• Title/Summary/Keyword: Geodetic Reference System

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A Comparative Analysis of 3D Circle Fitting Algorithms for Determination of VLBI Antenna Reference Point (VLBI 안테나 기준점 결정을 위한 3D Circle Fitting 알고리즘의 비교 분석)

  • Hyuk Gil, Kim;Jin Sang, Hwang;Hong Sik, Yun;Tae Jun, Jeong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.231-244
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    • 2015
  • The accuracy of reference point of VLBI antenna is mandatory to perform collocation of different space geodetic techniques. In this study, we evaluated the optimal methods for the 3D circle fitting to enhance the accuracy of the reference point of VLBI antenna. Two kinds of methodologies for the orthonormal coordinate system with translation of planar observation point and the unitary coordinate transforamation were suggested and their fitting accuracies were evaluated where the orthogonal distance was calculated by residual between observation point and fitting model and the recursive calculation was performed to improve the accuracy of 3D circle fitting. Finally, we found that the methodology for the unitary coordinate transformation is highly appropriate to determine the optimal equation for azimuth-axis and elevation-axis of VLBI antenna. Therefore, the reference point of VLBI antenna with high accuracy can be determined by the intersection of the above two axises (azimuth-axis and elevation-axis). This result is expected to be utilized for a variety of researches for connection between VLBI observation results and the national control point.

Establishment of New Single Origin Plane Rectangular Coordinate System in Korea (한국의 새로운 단일원점 평면직각좌표계 설정)

  • Kim, Tae Woo;Yun, Hong Sik;Lee, Dong Ha;Kim, Gun Soo;Koh, Young Chang
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.183-192
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    • 2013
  • As a worldwide trend, the spatial information that is established by country, institution and purpose is integrated into the data with a single spatial reference to improve the data connectivity and usability. In this study, a new national single origin plane rectangular coordinate system was studied to efficiently respond to the changes in the spatial reference according to the introduction of a new national geodetic standard and to the demand of seamless data service in the spatial information sector. For this purpose, the Korean Peninsula was set as the projection region and the projection distortion in the projection region was analyzed. The projection parameters were defined to homogenize and minimize the projection distortion, and their standardization and registration on the international organizations were conducted. The study on the required optimal projection equation resulted in the Hooijberg projection equation and projection parameters (${\Phi}$, ${\lambda}$, K, N, E) resulted in $38^{\circ}N$ and $128^{\circ}E$ projection origin, and a scale factor of 0.99924. The proper false northing and easting were 700,000m N and 400,000m E, respectively, considering the introduction of country station index system.

TLS (Total Least-Squares) within Gauss-Helmert Model: 3D Planar Fitting and Helmert Transformation of Geodetic Reference Frames (가우스-헬머트 모델 전최소제곱: 평면방정식과 측지좌표계 변환)

  • Bae, Tae-Suk;Hong, Chang-Ki;Lim, Soo-Hyeon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.40 no.4
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    • pp.315-324
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    • 2022
  • The conventional LESS (LEast-Squares Solution) is calculated under the assumption that there is no errors in independent variables. However, the coordinates of a point, either from traditional ground surveying such as slant distances, horizontal and/or vertical angles, or GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) positioning, cannot be determined independently (and the components are correlated each other). Therefore, the TLS (Total Least Squares) adjustment should be applied for all applications related to the coordinates. Many approaches were suggested in order to solve this problem, resulting in equivalent solutions except some restrictions. In this study, we calculated the normal vector of the 3D plane determined by the trace of the VLBI targets based on TLS within GHM (Gauss-Helmert Model). Another numerical test was conducted for the estimation of the Helmert transformation parameters. Since the errors in the horizontal components are very small compared to the radius of the circle, the final estimates are almost identical. However, the estimated variance components are significantly reduced as well as show a different characteristic depending on the target location. The Helmert transformation parameters are estimated more precisely compared to the conventional LESS case. Furthermore, the residuals can be predicted on both reference frames with much smaller magnitude (in absolute sense).

The GRS80 Gravimetric Geoid from GEM9 Potential Coefficients and Terrestrial Gravity Anomalies in the South Korea Region (GEM9 위성자료와 지상자료의 조합에 의한 남한지역의 GRS80 중력지오이드)

  • Cho, Kyu Jon;Lee, Young Jin;Cho, Bong Whan
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.141-149
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    • 1993
  • The gravimetric geoid of the South Korea Region was computed on Geodetic Reference System 1980(GRS80) using a combination of satellite-derived potential coefficients and terrestrial gravaty data. $10^{\prime}{\times}10^{\prime}$ mean gravity anomalies were obtained from surface gravity data for the outer zones, $1^{\circ}{\times}1^{\circ}$ equal area mean anomalies were used for the inner zones, and point gravity anomalies were used for the innermost zones in the Stokes integration. The GRS80 potential coefficients were obtained from modification of GEM9 data and Integration was extended over a spherical cap of $30^{\circ}$ from the integration area. The results of a free-air geoid show that the systematic mean difference of approximately 2~3m in comparison of OSU89B model.

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Determination of Absolute Coordinates of Permanent GPS Site (GPS 상시관측소의 절대좌표 산정에 관한 연구)

  • 윤홍식;황진상
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.415-423
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    • 2001
  • This paper deals with the data processing method relative to reference frames through the calculation of absolute coordinates of permanent GPS site which was established at Sungkyunkwan University. In this paper. we computed the ITRF97 coordinates with high precision (0.0001 ppm) from GPS data analysis. Also, we derived the accurate coordinates referred to WGS84 and Korean Geodetic Datum (KGD) using transformation parameters provided. ITRF97 coordinates were computed by using the GIPSY-OASIS II (GOA II) software and the algorithms for determining the position developed Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL). The coordinates referred to WGS84 and KGD were derived from the transformation parameters provided by International Earth Rotation Service (IERS) and National Geography Institute (NGI). The parameters determined by NGI were calculated from the 2000 project of the establishment of geocentric coordinate system. We tested its availability through the comparison of the coordinates obtained from local GPS data analysis.

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Establishment of the Plane Coordinate System for Framework Data(UTM-K) in Korea (우리나라 기본지리정보 좌표계(UTM-K) 도입에 관한 연구)

  • Choi, Yun Soo;Kim Gun Soo;Park Hong Gi
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.313-321
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    • 2004
  • Korean government has offcially decided to adopt global geodetic reference system(ITRF and GRS80) from 2007 keeping pace with the spread of GNSS. Industries related with LBS and telematics have called for use of the new coordinate system suitable for GIS/GPS applications. The government also defined the single plane coordinate system that covers entire korean peninsula as UTM-K considering DB-based framework data and user-friendliness, and its defects were corrected while being applied to the building of road framework data. The TM projection, and origin scale factor of plane coordinate system, 0.9996were employed in order to satisfy the single plane coordinate system for the entire Korean peninsula. For the origin of plane coordinate system, longitude of $127^{\circ}$30'00" and latitude of $38^{\circ}$00'00" were applied and, for the initial value of plane coordinate system, N=2,000.000m and E=1,000,000m were used. In addition to considerable savings in costs, it is expected that the UTM-K is applicable for correcting errors occurred during acquisition of geographic information and for aggregating map data produced by different sources. However, during the initial stage for introduction, confusion is forecasted due to the use of two different coordinate systems, which may be minimized by continued publicity and education.

Development of flow measurement method using drones in flood season (I) - aerial photogrammetry technique (드론을 이용한 홍수기 유량측정방법 개발(I) - 항공사진측량 기법 적용)

  • Lee, Tae Hee;Lim, Hyeokjin;Yun, Seong Hak;Kang, Jong Wan
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.53 no.12
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    • pp.1049-1057
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    • 2020
  • This study aimed to develop a flow measurement method using drone in flood season. Measuring flow in all branches is difficult to conduct annually due to budget and labor limitation, safety and river works. Especially when heavy rain like storm comes, changes in stage-discharge relationship should be reviewed; however, it is usually impeded by the aforementioned issues. To solve the problem, it developed a simple measuring method with a minimum of labor and time. A numeric map and numeric orthophoto coordinate of South Korea are mostly based on Transverse Mercator Projection (TM) in accordance with rectangular coordinate system and use World Geodetic Reference System 1980 (GRS80) oval figure for conversion. Applying a concept of aerial photogrammetry, it located four visible Ground Control Points (GCP) near the river at Uijeongbu-si (Singok Bridge) and Yeongdong-gun (Youngdong 2nd Bridge) station and measured the coordinates using VRS DGPS. Hovering at a same level, drones took orthophoto of water surface at an interval of 3 seconds. It defined the pictures with GRS80 TM coordinate system, a rectangular coordinate system and then conducted an orthometric correction using GCP coordinates. According to X and Y coordinate analysis, it estimated the distance between the floating positions at 3 seconds-intervals and calculated the flow through the flow area according to the flow path. This study attested applicability of the flow measurement method using drone in flood season by applying the rectangular coordinate system based on the concept of aerial photogrammetry.

A Study on Selecting Geospatial Framework Data Using Factor Analysis (요인분석을 이용한 기본공간정보 선정에 관한 연구)

  • Choe, Byong Nam;Lee, Ji Hun;Park, Jin Sik;Kang, In Gu
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.23 no.5
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    • pp.53-64
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    • 2015
  • Several countries have built National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) for information sharing among various fields. One of the important factors of NSDI is framework data, which is the most commonly used geospatial data across various fields. Previous studies on the framework data suggest components based on frequency survey and case study. However, such research methods do not have objectivity in setting the components of the framework data. This research uses factor analysis with 104 medium-level layers from the most widely used National Base Map and 5 layers from the other sources including cadastre and aerial image. Each layer is scaled with usage level as four different patterns of 1) background data, 2) reference data, 3) base data, and 4) other data, respectively. The analysis results show that the layers are grouped into 5 to 7 factors according to the patterns. ANOVA reveals that the mean differences between the factors with high values and the other factors with low values under each pattern are statistically significant. Such high value factors under each pattern consist of similar layers, close to identical, with those under the other categories. This research proposes framework data system, including transportation, building, hydrography, elevation, administrative district, digital orthoimagery, geodetic control, and cadastral based on the analysis results. Proposed framework in this research will be a basis of establishing spatial data sharing system. For sharing proposed framework data in various fields, these data must be established and distributed as actual standard and also related future researches should be performed.

Analysis of 3D Accuracy According to Determination of Calibration Initial Value in Close-Range Digital Photogrammetry Using VLBI Antenna and Mobile Phone Camera (VLBI 안테나와 모바일폰 카메라를 활용한 근접수치사진측량의 캘리브레이션 초기값 결정에 따른 3차원 정확도 분석)

  • Kim, Hyuk Gi;Yun, Hong Sik;Cho, Jae Myoung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.31-43
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    • 2015
  • This study had been aimed to conduct the camera calibration on VLBI antenna in the Space Geodetic Observation Center of Sejong City with a low-cost digital camera, which embedded in a mobile phone to determine the three-dimension position coordinates of the VLBI antenna, based on stereo images. The initial values for the camera calibration have been obtained by utilizing the Direct Linear Transformation algorithm and the commercial digital photogrammetry system, PhotoModeler $Scanner^{(R)}$ ver. 6.0, respectively. The accuracy of camera calibration results was compared with that the camera calibration results, acquired by a bundle adjustment with nonlinear collinearity condition equation. Although two methods showed significant differences in the initial value, the final calibration demonstrated the consistent results whichever methods had been performed for obtaining the initial value. Furthermore, those three-dimensional coordinates of feature points of the VLBI antenna were respectively calculated using the camera calibration by the two methods to be compared with the reference coordinates obtained from a total station. In fact, both methods have resulted out a same standard deviation of $X=0.004{\pm}0.010m$, $Y=0.001{\pm}0.015m$, $Z=0.009{\pm}0.017m$, that of showing a high degree of accuracy in centimeters. From the result, we can conclude that a mobile phone camera opens up the way for a variety of image processing studies, such as 3D reconstruction from images captured.