• Title/Summary/Keyword: Geo-information

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Managing Scheme for 3-dimensional Geo-features using XML

  • Kim, Kyong-Ho;Choe, Seung-Keol;Lee, Jong-Hun;Yang, Young-Kyu
    • Proceedings of the Korean Association of Geographic Inforamtion Studies Conference
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    • 1999.12a
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    • pp.47-51
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    • 1999
  • Geo-features play a key role in object-oriented or feature-based geo-processing system. So the strategy for how-to-model and how-to-manage the geo-features builds the main architecture of the entire system and also supports the efficiency and functionality of the system. Unlike the conventional 2D geo-processing system, geo-features in 3D GIS have lots to be considered to model regarding the efficient manipulation and analysis and visualization. When the system is running on the Web, it should also be considered that how to leverage the level of detail and the level of automation of modeling in addition to the support for client side data interoperability. We built a set of 3D geo-features, and each geo-feature contains a set of aspatial data and 3D geo-primitives. The 3D geo-primitives contain the fundamental modeling data such as the height of building and the burial depth of gas pipeline. We separated the additional modeling data on the geometry and appearance of the model from the fundamental modeling data to make the table in database more concise and to allow the users more freedom to represent the geo-object. To get the users to build and exchange their own data, we devised a fie format called VGFF 2.0 which stands for Virtual GIS File Format. It is to describe the three dimensional geo-information in XML(extensible Markup Language). The DTD(Document Type Definition) of VGFF 2.0 is parsed using the DOM(Document Object Model). We also developed the authoring tools for users can make their own 3D geo-features and model and save the data to VGFF 2.0 format. We are now expecting the VGFF 2.0 evolve to the 3D version of SVG(Scalable Vector Graphics) especially for 3D GIS on the Web.

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A novel route restoring method upon geo-tagged photos

  • Wang, Guannan;Wang, Zhizhong;Zhu, Zhenmin;Wen, Saiping
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.7 no.5
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    • pp.1236-1251
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    • 2013
  • Sharing geo-tagged photos has been a hot social activity in the daily life because these photos not only contain geo information but also indicate people's hobbies, intention and mobility patterns. However, the present raw geo-tagged photo routes cannot provide information as enough as complete GPS trajectories due to the defects hidden in them. This paper mainly aims at analyzing the large amounts of geo-tagged photos and proposing a novel travel route restoring method. In our approach we first propose an Interest Measure Ratio to rank the hot spots based on density-based spatial clustering arithmetic. Then we apply the Hidden Semi-Markov model and Mean Value method to demonstrate migration discipline in the hot spots and restore the significant region sequence into complete GPS trajectory. At the end of the paper, a novel experiment method is designed to demonstrate that the approach is feasible in restoring route, and there is a good performance.

GPS Satellite Orbit Prediction Based on Unscented Kalman Filter

  • Zheng, Zuoya;Chen, Yongqi;Xiushan, Lu;Zhixing, Du
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Navigation and Port Research Conference
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    • v.1
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    • pp.191-196
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    • 2006
  • In GPS Positioning, the error of satellite orbit will affect user's position accuracy directly, it is important to determine the satellite orbit precise. The real-time orbit is needed in kinematic GPS positioning, the precise GPS orbit from IGS would be delayed long time, so orbit prediction is key to real-time kinematic positioning. We analyze the GPS predicted ephemeris, on the base of comparison of EKF and UKF, a new orbit prediction method is put forward based on UKF in this paper, the result shows that UKF improves the orbit predicted precision and stability. It offers a new method for others satellites orbit determination as Galileo, and so on.

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GeoNet: Web-based Renotely Sensed Image Processing System (GeoNet: 웹 기반 위성영상 처리)

  • Ahn, Chung-Hyun;Kim, Kyung-Ok
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.8 no.2 s.16
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    • pp.109-116
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    • 2000
  • GeoNet is java-based remotely sensed image processing system. It is based on java Ibject-oriented paradigm and features cross-platform, web-based execution and extensibility to client/server remotely sensed image processing model. Remotely sensed image processing softwares made by java programming language can suggest alternatives to meet readily demand on remotely sensed image processing in proportion to increasement of remotely sensed data.

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Introduction of Geo-Mechatronics in Construction IT (정보화 시공분야에서의 Geo-mechatronics 기술의 전망)

  • Kim, Young-Seok
    • Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference
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    • 2009.09a
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    • pp.1289-1293
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    • 2009
  • For the purpose of automatic management and enhancing quality of construction, information technology has been employed in construction field recently. As a consequence, informative construction, which utilizes information technology to reduce construction time and optimize construction sequence, becomes a state-of-art field of construction. Considering this case, construction field should more actively adopt other engineering technologies of rapidly advancing fields, such as electronic, control, and informative engineering, in order to reduce construction cost and to solve environmental problems as well as to enhance construction quality. In this aspect, this paper introduces a novel research field 'Geo-mechatronics', which stands for the convergence of geotechnical engineering and mechatronics (i.e. automation of mechanics using electronic technologies). Since the ground is ubiquitous in every infrastructure construction, the Geo-mechatronics research is crucial for the development of construction technology in the future. Moreover, it is believed to that the Geo-mechatronics research will make our construction industry to be more future-oriented and internationally comparative industry.

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Analysis of Real-time Error for Geo/D/1/1 Model (Geo/D/1/1 모형에서의 실시간 원격 추정값의 오차 분석)

  • Yutae, Lee
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.135-138
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    • 2023
  • In this paper, we study real-time error in the context of monitoring a binary information source through a delay system. To derive the average real-time error, we model the delay system as a discrete time Geo/D/1/1 queueing model. Using a discrete time three-dimensional Markov chain with finite state space, we analyze the queueing model. We also perform some numerical analysis on various system parameters: state transition probabilities of binary information source; transmission times; and transmission frequencies. When the state changes of the information source are positively correlated and negatively correlated, we investigate the relationship between transmission time and transmission frequency.

Implementation of Map Service based on Splitting Method of GeoRSS (GeoRSS 분할기법 기반의 지도 서비스 구현)

  • Lee, Bum-Suk;Hwang, Byung-Yeon
    • Journal of KIISE:Computing Practices and Letters
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    • v.14 no.7
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    • pp.728-732
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    • 2008
  • GeoRSS is RSS which contains geospatial information, and it supports to supply diverse kinds of data through mash-up map service like the google map. It helps to implement efficient web service with simple java-scripts, but sometimes initial page loading takes too much time and causes heavy traffic when it includes lots of multimedia data. In this paper, we propose a splitting method of GeoRSS for fast accessing. As the result of experiments, we achieved improvement of browsing speed and reducing of initial data traffic.

Analyses on Standard Formats of Spatial Imagery Information (공간영상정보 포맷 분석 및 표준화 방향)

  • 임정호;사공호상;권용대
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.31-50
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    • 2001
  • This study has analyzed GeoTIFF, SDTS, HDF, and BIIF as the representative formats of spatial imagery information with two parts. First is to compare 4 formats with each other based on 4 comparison criteria (extensibility, interchangeability, current widespread use, long-term stability) by analyzing specification of each format. Second is to estimate current use and interchangeability of 4 formats between 5 commercial softwares used commonly. The result shows that GeoTIFF is currently better than three other formats. However, the more various spatial imagery information are and the larger capacity they have, the more formats are developed and updated, which means that only one format should not be considered as a standard format continuously. It is better to provide a standard format proper to the time through continuous research and sustainable policy support should be followed.

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Development of 3D Mapping System for Web Visualization of Geo-spatial Information Collected from Disaster Field Investigation (재난현장조사 공간정보 웹 가시화를 위한 3차원 맵핑시스템 개발)

  • Kim, Seongsam;Nho, Hyunju;Shin, Dongyoon;Lee, Junwoo;Kim, Hyunju
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.36 no.5_4
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    • pp.1195-1207
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    • 2020
  • With the development of GeoWeb technology, 2D/3D spatial information services through the web are also has been used increasingly in the application of disaster management. This paper is suggested to construct a web-based 3D geo-spatial information mapping platform to visualize various spatial information collected at the disaster site in a web environment. This paper is presented a web-based geo-spatial information mapping service plan for the various types of 2D/3D spatial data and large-volume LiDAR point cloud data collected at the disaster accident site using HTML5/WebGL, web development standard technology and open source. Firstly, the collected disaster site survey 2D data is constructed as a spatial DB using GeoServer's WMS service and PostGIS provided an open source and rendered in a web environment. Secondly, in order to efficiently render large-capacity 3D point cloud data in a web environment, a Potree algorithm is applied to simplifies point cloud data into 2D tiles using a multi-resolution octree structure. Lastly, OpenLayers3 based 3D web mapping pilot system is developed for web visualization of 2D/3D spatial information by implementing basic and application functions for controlling and measuring 3D maps with Graphic User Interface (GUI). For the further research, it is expected that various 2D survey data and various spatial image information of a disaster site can be used for scientific investigation and analysis of disaster accidents by overlaying and visualizing them on a built web-based 3D geo-spatial information system.