• Title/Summary/Keyword: Landscape Color

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Townscape Color Character by Form Finishes of the Traditional Area - Focusing on Stockholm, Sweden - (전통지역의 형태 마감재별 경관 색채 특성 - 스웨덴 스톡홀름시의 실례를 대상으로 -)

  • Choe, Seung-Heuy
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.49-58
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    • 2011
  • This article attempts to propose the control planning of townscape color around the historic and cultural heritages. The streets and roads of historic conservation and the changing perspectives to which it gives rise in Stockholm has changed dramatically during this century. New development or changes to existing buildings should be carried out in a way which acknowledges its surroundings and is a good neighbour, both in the cultural and social sense that makes good color design sense. There are many examples of townscape color, but the conservative and the historical streets and roads in the whole of the Stockholm city should benefit from careful design of the environment. To achieve this purposes, some strategies of case study of several streets and roads are reviewed; designing color context to relate to urban architectural design proposals of specific sites of cultural heritages are explored. In all new developments the scale of new buildings and the material finishes and colors used should respect the character of their surroundings and have due regard to the setting of any listed building. Streetscape color of visual assessment proposals should aim to help assimilate the development into the local scene. Important streets and roads should also include color townscape.

The development of CAD progtram supporting planting design (식재 설계 지원 CAD 프로그램 개발)

  • 윤홍범;김우성
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.20-27
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    • 1996
  • The main purpose of this research is to develop a program supporting landscape planting design on AutoCAD basis using AutoLISP and DCL language. Current CAD use in landscape architecture field is mainly focused on customizing plant symbols for supporting two dimensional drafting rather than three dimensional consideration. This program is composed of eight module a such as PLANT module for inserting plant symbols, LABEL module for labeling task, SIMULATION module for simulating plant growth and seasonal color variation, TABLE module for generating plant table automatically, BUILDING module, BLOCK module, UTILITY module for deleting, transforming, shading symbols and DB MANAGER module for manipulating data. Design automation ability using automatic object recognition technique in this program allows AutoCAD to be used as a design tool in addition to its main role as a drafting tool through supporting landscape designers to generate many alternatives in the early phase of design.

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From Blemish to Decoration: the Landscape of Municipal Facilities in Urban Green Space

  • Yu, Dong-Ming;Piao, Yong-Ji;Cho, Tae-Dong;Park, Gab-Soon
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.1-6
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    • 2014
  • As the combination of technique and art, environmental facilities have the function to improve the image of urban green space. Among these facilities, some can be designed and arranged reasonably. But to the facilities of sewage, electricity and sanitation and so on, are usually ignored and become the blemish in the green space. Based on the analysis of the status, taking the design of well cover of sewage as an example, the landscape approaches are discussed from form, material, color and artistic technique and so on.

Research on Characterizing Urban Color Analysis based on Tourists-Shared Photos and Machine Learning - Focused on Dali City, China - (관광객 공유한 사진 및 머신 러닝을 활용한 도시 색채 특성 분석 연구 - 중국 대리시를 대상으로 -)

  • Yin, Xiaoyan;Jung, Taeyeol
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.52 no.2
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    • pp.39-50
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    • 2024
  • Color is an essential visual element that has a significant impact on the formation of a city's image and people's perceptions. Quantitative analysis of color in urban environments is a complex process that has been difficult to implement in the past. However, with recent rapid advances in Machine Learning, it has become possible to analyze city colors using photos shared by tourists. This study selected Dali City, a popular tourist destination in China, as a case study. Photos of Dali City shared by tourists were collected, and a method to measure large-scale city colors was explored by combining machine learning techniques. Specifically, the DeepLabv3+ model was first applied to perform a semantic segmentation of tourist sharing photos based on the ADE20k dataset, thereby separating artificial elements in the photos. Next, the K-means clustering algorithm was used to extract colors from the artificial elements in Dali City, and an adjacency matrix was constructed to analyze the correlations between the dominant colors. The research results indicate that the main color of the artificial elements in Dali City has the highest percentage of orange-grey. Furthermore, gray tones are often used in combination with other colors. The results indicated that local ethnic and Buddhist cultures influence the color characteristics of artificial elements in Dali City. This research provides a new method of color analysis, and the results not only help Dali City to shape an urban color image that meets the expectations of tourists but also provide reference materials for future urban color planning in Dali City.

An Analysis on the Visual Image and Harmony of the Construction Method in the Slope Scene -A Case on the Daejeon${\~}$Jinju Highway- (고속도로 비탈면 경관의 법면공법에 따른 시각적 이미지와 조화성 분석 - 대전${\~}$진주간 고속도로를 대상으로 -)

  • Lee Jeong
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.33 no.1 s.108
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    • pp.33-48
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this study was to discover the landscape visual image of the slope scene and their harmony with surrounding sceneries. This research utilized the basic study tool of psycho-physics and processed the case study of ten types of slope construction scene along the highway. The analysis was performed by the data obtained from the questionnaires and the photos for the slope construction scene. The questionnaires for analysis the image of the slope construction scene and their harmony with surrounding sceneries were designed using semantic differential scale and 5 point Likert-scale. The major findings were as follows. 1. At the part of the visual preferences analysis, the slope revegetation methods showed high level of preferences generally than on the slope structure methods. While the slope revegetation methods were estimated friendly, continuity, harmonious, soft, light and wide, the slope revegetation methods were estimated unstable, female, static, simple, omnipresent, appeared as policeman of weak inclination. Also the slope structure methods were estimated stable, manly, complicated, steep and healthy but rough, unharmonious, unfamiliar and heavy. 2. Psychological factors, related to the satisfaction for the slope revegetation methods were composed of three factors, aesthetic, individuality and physical character. And the slope structure methods were composed of five factors, aesthetic, individuality, stability, physical character, and complexity. 3. At the part of harmony with surrounding landscapes, the slope revegetation methods were evaluated highly but the slope structure methods received the lowest evaluation. Also the harmony analysis with surrounding view on the slope revegetation methods showed degree of high more than average in all texture, form, color and scale but the slope structure methods showed degree of fewer than average degree in form, scale, color and texture.

Video display System of Low Resolution that Landscape Lighting (경관 조명용 저해상도 영상표출 시스템)

  • Kim, Chang-Beom;Sun, Gi-Ju;Moon, Cheol-Hong
    • Proceedings of the IEEK Conference
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    • 2008.06a
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    • pp.1137-1138
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study is to implement a landscape lighting system that displays full color video by precisely controlling the R, G, B (Red, Green, Blue) LEDs which have a resolution of 256 each. The system implemented in this study consists of a PC, MASTER, SLAVEs and MODULEs. The PC sets the various landscape lighting displays, and the image files can be sent to the MASTER through a virtual serial port connected to the USB (Universal Serial Bus). The MASTER sends a sync signal to the SLAVE. The SLAVE uses the signal received from the MASTER and the landscape lighting display pattern.

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Visual Preference Predictors of interiors in the Informational Approach: its physical attributes and the relationships between these attributes and preference (정보적 접근방법에 의한 실내공간에서의 시각적 선호도: 예측변수들의 물리적 속성과 선호도와의 관계)

  • 노정실;김유일
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.11-18
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    • 1999
  • The objective of this study are to figure out the physical attributes of the three predictors in the Informational Approach: complexity, coherence, mystery and to investigate the relationships between these attributes and the preference exploratively. Visual inspection of the scenes relative to their rated levels of the predictors revealed the existence of relationship between these variables and the physical attributes. The following are the summary of the relationship between three predictors and the physical attributes: (1) The level of complexity was associated with the pattern of physical attributes which were the amount of facility, line, shape, color plant and arrangement of the visual elements. (2) The level of coherence was related with the regular arrangement of the visual elements. For example, there was certain pattern founded the color, shape, texture was applied to the various space repetitively and symmetrically. (3) The level of mystery had the relationship with the physical attributes of screen, spatial definition, distance of view, physical accessibility, radiant forest, the depth of space.

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An Evaluation on Citizens' Satisfaction with the Outdoor Landscape Lighting in Gyeongju Historic Areas - The Case of Wolseong District -

  • Park, So-Yeong;Heo, Sang-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.38 no.5_2
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    • pp.186-193
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study was to survey the citizens for their satisfaction with the outdoor landscape lighting in Gyeongju Historic Areas registered as UNESCO World Cultural Heritage in November 2000 and thereupon, provide for some basic data useful to the design of the outdoor landscape lighting for the cultural properties. As a result of examining the conditions of the outdoor landscape lighting in Wolseong Zone of Anapji, Banwolseong, Dongbu Sajeokji, Cheomseongdae and Gyerim, there were found 391 lighting fixtures of 12 types in Anapji, 138 lightings of 4 types in Banwolseong, 38 lightings of 6 types in Cheomseongdae, 28 lightings of 3 types in Dongbu Sajeokji and 54 lightings of 5 types in Gyerim. As a result of analyzing citizens' satisfaction with the outdoor landscape lighting, it was found that citizens were satisfied more or less with the nightscape image changed by the outdoor landscape lighting; their satisfaction scored 3.836 on average for Anapji on a 5-point Likert type scale, 3.516 for Banwolseong, 3.446 for Dongbu Sajeokji, 3.650 for Cheomseongdae and 3.479 for Gyerim. However, citizens' satisfaction with the originality of the nightscape was generally low: 3.055 for Anapji, 2.914 for Cheomseongdae, 2.877 for Banwolseong, 2.847 for Gyerim and 2.665 for Dongbu Sajeokji. On the other hand, since most of the lighting fixtures were installed as inserted lights or floodlights, the color tones of light source were relatively highly distinctive, but the peripheral spaces around the cultural properties were rather dark, which means that citizens were feeling inconvenient more or less for using the amenities such as bench or waste box. All in all, their satisfaction with the outdoor landscape at the sample zone at night scored 2.981, lower than the normal level.

Effects of Soil Mixture and Turfgrass Species on the Development of a Carpet-type Sod for Sports Field Uses (잔디구장용 카펫형 뗏장 형성을 위한 배합토와 잔디초종)

  • Shim, Sang-Ryul;Jeong, Dae-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.2 no.4
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    • pp.16-26
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    • 1999
  • Five soil mixture with seven turfgrass species when placed over a plastic sheet were evaluated for influence on covering rate, visual rating, visual color and sad development. The result were as follows. 1. The last covering rate was high on sand+bark and on Kentucky bluegrass, respectively while the early covering rate was high on sand+peat and on perennial ryegrass and tall fescue. respectively. 2. Both sand and sand+sandy loam caused poor effects on the covering rate and the visual rating. 3. The early growth was good on perennial ryegrass but the covering rate and the visual rating gradually turned poor because of summer drought. 4. Visual color was high on sand+bark and on Kentucky bluegrass, respectively. 5. Covering rate, visual rating and visual color was best evaluated on Kentucky bluegrass during winter. 6. Sad was highly developed on sand+bark and sand+peat as compared with on the other soil mixture. 7. The carpet-type sad was best developed on Kentucky bluegrass.

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A Study on Visual Characteristic & Evaluation of the Super Graphic of High-raised Apartment Housing (고층 아파트 외관 슈퍼그래픽의 시지각적 특성 및 평가 성향에 관한 연구)

  • 최석창;양소진;유창균;이청웅
    • Journal of the Korean housing association
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    • v.14 no.6
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    • pp.147-154
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    • 2003
  • This study examines and analyzes the current status, characteristics and properties of Super-Graphic as a visual element with Super Graphic designed on the wall of apartment housing, typifies them and explains the preference and evaluative structure by each type. The results of this study are as follows: According to color environment of Super-Graphic, N-tone colors are 21.4% and YR-tone colors are 14.5%. In the whole distribution, cold color tone is 41.4% and warm color tone is 37.2%. In the brightness, 72.9% of the entire Super Graphic use high brightness and in the saturation, 51.2% show low saturation, achromatic colors are 21.4% and high saturation is 16.5%. As a result of conducting SD test to analyze the preference of Super-Graphic, 'wonderful' is most negative variable, followed by 'heterogeneous', 'splendid', 'romantic' variety'. Positive variables are 'monotone', 'stable' and 'calm'. As a result of factor analysis to reveal the evaluative structure of Super Graphic image based on the above results, five factors including brightness, saturation, stability, harmony and ordered are extracted and it is considered that these are important variables to be reflected in designing Super Graphic in future.