a multiplying medium) is calculated for a system randomly varying in time. The evolution of the first two moments of such a process was calculated previously by the authors in a system randomly shifting between two states of different multiplication properties. The same model is used here for the investigation of the extinction probability. It is seen that the determination of the extinction probability is significantly more complicated than that of the moments, and it can only be achieved by pure numerical methods. The numerical results indicate that for systems fluctuating between two subcritical or two supercritical states, the extinction probability behaves as expected, but for systems fluctuating between a supercritical and a subcritical state, there is a crucial and unexpected deviation from the predicted behaviour. The results bear some significance not only for neutron chains in a multiplying medium, but also for the evolution of biological populations in a time-varying environment.

The Visualization of figures represented by parameters (매개변수로 표현되는 도형의 시각화 방안)

  • 김향숙
    • The Mathematical Education
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    • v.40 no.2
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    • pp.317-333
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    • 2001
  • The equations of figures given by rectangular coordinates are used to look into the properties of them, which are very restricted in examining them in the school mathematics. Therefore, it is quite natural to consider the figures in terms of parameters without restriction to coordinates and also, it is possible for the students to analyze them. Thus, the visualization of figures is important for students in mathematics education. In particular, the teaching-learning methods using computers make loose the difficulties of geometry education, and from the viewpoint that various abstract figures can be visualized and that can be obtained by means of this visualization the learning of figures can be accomplished through the direct experience or control. This study is intended to present concretely the aim and its utility to visualize figures represented as parameters with Mathematics. In this paper, we introduce a new teaching-learning method of figures represented by parameters using Mathematica so that the learners establish themselves their knowledge obtained through their search, investigation, supposition and they accomplish the positive transition to advanced learning. So the leasers extend their ability of sensuous intuition to their ability of logical reasoning through their logical intuition. Consequently they can develop the ability of thinking mathematically, so many natural phenomena and physical ones.

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Reflection and propagation of plane waves at free surfaces of a rotating micropolar fibre-reinforced medium with voids

  • Anya, Augustine Igwebuike;Khan, Aftab
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • v.18 no.6
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    • pp.605-614
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    • 2019
  • The present paper seeks to investigate propagation and reflection of waves at free surfaces of homogeneous, anisotropic and rotating micropolar fibre-reinforced medium with voids. It has been observed that, in particular when P-wave is incident on the free surface, there exist four coupled reflected plane waves traveling in the medium; quasi-longitudinal displacement (qLD) wave, quasi-transverse displacement (qTD) wave, quasi-transverse microrotational wave and a wave due to voids. Normal mode Analysis usually called harmonic solution method is adopted in concomitant with Snell's laws and appropriate boundary conditions in determination of solution to the micropolar fibre reinforced modelled problem. Amplitude ratios which correspond to reflected waves in vertical and horizontal components are presented analytically. Also, the Reflection Coefficients are presented using numerical simulated results in graphical form for a particular chosen material by the help of Mathematica software. We observed that the micropolar fibre-reinforced, voids and rotational parameters have various degrees of effects to the modulation, propagation and reflection of waves in the medium. The study would have impact to micropolar fibre-reinforecd rotational-acoustic machination fields and future works about behavior of seismic waves.

Influence of thermal radiation and magnetohydrodynamic on the laminar flow: Williamson fluid for velocity profile

  • Muzamal Hussain;Humaira Sharif;Mohammad Amien Khadimallah;Hamdi Ayed;Abir Mouldi;Muhammad Naeem Mohsin;Sajjad Hussain;Abdelouahed Tounsi
    • Advances in nano research
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.427-434
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    • 2024
  • Latest advancement in field of fluid dynamics has taken nanofluid under consideration which shows large thermal conductance and enlarges property of heat transformation in fluids. Motivated by this, the key aim of the current investigation scrutinizes the influence of thermal radiation and magnetohydrodynamic on the laminar flow of an incompressible two-dimensional Williamson nanofluid over an inclined surface in the presence of motile microorganism. In addition, the impact of heat absorption/generation and Arrhenius activation energy is also examined. A mathematical modeled is developed which stimulate the physical flow problem. By using the compatible similarities, we transfer the governing PDEs into ODEs. The analytic approach based on Homotopy analysis method is introduced to impose the analytic solution by using Mathematica software. The impacts of distinct pertinent variable on velocity profiles are investigated through graphs.

Perturbations of Zonal and Tesseral Harmonics on Frozen Orbits of Charged Satellites

  • Fawzy Ahmed Abd El-Salam;Walid Ali Rahoma;Magdy Ibrahim El-Saftawy;Ahmed Mostafa;Elamira Hend Khattab
    • Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences
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    • v.41 no.2
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    • pp.87-106
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    • 2024
  • The objective of this research is to address the issue of frozen orbits in charged satellites by incorporating geopotential zonal harmonics up to J6 and the initial tesseral harmonics. The employed model starts from the first normalized Hamiltonian to calculate specific sets of long-term frozen orbits for charged satellites. To explore the frozen orbits acquired, a MATHEMATICA CODE is developed. The investigation encompasses extensive variations in orbit altitudes by employing the orbital inclination and argument of periapsis as freezing parameters. The determined ranges ensuring frozen orbits are derived from the generated figures. Three-dimensional presentations illustrating the freezing inclination in relation to eccentricity, argument of periapsis, and semi-major axis parameters are presented. Additional three-dimensional representations of the phase space for the eccentricity vector and its projection onto the nonsingular plane are examined. In all investigated scenarios, the impacts of electromagnetic (EM) field perturbations on the freezing parameters of a charged satellite are demonstrated.

Development of Instructional Models for Problem Solving in Quadratic Functions and Ellipses (이차함수와 타원의 문제해결 지도를 위한 멀티미디어 학습자료 개발)

  • 김인수;고상숙;박승재;김영진
    • Journal of Educational Research in Mathematics
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.59-71
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    • 1998
  • Recently, most classrooms in Korea are fully equipped with multimedia environments such as a powerful pentium pc, a 43″large sized TV, and so on through the third renovation of classroom environments. However, there is not much software teachers can use directly in their teaching. Even with existing software such as GSP, and Mathematica, it turns out that it doesn####t fit well in a large number of students in classrooms and with all written in English. The study is to analyze the characteristics of problem-solving process and to develop a computer program which integrates the instruction of problem solving into a regular math program in areas of quadratic functions and ellipses. Problem Solving in this study included two sessions: 1) Learning of basic facts, concepts, and principles; 2) problem solving with problem contexts. In the former, the program was constructed based on the definitions of concepts so that students can explore, conjecture, and discover such mathematical ideas as basic facts, concepts, and principles. In the latter, the Polya#s 4 phases of problem-solving process contributed to designing of the program. In understanding of a problem, the program enhanced students#### understanding with multiple, dynamic representations of the problem using visualization. The strategies used in making a plan were collecting data, using pictures, inductive, and deductive reasoning, and creative reasoning to develop abstract thinking. In carrying out the plan, students can solve the problem according to their strategies they planned in the previous phase. In looking back, the program is very useful to provide students an opportunity to reflect problem-solving process, generalize their solution and create a new in-depth problem. This program was well matched with the dynamic and oscillation Polya#s problem-solving process. Moreover, students can facilitate their motivation to solve a problem with dynamic, multiple representations of the problem and become a powerful problem solve with confidence within an interactive computer environment. As a follow-up study, it is recommended to research the effect of the program in classrooms.

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  • Srivastava, Hari Mohan
    • Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society
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    • v.44 no.5
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    • pp.1163-1184
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    • 2007
  • In this presentation dedicated to the tricentennial birth anniversary of the great eighteenth-century Swiss mathematician, Leonhard Euler (1707-1783), we begin by remarking about the so-called Basler problem of evaluating the Zeta function ${\zeta}(s)$ [in the much later notation of Georg Friedrich Bernhard Riemann (1826-1866)] when s=2, which was then of vital importance to Euler and to many other contemporary mathematicians including especially the Bernoulli brothers [Jakob Bernoulli (1654-1705) and Johann Bernoulli (1667-1748)], and for which a fascinatingly large number of seemingly independent solutions have appeared in the mathematical literature ever since Euler first solved this problem in the year 1736. We then investigate various recent developments on the evaluations and representations of ${\zeta}(s)$ when $s{\in}{\mathbb{N}}{\backslash}\;[1],\;{\mathbb{N}}$ being the set of natural numbers. We emphasize upon several interesting classes of rapidly convergent series representations for ${\zeta}(2n+1)(n{\in}{\mathbb{N}})$ which have been developed in recent years. In two of many computationally useful special cases considered here, it is observed that ${\zeta}(3)$ can be represented by means of series which converge much more rapidly than that in Euler's celebrated formula as well as the series used recently by Roger $Ap\'{e}ry$ (1916-1994) in his proof of the irrationality of ${\zeta}(3)$. Symbolic and numerical computations using Mathematica (Version 4.0) for Linux show, among other things, that only 50 terms of one of these series are capable of producing an accuracy of seven decimal places.

A study on mathematics books of Joseon Dynasty (조선시대 산서(算書) 연구 - 규장각 소장 산서 연구의 분석을 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Sang-Gu;Lee, Jae-Hwa
    • Communications of Mathematical Education
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.1-19
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    • 2011
  • HPM(History and Pedagogy of Mathematics) become an important issue to us now. Study on old Korean mathematics books were made recently. We study mathematics books in Kyujanggak in this article. Horng Wann-Sheng 洪萬生, an math. historian and a member of editorial board of Historia Mathematica, visited Kyujanggak, the royal library of Joseon Dynasty. After his visit, he published a paper, "The first visit to mathematics books in Kyujanggak 奎章閣收藏算書初訪"(2008 Kyujanggak 32, p. 283-293). In his paper, he also raised several research problems on the history of Korean mathematics. In this paper, we analyze his paper "The first visit to mathematics books in Kyujanggak" and give some answers to those raised problems on Korean mathematics. Also we correct some misunderstanding of Horng on some facts. Especially, we make it clear that the author of SinJungSanSul(New Arithmetics 新訂算術) was not Lee Sang-Seol(李相卨), whom Horng considered as the author, but Lee Gyo-Seung(李敎承) through the correct translation of its preface and an article about its copyright lawsuit. And we added some pathways how Chinese mathematics books were imported by Joseon. We introduce the case of Hong Dae-Yong(洪大容) in detail.

Development of an Adaptive e-Learning System for Engineering Mathematics using Computer Algebra and Bayesian Inference Network (컴퓨터 대수와 베이지언 추론망을 이용한 이공계 수학용 적응적 e-러닝 시스템 개발)

  • Park, Hong-Joon;Jun, Young-Cook
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.8 no.5
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    • pp.276-286
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    • 2008
  • In this paper, we introduce an adaptive e-Learning system for engineering mathematics which is based on computer algebra system (Mathematica) and on-line authoring environment. The system provides an assessment tool for individual diagnosis using Bayesian inference network. Using this system, an instructor can easily develop mathematical web contents via web interface. Examples of such content development are illustrated in the area of linear algebra, differential equation and discrete mathematics. The diagnostic module traces a student's knowledge level based on statistical inference using the conditional probability and Bayesian updating algorithm via Netica. As part of formative evaluation, we brought this system into real university settings and analyzed students' feedback using survey.

Effective management strategies of basic mathematics for low achievement students in university general mathematics (대학수학 기초학력 부진학생을 위한 기초수학 지도 방안)

  • Pyo, Yong-Soo;Park, Joon-Sik
    • Communications of Mathematical Education
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.525-541
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the effects of the topics in basic mathematics on academic achievement in order to improve the problem-solving abilities of low achievement students in university general mathematics. This program has been conducted from P University as a part of Education Capacity Enhancing Project. The goals of this program are to make students who have fear to mathematics feel confident for mathematics, and make easier to study general mathematics and major field without any difficulties for the students. The topics in basic mathematics was enforced with solving problem based on comprehension of the basic concept and computer-based learning. The classes were organized as Algebra-Geometry, Calculus, and General mathematics class by students' applications for classes and basic academic ability. As a result, the topics in basic mathematics has been evaluated as positive way to effect satisfaction and learning effect for the students who have low-level in basic academic ability. And also, according to the survey, the result shows that assignment through Webwork system and Mathematica program practice are helpful for learning basic mathematics. But several measures are asked for participation in the class and prevention for quitter of participants.