A Comparison of Incarnation Theology in Christianity and Daesoon Jinrihoe


  • Received : 2020.02.28
  • Accepted : 2020.04.18
  • Published : 2020.04.30


The purpose of this paper is to reveal how Christian ideas are indicative of Theocentricity (God-centeredness) whereas Daesoon Jinrihoe ideas are indicative of anthropocentrism (human-centeredness). This task will be accomplished through comparing incarnation theology from the Bible and The Canonical Scripture. Both Christianity and Daesoon Jinrihoe affirm that there is another world above the human world that cannot be touched by human sense organs. And they both acknowledge a supreme deity who exists in that above world. Furthermore, they share the notion that the supreme deity came into the human world after being born from a woman. Where they depart is that in Christianity, this belief refers to Jesus, the one who was born in Bethlehem more than 2,000 years ago, whereas in Daesoon Jinrihoe, it is instead believed to be Kang Jeungsan (secular name: Kang Il-Sun) who was born in Gaekmang Village in Korea more than 100 years ago. The Christian God came to the human world as an atonement for humanity and died on the cross; The God of Daesoon Jinrihoe came to the human world to help mankind settle all enmities. To this end, he traveled through the realms of Heaven, Earth, and Humanity, to recalibrate the faulty Degree Numbers. The sin mentioned in Christianity means treachery against the supreme deity. It is implied that sin is not tolerated in the world of God. Due to this, the first man, Adam, was driven out of Eden after betraying God, and afterwards, there came to be an infranchissable boundary between the world of God and the world of man. By way of comparison the faulty Degree Numbers, mentioned in Daesoon Jinrihoe, were produced naturally. In other words, the faulty Degree Number existed not only in the human world, but also in the world of divinities, and those two worlds not only interact but also affect each other. Therefore, it can be said that the two worlds of Christianity are worlds in which order and systems are completely different, and that the two worlds of Daesoon Jinrihoe are worlds that operate under the same order and systems. Both explain via this two-part division to emphasize one part as more important than the other. Christianity regards the world of God as the ultimate source and ultimate concern of the human world and emphasizes the absolute faith and worship of God is the highest value in life. But Daesoon Jinrihoe, on the other hand, argues that the human world determines the value of the divine world, and that the co-prosperity of man and his surroundings are the core values of the human era (The Era of Human Nobility). Therefore, the root cause of Christianity's theocentricity is that among the two worlds that are completely cut off from one another, they believe in God's world as the ultimate source and purpose of the human world. The root cause of Daesoon Jinrihoe's anthropocentrism is that among the two worlds that interact and influence each other, they believe the human world determines the meaning of the divine world.

此论文的目的是通过横向比较 《圣经》 和 《典经》 中的道成肉身思想, 揭示基督教最终走向神本主义道路, 大巡真理会最终走向人文主义道路的根本原因。基督教和大巡真理会都承认人的世界之上另有一个人的感官触及不到的世界。而且他们都主张上面的世界有一个至高者, 而且这位至高者通过女人的身体来到了人的世界。但不同的是, 基督教认为2000多年前在伯利恒出生的耶稣就是那位至高者, 而大巡真理会认为100多年前出生在朝鲜客望里的姜一淳才是那位至高者。基督教的神来到人间是为了替人类赎罪, 为此道成肉身者被钉在了十字架上流干了血, 成了赎罪的羔羊。大巡真理会的上帝降诞人间是为了帮人类解冤, 为此道成肉身者大巡天地人三界, 探索偏斜的度数并将其调正。基督教所谓的"罪"本质上是对至高神的"背叛", 这意味着神的世界不能容忍罪, 所以当第一个人 (亚当) 背叛神以后被赶出了圣洁的伊甸园。从此人的世界与神的世界之间就产生了不能逾越的鸿沟。相反, 大巡真理会所谓"偏斜的度数"并非是对至高者的背叛, 而只是一种自然的结果而已。也就是说, 度数偏斜的现象不仅能发生在人的世界里, 也能发生在神明的世界之中, 而且两个世界还可以相互作用, 相互影响。因此可以说, 基督教思想中的两个世界是两个完全不同秩序和不同系统的世界, 而大巡真理会思想中的两个世界是同一个秩序和同一个系统下运转的世界。大多数将某一事物分割成两个部分的思想主要是为了强调一边比另一边更重要或更关键。基督教以神的世界为人世界的最终根源和终极关怀, 以人对神的绝对信仰和绝对崇拜为人生最高的价值。相反大巡真理会则认为人的世界决定了神明界的存在意义, 主张人与人之间, 人与自然之间的互利相生是人尊时代的核心价值。由此可以得出本论文的最终结论 : 导致基督教踏上神本主义道路的根本原因是他们相信在完全相隔绝的两个世界中, 神的世界是人世界的最终根源和终极关怀 ; 导致大巡真理会走向人文主义的根本原因是他们相信在可以相互作用且可以相互影响的神明界与人世界中, 人世界决定神明界的存在意义。



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