• Title/Summary/Keyword: Ethics Review

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A Proposal for Use in Research Methodology of Traditional Medicine in East Asia - Historical Evidence-Based Medicine - (전통한의학 연구방법론의 현대화에 대한 소고(小考) - 역사적 근거중심의학에 대한 제언 -)

  • Eom, Seok-Ki;Kim, Se-Hyun;Choi, Won-Cheol
    • Journal of Korean Medical classics
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.89-105
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    • 2010
  • Research methodology on Traditional Medicine in East Asia refers to logical thinking system, empirical positivism system and methodology of developing these knowledge systems. Logical thinking system of abstract concepts such as analogy or abduction and positivism system of reasonable explanation such as the five elements and their characteristic theory have been used in various ways empirically or in the form of humanities and knowledge system was developed through parallel structure of empirical positivism and exegetical studies. After the 16th century, evidence was required along with the tradition of putting emphasis on rationality, logicality and empirical positivism and characteristics of medical humanities can be found in emphasizing on medical ethics. Data that can be considered as structural review paper or meta analysis from original data of research on Traditional East Asian Medicine should be evaluated as historical evidence which is equivalent to specialist opinion, descriptive disease research, single case report or case series. Historical evidence based medicine is a research method using Historical evidence to selectively support data that are faithful to traditional theory with higher possibility to be used in future traditional east Asian medicine that links between traditional knowledge and scientific research methodology. Moreover, historical evidence based medicine tries to re-evaluate the value of traditional knowledge and ultimately, guides the direction of development of traditional medicine through scientific rationality based on history and culture.

HRD Implications of Robotic Technology in Organizations (조직 내 로봇 기술의 사용에 관한 HRD 함의)

  • Heo, Se-Jin
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.251-271
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    • 2015
  • This article examines the HRD implications of using robotic technology in the workplace. Because existing literature has been primarily about the technical engineering aspects of robotics, it is difficult to understand the socio-cultural perspective about the challenges and potentials of robotization in the workplace. Especially, in order to identify the best organizational support appropriate for working with robots, this article indicates alternative perspective for observing human-robot interaction in the workplace. In addition, this article points out four implications of robotic technology in organizations for practice and research development in HRD. These implications were identified as (1) defining the components of expertise in terms of human-robot interaction, (2) coping with organizational change process resulting from robotic technology, (3) designing appropriate interventions for an organization to effectively assist human-robot interaction, and (4) establishing the code of work ethics in the robotic age. The suggested implications can contribute to shaping conceptual frameworks for further empirical social science research.

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The Relationship between Job Identity and Job Retention according to the Dental Hygienist's Job Selection Motivations (치과위생사의 직업선택 동기에 따른 직업 정체성과 직업유지의 관련성)

  • Kim, Yu-Rin
    • Journal of Convergence for Information Technology
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    • v.10 no.7
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    • pp.207-214
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    • 2020
  • This study conducted a questionnaire survey on 155 dental hygienists in Busan, Gyeongnam to understand the effect of dental hygienists' job identity on job retention. The study was conducted after being reviewed by the Research Ethics Review Committee (1041449-201912-HR-003). For data analysis, hierarchical regression analysis was carried out to check the effect of three details of job identity on job retention step by step. As a result, among the details of job identity, there was an influence on job retention in the order of empathy for the job (β=.358, p<.001), relationship between job and individual (β=.562, p<.001), and work and unity (β=.562, p<.001). Therefore, it is judged that it would be helpful to maintain a job if the educational institution with the Department of Dental Hygiene conducts classes on occupational identity in a more comprehensive sense.

Opening Status of the Korea Midwifery Birthing Centers and Development of Midwifery Practice Guideline (한국 조산원 개원실태 및 조산직무지침 개발)

  • Song, Ji Young;Park, Young-Joo
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.50 no.4
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    • pp.583-598
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    • 2020
  • Purpose: This study was to investigate the operational status of the midwifery birthing centers (MBCs) and midwives' job status (Phase 1) and to develop midwifery practice guidelines (MPG) (Phase 2) in Korea. Methods: In the first phase, the subjects were 15 midwives who operated 11 of 14 MBCs that were opened as of August 2018. The questionnaire consisted of items to measure the operational status of the MBC and midwives' job status. In the second phase, the MPG was developed from literature review, interviews with five midwives opening their MBCs, surveys with 74 midwives, and a validity evaluation conducted by seven experts. Results: The distribution of operating MBCs was five in Gyunggi-do, two each in Seoul and Incheon, one each in Busan, Chungcheongbuk-do, Gyeongsangbuk-do, Gyeongsangnam-do and Jeju-do. The mean age of midwives was 54.3 and all were female. In 2017, a total of 762 births including 81 homebirths were performed by midwives. The job performance was highest in the order of neonatal care 3.81, childbirth care 3.56, and postpartal care 3.53, respectively. The MPG included seven areas of prenatal care, childbirth care, postpartal care, neonatal care, primary health care, law/ethics, and administration, with 56 tasks and 166 task elements. Conclusion: This study provides the valid basic data for the operational status of the MBC and the midwives' job status. The MPG describes the midwife's job and may be used as basic data for preparing policies for the development of midwifery practice in Korea.

Exploratory Study of the Potential for Adolescent Children from Multi-Cultural Families to Be Trained as Competent Personnel in Charge of ODA (다문화가정 청소년자녀의 공적개발원조 (Official Development Assistance: ODA) 인력 양성을 위한 탐색적 연구)

  • Park, Mee Sok;Kim, Kyoung A
    • Journal of Family Resource Management and Policy Review
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.95-113
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    • 2016
  • This study investigates the potential for multi-cultural youths, given their innate bilingual and dual culture, to be trained as the competent ODA professionals. For the purpose of collecting information, we organized two different kinds of FGI in 2015. The first FGI was conducted with a group of 10 expert participants from August 17 to September 25. The second FGI was conducted four times, from October 5 to October 23, with 13 adolescents from multi-cultural families from Russia, Mongolia, Vietnam, India, Indonesia, Japan, and China. The semi-structured interview items were passed through a formal review process of the Institutional Ethics Committee. Furthermore, with the participants' pre-consent to recording, all recorded data were categorized through the transcription process. The results are as follows. While the potential for nourishing bilingual and dual cultural capabilities are high for the adolescent children of multi-cultural families, the expert group also emphasized the negative aspects of these capabilities being suppressed due to the relatively oppressed family environment. The expert group therefore suggests the following: building parent awareness of ODA human resources, developing an educational career transition roadmap, and providing institutional incentives for ODA. In addition, to some extent, the researchers were able to detect some positive self-esteem among the adolescent children of multi-cultural families as a result of the bilingual and dual cultural competencies required to be ODA personnel. In sum, the research provides insight into the need for national social support for the adolescent children of multi-cultural families, so that their strengths are not extinguished, in order that they might grow up as competent ODA personnel.

Machine Learning Method in Medical Education: Focusing on Research Case of Press Frame on Asbestos (의학교육에서 기계학습방법 교육: 석면 언론 프레임 연구사례를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Junhewk;Heo, So-Yun;Kang, Shin-Ik;Kim, Geon-Il;Kang, Dongmug
    • Korean Medical Education Review
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.158-168
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    • 2017
  • There is a more urgent call for educational methods of machine learning in medical education, and therefore, new approaches of teaching and researching machine learning in medicine are needed. This paper presents a case using machine learning through text analysis. Topic modeling of news articles with the keyword 'asbestos' were examined. Two hypotheses were tested using this method, and the process of machine learning of texts is illustrated through this example. Using an automated text analysis method, all the news articles published from January 1, 1990 to November 15, 2016 in South Korea which included 'asbestos' in the title and the body were collected by web scraping. Differences in topics were analyzed by structured topic modelling (STM) and compared by press companies and periods. More articles were found in liberal media outlets. Differences were found in the number and types of topics in the articles according to the partisanship and period. STM showed that the conservative press views asbestos as a personal problem, while the progressive press views asbestos as a social problem. A divergence in the perspective for emphasizing the issues of asbestos between the conservative press and progressive press was also found. Social perspective influences the main topics of news stories. Thus, the patients' uneasiness and pain are not presented by both sources of media. In addition, topics differ between news media sources based on partisanship, and therefore cause divergence in readers' framing. The method of text analysis and its strengths and weaknesses are explained, and an application for the teaching and researching of machine learning in medical education using the methodology of text analysis is considered. An educational method of machine learning in medical education is urgent for future generations.

Research on Current Studies and the Further Development of Advertising Contest (광고 공모전 연구 현황 분석 및 발전 방안 연구)

  • Shin, Kie-Hyuk;Cho, Kyoung-Seop
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.83-108
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    • 2012
  • College students show keen interest in advertising contest, and some contests link with class so that students participate the contest as a class assignment. But the interest is not just limited to students but to businesses. Until now five studies was made on this subject, and major findings of those dissertations are given to activating contest participation, corporate ethics and industrial-educational cooperation. It seems not enough to explain the over-heated phenomenon with the results, so that more research should be made on advertising contest. Required studies with this subject are analyzing the effectiveness relating between investment and result, theoretical establishment by empirical approach, comparative study depending on the style of contest, casual relationship between personal character and image of corporate hosting contest and so on.

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A Development for 'Attitude toward Work Scale' on Welfare Recipients (공공부조수급자의 "일에 대한 태도" 척도 개발)

  • Jung, Jin-Kyung
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.56 no.3
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    • pp.207-225
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    • 2004
  • This study aims to develop an attitude toward work scale on the welfare recipients in Korea. This study has process through literature review and empirical research. As a results, there are 3 factors, 'independent/reliance', 'work as itself', 'hardworking and success' in this scale. And this scale is composed of 11 items with 5 likert scale. The sums of squared loading of this scale is 54.9%, and the internal reliability is ${\alpha}=.79$. The means of attitude toward work on welfare recipients in Korea is 43.9 among the total sum 55. This means the welfare recipients in Korea have highly positive attitude toward work. This study has an implication as a first trial to measure work attitude on welfare recipients in Korea more objective and scientific. But this scale need some follow-up study to improve the validity and elaboration.

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Ethically Related Decisions in Different Scenarios of Medical School Applicants for Graduate-Entry Program (가상시나리오를 활용한 의과대학 학사편입학 지원자의 윤리적 의사결정능력)

  • Kim, Do-Hwan;Kim, Eun Jeong;Hwang, Jinyoung;Shin, Jwa-Seop;Lee, Seunghee
    • Korean Medical Education Review
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.90-98
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    • 2016
  • Assessment tools for non-academic qualities such as ethics frequently employ hypothetical scenarios to lay out a contextual framework underlying the corresponding criteria of assessment. Due to the context-specific nature of the assessment criteria, details of the scenarios become very important in obtaining accurate results. This study aims to explore how medical school applicants differ in ethical decision making depending on the types of ethical dilemma scenarios, and how they correlate with academic achievements after admission. In 2014, all 82 applicants invited for an admission interview for a graduate-entry program were asked to complete a questionnaire comprised of 13 hypothetical scenarios. There were three domains (unethical business decisions, unethical academic decisions, and sexual quid pro quos) and participants were made to choose between the profitable-but-unethical choice or the unprofitable-but-ethical choice, using a four-point Likert-type scale. On average, tendencies toward unethical decisions were lowest for sexual favors ($1.34{\pm}0.46$), and highest for gaining academic advantages ($2.22{\pm}0.56$). Unethical decisions for academic advantages and sexual benefits showed significant correlation respectively with the female gender and those who graduated from overseas universities. In addition, the propensity for choosing unethical academic decisions was significantly correlated with high academic achievements in medical school (r=0.396). Not only does this study demonstrate that different levels of ethical decision making depend on the scenarios, but also those differences may be a determinant factor in subsequent academic performances in medical school. In conclusion, given the possible influence of the details of the hypothetical scenarios to the applicant's responses, careful consideration must be given during their development.

Human Environment for being a Great doctor - from case to construction - (훌륭한 의사를 기르는 인적환경 - 사례에서 구조까지 -)

  • Ryue, Soo-hee
    • Korean Medical Education Review
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.57-66
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    • 2007
  • Purpose How can be a great doctor with excellence and ethics? In this study, I wanted to find out the characteristics of human environment to make a great doctor. Methods: First, I researched factors and construct of the human environment. So I conceived a model for analyzing human environment with two construction model : Howard Gardner's System Model and Bron-fenbrenner's ecological systems model. Second, I analyzed the life of the Oliver R. Evison M.D. and Ki Ryu Jang M.D. Oliver R. Evison was the pioneer of medicine of Korea and establisher of the Severance Hospital and medical college. Dr KiRyu Jang, who was called 'Schweitzer of Korea', was a good doctor of the poor and weak patients in Korea. Third, I tried to find out a new human environment model to make a great doctor. Results One model for analyzing human environment was made of relationship based on emotion. relationship teaching knowledge and skill, and relationship communicating on value. In the light of analyzing of two great doctors. Oliver R. Evison M.D. and KiRyu Jang M.D, I found out special interrelationship, Hardie, Allen, Severance for Evison, Kyosin Kim, Kyucheol Choi etc. for Ki Ryu Jang These special people were religious actors or social thinkers. Conclusions: To be a great doctor to excel and innovate medical field, medical students should have the chance to meet with people based on religious, ethical and social action, discuss on value across social fields, and can construct the idea to make and realize higher value of medical action. In sum, another important human environment for medical students would be a person who could be communicate with true value.