• Title/Summary/Keyword: Image Use

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Pixel-Wise Polynomial Estimation Model for Low-Light Image Enhancement

  • Muhammad Tahir Rasheed;Daming Shi
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.17 no.9
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    • pp.2483-2504
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    • 2023
  • Most existing low-light enhancement algorithms either use a large number of training parameters or lack generalization to real-world scenarios. This paper presents a novel lightweight and robust pixel-wise polynomial approximation-based deep network for low-light image enhancement. For mapping the low-light image to the enhanced image, pixel-wise higher-order polynomials are employed. A deep convolution network is used to estimate the coefficients of these higher-order polynomials. The proposed network uses multiple branches to estimate pixel values based on different receptive fields. With a smaller receptive field, the first branch enhanced local features, the second and third branches focused on medium-level features, and the last branch enhanced global features. The low-light image is downsampled by the factor of 2b-1 (b is the branch number) and fed as input to each branch. After combining the outputs of each branch, the final enhanced image is obtained. A comprehensive evaluation of our proposed network on six publicly available no-reference test datasets shows that it outperforms state-of-the-art methods on both quantitative and qualitative measures.

Exploratory Study on the Relationship between Korean Drama Watching Satisfaction and Korean Product Purchase Intention : Focused on Myanmar Consumers (한국 드라마 시청 만족도와 한국 상품구매의사간 관계에 관한 탐색적 연구 : 미얀마 소비자를 중심으로)

  • Sung-Tae Ma;Hyun-Yong Park;Young-Jun Choi
    • Korea Trade Review
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    • v.45 no.1
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    • pp.301-319
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    • 2020
  • This study aims to explore the positive impact of Korean drama watching satisfaction on purchase intention for Korean products by considering the mediating roles of social distance to Korea, national image of Korea, and Korean product image. This study identified that Korean drama reduced the social distance to Korea while increasing the positive image of Koreas and Korean products. However, the reduced social distance was not positively associated with Korean product image and Korean product purchase intention. This implies that Korean dramas directly affect Korean product purchase intension and indirectly affect Korean national image and product image. This study supplies guidance to international marketers who aims to enter the Myanmar market. To use the Korean wave as a Korean product marketing tool, marketing strategies need to cover Korean culture-relevant materials such as cultural background, cultural characteristics, exposed products, and so on.

An atypical case involving real, ghost, and pseudo-ghost images on a panoramic radiograph

  • Jong-Won Kim;Yo-Seob Seo
    • Imaging Science in Dentistry
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    • v.54 no.1
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    • pp.57-62
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    • 2024
  • Purpose: This report presents a unique case featuring real, ghost, and pseudo-ghost images on the panoramic radiograph of a patient wearing earrings. It also explains the formation of these images in an easy-to-understand manner. Materials and Methods: One real image and two ghost images appeared on each side of a panoramic radiograph of a patient wearing earrings on both sides. Of the two ghost images on each side, one was considered a typical ghost image and the other was considered a ghost-like real image (pseudo-ghost image). The formation zones of the real, double, and ghost images were examined based on the path and angles of the X-ray beam from the Planmeca ProMax. To simulate the pseudo-ghost and typical ghost images on panoramic radiography, a radiopaque marker was affixed to the right mandibular condyle of a dry mandible, and the position of the mandible was adjusted accordingly. Results: The center of rotation of the Planmeca ProMax extended beyond the jaw area, and the area of double image formation also reached beyond the jaw. The radiopaque-marked mandibular condyle, situated in the outwardly extending area of double image formation, exhibited triple images consisting of real, double (pseudo-ghost), and ghost images. These findings helped to explain the image formation associated with the patient's earrings observed in the panoramic radiograph. Conclusion: Dentists must understand the characteristics and principles of the panoramic equipment they use and apply this understanding to taking and interpreting panoramic radiographs.

The Effect of Congruency of Parent Brand Image with Self-Image, Brand Loyalty, and Brand Involvement on the Attitude towards Extended Product in Fashion Brand Extension (패션브랜드 확장시 모브랜드와의 자아이미지 일치성과 충성도, 브랜드 관여도가 확장제품의 태도에 미치는 영향)

  • Rhee, Young Ju
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.50 no.6
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    • pp.33-42
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    • 2012
  • Today, many fashion companies use brand extension and it is especially important to conduct brand extension that coincides with consumer self-image, and maintains brand loyalty in order to succeed. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of congruency of parent brand image with self-image, brand loyalty, and brand involvement on the attitude towards extended product in fashion brand extension. A survey questionnaire was used to collect information from 170 female college students, and collected data were subjected to descriptive analysis, factor analysis, and regression analysis. Results showed that the congruency of parent brand image with self-image had a positive effect on the attitude towards extended product in fashion brand extension, with a positive mediating effect of brand loyalty, and a negative mediating effect of brand involvement. Also, the congruency of parent brand image with self-image and brand loyalty of the parent brand had a positive effect on the attitude towards the extended product, whereas brand involvement had a negative mediating effect on the attitude towards the extended product in fashion brand extension. The results of this study provide some useful suggestions to marketers in fashion industry: marketers should consider some psychological aspects of consumers such as congruency of parent brand image with self-image, brand loyalty, and brand involvement when conducting brand extension.

Web-based Image Retrieval and Classification System using Sketch Query (스케치 질의를 통한 웹기반 영상 검색과 분류 시스템)

  • 이상봉;고병철;변혜란
    • Journal of KIISE:Software and Applications
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    • v.30 no.7_8
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    • pp.703-712
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    • 2003
  • With the explosive growth n the numbers and sizes of imaging technologies, Content-Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) has been attacked the interests of researchers in the fields of digital libraries, image processing, and database systems. In general, in the case of query-by-image, in user has to select an image from database to query, even though it is not his completely desired one. However, since query-by-sketch approach draws a query shape according to the user´s desire it can provide more high-level searching interface to the user compared to the query-b-image. As a result, query-by-sketch has been widely used. In this paper, we propose a Java-based image retrieval system that consists of sketch query and image classification. We use two features such as color histogram and Haar wavelets coefficients to search similar images. Then the Leave-One-Out method is used to classify database images. The categories of classification are photo & painting, city & nature, and sub-classification of nature image. By using the sketch query and image classification, w can offer convenient image retrieval interface to user and we can also reduce the searching time.

Image Emphasis by Histogram Reverse Tracking Alteration (히스토그램 분포도 역추적 변경에 의한 영상 강조)

  • 허진경;김향태
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2004
  • It is very important part of pre-processing for get better results by image processing that get emphasized image by processing of source image. Emphasized image is not only good looking image but clear and sharp image. Emphasized images are used very useful data at contour extraction and image recognition in image processing. It have different image recognition by how much represent a origin scene in row quality image. Present algorithms that get emphasized premier image do not get clear picture of degree that want in various kind of images and there is shortcoming that need much process times being proportional size of picture quality or accumulation degree of histogram. In this paper, we propose method to change distribution chart that pixels occupy in histogram as subsequentness in reflex of various kinds as well as that picture quality reflex method to emphasize so that is suitable in practical use purpose originally of premier. Proposed algorithm re-allot histogram distribution by reverse tracking histogram. Experimental images are same result and take less processing time than histogram equalization.

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Content-based image retrieval using region-based image querying (영역 기반의 영상 질의를 이용한 내용 기반 영상 검색)

  • Kim, Nac-Woo;Song, Ho-Young;Kim, Bong-Tae
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.32 no.10C
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    • pp.990-999
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    • 2007
  • In this paper, we propose the region-based image retrieval method using JSEG which is a method for unsupervised segmentation of color-texture regions. JSEG is an algorithm that discretizes an image by color classification, makes the J-image by applying a region to window mask, and then segments the image by using a region growing and merging. The segmented image from JSEG is given to a user as the query image, and a user can select a few segmented regions as the query region. After finding the MBR of regions selected by user query and generating the multiple window masks based on the center point of MBR, we extract the feature vectors from selected regions. We use the accumulated histogram as the global descriptor for performance comparison of extracted feature vectors in each method. Our approach fast and accurately supplies the relevant images for the given query, as the feature vectors extracted from specific regions and global regions are simultaneously applied to image retrieval. Experimental evidence suggests that our algorithm outperforms the recent image-based methods for image indexing and retrieval.

An Image Composition Technique using Water-Wave Image Analysis (물결영상 분석을 통한 이미지 합성기법에 관한 연구)

  • Li, Xianji;Kim, Jung-A;Ming, Shi-Hwa;Kim, Dong-Ho
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.193-202
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    • 2008
  • In this study, we want to composite the source image and the target image when the environment includes water surface in the target image such as lake, sea, etc. The water surface is different from other common environment. On the water surface, the object must be reflected or refract and sometimes is deformed by the wave of water. In order to composite the object in the source image onto the water image, we analyze the water surface of the target image and let the object be synthesized realistically based on the wave of water. Our composite process consists of three steps. First. we use Shape-from-Shading technique to extract the normal vector of the water surface in the target image. Next, the source image is deformed according to the normal vector map. Finally, we composite the deformed object onto the target image.

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Qualification Test of ROCSAT -2 Image Processing System

  • Liu, Cynthia;Lin, Po-Ting;Chen, Hong-Yu;Lee, Yong-Yao;Kao, Ricky;Wu, An-Ming
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.1197-1199
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    • 2003
  • ROCSAT-2 mission is to daily image over Taiwan and the surrounding area for disaster monitoring, land use, and ocean surveillance during the 5-year mission lifetime. The satellite will be launched in December 2003 into its mission orbit, which is selected as a 14 rev/day repetitive Sun-synchronous orbit descending over (120 deg E, 24 deg N) and 9:45 a.m. over the equator with the minimum eccentricity. National Space Program Office (NSPO) is developing a ROCSAT-2 Image Processing System (IPS), which aims to provide real-time high quality image data for ROCSAT-2 mission. A simulated ROCSAT-2 image, based on Level 1B QuickBird Data, is generated for IPS verification. The test image is comprised of one panchromatic data and four multispectral data. The qualification process consists of four procedures: (a) QuickBird image processing, (b) generation of simulated ROCSAT-2 image in Generic Raw Level Data (GERALD) format, (c) ROCSAT-2 image processing, and (d) geometric error analysis. QuickBird standard photogrammetric parameters of a camera that models the imaging and optical system is used to calculate the latitude and longitude of each line and sample. The backward (inverse model) approach is applied to find the relationship between geodetic coordinate system (latitude, longitude) and image coordinate system (line, sample). The bilinear resampling method is used to generate the test image. Ground control points are used to evaluate the error for data processing. The data processing contains various coordinate system transformations using attitude quaternion and orbit elements. Through the qualification test process, it is verified that the IPS is capable of handling high-resolution image data with the accuracy of Level 2 processing within 500 m.

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Image Analysis Using Grid Suppression Software to Remove Moire Artifact from Micro Lesions of Sprague Dawley Rat (Sprague Dawley Rat의 미세병변에서 Moire Artifact를 제거하기 위한 Grid suppression software 사용 후 영상분석)

  • Lee, Sang-Ho
    • Journal of radiological science and technology
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    • v.40 no.4
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    • pp.575-580
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    • 2017
  • Because moire artifacts overlap with fine lesions and frequency bands, image processing software that removes moire artifacts can lead to loss of micro lesions. In this study, microscopic lesions such as microcalcification and microfracture were randomly formed on SD (Sprague Dawley) rats and image and optimized grid images were compared and analyzed using reference image and grid suppression software. The images were read by two consecutive radiologists using a McNemar's test. Among the 73 microcalcifications, in the 13 cases after grid suppression, the image of the optimized grid shows the loss of image in 3 cases, and the image after grid suppression shows statistically significant image loss (p=0.021). In all 53 fracture lines, there were 19 cases of image loss after the grid suppression, and only one case of the optimized grid showed no image loss. Therefore, the use of grid suppression software to remove moire artifacts should be carefully considered in the diagnosis of micro lesions.