• Title/Summary/Keyword: Historical consideration

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A Study on Scenic Sites Introduced in 『Joseon MyungSeung Sisun (朝鮮名勝詩選)』 (『조선명승시선(朝鮮名勝詩選)』에 나타난 명승자원 연구)

  • Lee, Chang-Hun;Lee, Won-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.35 no.1
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2017
  • The present study is designed to examine categories and characteristics of the scenic sites depicted in the "Joseon MyungSeung SiSun(Collection of Poems on Joseon Dynasty Scenic Sites, 朝鮮名勝詩選)" written by Narushima Sakimura(成島鷺村) during the early period of the Japanese Colonization to introduce the scenic sites of the Korean Peninsula. Introduction and forewords are construed in order to define the purpose of the Collection, and thorough analysis are conducted on category, location, and distinct characteristics of approximately 1,700 scenic sites described in the body. From the study, it is identified that there are twice as many cultural landscapes introduced in the Collection than natural landscapes, and the most frequently introduced sites are historical Buddhist sites, pavilions, famous mountain in the respective order. Further, the study reveals that the Collection makes reference of the verses written by virtuous Korean scholars in order to broaden the significance of the scenic sites, and also that the Collection marks the time period when the new scenic sites with symbolic implications of the modern period at the turn of the Japanese colonial period are began to be introduced. Such new scenic sites include modern parks and commemorative structures, beaches, train stations, etc. Nevertheless, the scope of study presents limitation as its scope of analysis does not take the changing perceptions of people on scenic sites before and after the colonial period into consideration, and also further comparative analysis on other documentations made record on the scenic sites of the Korean Peninsula will need to be continued in the future studies.

A Radionuclides Suite Selection for Site Characterization and Final Status Survey in the U.S. NPPs (미국의 원전 해체관련 부지특성 및 최종상태 조사를 위한 방사성 오염 핵종 결정 방법에 대한 분석)

  • Zhao, Pengfei;Jeon, Yeo Ryeong;Kim, Yongmin;Lee, Jong Seh;Ahn, Seokyoung
    • Journal of Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Waste Technology(JNFCWT)
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.267-277
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    • 2016
  • For the decommissioning of a nuclear power plant, a site characterization and final status survey require a site-specific suite of radionuclides that could potentially still be present in the site during or after the decontamination processes. The United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (U.S. NRC) requires a Decommissioning Technical Base Document (DTBD) along with a Site Characterization and Historical Site Assessment (HSA) from the utility for decommissioning to proceed. Both the DTBD and HSA are preliminary components of the Radiological Site Survey investigation process and should be included in the final License Termination Plan (LTP) for site release and reuse consideration from the U.S. NRC and the utility company. This study reviews the United States Nuclear Power Plants (U.S. NPPs) decommissioning cases and is especially focused on the methodologies used for determining a site-specific suite of radionuclides before and during the site characterization and final status surveys. In 2017, Kori-1 will be ready for decommissioning and related preparations are ongoing, this review will help Korea to prepare regulatory guidelines and give technical background for the safe and successful decommissioning of NPPs.

Evaluation of Basin-Specific Water Use through Development of Water Use Assessment Index (이수평가지수 개발을 통한 유역별 물이용 특성 평가)

  • Baeck, Seung Hyub;Choi, Si Jung
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.367-380
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    • 2013
  • In this study, sub-indicators, and thematic mid-indexes to evaluate the water use characteristics were selected through historical data analysis and factor analysis, and consisted of the subject approach framework. And the integrated index was developed to evaluate water use characteristics of the watershed. Using developed index, the water use characteristics were assessed for 812 standard basins with the exception for North Korea using data of 1990 to 2007 from the relevant agencies. A sensitivity analysis is conducted for this study to determine the proper way through various normalization and weighting methods. To increase the objectivity of developed index, the history of the damage indicators are excluded in the analysis. In addition, in order to ensure its reliability, results from index with and without consideration of the damage history were compared. Also, the index is also applied to real data for 2008 Gangwon region to verify its field applicability. Through the validation process this index confirmed the adequacy for the indicators selection and calculation method. The results of this study were analyzed based on the spatial and time vulnerability of the basin's water use, which can be applied to various parts such as priority decision-making for water business or policy, mitigations for the vulnerable components of the basin, and supporting measures to establishment by providing relevant information about it.

A Basic Study on BIM Library Business Model based on Building Material Information System (건축 자재 정보 시스템기반 BIM 라이브러리 비즈니스 모델에 관한 기초 연구)

  • Lee, Goon-Jae
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.43-49
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    • 2017
  • In recent years, the use of BIM in domestic construction has been increasing, but it is used mainly for internal and external visualization rather than for BIM design including drawings. For this reason, several studies have highlighted the lack of libraries and economic problems for BIM design. In other words, for the most economically small domestic design offices, activating the BIM design is a negative factor because it is difficult to invest the necessary manpower and cost to produce and use the required BIM library. The BIM design can be more applicable if the library can be supplied economically, easily, and quickly. In this study, BIM library business model and consideration factors that can provide BIM library service economically, easily, and quickly by considering the existing building material selection task and BIM library are presented. The proposed business model will increase the number of suppliers of BIM libraries, which are lacking in Korea, and will enable an effective BIM design at low cost and effort. If a service that reflects the business model proposed in this study is made, an integrated database that can consistently share information in the design, construction, and maintenance stages will be constructed. This can monitor the changes in material and equipment information during the life cycle of the building. The database can be used to monitor any changes in material and equipment information throughout the life cycle of a building, so that it can be used as historical data for effective design and maintenance as well as for material and equipment upgrades.

Acculturation and Educational Paradigm Shift of China for Western Educational System (중·서 교육 패러다임의 접변과 변화)

  • Kim, dug sam;Lee, kyung ja
    • Cross-Cultural Studies
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    • v.33
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    • pp.385-406
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    • 2013
  • This research starts based on the assumption that the changes of educational system in China which had been caused by accepting western educational system in the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China are indeed considered as a paradigm shift of educational system in China, This research aims first to investigate what kinds of problems and changes Chinese educational system confronted at that time and second to examine what kinds of implications such changes and problems of paradigm shift may have today in China. In order to achieve the goals of this research, I first researched changes and characteristics of educational paradigm shift occurred in the history of China. On the basis of those findings, I tried to analyze acculturation problems of Chinese educational system for that of western countries at that time, their implications in present time Chinese educational system, and the possibility of further paradigmatic shift in present Chinese education. In this paper, I assumed three historical paradigmatic shifts in educational system in China which had big influences on the foundation of Chinese education, such as the introduction of Confucian Thoughts, the introduction of Civil Examination System in Sui Dynasty, and lastly the introduction of western educational system in the late Qing Dynasty. The last paradigmatic shift occurred by the introduction of western education system into China was very different from the previous two paradigmatic shifts in China in that it was literally initiated by the world with cultures different from those of China, and that's why it is called Spatial Collision. It was also one of the many changes China had been forced to confront unvoluntarily. It was done for many other complicated factors such as the greed of western imperialistic countries, spreading of Christianity and missionary education, domestic resistance against long feudal reigning of Qing Dynasty, and lastly the intellect's eagerness for new knowledge and new ways of thinking. What is surely regretful for the paradigmatic shift of Chinese educational system was that it had been triggered by those many heterogeneous factors, thereby leading to such a sudden, entire and complete shift of Chinese education system. In addition, it was done without a deeper and further consideration of Chinese education system with thousand years of tradition. This situation could be understood to be an impetus strong enough to encourage the advent of a new paradigm propelled by rapid economic growth of China, many problems of western education system, reconsideration of Chinese tradition, and strengthening of women power in China, etc.

Biopolitics, Montage, and Potentialities of the Image: Giorgio Agamben and Cinema (생명정치, 몽타주, 이미지의 잠재성: 조르조 아감벤과 영화)

  • Kim, Jihoon
    • Cross-Cultural Studies
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    • v.49
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    • pp.59-93
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    • 2017
  • This paper provides an in-depth examination of the relationship between cinema and Giorgio Agamben's aesthetics and philosophy. Intersecting Agamben's key concepts including gesture, mediality, biopolitics, historicity, and profanation with historical and aesthetic dimensions of cinema, I argue for his ambivalent view on cinema and visual media. On the one hand, Agamben linked cinema and visual media to his discussion on biopolitics and spectacle as he considered them as apparatus for capturing and controlling gestures. On the other hand, he also argued that cinema could restore the image with capacity to preserve and recuperate gestures based on his consideration of montage as cinema's key aesthetic and technical component (an operation of profanation) and his Benjaminian thought on the ways in which montage suspended linear flow of images and activated an alternative memory of them. Drawing on history of cinema and optical devices in the 19th and early 20th centuries as well as examples of found footages of filmmaking predicated upon stoppage and repetition of images, I argue that Agamben's concept of potentialities can be extended into his thought on cinema and visual media apparatuses in general.

Planting Patterns and Landscape Redevelopement of Pilam Seowon in Jangseong-Gun (장성 필암서원(筆巖書院)의 식재현황과 정비방안)

  • Lee, Won-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.131-141
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    • 2011
  • This study, as a purpose of base study for landscape redevelopement of Seowon, pointed out problems of planting patterns in each sector and suggested an alternative through analyzing old literature, complete enumeration survey in each sector and taking aerial images. the conclusions drawn from this study are as follows. A Pilam Seowon(historic site no 242) is located in a Pyungya-Sanrok(plain and mountain) district in Jangsung-gun and has Junhak-Humyo(Study room in the front and Shirne in the back) type. 23 taxonomic group of arbor, 6 taxonomic group of shrub and 5 taxonomic group of flowers are planted high-densitily in limited flat surface. It can be classified into being planted by family and being planted through landscape redevelopement in 1980s. Korean traditional trees are planted in this area like Pinus densiflora, Juniperus chinensis L., Thuja orientalis L., Zelkova serrato Makino, Sophora japonica L., Lagerstroemia indica, Prunus mume include Ginkgo biloba which is old big tree and is registered in Jangsung-gun as protected trees. The tea tree in this area was introduced from wild tea plantation in Yonhwa moutain and was planted. From now on, we have to pay consideration a form management of planted trees in the historical area, rearrangement of plant density due to over planting, removal of alien trees like Pinus bungeana and Canna generalisa, prevention a dwarfishness of main area due to over planting in outside facilities, recovery a alienation among each planting area, and planting concept from plants drawings on wall of buildings can be suggested. The implications of this case study is that introduction of over planting can make more problems like losing sense of place. Therefore, we must do a actual state survey on traditional landscape area like Seowon from preservation point of view.

A Study on Comparison of the Color Characteristics in Traditional Streetscape between South Korea and China - Focused on Insadong Seoul and Xintiandi Shanghai- (한·중 전통을 주제로 한 가로경관색채 비교연구 - 서울 인사동, 상해 신천지(新天地)를 중심으로 -)

  • Shu, Joo Hwan;Zhu, Lin
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.97-105
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    • 2011
  • In the modern urban landscape design, historical and cultural factors are drawing more and more attention in addition to the factor of beauty. To evaluate an urban landscape design, it's quite important to explore the history and culture background of the city. Color of a city reflects the city characteristics and shows the city image. Color planning has become an important part of city landscape design nowadays. A harmonious landscape cannot be without a unified color planning. The color planning should take not only the integrity but also the regionality into consideration. Color planning has a profound impact on public life. This paper studies on streetscape color of two famous places which are Seoul Insa-dong and Shanghai Xintiandi. According to the empirical and comparative study, this paper will give on-site assessment and comprehensive evaluation. Furthermore, this paper will indicate the differences and similarities of the traditional Streetscape of South Korea and China, using the color theories of Korea Image Resource Institute. This survey results will be helpful to the urban landscape color planning.

A Critical Consideration of the Relationships between 'Academic Discipline', 'Subject', 'Subject Content', and 'Subject Matter Education': Focus on Science Education (학문, 교과, 교과내용, 교과교육 간 관계에 대한 비판적 고찰 -과학교육을 중심으로-)

  • Lee, Gyoungho
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.40 no.6
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    • pp.671-685
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study is to critically examine the relationship between 'academic disciplines', 'subject', 'subject content', and 'subject matter education' as an attempt to explore the meaning and identity of subject matter education. In this study, first, we looked at the origin of the 'separative' perspective, focusing on science education, and the effects of this perspective on the relationship between 'academic discipline', 'subject', 'subject content', and 'subject matter education'. In addition, the relationship between them was examined from 'essential-holistic' perspective. As a result of the study, it was found that the 'separative' perspective has limitations in grasping the organic and overall relationship between 'academic discipline', 'subject', 'subject content', and 'subject matter education'. Therefore, we need to overcome the existing 'separative' perspective in order to go beyond the current horizon. On the other hand, the 'essential-holistic' perspective shows a close relationship that is not essentially separated between 'academic discipline', 'subject', 'subject content', and 'subject matter education'. It is expected as a perspective that can help solve the teacher education problem caused by the 'separative' perspective.

Consideration of Korean Ajaeng and Chinese Yazheng Based on Organology (한국 아쟁(牙箏)과 중국 알쟁(軋箏)의 악기학적 고찰)

  • Lee, You-Jung
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.14 no.7
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    • pp.217-226
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    • 2020
  • Ajaeng is the bowed string instrument among zither instruments in East Asia, which has a circular form to date, and it has established itself as an important instrument in today's creative Gugak along with traditional music. Looking at previous prior studies, musical instrument studies have not been actively conducted due to insufficient data from musical history studies, and this study looked at the origin, form of musical instrument, and performance methods of zither bowed string instrument through historical records of Chinese Yazheng and music drawings. The analysis of various documents showed that Ajaeng originated from an ancient Chinese traditional musical instrument called Chuk. In terms of the performance style, the Chinese Yazheng had different musical forms depending on the purpose and location of the performance, and there was a method of standing up and fixing the musical instrument horizontally to the ground. Ajaeng in Korea has been handed down without much change in the form of musical instruments introduced in China during the Goryeo Dynasty and the way they sit on the floor and play on a pedestal. Through this study, we hope that it will help to preserve and develop traditional music and Korean traditional musical instruments by enhancing understanding of musical.