• Title/Summary/Keyword: Enterprise Collaboration

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A Public-oriented e-marketplace Framework for the Mining Industry (광산업의 B2B 공적 e-Marketplace 프레임워크 구축에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Ki-Nam
    • Journal of Korea Society of Industrial Information Systems
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    • v.11 no.5
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    • pp.53-61
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    • 2006
  • We propose public-oriented e-Marketplace framework construction that activates efficiently transaction of non-metal industrial resources through the case of Mineralland. The firms of Non-metal industrial resources domain have low information level and weak capital structure. So public enterprise has to construct e-marketplace to trade using exact market information. This framework consists of five domains-contents, commerces, communities, collaboration and electronic authentication. To draw this framework, we review many web-sites and literatures about B2B of industrial resources domain. In addition, this study provides practical implications and guidelines for activating public oriented e-Marketplace of non metal industrial resources.

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Recent Trends of Informatization and Ks Diffusion Strategy of Kang Won Locals (강원 지역정보화 실태 및 확산전략에 관한 연구)

  • Im, Jae-Hwa
    • Korean Business Review
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    • v.11
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    • pp.39-66
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    • 1998
  • Based on the empirical analysis result of informatization in Kang Won province, the major goals of diffusion for the advanced informational society may be summarized as follows: (i) The basic goal for local informatization, an affluent wealthy society for our life, should be come true. (ii) The informatization should be forwarded in order to accelerate the domestic industrial promotion. (iii) The formation of nucleus cities for information backbone in Kang Won province & local informatization based on balance and combination between city and rural and between regions should be forwarded. In order to establish the domestic informatization referred above, the following specific practice should be accompanied. (a) The effective separation of role and affair on local informatization between central and local governments should be studied. (b) The financial resources should be considered, due to the economic unbalance between locals. (c) The preparation for local informatization spreading method by private enterprise's initiative rather than the government's. (d) The specification of the systematic support for the local informatization business by central government. (e) The establishment of collaboration with the other city, province and local government.

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ElggSpace: Extension of Elgg SNS for Supporting Collaborative Workspace (ElggSpace: 협업 워크스페이스를 지원하는 Elgg SNS의 확장)

  • Cha, Won-Jun;Park, Jongmoon;Lee, Myung-Joon
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.631-637
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    • 2014
  • Recently, SNS is widely used for various purposes such as fast decision making or effective business process in educational institutions or enterprise as well as general services for social networking. Unfortunately, all of existing general SNS platforms do not provide user groups with workspaces for sharing information in a hierarchical way, nor support the functionality of workspace backup for migrations. In this paper, we present a collaborative workspace environment named ElggSpace which extends the Elgg SNS platform with the C3ware collaborative middleware. With the help of C3ware, ElggSpace systematically supports collaborative workspaces that enable user groups to share massive resource in cloud storages. In addition, ElggSpace allows high-level access controls for resources management and the functionality of resource backup, supporting effective collaboration.

Effects in Response to on the Innovation Activities of SMEs to Dynamic Core Competencies and Business Performance (중소기업의 혁신활동이 핵심역량과 기업성과에 미치는 영향)

  • Ahn, Jung-Ki;Kim, beom-seok
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.63-77
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    • 2018
  • In the rapidly to change global market in recent years, as the era of merging and integrating industries and the evolution of technology have come to an era in which everything can not be solved as a single company, it is evolving into competition for the enterprise network rather than the competition for the enterprise unit. In a competitive business environment, it is necessary to provide not only for the efforts as an individual companies but also the mutual development efforts to enhance output through the innovation activities based on the interrelationship with the business partners. In spite of the recent efforts and research through core competencies and innovation activities, some of business activities were unable to achieve enough progress in business performance and this study mainly focused to improve business performance for those companies. This study targeted CEOs and Directors who participates in "manufacturing performance innovation partnership project" carried by The foundation of Large, SMEs, Agriculture, Fisheries cooperation Korea and studied the influences of innovation activities to the core competencies and business performance. Detailed variables in this study were extracted from the previous research and used for verification. The study is designed to determine the influence of individual innovation activities to the core competencies and business performance. Innovation activities as a parameter, the relationship between core competencies and business performance was examined. In the examination of the innovation activities as a meditated effect, those activities carried by SMEs (Collaboration in Technology, Manufacturing, and Management innovations with Large Scale Business) through partnership in manufacturing innovation is significantly related business performance. Therefore, the result reveals that the individual SMEs are having own limitation in the achievement of significant progress in business performance with their own capabilities, and using the innovation activities act as catalyst through the collaboration with large scale businesses would result significant progress in business performance. Mutual effort in collaborative innovation activities between large scale businesses and SMEs is one of the most critical issues in recent years in Korea and the main focus of this study is to provide analysis which demonstrates where the SMEs are required to focus in their innovation activities.

Infringement Status of Overseas Intellectual Property Right and Required Strategy (해외 지식재산권 분쟁현황과 그 대응방안에 관한 연구)

  • Yoon, Byung-Seop
    • Journal of Korea Technology Innovation Society
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.23-45
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    • 2008
  • The object of this study is to present a strategy against technology protectionism of advanced countries focusing on international cooperation policy of KIPO and infringement of overseas intellectual property rights on the notion that a policy performed without a long-term plan will not lead to industrial growth in the long run. There is a high possibility that aggressive patent policy and black box strategy of Japanese enterprise can be a burden to Korean enterprises. Thus, a policy should be established against the technology protectionism. The policy can be based on a strategy about international cooperation policy of KIPO and strategy against infringement of overseas intellectual property rights. Of course, collaboration and cooperation will be activated among the advanced countries including technical cooperation. However, a systematic strategy of intellectual property rights should be focused on international cooperation and countermeasure against infringement of overseas intellectual property rights because national interest takes precedence over any other interest especially in case of strategically owing industry. A strategy against technology protectionism of advanced countries is as follows. A strategy is required to cope with infringement of overseas intellectual property rights. Korean government has to strengthen the function of overseas intellectual property rights protection center, strengthen boundary restriction of infringement goods, promote international dispute study, train international dispute specialist, construct confidence as social capital etc. Enterprises have to maintain no Patent no Future policy, specialize on application and countermeasure against infringement dispute, participate for formation and standardization of patent pool, strive for specialization regarding technical transfer and license management.

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Study on the factors affecting the performance of the excellent Industry-University cooperation coordinator (산학협력 코디네이터 성과에 영향을 미치는 요인에 관한 연구)

  • Hong, Eunyoung;Choi, Jong-In
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.107-118
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    • 2014
  • enterprise to strengthen growth and technological competitiveness through close cooperation with universities and research institutions. The Purpose of this study is to present how to seek more participation in industry-university cooperation from Industry, University, Research Institute, and Government (I-U-R-G) using success factor analysis of "Excellent Industry-University Cooperation Coordinator". The findings can be summarized as follows. First, it is indicated that Coordinator' business aggressiveness positively affect the volume of business and technology DB excavation. Second, it is indicated that the number of agency staff positively affect the volume of business, the number of Project derived by Coordinator and new professors participation rate. Third, it is indicated that the Fellowship of the Enterprises positively affect the volume of business, technology DB excavation and new professors participation rate. Lastly, it is indicated that organization maintains, center chapter leadership, and local government'commitment don't have positive effect on the performance of I-U Cooperation of SMEs.. Therefore, in order to improve the performance of cooperation technology development projects that affect the technological competitiveness of SMEs, I-U cooperation coordinator needs more continuous attention and support from Industry, University, Research institution, and Government.

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A Case Study for the Social Ventures through using TLBMC(Triple Layered Business Model Canvas) (지속가능한 소셜벤처를 위한 TLBMC(트리플 레이어드 비즈니스 모델 캔버스) 활용 사례 연구)

  • Jeon, Hye Jin;Park, Jae Whan
    • 한국벤처창업학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2017.08a
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    • pp.55-68
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study is to seek ways to enhance sustainability by understanding the business model of social ventures that should be accompanied by social and environmental missions as well as economic missions. To achieve this purpose, We seek to enhance sustainability by analyzing the business model of social venture entrepreneurs. The analysis tool used TLBMC (Triple Layered Business Model Canvas). It is extended from a business model canvas that is widely utilized and recognized in economical terms. The TLBMC is proposed by Alexandre & Raymond (2016) to help achieve a holistic view with horizontal and vertical associations. Based on the TLBMC, we found that each of the social ventures needed additional factors or unnecessary factors, and that they were approaching a different meaning from the beginning to stabilizing phase. And social entrepreneurs have concluded that using TLBMC to provide stakeholder and staff basic understanding of economic, social, environmental and environmental factors, enabling rapid and accurate communication and collaboration. This study will help people who prepare and study social ventures to have economic, environmental, and social perspectives. t could also be used to redefine the direction and value of entrepreneurs operating social ventures, such as vision and mission to help clarify the roles of the organization.

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A Feasibility Study on the Infrastructure Project of PCB Industrial Technology (PCB 산업기술 기반구축 사업의 타당성 분석 연구)

  • Kim, Dae Ho
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.57-66
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    • 2013
  • Domestic PCB industry formed by orders of demand companies is extremely vulnerable in its innovation infrastructure including high value-added technology development and information exchange. The majority of PCB products produced in the country relies on the imports from abroad and it causes its vulnerability to external market changes. Due to the negative perceptions about the industry (e.g., 3D job), low treatment (especially SMEs) and expertise employment avoidance in PCB industry, the job market conditions of PCB industry is not so good. In these circumstances, the PCB industry is completely dependent on the demand market such as cellular phones, and tablet PC, and as a result the responsiveness of PCB industry to the changes in demand market is also vulnerable. In this PCB industry, Korean government is trying to build the research infrastructure for PCB industry that realizes the sharing of information among companiesthrough the operation of the PCB industry innovation forum (information innovation), builds SME suppot platform and supports quality improvement (technology innovation), and supports enterprise collaboration processes (material-process-equipment) utilizing PCM open laboratory. The PCB industry technology infratstructure project is going to be promoted by the government(1.3 billion won, each year) and the private investmen(434 million won each year) from 2013 to 2017(5 years project)(table 1). This study analyzes the feasibility of the project, by using the AHP analysis and the results shows that this project is considered feasible because the AHP overall score is evaluated as 0.841, the overall score is greater than or equal to 0.55.

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An Asian Airline Implementation of Smartphone Collaboration: From Training to Operations (스마트폰을 활용한 항공사의 협업 사례 연구: 훈련 기간과 운영 기간의 차이 분석)

  • Dionne, Dante;Schutz, Douglas M.;Kim, Yong-Young
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.9 no.10
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    • pp.303-313
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    • 2018
  • In order to provide quality services across international airports, airline personnel must rapidly and effectively develop and share knowledge. Combining components of adaptive structuration theory (AST) and media synchronicity theory (MST), a research framework was developed to convey three distinct stages of knowledge sharing. We use the grounded theory research method for the qualitative data collected from audio transcripts of employees learning how to use and work with company issued smartphones with push-to-talk functionalities. Data was collected from 33 operations personnel. The results of the content analysis are recorded for the elements of each of the three concepts of our research framework. During the social interaction stage, the content of the audio conversations shifts mainly from conflict management to task management; for media synchronicity, from quality to quantity; for productive outcomes, from efficiency to commitment. New insights are uncovered from our analysis of data from the field as users advance from learning how to use the mobile devices, to using the devices for managing knowledge for their work in the airline industry.

Influencing Factors on the Knowledge-Transfer Channel of the Korean Academics Engaged in Science and Engineering (한국 이공계 대학교수 지식이전 경로의 영향요인)

  • Kwon, Ki-Seok;Park, Mun-Su
    • Journal of Information Technology and Architecture
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.287-301
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    • 2012
  • Against Nonaka's seminal work in 1999, this study aims to investigate various influencing factors on knowledge-transfer channels of Korean academics. To do this, we surveyed 20,000 Korean academics in science and engineering with regard to factors involved in their formal and informal collaborative activities with firms. In particular, we focus on the individual characteristics of the academics when the channels are changed from informal channels (e.g. consulting) to formal channels (e.g. licensing), as the codification of knowledge is important when it is spilled over. According to the results, male academics with a longer career and in the field of applied disciplines in a big laboratories are likely to join the transformation of the channels. Interestingly, application capacity as measured by the number of patent application is significantly and positively related to the participation of formal channels. In contrast, scientific capacity as measured by the number of papers is significantly and negatively, or in some case weakly, related to the participation. Finally, based on the findings, some policy implications are put forwarded.