• 제목/요약/키워드: Human world

검색결과 2,587건 처리시간 0.039초

基督宗教与大巡真理会的「道成肉身」思想之比较 (A Comparison of Incarnation Theology in Christianity and Daesoon Jinrihoe)

  • 高明文
    • 대순사상논총
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    • 제34집
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    • pp.323-351
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    • 2020
  • 此论文的目的是通过横向比较 《圣经》 和 《典经》 中的道成肉身思想, 揭示基督教最终走向神本主义道路, 大巡真理会最终走向人文主义道路的根本原因。基督教和大巡真理会都承认人的世界之上另有一个人的感官触及不到的世界。而且他们都主张上面的世界有一个至高者, 而且这位至高者通过女人的身体来到了人的世界。但不同的是, 基督教认为2000多年前在伯利恒出生的耶稣就是那位至高者, 而大巡真理会认为100多年前出生在朝鲜客望里的姜一淳才是那位至高者。基督教的神来到人间是为了替人类赎罪, 为此道成肉身者被钉在了十字架上流干了血, 成了赎罪的羔羊。大巡真理会的上帝降诞人间是为了帮人类解冤, 为此道成肉身者大巡天地人三界, 探索偏斜的度数并将其调正。基督教所谓的"罪"本质上是对至高神的"背叛", 这意味着神的世界不能容忍罪, 所以当第一个人 (亚当) 背叛神以后被赶出了圣洁的伊甸园。从此人的世界与神的世界之间就产生了不能逾越的鸿沟。相反, 大巡真理会所谓"偏斜的度数"并非是对至高者的背叛, 而只是一种自然的结果而已。也就是说, 度数偏斜的现象不仅能发生在人的世界里, 也能发生在神明的世界之中, 而且两个世界还可以相互作用, 相互影响。因此可以说, 基督教思想中的两个世界是两个完全不同秩序和不同系统的世界, 而大巡真理会思想中的两个世界是同一个秩序和同一个系统下运转的世界。大多数将某一事物分割成两个部分的思想主要是为了强调一边比另一边更重要或更关键。基督教以神的世界为人世界的最终根源和终极关怀, 以人对神的绝对信仰和绝对崇拜为人生最高的价值。相反大巡真理会则认为人的世界决定了神明界的存在意义, 主张人与人之间, 人与自然之间的互利相生是人尊时代的核心价值。由此可以得出本论文的最终结论 : 导致基督教踏上神本主义道路的根本原因是他们相信在完全相隔绝的两个世界中, 神的世界是人世界的最终根源和终极关怀 ; 导致大巡真理会走向人文主义的根本原因是他们相信在可以相互作用且可以相互影响的神明界与人世界中, 人世界决定神明界的存在意义。

불교철학과 대순사상의 사유체계에 대한 일고찰 - 우주관·인간관·이상사회관을 중심으로 - (Reflection on the Thinking System of Buddhist Philosophy and Daesoon Philosophy)

  • 이덕진
    • 대순사상논총
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    • 제20권
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    • pp.223-272
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    • 2009
  • Both Daesoon philosophy and Buddhist philosophy have strong aspirations for establishing a world comprised of human-beings. In other words, Daesoon philosophy and Buddhist philosophy put human-beings in the place of 'subject character(主語的 人格)' instead of 'predicate character(述語的 人格).' This is because a human is the master rather than a guest of the universe and the world. In this regard, it is safe to say that both Daesoon philosophy and Buddhist philosophy have a common goal of reaching 'an infinitely open life managed by a human-being, the master.' Daesoon philosophy and Buddhist philosophy also share the idea that everything in the universe is an organistic world that is closely connected, like a network. In this aspect, the two philosophies consider the whole world rather than the individual, and seek ways for people to live together actively while expanding the scope of community to the world. Even if 'the morality of living together (相生)' and 'the realization of mercy(同體大悲)' are completely different languages on the surface, it is not difficult to understand the homogeneity inherent in such expressions. Daesoon philosophy and Buddhist philosophy show endless reliability towards all humans and are declarative and reasonable, but both herald human beings as eligible to become the main characters of the future world and lead to the birth of independent human beings while inducing them to the highest position in the universe by liberating humans from the limitations they find. 'Heaven on Earth' as stated in Daesoon philosophy refers to an ideal society where humans and God harmonize, and God and humans complement each other. Also, the world will achieve political stability and equality, realizing an economically prosperous world. Furthermore, social justice will be realized and cultural and religious conflicts resolved. As humans acknowledge there is a way to live together in a universal nature, the environmental issue no longer becomes the top priority for human beings and a world where the morals of human beings reach the highest level will be established. From the original Buddhist perspective, King Jeonrhyun, the proxy of Buddha, realizes the ideal of Buddhism in the mundane world. The world controlled by King Jeonrhyun can be described as having liberty, equality, peace, justice, prosperity, morality, order, legality, democracy, welfare, etc. Therefore, the ideal Buddhist world is materially prosperous, physically healthy and socially just, as well as a world where moral maturity and mental freedom are achieved.

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General Education for Science and Engineering Students

  • Lee, Duck-Joo
    • 공학교육연구
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    • 제17권4호
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    • pp.38-42
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    • 2014
  • The principle of materialized world is the same as of human life. The human life is governed by the human mind composed of the copies of the materialized world. The stress is due to the human mind inside. The creativity is prevented by the copies in the human mind. The convergence is not easy due to the individual copy world which is different from each other. By subtraction of the copies inside the human, the creativity and convergence can be fulfilled. Syllabus of the lecture at KAIST is introduced. Students taking the lecture express the non-materialized world of human mind clearly after the subtraction the copies inside. The students who recognize the stress inside specifically can be free from the stress by discarding the copies inside.

Modeling and Identification of Human Mind using a Robot Which Walks Together

  • Kwon, Oh-Kyu;Park, Poo-Gyeon
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 제어로봇시스템학회 2001년도 ICCAS
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    • pp.161.2-161
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    • 2001
  • To achieve a cooperative work between human and robot, it is thought helpful to estimate the states of human mind, which originates his behavior. In this paper, human mind was considered to modify instinctive desires according to the conditions of external world surrounding the instinct. A simple human mind model was designed so that it finds a balance between instinctive desire and restriction from the external world. The external world is divided into three sub-worlds like subject´s whole body, its partner and concerned periphery. Proposed mind model has three-layers construction. Each of the layer tries to find a balance between desire and restriction from external world. In each layer, the role of finding the balance was expressed by an identical optimal control minimizing a performance index function of quadratic form with a weight factor, which is rearranged and named ...

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신디셔먼(Cindy Sherman)의 이미지에 나타난 시뮬라시옹 분석-신체와 폭력을 중심으로 (A study of simulation in Cindy Sherman's image in body and violence)

  • 이호영
    • 만화애니메이션 연구
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    • 통권20호
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    • pp.121-139
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    • 2010
  • 사회가 디지털화되어갈수록 시뮬라시옹의 세계는 확산한다. 시뮬라시옹의 세계는 강제되는 세계이며, 인간이 만들어 가는 세계이며, 인간이 살아가는 세계이다. 인간을 지배하는 세계는 지배 권력이며 강제하는 힘들을 발휘하는 지배 담론이다. 인간은 그 강제된 힘들에 지배받는 이 권력적 지배 현상에서 벗어나고자 스스로에게 폭력을 행사한다. 신디 셔먼(Cindy Sherman)은 시뮬라시옹의 세계 속에 인간, 욕망하는 인간, 폭력에 희생당한 인간, 스스로에게 폭력을 가하는 신체적 인간을 표현하는 작가로 주목받고 있다. 세계가 가하는, 권력이 가하는 폭력 위에서 신디 셔먼은 우리에게 질문을 던진다. 진짜와 가짜의 경계 속에서 당신은, 현재는 무엇인가라고. 그 방식은 작품 속에 등장하는 가면과 분장이라는 덧씌워진 현상, 포장 속에 드러나는 욕망과 폭력 받는 현실이라는 상징을 통해서이다. 유기적 기관들로 분리된 시선으로는 세계를 인식 불가능하고 살로서, 신체로서 세계를 만날 때 세계는, 존재는 감각되어지는 어떤 것이 된다. 그 세계는 시뮬라크르한 세계이며 동시에 폭력이 내재된 강제되는 세계이다. 그 폭력을 피하기 위해서 신디 셔먼은 자신을 폭력에 스스로 희생함으로서 거대한 폭력을 순화하거나 피하고자 하는 것이다. 더 이상 다른 이의 고통은, 꽃의 탄생과 죽음은, 타자의 것들이 아니라 나의 것이라고 우리들 앞에 던져 놓고 있다.

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트랜스휴머니즘과 생활세계: 후설 현상학의 관점에서 (Transhumanism and Life-World: From the Perspective of Husserl's Phenomenology)

  • 박인철
    • 철학연구
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    • 제126호
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    • pp.85-115
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    • 2019
  • 20세기 이후 과학기술의 급속한 발전에 따라 인간의 자연적, 신체적 한계를 기술을 통해 극복하려는 시도가 점점 가속화된다. 트랜스휴머니즘은 이러한 인간의 기술적 시도를 적극적으로 지지하고 긍정하는 운동이다. 그러나 트랜스휴머니즘의 기술에 대한 낙관적 태도는 이를 통해 인간의 자연적 본성이 파괴되고, 인간의 가치가 심하게 훼손될 수 있다는 반대론자들의 강한 저항에 부딪히게 된다. 트랜스휴머니즘 논란의 초점은 기술이 인간에게 어떠한 의미를 갖느냐는 것이다. 그러나 트랜스휴머니즘의 정확한 이해를 위해서는 우선 기술과 인간이 한데 어우러져 있는 우리의 '생활세계'에 대한 고찰이 선행되어야 한다. 생활세계는 모든 인간의 실천적 활동의 바탕이 되면서 동시에 이의 산물을 그 자체 안에 포괄하는 개방적이고 포용적인 세계이다. 후설에 따르면 생활세계속으로 인간의 산물이 포함되는 과정은 일종의 '친숙화' 과정으로서 이를 통해 특정 이론이나 기술 등은 생활세계 속에서 우리의 삶과 조화로운 결합을 이루면서 동시에 상대화된다. 이러한 기술의 생활세계로의 편입 및 친숙화는 기술의 인간화 과정이며, 인간과 생활세계의 유한성과 조응하는 과정으로도 볼 수 있다. 이런 맥락에서 볼 때, 트랜스휴머니즘적 시도는 생활세계 속의 인간의 자연스러운 실천의 과정으로서 이에 대해 지나치게 우려할 것도 아니지만 또 과도하게 맹신해서도 안 될 것이다.

Coevolution between Human's Anticancer Activities and Functional Foods from Crop Origin Center in the World

  • Zeng, Ya-Wen;Du, Juan;Pu, Xiao-Ying;Yang, Jia-Zhen;Yang, Tao;Yang, Shu-Ming;Yang, Xiao-Meng
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • 제16권6호
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    • pp.2119-2128
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    • 2015
  • Cancer is the leading cause of death around the world. Anticancer activities from many functional food sources have been reported in years, but correlation between cancer prevalence and types of food with anticancer activities from crop origin center in the world as well as food source with human migration are unclear. Hunger from food shortage is the cause of early human evolution from Africa to Asia and later into Eurasia. The richest functional foods are found in crop origin centers, housing about 70% in the world populations. Crop origin centers have lower cancer incidence and mortality in the world, especially Central Asia, Middle East, Southwest China, India and Ethiopia. Asia and Africa with the richest anticancer crops is not only the most important evolution base of humans and origin center of anticancer functional crop, but also is the lowest mortality and incidence of cancers in the world. Cancer prevention of early human migrations was associated with functional foods from crop origin centers, especially Asia with four centers and one subcenter of crop origin, accounting for 58% of the world population. These results reveal that coevolution between human's anticancer activities associated with functional foods for crop origin centers, especially in Asia and Africa.

신화에서 인간출현과정의 교육적 의미 - 단군신화와 창세기 내용을 중심으로 - (Educational Meaning of Human Creation Process in Mythology)

  • 채휘균
    • 교육철학
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    • 제63호
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    • pp.105-131
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    • 2017
  • The myth reflects the human way of thinking about the world. Therefore, an important part of myth is human creation and role. This study examines the process of human creation in myth and discusses implications for education. The subjects that can be considered from the viewpoint of education are as follows. The status and role of teachers and students, the relationship between teachers and students, how to create or create humans, and the purpose and results of human creation. First, it is the position and role of the teacher. In myth, being like a teacher is a divine being that transcends human ability. In Dangun mythology, Hwanwoong or Shinwoong descended from heaven, and in the Genesis it is the Creator God. In Dangun mythology, the role of the teacher guides the way of becoming a human and provides necessary tasks. In Genesis, the image of the teacher is the Creator God. God plays the role of a teacher who prepares various environments in which learners can work. Second, the status and role of students in myths. In Dangun mythology, students are symbolized by bear and tiger. They go to the teacher with the desire to become human beings. In Dangun mythology, the student is not a passive existence but an autonomous and active image. In Genesis, the appearance of a student is a passive being created by a teacher. Third, the creation of human beings in myth can be seen in terms of educational process and method. In Dangun Myth, the beginning of education is the wish or expectation of learners. Learners eat mugwort and garlic and participate in human learning. In Genesis 1, however, there is no need for a special method, since human beings are created according to the Creator's command. Fourth, the purpose of education can be discussed through the purpose of human creation. In Dangun mythology, the purpose of education is not to live according to instinct but to become human with culture and personality. In Genesis 1, the purpose of human creation is the role of the Creator in creating and managing the world. Therefore, it is the aim of humans to manage the world in an orderly manner. The purpose of education in Genesis 2 is to enable humans to serve the world.

대순진리회 목적(目的)에 관한 연구 (Examining the Object of Daesoonjinrihoe)

  • 유병무
    • 대순사상논총
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    • 제26집
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    • pp.183-214
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study is to promote the understanding of the objective of Daesoon Thought through 'examining the Objectives of Daesoonjinrihoe.' The objective of Daesoon thought was set when Kang Jeungsan Sangje descended to human world, upon the plea of divine sages, buddhas, and bodhisattvas, and determined to save the world and relieve people far and wide. For building an Earthly Paradise with Daesoon thought, Sangje carried out the great work of Reordering of the Universe for nine years and passed into heaven. Cho Jeongsan Doju, who received the heavenly religious orthodox through divine revelation from Sangje, served the late will of Sangje and established Main Tenets, Creeds, and objective of Daesoon thought. The objective set by Doju was continued to Park Wudang Dojeon and formed the Objectives of Daesoonjinrihoe. The Objectives of Daesoonjinrihoe consist of three sets of objectives in sequential order, which are related in organic, mutual beneficient, and integrative with one another. The Objectives starts from individual cultivation and expand into worldly reformation: 1)one's Spiritual transformation through Guarding against self-deception 2)Renewal of human beings through Realizing Earthly Immortality 3)Opening of new world through Building of Earthly Paradise. Also, in these Objectives of Daesoonjinrihoe, Three Realms of Heaven, Earth, and Humanity keep close relations to enter into new world. These Objectives are based on the 'thought of mutual beneficence' and are realized with Daesoon thought, which is the Dao of 'Crowned King' that goes beyond the previous thoughts of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism. Objectives of Daesoonjinrihoe have following details in each objective as following; (1) 'Guarding against self-deception-Spiritual Transformation' is for human nature. In Daesoon thought, human has the potential to restore conscience, which is true nature, and return to undefiled essence by 'guarding against self-deception'. In other words, it views that one can reach into the stage of spiritual alignment with the Dao once he recovers conscience through cultivation of Daesoonjinrihoe based on the idea of 'Guarding against self-deception'. (2) 'Realizing Earthly Immortality-Renewal of human beings' is for ideal human character. 'Realizing Earthly Immortality' in Daesoon Thought indicates the advent of ideal human beings called 'Dotong gunja'(virtuous beings who are aligned with the Dao). They are leaders who integrate politics and religion in helping people to renew themselves and make the world into Earthly Paradise. (3) 'Building an Earthly Paradise-Opening of new world' is for ideal society. Daesoon thought aims to making a peaceful world by creating an ideal society of heaven on this earth. Park Wudang Dojeon, who led Daesoonjinrihoe, emphasized the importance of Three Basic Activities: Spreading of Sangje's virtue, Edification, and Cultivation: and Three Major Activities: Aid and charity, Social welfare, and Education. Dojeon said "One should make effort to reach the utmost goodness through enlightening their bright virtue and cultivating their talent virtue." In this words, he made clear that the Objectives of Daesoonjinrihoe can be realized when people enlighten their bright virtue and cultivate themselves with their talent virtue. In conclusion, the Objectives of Daesoon thought were clarified of their meanings by Sangje, established into laws by Doju, and actualized by Dojoen in various activities of Daesoonjinrihoe.

증산사상과 DMZ 세계생태평화공원 - 한반도 상등국 천지공사를 중심으로 - (Jeungsan Thoughts and DMZ World Eco-peace Park - Universal Redesign for the Foremost Leading Country centering on Korea -)

  • 김정완
    • 대순사상논총
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    • 제24_1권
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    • pp.97-144
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    • 2014
  • Jeungsan(甑山) carried out the Universal Redesign(天地公事) through which the former world full of a mutual opposition(相克) can be peacefully transferred into the latter world composed of a mutual beneficence(相生). Although the Universal Redesign consists of such three factors heaven, earth, and human, it converges towards Human Redesign in that humans are the main agents for heaven and earth. Human as Redesign object is characterized as a member of community, not an anarchistic individual. The Universal Resign of Jeungsan is eventually connected with the construction of a country comprising a mutual beneficence in that it is the most typical strain among all the human communities. His Universal Resign for foundering the foremost country does not target all the countries, but only one country upon and through which the world with a mutual beneficence can be formed. He executed the Universal Redesign based on such three principles as Haewon sangsaeng(解冤相生), Boeunsangsaeng(報恩相生), and Wonsibanbon(原始返本), Judging from such principles, Korea can be naturally selected as the target of the Universal Redesign for constructing the foremost country. It is approaching when the Universal Redesign in order to transform Korea into the foremost country comes true. The first step for Korea to be made as the foremost country is the construction of DMZ World Peace Park (DWPP) which was proposed by Bak Geunhye, the Korean President, to Obama, the President of USA, in 2013 she visited there. DWPP can be expected to be a center for corporation and interchange between South and North Korea under the interest and support of the world including UN, furthermore, the Capital area of reunified Korea, and finally the world hub of inter national political and economic relation. DWPP is planned to be built at the core of the best place in Korea which is a propitious spot all over the world, upon which a new world capitalism order armed with mutual beneficence can spread.