• Title/Summary/Keyword: Geography of Korea

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Comparison of Spatial Optimization Techniques for Solving Visibility Location Problem (가시권 문제를 위한 공간최적화 기법 비교 연구)

  • Kim, Young-Hoon
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.156-170
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    • 2006
  • Determining the best visibility positions on terrain surface has been one of the frequently used analytical issues in GIS visibility analysis and the search for a solution has been carried out effectively using spatial search techniques. However, the spatial search process provides operational and methodological challenges for finding computational algorithms suitable for solving the best visibility site problem. For this problem, current GIS visibility analysis has not been successful due to limited algorithmic structure and operational performance. To meet these challenges, this paper suggests four algorithms explored robust search techniques: an extensive iterative search technique; a conventional solution based on the Tornqvist algorithm; genetic algorithm; and simulated annealing technique. The solution performance of these algorithms is compared on a set of visibility location problems and the experiment results demonstrate the useful feasibility. Finally, this paper presents the potential applicability of the new spatial search techniques for GIS visibility analysis by which the new search algorithms are of particular useful for tackling extensive visibility optimization problems as the next GIS analysis tool.

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An epidemiologic study on the seropositive rate of hepatitis A virus among a selected group of children and adults in Busan (부산지역 소아 및 성인의 A형 간염 바이러스 항체 양성률에 대한 역학적 조사)

  • Kwon, Young Ok;Choi, Im Jeong;Jung, Jin Wha;Park, Ji Hyun
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • v.50 no.3
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    • pp.262-267
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    • 2007
  • Purpose : The prevalence of hepatitis A virus (HAV) in a certain community reflects that community's living standards and hygienic conditions. And the pattern of HAV infection differs over time and geography. Recently, a shift in prevalence has been observed in cases from chilhood to adulthood. We studied the HAV antibody prevalence in the general population in Busan. Methods : From October 2004 to March 2005, total 472 subjects were tested for HAV antibodies. All samples were collected from patients in Maryknol Hospital. Results : The overall seropositive rate was 22.8% (108/472). The seropositive rates were 1.7% in subjects aged 2-5 years, 1.7% in 6-10 years, 0% in 11-20 years, 40.5% in 21-30 years, 82.1% in 31-40 years, 94.7% in 41-50 years, and 100% in subjects aged over 50 years. There was no significant gap between gender groups. Conclusion : As the socioeconomic conditions in Korea have improved, the HAV seropositive rate in school-aged children has dramatically decreased in the last 20 years. But, the seropositive rate of HAV didn't differ according to gender. The seropositive rate of HAV in the pediatric group was very low, which suggests the increasing possibility of clinical HAV infection in adults in the near future. Therefore, we should actively prevent the spread of hepatits A virus. In order to do that, we need to reorganize our lifestyle and personel hygiene and carry out active and passive immunization to high risk groups.

Growth of Korean Shipbuilding-Allied Industries and Regional Implications (우리 나라 조선관련산업의 성장과 지역적 함의)

  • Woo, Youn-Sub
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.53-65
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    • 2003
  • The aim of this study is to examine the regional features of shipbuilding-allied industries comprehensively. Inaddition, this study would offer groundwork to construct spatial networks of shipbuilding-allied industries. Relatively in short term, large modem shipbuilding firms of South Korea have developed under the national strategic support, around southeast coast region. Although small shipbuilding firms and marine equipment firms have supported regional economy, these firms have scaled down their functions and roles due to the national policy. In the long tenn, Korean shipbuilding-allied industries have limitations in stable development, because they have separated their roles. Consequently it is necessary the balanced development of large, medium, and small shipbuilding firms and linkage system with marine equipment firms for overall development of shipbuilding-allied industries. This study suggests two spatial strategy for shipbuilding-allied industries development. First, we need to construct a shipbuilding specialization area which agglomerates competent parts firms adjacent to large shipyards. Second, in national strategy, a long term strategy is required to utilize extremely synergy and external effects induced from a shipbuilding duster of southeast coast region which systematically combines shipbuilding-allied industries, universities, the government authorities, and research institutions.

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Typology of Deteriorated Hiking Trails in Mountain National Parks of Korea (산악 국립공원 등산로의 훼손 유형과 요인)

  • Kim, Tae-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.416-431
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    • 2011
  • Hiking trails in Mt Jiri, and Mt Halla, National Park have been examined in terms of their degrading factors. The trails are deteriorated by natural erosion processes as well as human trampling. Trail deterioration is classified into tread lowering, sidewall retreat, path widening and divergence based upon a place where erosional processes occur. Tread lowering and sidewall retreat is generally produced by natural erosion factors, whereas path widening and divergence is generated by human trampling. Rainwash is the most contributing process to tread lowering. By contrast, several processes such as rainwash, needle ice action, deflation, tree falling and animal activity play a major role in sidewall retreat according to physical conditions of a hiking trail. Path widening and divergence could be classified by a factor producing human trampling. There are lots of cases related to rainwash such as the tree root, gravel, and bedrock, exposed by a surface flow lowering a tread and the riser produced by tread scouring. A puddle of rainwater on a flat tread and a fallen tree of Abies koreana in a forest region are also major factors to cause path widening and divergence. A paved tread with stones encourages a hiker to walk out of a trail. Taking a shortcut also results in path widening and divergence without a factor giving a hiker inconvenience on a trail.

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Analysis of Quaternary Sedimentary Environment based on 3D Geological Modeling for Saban-ri, Haeri-myeon, Gochang (고창군 해리면 사반리 일대 3차원 지질모델링을 활용한 제4기 퇴적환경분석)

  • Shin, Haein;Yu, Jaehyung;Bae, Sungji;Yang, Dongyoon;Han, Min
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.49 no.4
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    • pp.291-299
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    • 2016
  • This study examined stratigraphic research containing extreme climate event during Quaternary period in Saban-ri, Haeri-myeon, Gochang by constructing 3D topographic model and 3D geological model. As a result of 3D topographic model and subsurface geological model, the geology of study area accumulated bedrock, Pleistocene series, and Holocene series chronologically. Most of the study area consist of bedrock on basement and Holocene series on upper layer. Additionally, Pleistocene series are presented as lens-shaped deposit on eastern part, and wedge-shaped deposit on northeastern part. Holocene layers consist of sand and clay-silt layer deposited sequentially where implies fluvial deposits on transgression environment. Distinctively, Pleistocene clayey silt layer and Holocene sand layer on eastern are observed as pond shape deposits that are considered as storm-related deposits originated from overwash system caused by extreme paleoclimate.

Water Depth Change Caused by Artificial Structures in Geum River Estuary: Spatio-Temporal Evaluation Based on GIS (금강하구에서 인공 구조물에 의한 수심 변화 : GIS 기반의 시.공간 평가)

  • Lee, Hyun-Hee;Um, Jung-Sup
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.42 no.1 s.118
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    • pp.121-132
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    • 2007
  • This paper examines the spatial and temporal variability in the water depth caused by artificial structures in Geum Estuary of South Korea. Water depth data set extracted from marine maps of 1979, 1990, 1996 and 2004 were used in a GIS to derive volumetric estimates of gains and losses of sedimentary material. Artificial structures caused above 2m in water depth to be shallow between 1979 and 2002 in the estuary system, particularly through disturbance of a natural transport in suspended sediment concentrations. The mutt significant change in suspended sediment transport were observed in area affected by embankment for fresh water, inducing the water depth shallower than before in almost 80% of the area. This was probably because of an continuous abundant mud supply from coastal river oven after blocking the fresh water. The spatial analysis made it possible to identify area wide patterns of water depth change subject to many different type of artificial structures, which tanner be acquired by traditional field sampling. It is anticipated thai this research could be used as a valuable reference to confirm the outputs from past field researches for sedimental process in more visual and quantitative manner.

An Efficient Image Retrieval Method Using Informations for Location and Direction of Outdoor Images (outdoor image의 촬영 위치와 방향 정보를 이용한 효율적인 영상 검색방법)

  • Han, Gi-Tae;Suh, Chang-Duk
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartB
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    • v.14B no.5
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    • pp.329-336
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    • 2007
  • In this paper we propose both the construction of image DB including information on the shooting location and direction of the captured outdoor images and the efficient retrieval method from the DB. Furthermore, for the automatic extraction of the location and direction information, we suggest to have the Digital Camera equipped with an expandable GPS modulo which has a function to calculate the location and direction and also to utilize GPS IFD tags in the EXIF. Then that will make it possible for us to retrieve quickly and precisely the target image with its geography and other objects on the ground included. In the previous retrieval method based only on the location, we eel some extra useless images due to the fact that all the images in the ROI(Region Of Interest) are searched on one condition, radius. However, with the proposed method in this paper, we can not only retrieve all the images selectively within the ROI but also achieve nearly 100% of precision when we search for the target images within DOI(Direction Of Interest) with another condition, direction, added. Applying this method to an image retrieval system, we can classify or retrieve natural images based on the location and direction information, which, in turn, will be vitally useful to diverse industrial fields such as disaster alarm system, fire and disaster prevention system, traffic information system, and so forth.

The Change Process of River Management Policy and the Factors of Dam and River-mouth Weir's Problems in Japan (일본 하천관리정책의 변화과정과 댐.하구언 문제의 요인)

  • Ito, Tatsuya;Lee, Chul Woo
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.176-188
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    • 2014
  • Since the late 1990s, a nationwide movement against dam and river-mouth weir plans in Japan has been promoted with a movement against a river-mouth weir for the Nagara river(長良川). This movement has been a catalyst for institutional frameworks on the central government's dam and river-mouth weir plans. Subsequently, water resource and river management policies have entered a new phase, with provinces governors's participation in "Statements on withdrawal from dam and river-mouth weir" as well as the seizing of power by the Democratic Party. However, problems with dams and river-mouth weirs have been confused due to poor countermeasures from the Democratic Party and to the Liberal Democratic Party(LDP)'s return to power. The fundamental causes on this situation are the non-establishment of fiscal norms for public projects and the rigidity of the water-right allocation system in Jananese policy-making processes. To successfully settle future policy on water resources and rivers, the first priority is to prepare specific institutional frameworks on finance of public projects and to organize a practical policy coordination system among government organizations. These policy tasks provide implications for river and water management policy in Korea.

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Reconstruction of the Volcanic Lake in Hanon Volcano Using the Spatial Statistical Techniques (공간통계기법을 이용한 하논화산의 화구호 복원)

  • Choi Kwang-Hee;Yoon Kwang-Sung;Kim Jong-Wook
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.41 no.4 s.115
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    • pp.391-403
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    • 2006
  • The Hanon volcano located in the southern pan of Cheju Island, Korea has a wetland in its crater being used as a farmland. Previous researchers presumed this wetland was a maar lake in the past. Based on the seismic refraction method, the wetland sediment layer was estimated between 5 to 14 m deep, which is mostly in accordance with previous researches. However, this shows only the depths at some sites, not representing the whole spatial distribution. This study is an attempt to reconstruct the volcanic lake in Hanon crater by applying the spatial statistical techniques based on the depth information from the seismic survey and known data. The procedure of reconstruction is as follows: First, the depth information from the seismic survey and known data were collected and it was interpolated by IDW and Ordinary Kriging method. Next, with the interpolation map and the present DEM the paleo DEM was constructed. Finally, using the paleo lake level on core data, the boundary of volcanic lake was extracted from the paleo DEM. The reconstructed lake resembles a half-moon in the north of the central scoria cone. It is estimated that the lake was 5 m deep on average and 13 m deep at the deepest point. Although there are slight differences according to the interpolation techniques, it is calculated that the area of the lake was between 184,000 and $190000m^2,$ and its volume approximately $869,760m^3$. Because of the continuous deposition processes after the crater formation, the reconstructed volcanic lake would not indicate an actual lake at a specific time. Nevertheless, it offers a significant clue regarding the inner morphology and evolution of the crater.

The Impact of a Basic Environmental Facility Siting on Land Prices : A Case of Sewage Disposal Plant (환경기초시설의 입지가 지가에 미치는 영향 : 하수처리장을 사례로)

  • JUN, Byong-Woon
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.170-180
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    • 2017
  • This research analyzed the effect of a basic environmental facility siting on the difference in land prices using a case study of Jisan sewage disposal plant in Daegu metropolitan city. To do so, two buffer zones were generated around Jisan sewage disposal plant to 400m at an interval of 200m as a setback distance and 822 officially announced individual land prices were acquired from Korea Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport(MOLIT). Paired samples t-test was performed to compare the mean difference in land prices before and after Jisan sewage disposal plant siting. Results show that the mean land price from each buffer zone was slightly increased after the siting and the difference was statistically significant. Also, the results indicate that the mean land price within 200m was lower than that between 200m and 400m before the siting while there was not different in the mean land price for both buffer zones after the siting. Because Jisan sewage disposal plant did not have a stench and a larger capacity and its surrounding areas were blended by commercial and residential uses, a sewage disposal plant siting had little effect on the fall in land prices unlike previous studies. The findings from this research will provide new reference data for local government and local people with conflicting views on the siting of a basic environmental facility.