• Title/Summary/Keyword: Landing Strategy

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Path Planning for Search and Surveillance of Multiple Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (다중 무인 항공기 이용 감시 및 탐색 경로 계획 생성)

  • Sanha Lee;Wonmo Chung;Myunggun Kim;Sang-Pill Lee;Choong-Hee Lee;Shingu Kim;Hungsun Son
    • The Journal of Korea Robotics Society
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2023
  • This paper presents an optimal path planning strategy for aerial searching and surveying of a user-designated area using multiple Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs). The method is designed to deal with a single unseparated polygonal area, regardless of polygonal convexity. By defining the search area into a set of grids, the algorithm enables UAVs to completely search without leaving unsearched space. The presented strategy consists of two main algorithmic steps: cellular decomposition and path planning stages. The cellular decomposition method divides the area to designate a conflict-free subsearch-space to an individual UAV, while accounting the assigned flight velocity, take-off and landing positions. Then, the path planning strategy forms paths based on every point located in end of each grid row. The first waypoint is chosen as the closest point from the vehicle-starting position, and it recursively updates the nearest endpoint set to generate the shortest path. The path planning policy produces four path candidates by alternating the starting point (left or right edge), and the travel direction (vertical or horizontal). The optimal-selection policy is enforced to maximize the search efficiency, which is time dependent; the policy imposes the total path-length and turning number criteria per candidate. The results demonstrate that the proposed cellular decomposition method improves the search-time efficiency. In addition, the candidate selection enhances the algorithmic efficacy toward further mission time-duration reduction. The method shows robustness against both convex and non-convex shaped search area.

A Review on the Change in Submarine Roles in Naval Warfare: Based on Warfare Paradigm (전쟁 패러다임의 전환에 따른 잠수함의 역할 변화에 대한 고찰)

  • Jang, Jun-Seop
    • Strategy21
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    • s.46
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    • pp.89-122
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    • 2020
  • The longing for submarine manufacture and the fear of her power had exited for a long time, but submarine that could submerge and attack was built from 20th century by science technology development. The question, 'Submarine can exercise her power in naval warfare?' had exited before World War I, but the effective value of submarine was shown in the procedure of a chain of naval warfare during World War I and World War II. Germany and the United States made the best use of submarines at that time. The submarines of these nations mounted fierce attack on the enemy's battleships and merchant ships and blocked the sea lanes for war material. These fierce attack on ships became impossible After World War II, and the major powers reduced and coordinated the defence budget, so they considered the role of submarine. However, submarine is still powerful weapon system because she can secretly navigate under the water, and one of the most important force in the navy. The aim of this thesis is analyzing submarine roles in each naval warfare and integrating maritime strategy and weapon system technology into her roles. First, the research about represent submarine roles like anti-surfaceship warfare, anti-submarine warfare, intelligence gathering, land attack, supporting special operation and mine landing warfare will be presented, then the major naval warfare where submarine participated(during ex-World War I, World War I, World War II, The Cold War Era and post Cold War) and the analyzing of submarine roles by time will be presented. Submarine was developed for anti-surfaceship warfare during ex-World War I but could not make remarkable military gain in naval warfare because her performance and weapon was inadequate. However, the effective value of submarine in the procedure of a chain of naval warfare was shown during World War I and World War II. The major powers put battleships into naval warfare undiscriminatingly to command the sea power and submarines did massive damage to enemy navy power, so put a restraint the maritime power of enemy, and blocked the sea lanes for war material. After World War II, the battlefield situation changed rapidly and the concept of preemption became difficult to apply in naval warfare. Therefore, the submarine was unable to concentrate on anti-surfaceship mission. Especially during the Cold War era, nuclear submarine came to appear and her weapon system developed rapidly. These development gave submarines special missions: anti-submarine warfare and intelligence gathering. At that time, United States and Soviet submarines tracked other nation's submarines loaded with nuclear weapons and departing from naval their base. The submarines also collected information on the volume of ships and a coastal missile launching site in company with this mission. After Cold War, the major powers despatched forces to major troubled regions to maintain world peace, their submarines approached the shores of these regions and attacked key enemy installations with cruise missiles. At that time, the United States eased the concept of preemption and made the concept of Bush doctrine because of possible 911 terrorism. The missiles fired from submarines and surface battleships accurately attacked key enemy installations. Many nations be strategically successful depending on what kind of mission a submarine is assigned. The patterns of future naval warfare that my country will provide against will be military power projection and coalition/joint operations. These suggest much more about what future missions we should assign to submarines.

South Korea's strategy to cope with local provocations by nuclear armed North Korea (핵위협하 국지도발 대비 대응전략 발전방향)

  • Kim, Tae-Woo
    • Strategy21
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    • s.31
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    • pp.57-84
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    • 2013
  • North Korea's continuous threats and provocative behaviors have aggravated tension on the Korean peninsula particularly with the recent nuclear weapons test. South Korea's best way to cope with this situation is to maintain the balance among three policy directions: dialogue, sanctions, and deterrence. Among the three, I argue that deterrence should be prioritized. There are different sources of deterrence such as military power, economic power, and diplomatic clouts. States can build deterrence capability independently. Alternatively, they may do so through relations with other states including alliances, bilateral relations, or multilateral relations in the international community. What South Korea needs most urgently is to maintain deterrence against North Korea's local provocations through the enhancement of independent military capability particularly by addressing the asymmetric vulnerability between militaries of the South and the North. Most of all, the South Korean government should recognize the seriousness of the negative consequences that North Korea's 'Nuclear shadow strategy' would bring about for the inter-Korea relations and security situations in Northeast Asia. Based on this understanding, it should develop an 'assertive deterrence strategy' that emphasizes 'multi-purpose, multi-stage, and tailored deterrence whose main idea lies in punitive retaliation.' This deterrence strategy requires a flexible targeting policy and a variety of retaliatory measures capable of taking out all targets in North Korea. At the same time, the force structures of the army, the air force, and the navy should be improved in a way that maximizes their deterrence capability. For example, the army should work on expanding the guided missile command and the special forces command and reforming the reserve forces. The navy and the air force should increase striking capabilities including air-to-ground, ship-to-ground, and submarine-to-ground strikes to a great extent. The marine corps can enhance its deterrence capability by changing the force structure from the stationary defense-oriented one that would have to suffer some degree of troop attrition at the early stage of hostilities to the one that focuses on 'counteroffensive landing operations.' The government should continue efforts for defense reform in order to obtain these capabilities while building the 'Korean-style triad system' that consists of advanced air, ground, and surface/ subsurface weapon systems. Besides these measures, South Korea should start to acquire a minimum level of nuclear potential within the legal boundary that the international law defines. For this, South Korea should withdraw from the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty. Moreover, it should obtain the right to process and enrich uranium through changing the U.S.-South Korea nuclear cooperation treaty. Whether or not we should be armed with nuclear weapons should not be understood in terms of "all or nothing." We should consider an 'in-between' option as the Japanese case proves. With regard to the wartime OPCON transition, we need to re-consider the timing of the transition as an effort to demonstrate the costliness of North Korea's provocative behaviors. If impossible, South Korea should take measures to make the Strategic Alliance 2015 serve as a persisting deterrence system against North Korea. As the last point, all the following governments of South Korea should keep in mind that continuing reconciliatory efforts should always be pursued along with other security policies toward North Korea.

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Study on the countermeasures of the runway bombing using the mobile runway (이동식 활주로를 이용한 활주로 폭격 대응 방안에 관한 연구)

  • Seong, Min Cheol;Kim, Yongchul
    • Convergence Security Journal
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.35-41
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    • 2019
  • Considering North Korea's strategy, North Korea's top hitting target in the event of a war is likely to be the main goal of the air force runway to neutralize the air force. As a countermeasure, there are emergency runway construction and runway emergency recovery operations. However, emergency runway construction is mainly intended for emergency landing and fueling and rearmament. The emergency runway restoration operation has also several limitations considering North Korea's threatening missile level, recovery time, and so on, so it cannot respond quickly to the North's runway bombing. In this study, we first describe the threat of North Korea's missiles and their air defense capabilities. Then the concept and limitations of the mobile runway, which is the next generation countermeasure, are presented.

A Study on Market Segmentations and Shopping Orientations of Home Shopping User: Based on Mixture Model (Mixture model에 의한 홈쇼핑 이용자 시장세분화와 쇼핑성향)

  • Seo, Jeong-Ah;Lee, Jin-Hwa;Hong, Jae-Won
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.32 no.7
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    • pp.1023-1033
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study was to segment home-shopper market by using the demographic characteristics. This study enables a better unders landing of home-shoppers and improving the strategy of marketing. The specific objects of this study are as follow: First, it was to exam market segmentations by demographic factors using mixture model. Second, it was to exam shopping orientations of fashion merchandise according to segmentation groups. The data was collected from 637 subjects who had used the home shopping more than one time in a year. The data was analysised through frequencies, factor analysis, ANOVA, Duncan's mutiple range tests with SPSS 12.0 and Mixture model. The results of data are as follows: 1. The result of market segmentation as demographic factor using Mixture model was extracted to 4 market segments called 20's/ unmarried stage, 30's/ children bearing & rearing stage, 40's/ families with children's education stage, 50's/ aging stage. 2. Shopping orientations were extracted to 5 factors called a pleasure oriented, convenience oriented, off-line oriented, human oriented, thrift oriented.

A Genetic Algorithm Application for the Load Balancing of Ship Erection Process (조선 탑재일정의 부하 평준화를 위한 유전 알고리듬)

  • Min, Sang-Gyu;Moon, Chi-Ung;Lee, Min-Woo;Chung, Kuy-Hoon;Park, Ju-Chull
    • IE interfaces
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.225-233
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    • 2000
  • In this paper, we develope a genetic algorithm for the erection scheduling in shipbuilding. Erection, the final manufacturing stage of shipbuilding, involves the landing and joining of blocks at drydock. Since several ships are built simultaneously at the same drydock and they compete with the common constrained production resource such as labor, space, and crane, we should consider both ship-specifics and common resource constraints for the desirable erection scheduling. Ship erection should also satisfy the predetermined dock cycle given from higher level production planning. Thus, erection schedule of a ship can be represented as a PERT/CPM project network with its own deadline. Since production resources are shared, the erection scheduling become the so-called multi-project scheduling problem with limited resources, which can not be solved easily due to the large size of project network. We propose a function as a minimization of load index which represented the load deviation over time horizon considering the yard production strategy. For the optical parameter setting, we tried various experiments. We verified that the proposed approach was effective to deal with the erection scheduling problem in shipbuilding.

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Effective simulation-based optimization algorithm for the aircraft runway scheduling problem

  • Wided, Ali;Fatima, Bouakkaz
    • Advances in aircraft and spacecraft science
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.335-347
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    • 2022
  • Airport operations are well-known as a bottleneck in the air traffic system, putting growing pressure on the world's busiest airports to schedule arrivals and departures as efficiently as possible. Effective planning and control are essential for increasing airport efficiency and reducing aircraft delays. Many algorithms for controlling the arrival/departure queuing area are handled, considering it as first in first out queues, where any available aircraft can take off regardless of its relative sequence with other aircraft. In the suggested system, this problem was compared to the problem of scheduling n tasks (plane takeoffs and landings) on a multiple machine (runways). The proposed technique decreases delays (via efficient runway allocation or allowing aircraft to be expedited to reach a scheduled time) to enhance runway capacity and decrease delays. The aircraft scheduling problem entails arranging aircraft on available runways and scheduling their landings and departures while considering any operational constraints. The topic of this work is the scheduling of aircraft landings and takeoffs on multiple runways. Each aircraft's takeoff and landing schedules have time windows, as well as minimum separation intervals between landings and takeoffs. We present and evaluate a variety of comprehensive concepts and solutions for scheduling aircraft arrival and departure times, intending to reduce delays relative to scheduled times. When compared to First Come First Serve scheduling algorithm, the suggested strategy is usually successful in reducing the average waiting time and average tardiness while optimizing runway use.

A Study on the Cooperative Marketing of Fishery Products in Korea (수협 마아케팅에 관한 연구)

  • 안세원
    • The Journal of Fisheries Business Administration
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.77-106
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    • 1986
  • In the field of fisheries, there is at the apex Central Federation of Fishery Cooperatives, established under the Fishery Cooperatives Law(1962), It is a multipurpose organization with a membership of 105 cooperatives, 87 regional cooperatives, 15 business-type cooperatives and 3 manufactures' cooperatives. Accordingly, this thesis examines the marketing of fishery cooperatives in Korea, and in particular considers the marketing channel strategy of fisheries products. No company can perform by itself all the activities involved in the production and distribution of its products and services to its final markets. It must work with other firms to get the job done. Thus marketing channel firms of the fisheries products include primarily the fishery cooperatives, the licensed In the field of fisheries, there is at the apex Central Federation of Fishery Cooperatives, established under the Fishery Cooperatives Law (1962). It is a multipurpose organization with a membership of 105 cooperatives, 87 regional cooperatives, 15 business-type cooperatives and 3 manufactures' cooperatives. Accordingly, this thesis examines the marketing of fishery cooperatives in Korea, and in particular considers the marketing channel strategy of fisheries products. No company can perform by itself all the activities involved in the production and distribution of its products and services to its final markets. It must work with other firms to get the job done. Thus marketing channel firms of the fisheries products include primarily the fishery cooperatives, the licensed dealers and the merchant middlemen. The goal of marketing is in matching of segments of supply and demand. Every producer seeks to the link the marketing channel firms that will help it accomplish its objective best. This thesis tries to attempt to improve the present Korean Fishery Cooperatives marketing activities. The purpose of the operation of fishery cooperatives is to guarantee the profits of fisherman as well as the interests of general consumers by eliminating the inordinate profits of middlemen and by narrowing other market margins. Fishery cooperatives marketing activity functions forming a self-helf organization for economic protection of producers themselves, and acting as a market reformational institution through its transaction by group. The following are the characteristics of fishery cooperatives marketing. \circled1 Fishery cooperatives is organized with an economic factor and a personnel factor. \circled2 Fishery cooperatives is non-profit organization. \circled3 The members of fishery cooperatives is independent constitution of economy, but they are closely connected with the cooperative. \circled4 Fishery cooperatives is a mutual aid organization. The objective of an efficient marketing strategy may be well described by the common saying provides the right product at the right time, the right place, and the right price. But it is quite true that the Korean Fishermen's Cooperative can be said to owe its development to the successful implementation of the marketing system. The use of the marketing system has resulted in the following marketing strategy. 1. The direct marketing system. \circled1 The cooperation between the fishery cooperatives and the other cooperative through the collection and delivery center. \circled2 The selling between the fishery cooperatives and the large scale retailers through the process industry. 2. The vertical marketing system. \circled1The fishermen's cooperative to be nominated by wholesaler in the terminal market. \circled2 Contracted vertical marketing system. \circled3 Abolition of selling by double auction in the landing and the terminal market. 3. The physical distribution system. \circled1 The need for adoption of cold chain system to connect production directly to consumption. \circled2 The need for more expansion of landing markets and terminal market facilities. Solutions to the problems of the Korean fishery are made possible through effective functioning of cooperative marketing activities of fishery products. The marketing concept of fishermen's cooperative lies in the satisfaction of consumer needs. According to the marketing concept fishermen's cooperative should try to satisfy customer's needs through a coodinated set of activities that allows the organization to achieve its goal. Providing satisfaction to customers is the major trust of the marketing concept. To do this, a business must find out what will satisfy customers. With this information the cooperative sells to the greatest possible number of customers through the most efficient sales and marketing channels. Economic rationality of fishermen's cooperative marketing lies in reduction of marketing cost and elimination of intermediate institutions. Cooperative marketing and direct marketing are both indispensable marketing factors for a new cooperative organization among the manu ways. The cooperation between the fishermen's cooperative and the others cooperative, and vertical marketing system are the most necessary ones. Propulsion of cooperative marketing system could not be successful without the support of the marketing instituion's help. Consequently, successful cooperative marketing ought to lead to the necessity not only for the improvement of marketing organization, but for the application of a new marketing concept in the fishermen's cooperative.

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Effects of Pilots' Flight Skill and Self-Esteem on Risk Taking in the Context of Social Comparison (조종사의 비행수행 능력과 자존감이 비행비교상황에서 위험행동에 미치는 영향)

  • Jang, Song-Chul;Sohn, Young-Woo
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.365-374
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    • 2008
  • Using flight simulator tasks with 48 air force cadets, this research examined the effects of pilots' flight skill and self-esteem on risk-taking behavior in the context of social comparison with their cohorts. Flight skill and self-esteem were assessed for individual cadets and three conditions of social comparison (upward-, downward-, and no-comparison) were devised. Flight simulator situations inappropriate for further approach or landing were designed to assess pilots' risk-taking behavior. Weather conditions in the simulator were inadequate to make a landing and the recommended strategy was to break off the approach and attempt a go-around. In this experiment, pilots' risk taking was measured in terms of their approach altitudes; the lower approach altitudes indicative of the higher risk-taking. Our results showed interaction effects of flight skill, self-esteem, and social comparison on risk-taking behaviors. For pilots who were either high or low in both self-esteem and flight skill, social comparison had no effect on risk-taking behavior. However, pilots with high self-esteem but low flight skill showed more risk-taking behaviors in social comparison conditions. And, pilots with low self-esteem but high flight skill showed risk-aversive behaviors in the downward-comparison condition.

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A Study on Appropriate Military Strength of Unified Korea (Focused on relative balance strategy and conflict scenario) (통일 한국의 적정 군사력에 관한 연구 - 분쟁 시나리오와 상대적 균형전략을 중심으로 -)

  • Hong, Bong-Gi
    • Journal of National Security and Military Science
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    • s.13
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    • pp.687-738
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    • 2016
  • To prepare for the complicated international relationship regarding Korean Peninsula after reunification, this thesis started off with the awareness that Unified Korea should build its international posture and national security at an early stage by determining its appropriate military strength for independent defense and military strategies that Unified Korea should aim. The main theme of this thesis is 'The research on appropriate military strength of the Unified Korean military'. To derive appropriate military strength of Unified Korea, this research focuses on conflict scenario and relative balance strategy based on potential threats posed by neighboring countries, and this is the part that differentiates this research from other researches. First of all, the main objective of the research is to decide appropriate military strength for Unified Korea to secure defense sufficiency. For this, this research will decide efficient military strategy that Unified Korea should aim. Than by presuming the most possible military conflict scenario, this research will judge the most appropriate military strength for Unified Korea to overcome the dispute. Second, after deciding appropriate military strength, this research will suggest how to operate presumed military strength in each armed force. The result of this thesis is as in the following. First, Unified Korea should aim 'relative balance strategy'. 'Relative balance strategy' is a military strategy which Unified Korea can independently secure defense sufficiency by maintaining relative balance when conflicts occur between neighboring countries. This strategy deters conflicts in advance by relative balance of power in certain time and place. Even if conflict occurs inevitably, this strategy secures initiative. Second, when analyzing neighboring countries interest and strategic environment after unification, the possibility of all-out war will be low in the Korean Peninsula because no other nation wants the Korean Peninsula to be subordinated to one single country. Therefore appropriate military strength of the Unified Korean military would be enough when Unified Korea can achieve relative balance in regional war or limited war. Third, Northeast Asia is a region where economic power and military strength is concentrated. Despite increasing mutual cooperation in the region, conflicts and competition to expand each countries influence is inherent. Japan is constantly enhancing their military strength as they aim for normal statehood. China is modernizing their military strength as they aspire to become global central nation. Russia is also enhancing their military strength in order to hold on to their past glory of Soviet Union as a world power. As a result, both in quality and quantity, the gap between military strength of Unified Korea and each neighboring countries is enlarged at an alarming rate. Especially in the field of air-sea power, arms race is occurring between each nation. Therefore Unified Korea should be equipped with appropriate military strength in order to achieve relative balance with each threats posed by neighboring countries. Fourth, the most possible conflicts between Unified Korea and neighboring countries could be summarized into four, which are Dokdo territorial dispute with Japan, Leodo jurisdictional dispute with China, territorial dispute concerning northern part of the Korea Peninsula with China and disputes regarding marine resources and sea routes with Russia. Based on those conflict scenarios, appropriate military strength for Unified Korea is as in the following. When conflict occurs with Japan regarding Dokdo, Japan is expected to put JMSDF Escort Flotilla 3, one out of four of its Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force Escort Fleet, which is based in Maizuru and JMSDF Maizuru District. To counterbalance this military strength, Unified Korea needs one task fleet, comprised with three task flotilla. In case of jurisdictional conflict with China concerning Leodo, China is expected to dispatch its North Sea fleet, one out of three of its naval fleet, which is in charge of the Yellow Sea. To response to this military action, Unified Korea needs one task fleet, comprised with three task flotilla. In case of territorial dispute concerning northern part of the Korean Peninsula with China, it is estimated that out of seven Military Region troops, China will dispatch two Military Region troops, including three Army Groups from Shenyang Military Region, where it faces boarder with the Korean Peninsula. To handle with this military strength, Unified Korea needs six corps size ground force strength, including three corps of ground forces, two operational reserve corps(maneuver corps), and one strategic reserve corps(maneuver corps). When conflict occurs with Russia regarding marine resources and sea routes, Russia is expected to send a warfare group of a size that includes two destroyers, which is part of the Pacific Fleet. In order to balance this strength, Unified Korea naval power requires one warfare group including two destroyers. Fifth, management direction for the Unified Korean military is as in the following. Regarding the ground force management, it would be most efficient to deploy troops in the border area with china for regional and counter-amphibious defense. For the defense except the border line with china, the most efficient form of force management would be maintaining strategic reserve corps. The naval force should achieve relative balance with neighboring countries when there is maritime dispute and build 'task fleet' which can independently handle long-range maritime mission. Of the three 'task fleet', one task fleet should be deployed at Jeju base to prepare for Dokdo territorial dispute and Leodo jurisdictional dispute. Also in case of regional conflict with china, one task fleet should be positioned at Yellow Sea and for regional conflict with Japan and Russia, one task fleet should be deployed at East Sea. Realistically, Unified Korea cannot possess an air force equal to neither Japan nor China in quantity. Therefore, although Unified Korea's air force might be inferior in quantity, they should possess the systematic level which Japan or China has. For this Unified Korea should build air base in island areas like Jeju Island or Ullenong Island to increase combat radius. Also to block off infiltration of enemy attack plane, air force needs to build and manage air bases near coastal areas. For landing operation forces, Marine Corps should be managed in the size of two divisions. For island defense force, which is in charge of Jeju Island, Ulleung Island, Dokdo Island and five northwestern boarder island defenses, it should be in the size of one brigade. Also for standing international peace keeping operation, it requires one brigade. Therefore Marine Corps should be organized into three divisions. The result of the research yields a few policy implications when building appropriate military strength for Unified Korea. First, Unified Korea requires lower number of ground troops compared to that of current ROK(Republic of Korea) force. Second, air-sea forces should be drastically reinforced. Third, appropriate military strength of the Unified Korean military should be based on current ROK military system. Forth, building appropriate military strength for Unified Korea should start from today, not after reunification. Because of this, South Korea should build a military power that can simultaneously prepare for current North Korea's provocations and future threats from neighboring countries after reunification. The core of this research is to decide appropriate military strength for Unified Korea to realize relative balance that will ensure defense sufficiency from neighboring countries threats. In other words, this research should precisely be aware of threats posed by neighboring countries and decide minimum level of military strength that could realize relative balance in conflict situation. Moreover this research will show the path for building appropriate military strength in each armed force.

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