• Title/Summary/Keyword: Global citizen education

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Direction of Global Citizenship Education in the Age of Infodemic : A Case Study of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Korea

  • Jisu Park
    • International journal of advanced smart convergence
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.82-91
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    • 2023
  • In 2020 when the COVID-19 pandemic began in full-scale, the WHO Director-General warned of the dangers of an infodemic. The infodemic is a phenomenon in which false information spreads rapidly like an epidemic and causes chaos, and it was noted that the COVID-19 pandemic is not just limited to health problems, but also linked to a variety of issues such as human rights, economic inequality, various discrimination, hate speech, fake news, global governance etc. In the field of education, it is necessary to think about how to connect this global situation with school classes. Accordingly, this study suggested the direction for global citizenship education by analyzing how the infodemic spreads on Korean social media with the case of the recent global COVID-19 pandemic. According to the research results, the rate of negative emotions was higher than positive ones in the emotions that generate infodemic, while anxiety and anger were focused among negative emotions. In addition, the infodemic tended to spread widely with the feelings of anger rather than anxiety, and the feelings of anger led to advocating aggressive policies against certain country and regions. Therefore, global citizenship education is required to focus on a sense of duty and responsibility as a citizen, not on the level of national identity based on an exclusive sense of belonging. Furthermore, global citizenship education needs to lead to presenting a blueprint for education in a way that can enhance the awareness of the global community for joint response to global challenges and realize common prosperity based on sustainability and justice.

A Study on Science-related Affective Characteristic and Perception of Measurement of Elementary Students Who Participated in Citizen Science Activities (시민과학 활동에 참여한 초등학생들의 과학 관련 정의적 특성 및 측정에 대한 인식 분석)

  • Shin, Jung-Yun;Park, Sang-Woo
    • Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education
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    • v.39 no.2
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    • pp.168-182
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    • 2020
  • This study investigated how elementary students' science-related affective characteristics and their perception of measurement changed following participation in citizen science activities through a GLOBE program. Before and after the activities, test of positive experiences about science (PES) and perception of measurement were conducted with twelve fourth grade students. In addition, the teacher who participated in the GLOBE program with students observed and recorded the students' involvement, conversation and behavior to qualitatively analyze the value of the program and the students' perceptions of measurement. After the end of the program, an open questionnaire was conducted to fill any gaps in these observations. The results showed that citizen science activities had a positive impact on elementary students' science-related affective characteristics. In all areas of PES test, the post-test scores were higher than the pre-test results, and a statistically significant difference was seen in the 'science learning motivation' area. Furthermore, students' perception of the value and meaning of measurements was seen to deepen through ongoing global environmental data measurement activities. And their understanding of various units of measurement and numerous situations in which they might need to make measurements was also elaborated.

Study on the Direction of Development Education for Global Citizenship in Geography Education (지리교육에서 세계시민의식 함양을 위한 개발교육의 방향 연구)

  • Lee, Tae-Joo;Kim, Da-Won
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.45 no.2
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    • pp.293-317
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    • 2010
  • With deepening globalization, various problems happening all over the world have not been limited to a country any more, but have had an influence over neighboring countries and international community. To deal with these problems international cooperation is getting important. Thus, over the existing individual- and state-centered thought, the alternative education is required to teach how to make a sustainable society and what to do for living together. In particular, current students are asked to be equipped with proper knowledge and attitude since they are to live as a global citizen beyond the Korean citizen in globalized era. This study analyzes the status of development education in other countries and in Korea, and it also suggests the use of terminology, approach to teaching, educational contents, and last but not least how to link the regular school curriculum in elementary, middle, high school.

A Study on Global Leadership Education by Analysis of Korean Youths' Educational Experiences and Their Global Leadership Competencies (청소년 글로벌 리더십 교육의 문제점과 방향 논의 -글로벌 리더십 역량 및 교육 경험 분석을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Da-Won
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.477-492
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze korean youths' educational experiences and their global leadership competencies and to present good methods for global leadership education. In this global society, students are required to be proactive global leaders. To achieve the research goal, I used the methods of literature review and survey, To conduct the survey, I selected 200 9-grade students in Kyonggie Do. The questionaires were composed of 2 parts such as global perspective and cultural literacy, The research results are as follows. First, students should have a vision as a global citizen. Second, they should develop problem-solving skills of global issues, Third, other cultures learning should be strengthened. Fourth, diversification of cultural diversity education should be accomplished. Fifth, education of awareness of global society, global issues, and other cultures rather than only languages learning for global leadership education should be accomplished. Sixth, global education in geography education should be strengthened.

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A Study on the Consumers' Role in the Local Food System (지역식량체계에서 소비자의 역할에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Jong-Duk
    • The Korean Journal of Community Living Science
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.617-627
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    • 2007
  • The problems of agriculture and food production in Korea are serious. These problems were brought about by the global food system. In this system, farmers and consumers are disconnected. The distance between food production on the farm to the consumer's table is too long. Farmers can not survive as their food dollar is steadily decreasing. Consumers have to eat old, unclean, and poor-quality foods because the foods do not come from nearby farms. They do not know where their food has come from or by whom their food was grown. In order to solve these problems, the transition from the global food system to a local food system is imperative. In a local food system, farmers and consumers are connected and they can help each other. This study identifies the consumers' role in the local food system. They are the purchasers of local food. They are active participants both in producing and distributing local food, and in taking part in the local food movement. Above all, they are the teachers of the younger generation consumers. While consumers in the global food system are passive, those in the local food system are active. We call the former "food illiterates" and the latter "food citizens." In order to revitalize the local food system, consumers must be food citizens, and therefore, consumer education is necessary. There are several interdependent media forms available for consumer education such as field trips, farm experiences, education for returning to the farm, and food education.

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Development of Content System in Practical Problem-Based Home Economics Global Citizenship Education Program for Elementary School Students (실천적 문제 중심 프로그램 개발 과정에 따른 초등 가정과 세계시민교육 내용체계 개발)

  • Kwon, Boeun;Yu, Nan Sook
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.35 no.4
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    • pp.81-98
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    • 2023
  • The purpose of this study is to develop the global citizenship education program content system in the context of the 2022 revised home economics curriculum, recognizing the need for global citizenship education. The study is grounded in practical problem-based program. In the analysis stage, the educational trend requiring global citizenship education in the national curriculum was elucidated by analyzing the 2022 revised curriculum documents and future education documents related to global citizenship education. A framework for global citizenship education goals within home economics curriculum was designed. Accordingly, the educational goal of this curriculum, "Cultivation of family competencies linked to global citizenship competencies," was established by posing the perennial question, "As a global citizen, what actions should I take for sustainable choices related to the living environment?" In the design stage, four key ideas in the "Living Environment and Sustainable Choices" domain of the 2022 revised home economics curriculum for elementary school were analyzed to derive practical problems. In the development stage, content elements were derived based on four criteria. This study is significant in analyzing the need for global citizenship education within home economics context by analyzing documents related to global citizenship competencies for the future and examining the 2022 revised curriculum's general framework and home economics education curriculum.

Case Study of the Image Generative AI Hands-on for UN SDGs Global Citizenship Education (UN SDGs 세계시민교육을 위한 이미지 생성AI 활용사례 연구)

  • Hanjin Lee;Ye-eun Lee;Juwon Yun
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.10 no.6
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    • pp.263-269
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    • 2024
  • Amidst the global challenges of climate crisis, warfare, and escalating inequality, the pursuit of achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) has become increasingly imperative. Consequently, research into effective pedagogical methodologies from the student perspective continues to gain momentum. Particularly, with the advancement of generative AI technologies, the potential for leveraging such tools in providing global citizenship education to the youth is garnering attention. This study implemented and emphatically analyzed an artificial intelligence educational program focused on the creation of sustainable urban spaces under the UN Academic Impact(UNAI). The findings indicated a high level of literacy pertaining to global citizen AI education, evidenced by increased interest, satisfaction, and recommendation intention. Furthermore, the study observed an enhancement in digital interactions through the processes of posting, viewing, and real-time discussions of the created works with Generative AI such as the ChatGPT, Midjourney, and Stable Diffusion. Through these instances, the study proposes the development of HTHT curricula that enhance creative thinking, collaborative growth, and analytical capabilities.

A Study on the Development and Implementation of a Global Citizenship Education Program Based on Storytelling (스토리텔링을 활용한 세계시민교육 프로그램의 개발 및 적용 연구)

  • Park, Jihyun;Lee, Yekyung
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.18 no.9
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    • pp.55-68
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study was to develop a global citizenship education (GCE) program nurturing responsibility and proactive attitude as a global citizen. A storytelling based GCE program was developed using stories stimulating empathy, immersion, reflection, and change of perspective regarding global issues. An 8 hour program was developed, and implemented on 11th grade students (n=40). Students either listened to stories told by the teacher, or created stories on their own. Paired t-test results indicated an overall increase in global citizenship and interest in learning it. This study demonstrates that storytelling methods can help students understand abstract content easily by presenting it in a concrete way with context, increase fun in learning, and enable the use of various instructional strategies and media sources.

Global Health Nursing Competency and Multicultural Acceptance Among Nursing Students (간호대학생의 국제보건간호역량과 다문화 수용성)

  • Ko, Jeong-A;Kim, Heeyoung
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.22 no.10
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    • pp.383-391
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    • 2022
  • This study was aimed at investigating relationship between global health nursing competency and multicultural acceptance of nursing students. The subjects were 145 nursing students from a university, and data were collected from June 8 to 19, 2020. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA, Pearson's correlation coefficient, and regression. The subjects' global health nursing competency was 2.81±1.11 points (four-point scale) and multicultural acceptance was 3.84±0.68 points (six-point scale). Global health nursing competency differed according to gender and degree of preparation as a global nurse, and multicultural acceptance differed according to gender, multicultural education experience, and degree of preparation as a global nurse. Global health nursing competency had a positive correlation with multicultural acceptance (r=.18, p=.027), and it was showed that multicultural acceptance affected global health nursing competency (B=.29, p=.027). To be prepared as a global nurse, it is necessary to enhance the global citizen insight about multicultural experiences.

Civil-Military Relations and Military Leadership (민군관계와 국방리더십의 발전방향)

  • Son, Su-Tae
    • Journal of National Security and Military Science
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    • s.4
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    • pp.119-156
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    • 2006
  • Now it is not useful the theory about civil-military relationship that have been analysed for power games between military and civilians Korean society is going on governance society managed by cooperating network of government, civilian society and business market These social change require for new context about civil-Military relationship. Military leadership must contribute desirable civil-military relationship This study will suggest the direction about military leadership for desirable civil-military relationship. Now political issues about military intervention to the government are almost settled, but the worry about complications between military and civilians exist in the part of low issues like policy-making. Another important issues is military leadership about the style of social-being. In recent years, social change is very complex and speedy like global networking and diversity, leadership environment also, changed like leadership paradigm shift. Military leadership must be examined from the principle to the context of social integration At the present age, individual soldier is citizen in uniformed. Also military leadership must to seek the principle in the citizen mind like citizenship. Another charactristics of present day military is influence of high technogy. For the high-tech war military need the transition about science and technology from the whole society. In the context of above the development of military leadership are suggested as follows. First, the development of military control leadership must besought to the context of cooperation between government and military. Government must provide the system to strengthen military professionals in the process of policy-making about national security Second, military leadership must embody the important social values through the advanced military making, Third, military leadership must provide the adaptability to the society through the military education of their soldiers Forth, military leadership must be contributed to the social integration and to the growing up individual soldiers like their socialization and their achievement. Five, an important subject of military leadership is the creation of desirable military culture through the harmony of social culture and military culture.

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