• Title/Summary/Keyword: Korean adverbs

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A Study on the Use of adverbs by Chinese Korean learners (중국어권 한국어 학습자의 부사 사용에 대한 연구)

  • 한송화
    • Language Facts and Perspectives
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    • v.48
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    • pp.33-59
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    • 2019
  • In this paper, I analyzed the usage patterns of Chinese Korean learners in the Korean learners' corpus. To this purpose, I compared NIKL learners' corpus 674,553 words with the native speakers' corpus 1,055,790 words. According to the analysis, Chinese Korean learners used about 28 more adverbs per 1,000 words than native Korean in their writing. And Chinese Korean learners have either overused or underused the high frequency adverbs, the degree of overuse was stronger than underuse. And compared to native speakers, they lacked the diversity of the use of adverbs. From this corpus analysis, we were able to identify the characteristics of Chinese Korean learners' use of adverbs. Korean learners overused adverbs such as '너무, 아주'and modal adverbs '정말, 진짜'to reinforce their own discourse, and they also used a lot of mimetic adverbs due to the influence of teaching. In addition, through the analysis of the learners' corpus, we were able to identify problems with the use of adverbs by Chinese Korean learners. Chinese Korean learners should try to expand available adverbs and diversify their choice of adverbs in their composition. And they should also develop the recognition of written and spoken registers when selecting adverbs.

Quantifications of Frequency adverbs in Korean - cacwu and cakkwu

  • Jo, Yu-Mi
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Language and Information Conference
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    • 2008.06a
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    • pp.138-146
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    • 2008
  • Frequency adverbs can be interpreted as an adverb of quantification, and also as a frequentative adverb. These interpretations are related to the frequency adverbs' distributions, and the relation between semantics and syntax of frequency adverbs can be observed more explicitly when they appear with some other expressions in a sentence. Two frequency adverbs in Korean, cacwu and cakkwu, which seem to mean 'often/frequently', will be dealt with. We will specify their syntactic position by their interpretations derived from the relative ordering with other elements.

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Structural Disambiguation of Korean Adverbs Based on Correlative Relation and Morphological Context

  • Seo, Young-Ae;Park, Sang-Kyu;Choi, Key-Sun
    • ETRI Journal
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    • v.28 no.6
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    • pp.803-806
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    • 2006
  • This letter addresses a structural disambiguation method for Korean adverbs based on the correlative relation constraints between adverbs and modifiees, and the morphological context information of sentences. Using the proposed method, we improved the dependency parsing accuracy of adverbs from 79.2 to 89%. The experimental result shows that the proposed method is especially expert in parsing adverbs which can modify multiple word classes or have a long distance dependency relation to their modifiees.

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An Analysis of Noun-modifying Adverbs for Structural Disambiguation (구조적 중의성 해결을 위한 명사 수식 부사 연구)

  • Hwang, Seon Yeong;Lee, Gong Ju
    • Korean Journal of Cognitive Science
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.42-42
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    • 2002
  • An adverb has been generally defined as what modifies verbs or adjectives in Korean, but we can find that some adverbs can modify nouns. These kinds of adverbs lead a structural analysis complicated; therefore, they should be exceptionally processed by a syntactic parser. In this paper, we categorize a noun-modifying adverb and characterize that from a syntactic analysis standpoint. And also, we propose a method to handle noun-modifying adverbs for improving the accuracy of syntactic analysis. By using this proposed method, we can show that the parser increases it′s accuracy from 81.9 to 83.6% on testing corpus.

An Analysis of Noun-modifying Adverbs for Structural Disambiguation (구조적 중의성 해결을 위한 명사 수식 부사 연구)

  • 황선영;이공주
    • Korean Journal of Cognitive Science
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.43-53
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    • 2002
  • An adverb has been generally defined as what modifies verbs or adjectives in Korean, but we can find that some adverbs can modify nouns. These kinds of adverbs lead a structural analysis complicated; therefore, they should be exceptionally processed by a syntactic parser. In this paper, we categorize a noun-modifying adverb and characterize that from a syntactic analysis standpoint. And also, we propose a method to handle noun-modifying adverbs for improving the accuracy of syntactic analysis. By using this proposed method, we can show that the parser increases it's accuracy from 81.9 to 83.6% on testing corpus.

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Grammaticalization and Semantic Typology: Time-relationship Adverbs in Japanese, Korean, English and German

  • Moriya, Tetsuharu;Horie, Kaoru
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Language and Information Conference
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    • 2002.02a
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    • pp.348-357
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    • 2002
  • This paper discusses constraints on grammaticalization, a primarily diachronic process through which lexical elements take on grammatical functions. In particular, it will argue that two constraints on this process, namely Persistence and Lwering, explain the different distributional patterns of time-relationship adverbs in Japanese, Korean, English and German. Furthermore, it will suggest that the distributional difference between Japanese and Korean time-relationship adverbs is not an isolated phenomenon but is a reflection of the overall semantic typological differences between the two languages in the sense of Hawkins (1986).

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Implementation of SENKOV System: A Knowledge Base for Semantic Analysis (의미분석 지식베이스를 위한 SENKOV 시스템의 구현)

  • Moon, Yoo-Jin
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.245-253
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    • 2000
  • The paper presents methodology and techniques for design and implementation of the SENKOV System based on the validation of set membership and dictionaries. And it performs verb concept classification available for establishing the selectional restriction relationships among adverbs and verbs. The paper is important in that it has made the first attempt at classifying Korean verb concepts for the semantic analysis. We select about 600 Korean verbs which are commonly used in the daily life, and implements the SENKOV System. According to results of the experiments, SENKOV has 44 top nodes and depth of average 2.35, and that it can be utilized to classify Korean verb concept for the selectional restrictions among adverbs and verbs.

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What the gentle murder paradox means to event semantics

  • Kim, Han-Seung
    • Korean Journal of Logic
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.99-116
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    • 2006
  • There has been several proposals to resolve the gentle murder paradox; Forrester claims that the paradox shows that the deontic closure principle should be abandoned, while Sinnott-Armstrong claims that the paradoxical result arises from the scope ambiguity. However, I shall argue, the gentle murder paradox hinges on the logical structure of adverbial expressions. Although Davidson shows an insightful way of understanding logical structure of adverbs, there has been misunderstandings concerning the nature of his account. Especially what is called neo-Davidsonian event semantics is based upon combination of two fundamentally conflicting ideas. I shall propose a new way of understanding Davidson's account, on the basis of which I continue to give a new diagnosis of the gentle murder paradox.

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