• Title/Summary/Keyword: Environmental carrying capacity

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An Evaluation on the Operating of Fisheries Extension Services (어촌지도사업의 평가)

  • 최정윤
    • The Journal of Fisheries Business Administration
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.65-106
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    • 1986
  • 1, The Purpose of Study This is a study on the Evaluation of the operating of Fisheries Extension Services of Korea, for performing the activities such as guiding fisheries technique as well as offering industrial information to the fishermen in fishing village. By doing so, the Fisheries Extension Sevices(FES) can materialize the continued growth of fisheries, the social and economic development of fishing village, and the increase in income by enhancing the knowledge level of Fishermen, etc. In performing fisheries policy, this activity plays a great role on the research and development activity, and it has become practical since 1976 in Korea. In order to meet immediately with the problem of fisheries technical innovation and rapid environmental changes surrounding the fisheries, the fishermen should not only enhance their scientific and comprehensive capacity in fisheries technique but abtain various effective information. Generally, as most of all the fishemen are poor in the managerial structure and scattered in fishing villages, they have little opportunity in the contact of information. As a result, it is nessessary for the FES to perform the fishing business by the extension service officials who has received special training and acquired fisheries know-how in these fields. And yet, FES is under the unfullfilled circumstance in such factors as manpower, technical know-how, equipment, and the service system etc., which is required in promoting the social, economic development of fishing village and in resolving the high technique demand of fisherman. This study on the fisheries extension services have been studied from those backgrounds. 2. Research Method The data of collecting methods which were necessary in carrying out this study was adopted by the questionaire research on the present extension service activity, through the subject of the extension services (driving agency of the work and the officials), the object(fishemen) and the 3rd observers to the extension services (the authorities concerned). The research sample was taken by the sampling extraction of total 1, 774 men from the above 3 groups. And the research was carried out from August, 1986 to October, 1986, supported from the Fisheries Extension Office (FEO) located in field during the research process. In this study, the levels of the extension operating were determined and estimated in accordance with the extension service method, morale of extension service officials and the extension service system, etc. through the collected data of the research questionaire paper. And based on this result, the essential conditions of the extension services were grasped, and also we tried to present the various activity plan necessary to promote the operating of the extension services. The questionaire research data was calculated by the computer center of National Fisheries University of Pusan, and the total result was again tried on the one demension analysis along with two dimension analysis to search out the relativity between the questionaire, and the statistical test was done $\chi$$^2$test in significance level of l~5%. 3. Contents of Study This study consists of 7 chapters and the contents are as follows : Chapter I : The object and method of the study Chapter II : The assessment and analysis of the extension services Chapter III : The contents and method of the extension services Chapter IV : Analysis of the essential conditions for the extension services Chapter V : The evaluation of activities of extension services Chapter Ⅵ : Conclusion.4. Results and RecommendationTherefore, the results of this study estimated by logical process and analysis are as follows : 1) Most of Korean fishing villages and coastal fishermen have shown much concerns about fisheries technique and social changes, thus many of them were confronted with new problems on how to adapt and to meet changes. 2) Majority of fishermen estimated FEO as an organization of specific technologies with all the thing concerning the fisheries technique in general. Therefore the fishermen wanted to utilize the FEO as an adaptable method for the modern fisheries techniques as well as the environmental changes. 3) In contrast with the fast changes of the fisheries technique, the complexity and variety of technical system and the broadness of fishing village and fishermen, it was revealed that the necessary factors such as the facilities, manpower, budget, and the level of applying techniques of the FEO located in field were highly insufficient. Accordingly, the guiding efficiency was low and the extension services did not provide full solution to the various request from fishermen. 4) It is possible to classify the activation factor for the extension service into two large dimension ; personal dimension relevant to guidance officials and work dimension relevant to the organization. And it was found that the activation level of the work dimension was far lower than the personal dimension between them. So, the activation should be done first in the dimesion to promote the activation of the extension services. 5) The extension services officials are now demoralized in general, thus it is necessary to take reality into consideration : the expense of activity, the adequate endowment of activity scope and the reasonable operation of the position class, etc to enhance its morale. However, in order to do the FES activation, first of all, the systems should be established which is lain unsettled stage until now. And there must be change in the understanding of government i.e. the fisheries extension services are the essential policy subject to build up the base of fisheries growth and modernize the fisheries management. And it should be driven positively with the recognition of the "lasting project".g project".uot;.

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A Study on the Effect of the Bidding Stage Factors of Logistics Outsourcing Service on Trust, Cooperation and Service Satisfaction (물류아웃소싱 서비스의 입찰단계 요인이 신뢰, 협력 및 서비스 만족도에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Nam-Seung;Song, Sang-Hwa
    • Journal of Korea Port Economic Association
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    • v.36 no.2
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    • pp.19-36
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    • 2020
  • The bidding phase for logistics outsourcing services is critical for both shippers and logistics companies. According to the logistics bidding phase, the shipper should provide logistics operation information to logistics companies to resolve uncertainty. In addition, the logistics company can win the contract volume that was placed in the bid by expressing their experience and know-how, and proposing to share the risks and benefits of the shipper's logistics operation. Therefore, it is necessary to examine the factors that can be identified during the bidding phase for logistics outsourcing and how these factors affect the satisfaction of logistics outsourcing services. Based on the factors identified in the preceding studies on logistics outsourcing partnership factors and those on logistics outsourcing determinants, a survey was conducted on experts engaged in logistics companies, performing logistics for domestic shippers and analyzed using Smart-PLS. This study presents the following implications. First, in the logistics bidding phase, the shipper should provide its logistics operation information to logistics firms to resolve uncertainties. Details An in-depth explanation of the operation details will be presented via the bidding presentation, and on-site tours of manufacturing plants and logistics centers should also be carried out if necessary. Second, in the bidding phase, logistics companies should appeal through proposals to their competitiveness, such as experience and knowledge of the logistics of the shipper, and also consider alliances with other logistics companies to supplement their insufficient logistics services. Third, logistics companies should make proposals to share profits and risks through logistics outsourcing during the bidding phase, propose accepting risks from environmental uncertainties of the shipper within its capacity to an acceptable extent, and share the benefits of carrying out the shipper's logistics.

Estimating the Carrying Capacity of a Coastal Bay for Oyster Culture -I . Estimating a Food Supply to Oysters Using an Eco-hydrodynamic Model in Geoie-Hansan Bay- (굴 양식수역의 환경용량 산정 -I. 생태계 모델을 이용한 거제 · 한산만 굴 먹이 공급량 추정)

  • Park Jong Soo;Kim Hyung Chul;Choi Woo Jeung;Lee Won Chan;Park Chung Kil
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.35 no.4
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    • pp.395-407
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    • 2002
  • A 3D hydrodynamic-ecological coupled model was applied to estimate a food supply to oysters in Geoje-Hansan Bay where is one of the oyster culturing sites in Korea, In this study, the primary productivity (PP) was adopted as an index of food supply, and the spatial patterns of average chlorophyll a concentration during a culturing seasons from September to May of the following year were simulated by the model, The numerical result showed that PP was high in the inner part of the bay and the adjacent areas of Hwado island, but low in the outer. This result indicates that PP is essentially influenced by anthropogenic nutrient loadings in the system. The model was calibrated using the field data in May which is non culturing season of oysters and a simulated phytoplankton biomass agreed fairly well with the observed data ($R^{2}=0.70$, $RE=10.3\%$). The computed food supply varied from 0.19 to $1.27\;gC/m^{2}/day$ with a mean value of $0.62 gC/m^{2}/day$ from September to May. The highest value was showed in May ($1.27 gC/m^{2}/day$) and the lowest was in February ($0.19 gC/m^{2}/day$).

Air Pollution and Its Effects on E.N.T. Field (대기오염과 이비인후과)

  • 박인용
    • Proceedings of the KOR-BRONCHOESO Conference
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    • 1972.03a
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    • pp.6-7
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    • 1972
  • The air pollutants can be classified into the irritant gas and the asphixation gas, and the irritant gas is closely related to the otorhinolaryngological diseases. The common irritant gases are nitrogen oxides, sulfur oxides, hydrogen carbon compounds, and the potent and irritating PAN (peroxy acyl nitrate) which is secondarily liberated from photosynthesis. Those gases adhers to the mucous membrane to result in ulceration and secondary infection due to their potent oxidizing power. 1. Sulfur dioxide gas Sulfur dioxide gas has the typical characteristics of the air pollutants. Because of its high solubility it gets easily absorbed in the respiratory tract, when the symptoms and signs by irritation become manifested initially and later the resistance in the respiratory tract brings central about pulmonary edema and respiratory paralysis of origin. Chronic exposure to the gas leads to rhinitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, and olfactory or gustatory disturbances. 2. Carbon monoxide Toxicity of carbon monoxide is due to its deprivation of the oxygen carrying capacity of the hemoglobin. The degree of the carbon monoxide intoxication varies according to its concentration and the duration of inhalation. It starts with headache, vertigo, nausea, vomiting and tinnitus, which can progress to respiratory difficulty, muscular laxity, syncope, and coma leading to death. 3. Nitrogen dioxide Nitrogen dioxide causes respiratory disturbances by formation of methemoglobin. In acute poisoning, it can cause pulmonary congestion, pulmonary edema, bronchitis, and pneumonia due to its strong irritation on the eyes and the nose. In chronic poisoning, it causes chronic pulmonary fibrosis and pulmonary edema. 4. Ozone It has offending irritating odor, and causes dryness of na sopharyngolaryngeal mucosa, headache and depressed pulmonary function which may eventually lead to pulmonary congestion or edema. 5. Smog The most outstanding incident of the smog occurred in London from December 5 through 8, 1952, because of which the mortality of the respiratory diseases increased fourfold. The smog was thought to be due to the smoke produced by incomplete combustion and its byproduct the sulfur oxides, and the dust was thought to play the secondary role. In new sense, hazardous is the photochemical smog which is produced by combination of light energy and the hydrocarbons and oxidant in the air. The Yonsei University Institute for Environmental :pollution Research launched a project to determine the relationship between the pollution and the medical, ophthalmological and rhinopharyngological disorders. The students (469) of the "S" Technical School in the most heavily polluted area in Pusan (Uham Dong district) were compared with those (345) of "K" High School in the less polluted area. The investigated group had those with subjective symptoms twice as much as the control group, 22.6% (106) in investigated group and 11.3% (39) in the control group. Among those symptomatic students of the investigated group. There were 29 with respiratory symptoms (29%), 22 with eye symptoms (21%), 50 with stuffy nose and rhinorrhea (47%), and 5 with sore thorat (5%), which revealed that more than half the students (52%) had subjective symptoms of the rhinopharyngological aspects. Physical examination revealed that the investigated group had more number of students with signs than those of the control group by 10%, 180 (38.4%) versus 99 (28.8%). Among the preceding 180 students of the investigated group, there were 8 with eye diseases (44%), 1 with respiratory disease (0.6%), 97 with rhinitis (54%), and 74 with pharyngotonsillitis (41%) which means that 95% of them had rharygoical diseases. The preceding data revealed that the otolaryngological diseases are conspicuously outnumbered in the heavily polluted area, and that there must be very close relationship between the air pollution and the otolaryngological diseases, and the anti-pollution measure is urgently needed.

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