• Title/Summary/Keyword: Height Plan

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Estimation of the Three-dimensional Vegetation Landscape of the Donhwamun Gate Area in Changdeokgung Palace through the Rubber Sheeting Transformation of (<동궐도(東闕圖)>의 러버쉬팅변환을 통한 창덕궁 돈화문 지역의 입체적 식생 경관 추정)

  • Lee, Jae-Yong
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.51 no.2
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    • pp.138-153
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze , which was made in the late Joseon Dynasty to specify the vegetation landscape of the Donhwamun Gate area in Changdeokgung Palace. The study results can be summarized as below. First, based on "Jieziyuan Huazhuan(芥子園畵傳)", the introductory book of tree expression delivered from China in the 17th century, allowed the classification criteria of the trees described in the picture to be established and helped identify their types. As a result of the classification, there were 10 species and 50 trees in the Donhwamun Gate area of . Second, it was possible to measure the real size of the trees described in the picture through the elevated drawing scale of . The height of the trees ranged from a minimum of 4.37 m to a maximum of 22.37 m. According to the measurement results, compared to the old trees currently living in Changdeokgung Palace, the trees described in the picture were found to be produced in almost actual size without exaggeration. Thus, the measured height of the trees turned out to be appropriate as baseline data for reproduction of the vegetation landscape. Third, through the Rubber Sheeting Transformation of , it was possible to make a ground plan for the planting of on the current digital topographic map. In particular, as the transformed area of was departmentalized and control points were added, the precision of transformation improved. It was possible to grasp the changed position of planting as well as the change in planting density through a ground plan of planting of . Lastly, it was possible to produce a three-dimensional vegetation landscape model by using the information of the shape of the trees and the ground plan for the planting of . Based on the three-dimensional model, it was easy to examine the characteristics of the three-dimensional view of the current vegetation via the view axis, skyline, and openness to and cover from the adjacent regions at the level of the eyes. This study is differentiated from others in that it verified the realism of and suggested the possibility of ascertaining the original form of the vegetation landscape described in the painting.

A Study on the Predictional Model for Accuracy of Earthwork Calculation by Digtal Terrain Model (수치지형모델에 의한 토공양계산 정확도의 예측모델에 관한 연구)

  • 오창수
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.49-58
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    • 1987
  • The use of digital terrain model has been enlarged in calculating the earthwork due to the development of aerial photogrammetry. The calculation of earthwork plays a major role in plan or design of many civil engineering projects, and thus it has become very important to advance the accuracy of earthwork calculation. In this study, I have made an analysis of influences which DTM makes on the height accuracy of data ; on the basis of the analysis, we can develop the predictive model formula of profile shape coefficients by which the accuracy of earthwork can he preestimated in practical design according to data density of terrain, making thereby good contribution to the calculation of both earthwork amount and its expenses. This study shows that the accuracy of earthwork is more affected by the distances of cross-sections than by data density and that the effects by the standard errors of height decrease in proportion as the distances of cross-sections are great It also shows that when the prediction model formula of profile shape coefficients is applied to ordinary cases, the differences between the predicted earthwork errors and the errors by ordinary est imation are at 0.8374~3.1437$cm^3$/m, on flat terrain and 1.5628~6.967$cm^3$/m, on mountainous terrain-so little as to be ignored ; thus it can be safely ascertained that the accurate earthwork errors can be predicted applying the prediction model formula made in this study.

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A study of Improvement on the Road Drainage Poor Site (도로배수 취약구간의 개선방안에 대한 연구)

  • Lee, Man-Seok;Kim, Heung-Rae;Lee, Kyung-Ha;Kang, Min-Soo;Song, Min-Tae
    • International Journal of Highway Engineering
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.125-131
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    • 2011
  • This research aims to investigate the cause of the occurrence of a weak road drainage section scientifically and specifically through a site survey for a poorly drained section occurring due to rainfalls during road operation. This paper deeply reviewed the existing research results and current situation data on the poorly drained sections accumulated in Korea Expressway Corporation in order to investigate the cause of the occurrence of a weak road drainage section, and deeply verified and analyzed the weak sections for the road surface drainage facilities and the other road drainage facilities by visiting the expressway controlled by the 6 local headquarters and 33 branches of Korea Expressway Corporation. As a result of site surveys for the weak road drainage sections, i) in a road surface section, occurrence of ponding in the road shoulder pavement due to slope changes, bad collection of water in the collecting well at a median strip, shortage of road shoulder dike height, and inferior construction, etc. was analyzed to be the main cause of the occurrence of poorly drained sections, and ii) in a road neighborhood section, the occurrence of pavement height difference in a main road and shoulder section due to inferior ditches on a slope and the bad drain age at the inlet and outlet of a culvert due to soil deposits, debris, etc. were analyzed to be the main cause of the occurrence of weak sections. Proposed as a plan to improve the poorly drainage section of road were i)calculation of capacity through material changes at the ditch, enhancement of vertical sections and hydraulic analysis in terms of construction and other aspects, ii)derivation of a combined slope considering a slope and a vertical linearity and maintenance of proper distance between drainage structures in a vertical concave section in terms of geometrical structure, and iii)calculation of the drainage facility installation interval using a minutely rainfall intensity formula and a non-uniform flow analysis technique in terms of hydraulics and hydrologics and prompt removal of rainfalls from the road surface according to a linear drainage method.

Population decline cause of Scirpus planiculmis and its restoration plan in Han River Wetland Conservation Area, South Korea (한강하구 습지보호지역에서 새섬매자기 개체군의 쇠퇴 원인과 복원 방안)

  • You, Young-Han
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.165-172
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    • 2008
  • In order to clarify the factors that diminish the population size of Scirpus planicumis in Han River Esturay Wetland Conservation Area of South Korea, I analysed the autoecological traits of competitive hydrophytes over the species, compared the performance ability of Scirpus planicum group inhabited between in soil-accumulated site and in soil-unaccumulated site, and suggested the management strategy of restoration of this plant based on the field survey. Scirpus planicumis had lower competitive ability than other hydrophyte such as Phragmites australis, Zonia latifolia, Typha augustifola. in terms of dry matter production, height, and reproductive regime. S. planicumis group in soil-accumulated site had lower tuber production, lower vegetative and reproductive production than that of in soil-unaccumulated site, and plant height was shorter in soil-accumulated than in soil-unaccumulated condition. Tuber was appeared in lower soil depth within 15cm in laboratory condition. These results indicated that soil-accumulated condition is the dominant factor caused the decreasing of population size of S. planicumis. It was urgently suggested that constructing a water ways to removed accumulated soil layer is need to restore the population size of S. planiculmus in this wetland.

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On the Reclamation Earthwork Calculation using the Hermite and Spline Function (Hermite와 Spline 함수를 이용한 매립토공량 계산)

  • Mun, Du-Yeoul;Lee, Yong-Hee;Lee, Mun-Jae
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.473-479
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    • 2002
  • The estimation of the volume of a pit excavation is often required in many surveying, soil mechanics, highway applications and transportation engineering situations. The calculation of earthwork plays a major role in plan or design of many civil engineering projects such as seashore reclamation, and thus it has become very important to improve the accuracy of earthwork calculation. In this paper the spot height method, proposed formulas(A, B, C), and chen and Line method are compared with the volumes of the pits in these examples. And we proposed an algorithm of finding a terrain surface with the free boundary conditions and both direction spline method drawback, i.e., the modeling curves form peak points at the joints. To avoid this drawback, the cubic spline polynomial was chosen as the methematical model of the new method. From the characteristics of the cubic spline polynomial, the modeling curve of the new method was smooth and matched the ground profile well. As a result of this study, algorithm of proposed three methods to estimate pit excavation volume provided a better accuracy than spot height, chamber, chen and Lin method. And the mathematical model mentioned makes is thought to give a maximum acccuracy in estimating the volume of a pit excavation.

An Analysis of Accidents in the Expressway Structure Construction (고속도로 구조물공사의 안전사고 특성분석)

  • Huh, Woon-Chan;Kim, Young-Ai;Hwang, Uk-Sun;Kim, Yong-Su
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.97-104
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    • 2010
  • The expressway construction work is being recently diversified even the working environments and the working kinds due to getting large scale, complexity, and high technology. The accidents are increasing according to large scale even in construction equipment and to a rise in high-ground work, thereby being required an effort of reducing accidents. However, it is insufficient in a means of coping with the technically safety management of using specific and scientific method. In order to prevent accident, a specific plan is needed that can apply each in variables to safety management by analyzing the accident types and accident factors with statistical method. Accordingly, this study carried out investigate on accidents for 12 years in the expressway construction work, and aimed to analyze characteristics on the accident type and conversion disaster-victim number according to factors with occurrence of accidents. Thus, the empirical analysis was performed. As a result of research, first, as a result of verifying significant difference with accident type by accident factor, the significant difference was shown between a cause for occurrence of accident and height with occurrence of accident. Second, among factors by period, the time with occurrence of accident was indicated to have significant difference from conversion disaster-victim number. Among factors by work condition, the cause for occurrence of accident, the height with occurrence of accident, and the type with occurrence of accident were indicated to have significant difference from conversion disaster-victim number. What suggested by analyzing characteristics in these factors and variables has important significance as a countermeasure for safety management.

A comparative study on the change of postoperative facial hard tissue profile after maxillary rotational surgery (하악전돌증 환자의 양악 수술 시 상악골 후상방 회전이동 여부에 따른 안면부 경조직 변화량에 대한 비교 연구)

  • Kim, Uk-Kyu;Lee, Sung-Tak;Kim, Tae-Hoon;Song, Jae-Min;Hwang, Dae-Seok;Chung, In-Kyo
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons
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    • v.37 no.4
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    • pp.264-271
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    • 2011
  • Purpose: This study evaluated retrospectively the postsurgical facial hard tissue profile of a Le Fort I osteotomy with/without posterior impaction and rigid internal fixation to correct mandibular prognathism. After observing a difference between the two groups, this measurement was used to prepare a treatment plan for 2-jaw surgery. Patients and Methods: Thirty patients who had undergone orthognathic surgery in Pusan National University Dental Hospital were enrolled in this study. Fifteen patients were treated using a Le Fort I osteotomy with posterior impaction and mandibular setback bilateral sagittal split ramus osteotomy, and the other fifteen patients were treated without posterior impaction. The preoperative (T0), immediate postoperative (T1) and six-month follow-up period (T2) cephalograms were taken and difference between T1-T0 and T2-T2 was analyzed. Results: Both groups was FH-ABp, SNB and ANB showed significant changes in the measurement, whereas only the posterior impaction group showed a change in the SN-U1, occlusal plane, posterior facial height, surgical movement difference from the L1 and B-point. There was no significant statistical change between the immediate postoperative (T1) and six-month follow-up (T2) hard tissue analysis in the two groups. Conclusion: A Le Fort I osteotomy with posterior impaction is considerable for patients with a flat occlusal plane angle, large posterior facial height, prominent B-point, pogonion and labioversed incisal inclination if the indications are well chosen.

Management Strategies of Local Cold Air in Jeongmaek for utilizing urban Ventilation Corridor - A Case Study of the Nak-nam Jeongmaek - (바람길 활용을 위한 정맥의 찬공기 관리 방안 - 낙남정맥을 사례로 -)

  • EUM, Jeong-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.154-167
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    • 2019
  • As urban heat environment problems occur due to climate change, urban thermal environmental problems such as heat waves and tropical nights are becoming more serious in cities. In South Korea, forest areas favorable for generating cold air account for about 63 percent of the land area. Furthermore, the Jeongmaek, the axis of the main mountain ranges of Korea, is located close to the cities. Hence, the management of cold air is an effective way to improve the thermal environment of Korean cities. We selected the Nak-nam Jeongmaek located in the southern part of Korean Peninsular as well as two cities (Jinju-si and Sancheong-gun) located at the Jeongmaek to analyze its cold air characteristics and suggest management strategies of cold air. We used KALM (Kaltluftabflussmodell), a cold air simulation model developed in Germany and identified both the cold air flow and the height of cold air layer generated during 6 hours at night. As a result, the cold air flow generated in the Jeongmaek became clear and the height of cold air layer increased with time. Based on the results, we proposed management plans to maintain and expand the cold air flow. For example, forest areas with active cold air generation were designated as 'cold air conservation areas', and areas requiring management for good cold air flow were as 'cold air management areas'. This study is expected to be useful for establishing systematic urban ventilation plan to improve thermal environment in Korea cities.

A Study on the Smoke Removal Equipment in Plant Facilities Using Simulation (시뮬레이션을 이용한 플랜트 시설물 제연설비에 관한 연구)

  • Doo Chan Choi;Min Hyeok Yang;MIn Hyeok Ko;Su Min Oh
    • Journal of the Society of Disaster Information
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.40-46
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    • 2024
  • Purpose: In this study, in order to ensure the evacuation safety of plant facilities, we analyze the relationship between the height of smoke removal boundary walls, the presence or absence of smoke removal equipment, and evacuation safety. Method: Using fire and evacuation simulations, evacuation safety was analyzed through changes in the height of the smoke removal boundary wall, air supply volume and exhaust volume according to vertical dista. Result: In the case of visible drawings, if only 0.6m of boundary wall is used, the time below 5m reaches the shortest, and 1.2m of boundary width is 20% longer than when using smoke removal facilities. In the case of temperature, 1.2m is 20% longer than 0.6m when only the boundary width is used without smoke removal facilities. Conclusion: It was found that increasing the length of the smoke removal boundary wall could affect visibility, and installing a smoke removal facility would affect temperature. Therefore, it is determined that an appropriate smoke removal plan and smoke removal equipment should be installed in consideration of the process characteristics.

Current Status of the 3-D Spatial Information Systems for Local Government and Their Revitalization Plan (지자체 3차원 공간정보시스템의 현황 및 활성화 방향에 관한 연구)

  • Yun, Jeong-Mi;Kim, Tae-Woo;Suh, Yong-Cheol
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.22-32
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    • 2011
  • The 3-D spatial information systems are effective for systematical urban management and civil administration. They have more visibility than the 2-D spatial information systems with height information. However, the 3-D spatial information systems for local government were developed by central government's master plan of national spatial informatization. It means that the systems are biased toward the 3-D viewing as the visibility like a 3-D display and simulation, without reflected distinct characteristics of the local society. In order to utilize municipalities'3-D spatial information systems efficiently, above all, we have to understand the current status of municipalities'3-D spatial information systems and then have to search the ways applying actively. Therefore, we reviewed the current 3-D spatial information systems and discussed the development directions with central government's national spatial informatization master plans in order to perform properly on the 3-D spatial information system's excellent functions. We analyzed each system characteristics based on the applicability to civil administration which has the potential usage of spatial information. Additionally we suggested the development directions of 3-D spatial information systems for municipalities'through reviewing which civil administrative tasks 3-D spatial information can be applied. The consideration was based on the user demand research of the 3-D spatial information system in Chungcheongnam-do.