• Title/Summary/Keyword: Land-cover Classification

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A Study on Mitigation Plan of Urban Heat Island Phenomenon Using Landsat Time Series Imagery - Focusing on Cheongna International City - (시계열 Landsat 위성영상을 활용한 도시 열섬 현상 완화 방안에 관한 연구 - 청라 국제도시를 중심으로 -)

  • BAEK, Seon-Uk;KIM, Dong-Hyun;KIM, Hung-Soo;GU, Bon-Yup;CHOUNG, Yun-Jae
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.1-16
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    • 2022
  • Areas developed through land reclamation projects have huge economic advantages in terms of supplying lands that can be used for farmlands, urban areas and etc., however have relatively small areas of grasslands and densely located buildings compared to inland cities. Hence, an urban heat island is occurring in these areas due to this characteristic, and in particular, the urban heat island in Cheongna International City is getting serious. In this study, the urban heat island in Cheongna International City was evaluated and analyzed by classified into the three periods after the reclamation project: farmland(2001-2008), development(2009-2013) and artificial grassland(2014-2020). The land cover map and Landsat time-series imagery were utilized for measuring the differences of the land surface temperatures between the urbanized areas and the grassland/forest areas in Cheongna International City. The statistical results showed that the differences in the land surface temperature between these areas were calculated to be at most 0℃ during the period of farmland, at most 3.60℃ during the period of development, and at most 2.51℃ during the period of grassland. This study proved that the urban heat island phenomenon increased when the urbanized areas increased, and the urban heat island phenomenon decreased when the artificial grassland areas increased in Cheongna International City where the reclamation project was carried out. The statistical results derived through this research can be used as the reference data for identifying the urban heat island problem in urban planning and establishing the reduction plan.

Agricultural drought monitoring using the satellite-based vegetation index (위성기반의 식생지수를 활용한 농업적 가뭄감시)

  • Baek, Seul-Gi;Jang, Ho-Won;Kim, Jong-Suk;Lee, Joo-Heon
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.49 no.4
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    • pp.305-314
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    • 2016
  • In this study, a quantitative assessment was carried out in order to identify the agricultural drought in time and space using the Terra MODIS remote sensing data for the agricultural drought. The Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI) were selected by MOD13A3 image which shows the changes in vegetation conditions. The land cover classification was made to show only vegetation excluding water and urbanized areas in order to collect the land information efficiently by Type1 of MCD12Q1 images. NDVI and EVI index calculated using land cover classification indicates the strong seasonal tendency. Therefore, standardized Vegetation Stress Index Anomaly (VSIA) of EVI were used to estimated the medium-scale regions in Korea during the extreme drought year 2001. In addition, the agricultural drought damages were investigated in the country's past, and it was calculated based on the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) using the data of the ground stations. The VSIA were compared with SPI based on historical drought in Korea and application for drought assessment was made by temporal and spatial correlation analysis to diagnose the properties of agricultural droughts in Korea.

Estimation of Carbon Absorption Distribution by Land Use Changes using RS/GIS Method in Green Land (RS/GIS를 이용한 토지이용변화에 의한 녹지의 이산화탄소 (CO2) 흡착량 분포 추정)

  • Na, Sang-Il;Park, Jong-Hwa;Park, Jin-Ki
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.52 no.3
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    • pp.39-45
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    • 2010
  • Quantification of carbon absorption and understanding the human induced land use changes (LUC) forms one of the major study with respect to global climatic changes. An attempt study has been made to quantify the carbon absorption by LUC through remote sensing technology. The Landsat imagery four time periods was classified with the hybrid classification method in order to quantify carbon absorption by LUC. Thereafter, for estimating the amount of carbon absorption, the stand biomass of forest was estimated with the total weight, which was the sum of individual tree weight. Individual tree volumes could be estimated with the crown width extracted from digital forest cover type map. In particular, the carbon conversion index and the ratio of the $CO_2$ molecular weight to the C atomic weight, reported in the IPCC guideline, was used to convert the stand biomass into the amount of carbon absorption. Total carbon absorption has been modeled by taking areal estimates of LUC of four time periods and carbon factors for land use type and standing biomass. Results of this study, through LUC suggests that over a period of construction, 7.10 % of forest and 9.43 % of barren were converted into urban. In the conversion process, there has been a loss of 6.66 t/ha/y (7.94 %) of carbon absorption from the study area.

Relation Between Barelands and Geological Factors (독나지(秃裸地)와 지질인자(地質因子)와의 관계(關係))

  • Kang, Wee Pyung
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.63-65
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    • 1974
  • In this study, it is aimed to elucidate the relationship between the distribution of barren land in mountainous area and the geological and topographical characteristics of barren land in south Korea. To do this, the Land Use Classification Maps for mountainous areas (scale:1/50,000), compiled by the Roseources Survey Office of Mountainous and Forest Areas, Geological Maps of Korea (scale: 1/50,000), and Map of Geology of Korea (scale: 1,000,000), compiled by the construction Research Institute of Korea were used. The following conclusions have been obtained from this study. 1) Areas of strata that are most liable to dilapidation are found in such order of the broadest to broad as region of granite, granite-gneiss, and the specific stratum called the Kyongsang Stratum (named after the provinces) of the northern and southern Kyongsang Provinces comprising sandstones, gravelstones, crumblestones, and other stones similar to these species. These rocky hills occupy vast areas in size, so to speak, they are estimated to cover roughly 57% of the total barren and naked areas in the country. 2) The average size in area of barren and nated land, as one piece of land, 32 hectares of granite region, 15 hectares of granite-gneiss region and little less than 13 hectares of Kyongsang strata region were calculated.

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The Reflectance Patterns of land cover During Five Years ($2004{\sim}2008$) Based on MODIS Reflectance Temporal Profiles (시계열 MODIS를 이용한 토지피복의 반사율 패턴: 2004년$\sim$2008년)

  • Yoon, Jong-Suk;Kang, Sung-Jin;Lee, Kyu-Sung
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.113-126
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    • 2009
  • With high temporal resolution, four times receiving during a day, MODIS images from Terra and Aqua satellites provide several advantages for monitoring spacious land. Especially, diverse MODIS products related to land, atmosphere, and ocean have been provided with radiance MODIS images. The products such as surface reflectance, NDVI, cloud mask, aerosol etc. are based on theoretical algorithms developed in academic areas. Comparing with other change detection studies mainly using the vegetation index, this study investigated temporal surface reflectance of landcovers for five years from 2004 to 2008. The near infrared (NIR) reflectance in urbanized and burned areas showed considerable difference before and after events. The specific characteristics of surface reflectance temporal profiles are possibly useful for the detection of landcover changes and classification.

Estimation of Potential Water Resources in Mega Cities in Asia

  • Takuya, Komura;Toshitsugu, Moroizumi;Kenji, Okubo;Hiroaki, Furumai;Yoshiro, Ono
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2008.05a
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    • pp.75-81
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    • 2008
  • The water shortage in mega cities in Asia, which face a rapid growth in urban population, is an outstanding problem. It is important, therefore, to accurately estimate the water balance in each city in order to use the limited water resources effectively. In this study, we estimated the potential water resources in し sixteen mega cities in Asia. The target cities were Delhi and Calcutta, India; Colombo, Sri Lanka; Dhaka, Bangladesh; Yangon, Myanmar; Bangkok, Thailand; Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; Singapore; Jakarta, Indonesia; Hanoi, Vietnam; Beijing and Hong Kong, the People's Republic of China; Seoul, the People's Republic of Korea; Manila, the Philippines, and Sapporo and Tokyo, Japan. The potential water resources were estimated by subtracting the actual evaporation from the amount of rainfall. The actual evaporation was estimated using the potential evaporation obtained by Hamon's equation which requires the air temperature and the possible hours of sunshine. When the results of Hamon's and Penman's evaporation equations were compared, a considerable error appeared in the low latitude region. The estimation using Hamon's equation was corrected with the linear regression line of Hamon's and Penman's equations. A classification of the land cover was carried out based on satellite photographs of the target cities, and the volume of surface runoff for each city was obtained using the runoff ratios which depended on the land cover. As a result, the potential water resources in the above mega cities in Asia were found to be greater than the world average. However, the actual water resources which are available for one person to use are probably very limited.

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A Study on Analysis of Natural Disaster Using Remote Sensing Data (원격탐사 자료를 이용한 자연재해분석에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Byung-Uk;Kim, Chul
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.237-244
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    • 1997
  • The goal of this research is to evaluate methodology that uses satellite data for the analysis of flood and drought damaged area. Land cover classification were performed using satellite data that were acquired at disaster periods and comparatively normal times. Damaged area was extracted by use of overlay analysis in land cover change and compared with the field survey results. The results show analysis of flood damaged area could be carried out with single scene acquired at adequate day, and are corresponded with field survey data very well. And also, some areas that had been missed in field survey were found. The suggested method proved to be more accurate and effective way for mapping inundated areas of floodplains than field survey that would be held a few month later. The results on the analysis of drought damaged area show that drained water could be detected just only in small area, and crop damaged area could not be verified in objective validity. Drought analysis by remote sensing was proved not to be adequate for practical use in this study.

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Impervious Surface Mapping of Cheongju by Using RapidEye Satellite Imagery (RapidEye 위성영상을 이용한 청주시의 불투수면지도 생성기법)

  • Park, Hong Lyun;Choi, Jae Wan;Choi, Seok Keun
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.71-79
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    • 2014
  • Most researches have created the impervious surface map by using low-spatial-resolution satellite imagery and are inefficient to generate the object-based impervious map with a broad area. In this study, segment-based impervious surface mapping algorithm is proposed using the RapidEye satellite imagery in order to map impervious area. At first, additional bands are generated by using TOA reflectance conversion RapidEye data. And then, shadow and water class are extracted using training data of converted reflectance image. Object-based impervious surface can be generated by spectral mixture analysis based on land cover map of Ministry of Environment with medium scale, in the case of other classes except shadow and water classes. The experiment shows that result by our method represents high classification accuracy compared to reference data, quantitatively.

Land Cover Classification and Effective Rainfall Mapping using Landsat TM Data (Landsat TM 자료를 이용한 토지피복분류와 유효우량도의 작성)

  • Shin, Sha-Chul;Kwon, Gi-Ryang;Kim, Seong-Joon
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.35 no.4 s.129
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    • pp.411-423
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    • 2002
  • Accurate and real time forecasting of runoff has a high priority in the drainage basins prone to short, high intensity rainfall events causing flash floods. To take into account the resolution of hydrological variables within a drainage basin, use of distributed system models is preferred. The Landsat Thematic Mapper(TM) observations enable detailed information on distribution of land cover and other related factors within a drainage basin and permit the use of distributed system models. This paper describes monitoring technique of rainfall excess by SCS curve number method. The time series maps of rainfall excess were generated for all the storm events to show the spatiotemporal distribution of rainfall excess within study basin. A combination of the time series maps of rainfall excess with a flow routing technique would simulate the flow hydrograph at the drainage basin outlet.

Spatial Typification based on Heat Balance for Improving Thermal Environment in Seoul (열수지를 활용한 서울시 열환경 개선을 위한 공간 유형화)

  • Kwon, You Jin;Ahn, Saekyul;Lee, Dong Kun;Yoon, Eun Joo;Sung, Sunyong;Lee, Kiseung
    • Journal of Korea Planning Association
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    • v.53 no.7
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    • pp.109-126
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to identify the spatial types for thermal environment improvement considering heat flux and its spatial context through empirical orthodox formulas. First, k-means clustering was used to classify values of three kinds of heat flux - latent, sensible and storage heat. Next, from the k-means clustering, we defined a type of thermal environment (type LHL) where improvement is needed for more comfortable and pleasant thermal environment in the city, among the eight types. Lastly, we compared and analyzed the characteristics of each classified thermal environmental types based on land cover types. From the study, we found that the ratio of impervious surfaces, roads, and buildings of the type LHL is higher than those of the type HLH (relatively thermal comfort environment). In order to improve the thermal environment, the following contents are proposed to urban planners and designers depending on the results of the study. a) Increase the green zone rate by 10% to reduce sensible heat; b) Reduce the percentage of impermeable surfaces and roads by 10% ; c) Latent heat increases when water and green spaces are expanded. This study will help to establish a minimum criterion for a land cover rate for the improvement of the urban thermal environment and a standard index for the thermal environmental improvement can be derived.