• Title/Summary/Keyword: GEO Satellite

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An Extraction of Solar-contaminated Energy Part from MODIS Middle Infrared Channel Measurement to Detect Forest Fires

  • Park, Wook;Park, Sung-Hwan;Jung, Hyung-Sup;Won, Joong-Sun
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.35 no.1
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    • pp.39-55
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    • 2019
  • In this study, we have proposed an improved method to detect forest fires by correcting the reflected signals of day images using the middle-wavelength infrared (MWIR) channel. The proposed method is allowed to remove the reflected signals only using the image itself without an existing data source such as a land-cover map or atmospheric data. It includes the processing steps for calculating a solar-reflected signal such as 1) a simple correction model of the atmospheric transmittance for the MWIR channel and 2) calculating the image-based reflectance. We tested the performance of the method using the MODIS product. When compared to the conventional MODIS fire detection algorithm (MOD14 collection 6), the total number of detected fires was improved by approximately 17%. Most of all, the detection of fires improved by approximately 30% in the high reflection areas of the images. Moreover, the false alarm caused by artificial objects was clearly reduced and a confidence level analysis of the undetected fires showed that the proposed method had much better performance. The proposed method would be applicable to most satellite sensors with MWIR and thermal infrared channels. Especially for geostationary satellites such as GOES-R, HIMAWARI-8/9 and GeoKompsat-2A, the short acquisition time would greatly improve the performance of the proposed fire detection algorithm because reflected signals in the geostationary satellite images frequently vary according to solar zenith angle.

Building a Web-Based Undesignated Cultural Heritages Management Information System - A Case Study of the Namsan Area in Kyeongju - (웹을 이용한 비지정 문화재 관리 시스템 구축 - 경주 남산 지역을 중심으로 -)

  • Jo, Myung-Hee;Jang, Sung-Hyun;Kim, Hyoung-Sub
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.151-161
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study was to build a web-server for culture heritages management information system in order to efficiently manage and safely preserve undesignated cultural properties in the Namsan area in Kyeongju, which have been neglected so far. In order to achieve this purpose, data were collected on the basis of undesignated cultural properties in the study area. To acquire the location and range GPS were used and spatial data including geographic coordinates, visual materials and structured interviews were conducted through field survey. In addition, in order to obtained reliable and accurate locations of undesignated cultural properties which are scattered, DGPS(Differential Global Positioning System) were used. The spatial database was constructed based on the standard of cultural properties and attribute data was linked to geo-spatial information(digital map and aerial photographs). This system was built in a web-server environment. The result shows detailed description on the selected output for selected location and property information can be located on the map. In particular, a database to search for the status and modification of cultural properties will provide information to the users.

GEO-KOMPSAT-2A AMI Best Detector Select Map Evaluation and Update (천리안위성2A호 기상탑재체 Best Detector Select 맵 평가 및 업데이트)

  • Jin, Kyoungwook;Lee, Sang-Cherl;Lee, Jung-Hyun
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.359-365
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    • 2021
  • GEO-KOMPSAT-2A (GK2A) AMI (Advanced Meteorological Imager) Best Detector Select (BDS) map is pre-determined and uploaded before the satellite launch. After the launch, there is some possibility of a detector performance change driven by an abrupt temperature variation and thus the status of BDS map needs to be evaluated and updated if necessary. To investigate performance of entire elements of the detectors, AMI BDS analyses were conducted based on a technical note provided from the AMI vendor (L3HARRIS). The concept of the BDS analysis is to investigate the stability of signals from detectors while they are staring at targets (deep space and internal calibration target). For this purpose, Long Time Series (LTS) and Output Voltage vs. Bias Voltage (V-V) methods are used. The LTS for 30 secs and the V-V for two secs are spanned respectively for looking at the targets to compute noise components of detectors. To get the necessary data sets, these activities were conducted during the In-Orbit Test (IOT) period since a normal operation of AMI is stopped and special mission plans are commanded. With collected data sets during the GK2A IOT, AMI BDS map was intensively examined. It was found that about 1% of entire detector elements, which were evaluated at the ground test, showed characteristic changes and those degraded elements are replaced by alternative best ones. The stripping effects on AMI raw images due to the BDS problem were clearly removed when the new BDS map was applied.

Sensitivity Analysis for CAS500-4 Atmospheric Correction Using Simulated Images and Suggestion of the Use of Geostationary Satellite-based Atmospheric Parameters (모의영상을 이용한 농림위성 대기보정의 주요 파라미터 민감도 분석 및 타위성 산출물 활용 가능성 제시)

  • Kang, Yoojin;Cho, Dongjin;Han, Daehyeon;Im, Jungho;Lim, Joongbin;Oh, Kum-hui;Kwon, Eonhye
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.37 no.5_1
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    • pp.1029-1042
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    • 2021
  • As part of the next-generation Compact Advanced Satellite 500 (CAS500) project, CAS500-4 is scheduled to be launched in 2025 focusing on the remote sensing of agriculture and forestry. To obtain quantitative information on vegetation from satellite images, it is necessary to acquire surface reflectance through atmospheric correction. Thus, it is essential to develop an atmospheric correction method suitable for CAS500-4. Since the absorption and scattering characteristics in the atmosphere vary depending on the wavelength, it is needed to analyze the sensitivity of atmospheric correction parameters such as aerosol optical depth (AOD) and water vapor (WV) considering the wavelengths of CAS500-4. In addition, as CAS500-4 has only five channels (blue, green, red, red edge, and near-infrared), making it difficult to directly calculate key parameters for atmospheric correction, external parameter data should be used. Therefore, thisstudy performed a sensitivity analysis of the key parameters (AOD, WV, and O3) using the simulated images based on Sentinel-2 satellite data, which has similar wavelength specifications to CAS500-4, and examined the possibility of using the products of GEO-KOMPSAT-2A (GK2A) as atmospheric parameters. The sensitivity analysisshowed that AOD wasthe most important parameter with greater sensitivity in visible channels than in the near-infrared region. In particular, since AOD change of 20% causes about a 100% error rate in the blue channel surface reflectance in forests, a highly reliable AOD is needed to obtain accurate surface reflectance. The atmospherically corrected surface reflectance based on the GK2A AOD and WV was compared with the Sentinel-2 L2A reflectance data through the separability index of the known land cover pixels. The result showed that two corrected surface reflectance had similar Seperability index (SI) values, the atmospheric corrected surface reflectance based on the GK2A AOD showed higher SI than the Sentinel-2 L2A reflectance data in short-wavelength channels. Thus, it is judged that the parameters provided by GK2A can be fully utilized for atmospheric correction of the CAS500-4. The research findings will provide a basis for atmospheric correction of the CAS500-4 in the future.

Rice Yield Estimation Using Sentinel-2 Satellite Imagery, Rainfall and Soil Data (Sentinel-2 위성영상과 강우 및 토양자료를 활용한 벼 수량 추정)

  • KIM, Kyoung-Seop;CHOUNG, Yun-Jae;JUN, Byong-Woon
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.133-149
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    • 2022
  • Existing domestic studies on estimating rice yield were mainly implemented at the level of cities and counties in the entire nation using MODIS satellite images with low spatial resolution. Unlike previous studies, this study tried to estimate rice yield at the level of eup-myon-dong in Gimje-si, Jeollabuk-do using Sentinel-2 satellite images with medium spatial resolution, rainfall and soil data, and then to evaluate its accuracy. Five vegetation indices such as NDVI, LAI, EVI2, MCARI1 and MCARI2 derived from Sentinel-2 images of August 1, 2018 for Gimje-si, Jeollabuk-do, rainfall and paddy soil-type data were aggregated by the level of eup-myon-dong and then rice yield was estimated with gamma generalized linear model, an expanded variant of multi-variate regression analysis to solve the non-normality problem of dependent variable. In the rice yield model finally developed, EVI2, rainfall days in September, and saline soils ratio were used as significant independent variables. The coefficient of determination representing the model fit was 0.68 and the RMSE for showing the model accuracy was 62.29kg/10a. This model estimated the total rice production in Gimje-si in 2018 to be 96,914.6M/T, which was very close to 94,470.3M/T the actual amount specified in the Statistical Yearbook with an error of 0.46%. Also, the rice production per unit area of Gimje-si was amounted to 552kg/10a, which was almost consistent with 550kg/10a of the statistical data. This result is similar to that of the previous studies and it demonstrated that the rice yield can be estimated using Sentinel-2 satellite images at the level of cities and counties or smaller districts in Korea.

Automatic Extraction of the Building Using IKONOS Ortho-Image (IKONOS 정사영상을 이용한 건물의 자동추출)

  • 이재기;정성혁;임인섭
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.19-26
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    • 2003
  • As recently, high-resolution satellite images of 1m spatial resolution are opened to the public and able to be used commercially, the studies that make ortho-images using them and apply to digital mapping and database of geo-spatial information system are having been progressed actively. Therefore, the purposes of this study are to establish the auto-extraction methods and to develope algorithms for automatically extracting buildings out of man-made structures, after making the IKONOS ortho-image. As the result of this study, we can extract buildings automatically at 72% out of the whole buildings. And we have analyzed the error trend by means of the comparison with ortho-image, digital map and drawing result, then we could know that obtain the good result for extraction of the building through the methods and algorithms of this study.

Land cover classification using LiDAR intensity data and neural network

  • Minh, Nguyen Quang;Hien, La Phu
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.429-438
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    • 2011
  • LiDAR technology is a combination of laser ranging, satellite positioning technology and digital image technology for study and determination with high accuracy of the true earth surface features in 3 D. Laser scanning data is typically a points cloud on the ground, including coordinates, altitude and intensity of laser from the object on the ground to the sensor (Wehr & Lohr, 1999). Data from laser scanning can produce products such as digital elevation model (DEM), digital surface model (DSM) and the intensity data. In Vietnam, the LiDAR technology has been applied since 2005. However, the application of LiDAR in Vietnam is mostly for topological mapping and DEM establishment using point cloud 3D coordinate. In this study, another application of LiDAR data are present. The study use the intensity image combine with some other data sets (elevation data, Panchromatic image, RGB image) in Bacgiang City to perform land cover classification using neural network method. The results show that it is possible to obtain land cover classes from LiDAR data. However, the highest accurate classification can be obtained using LiDAR data with other data set and the neural network classification is more appropriate approach to conventional method such as maximum likelyhood classification.

Analysis of Transfer Gyro Calibration Error Budget (전이궤도 자이로보정 오차버짓 해석)

  • Park, Keun-Joo;Yang, Koon-Ho;Yong, Ki-Lyuk
    • Aerospace Engineering and Technology
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.36-43
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    • 2010
  • A GEO satellite launched by Arian 5 ECA launcher will be located in a transfer orbit where it requires several Apogee burn maneuvers to reach the target orbit. To obtain the required performance of Apogee burn maneuvers, a calibration of gyro drift error needs to be performed before each maneuver. In this paper, a unique gyro calibration scheme which is applied to COMS is described and the calibration error budget analysis is performed.

Estimation of the Available Green Roof Area using Geo-Spatial Data (공간정보를 이용한 옥상녹화 가용면적 추정)

  • Ahn, Ji-Yeon;Jung, Tae-Woong;Koo, Jee-hee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.11-17
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    • 2016
  • The purposes of this research are to estimate area of greenable roof and to monitor maintaining of green roofs using World-View 2 images. The contents of this research are development of World-View 2 application technologies for estimation of green roof area and development of monitoring and maintaining of green roofs using World-View 2 images. The available green roof areas in Gwangjin-gu Seoul, a case for this study, were estimated using digital maps and World-View 2 images. The available green roof area is approximately 12.17% ($2,153,700m^2$) of the total area, and the roof vegetation accounts for 0.46% ($80,660m^2$) of the total area. For verification of the extracted roof vegetation, Vworld 3D Desktop map service was applied. The study results may be used as a decision-making tool by the government and local governments in determining the feasibility of green roof projects. In addition, the project implementer may periodically monitor to see whether roof greening has maintained for efficient management of projects, and a vast amount of World-View 2 images may be regularly used before and after the projects to contribute to sharing of satellite images information.

Looking Back over a Decade "Final Decision Call after the Accidents of the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant"

  • Nakajima, Isao;Kurokawa, Kiyoshi
    • Journal of Multimedia Information System
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.147-156
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    • 2020
  • The author Nakajima was involved in the field of disaster communications and emergency medical care as guest research scientist at the Fukushima Nuclear Accident Independent Investigation Commission established by the National Diet of Japan and reviewer of the Commission's report, and Kurokawa was the chairman of this Commission. Looking back over a decade, we are on the liability issue of bureaucrats and telecom operators, so it's becoming clear what was hidden at the time. The battery of NTT DoCoMo's mobile phone repeaters had a capacity of only about 24 hours, and communication failures increased after one day. The Government also failed to issue an announcement of "Vent from reactor" under the Telecommunications Act Article No. 129. This mistake lost the opportunity to use the third-party telecommunications (e.g. taxi radios). Furthermore, as a result of LASCOM (telecommunications satellite network for local governments via GEO) and a variety of unexpected communication failures, the evacuation order "Escape!" could not be notified to the general public well. As a result, the general public was exposed to unnecessary radiation exposure. Such bureaucratic slow action in emergencies is common in the response to the 2020 coronavirus.