• Title/Summary/Keyword: Effectiveness Score

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The Effect of the Patient's Characteristics on Nursing Outcomes in Gastrointestinal Surgery Patients (간호결과에 대한 환자 특성의 영향 - 위장관계 수술 환자를 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Byoung-Sook
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Administration
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.249-259
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    • 2008
  • Purpose: This study was performed to identify the patient characteristics significantly affecting nursing outcomes and their predictability in gastrointestinal surgery patients. Method: The subjects were 149 abdominal surgery patients from 3 general surgical nursing units of 3 general hospitals. Two instruments were used to measure nursing outcomes and acuity of the subjects. The nursing outcomes were measured at post-operation 4 and 7days using review of patients' records, observation of patients, and interviews with patients by a trained nurse. For data analysis, T-test or ANOVA, Pearson Correlation and Stepwise Multiple Regression were done. Result: Age, severity score, diagnosis, cancer or not, operation site were the subjects' characteristics that were significantly related to the nursing outcomes in both post-operation 4 and 7days. Cancer or not, age, diagnosis and severity score were the significant predictors for the scores of nursing outcome in post-operation 4days and the predictability was 34.9%. The predictability of cancer or not was highest, 22.6%. Age, diagnosis and cancer or not were the significant predictors for the scores of nursing outcome in post-operation 7days and the predictability was 27.8%. The predictability of age was highest, 17.3%. Conclusions: The patient characteristics affecting nursing outcomes should be considered when nursing care is planned and provided. Especially, careful attention should be given to the patients with cancer and older age. And, these patient characteristics should be adjusted for correct estimation of the effectiveness of nursing interventions on nursing outcomes.

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Effects of Structured Arm Exercise on Arteriovenous Fistula Stenosis in Hemodialysis Patient (구조화된 상지운동이 혈액투석 환자의 동정맥루 협착에 미치는 효과)

  • Kim, Aee Lee
    • Journal of Korean Biological Nursing Science
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.300-307
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    • 2012
  • Purpose: The purpose of this research was to develop and prove the effectiveness of structured arm exercise, which was used to reduce Arteriovenous Fistula (AVF) and Arteriovenous graft (AVG) stricture of hemodialysis patients. Methods: Quasi-experimental research design with non-equivalent control group was applied. 26 Subjects were participated in this study. 12 of hemodialysis patients who do not have a normal range of Static Intra Access Pressure Vein (SIAPV) score in the last three months were assigned to the experimental group and 14 patients who have a normal range of SIAPV score in the last three months to the control group. To analyze the collecting data after structured arm exercise, non parametric method with the repeated measures ANOVA by the Friedman test and Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test for post-hoc test was performed. Results: Unlike the experimental group after three months, the control group's SIAPV data went over the normal range. The experimental AVF group showed a difference in data after month 2 and month 3. - In AVG group, there were clear differences in each month of the test. Conclusion: This study proved that structured arm exercise therapy could be a simple and effective intervention. It is suggested to be actively utilized for hemodialysis patients.

Effects of Head and Neck Massage on Anxiety, Pain, and Discomfort in Hysterectomy Patients (두경부 마사지가 자궁적출술 환자의 불안, 통증 및 불편감에 미치는 효과)

  • Kim, Eun-Young;Choi, Euy-Soon
    • Women's Health Nursing
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.60-68
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    • 2010
  • Purpose: This study determined the effect of head and neck massage on anxiety, pain, and discomfort for hysterectomy patients. Methods: Subjects consisted of 48 hysterectomy patients at K hospital. Experimental group (n=23) received head and neck massage at 8 minutes per massage for five times: (at admission, before sleeping on preoperative day, at 4 hours after operation, before sleeping on operation day, before sleeping on the first postoperative day). Control group (n=25) received conventional treatment. As an effectiveness of this intervention, state of anxiety and BP was measured before sleeping on preoperative day. Pain and discomfort were measured before sleeping on the day of surgery and then on the first postoperative day. Data was analyzed descriptive statistics using $x^2$ test, Fisher's exact test, paired t-test, unpaired t-test, repeated measures ANOVA and Bonferroni multiple comparison. Results: 1. State of anxiety score and BP at post-treatment decreased significantly in the experimental group. 2. Pain score in experimental group was lower than that in control group, with no significant difference; whereas, 3. Discomfort level decreased significantly in the experimental group. Conclusion: Results indicate that head and neck massage could be an effective intervention for reducing preoperative anxiety and postoperative discomfort in hysterectomy patients.

Assessment Model for Industrial Accidents Prevention Policy (산업재해 예방정책에 대한 평가모형)

  • Kim, Youngsun;Jo, Jinnam;Baik, Jaiwook
    • Journal of Applied Reliability
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.38-49
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    • 2017
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study is to introduce the assessment model for industrial accidents prevention policy. Methods: 10 years of industrial accidents data are explored through EDA approach. Case control study is tried in order to assess the effectiveness of the measures taken by Korea Safety and Health Agency, Civilian, and 'Ministry of Employment and Labor'. Propensity score matching is used to match the characteristics of the two groups compared, and then case control study is again conducted. Next, logistic and Poisson regressions are used to assess the risk factors. Results: According to case control study involvement of 'Korea Safety and Health Agency' and 'Ministry of Employment and Labor' were not effective, but Civilian was. Propensity score matching leads to the same conclusion. Poisson regression reveals the impact of the risk factors on the industrial accidents. Industrial accidents occur more often as the number of employees grows. Mining, farming, fishing, 'transportation storage and telecommunication' and forestry have a higher level of industrial accidents but service industry has a lower level. It is odd that more involvement of Korea Safety and Health Agency, Civilian, and Ministry of Employment and Labor means more industrial accidents. Conclusion: 'Korea Safety and Health Agency', Civilian, and 'Ministry of Employment and Labor' seem to visit those industries with more industrial accidents.

Case Report : 3 Cases of CPM Combined with Korean Medical Treatment for Knee Joint Rehabilitation (한방 치료를 병행한 슬관절 재활 CPM 증례보고 3례)

  • Ha, Hyunju;Kim, Myeongkyu;Lee, Chiho;Oh, Minseok
    • Journal of Haehwa Medicine
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.15-26
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    • 2016
  • Objectives : The aim of this study was to report the cases of knee injury that are treated with both CPM and Korean medicine. Methods : We treated 3 patients who had knee joint pain and gait disturbance by knee injuries with Korean medicine and CPM treatment. We evaluated the outcomes by checking NRS, ROM, Lysholm knee score, walking state and other symptoms. Results : The NRS, ROM, Lysholm knee score, and other symptoms of 3 patients were improved before they. These results show possibilities of simultaneous treatment of Korean medicine and CPM. But there is a limit that the number of cases is not sufficient, and there was no long-term follow-up after discharge. Conclusions : Simultaneous treatment of Korean medicine and CPM has an effect on knee joint rehabilitation. Further studies are needed to prove the effectiveness of Korean medicine combined with CPM.

A Study on the Validation of Electroneuronography as Predicting Factors for Peripheral Facial Palsy Prognosis (말초성 안면신경마비의 예후인자로서 Electroneuronography(ENoG)의 유용성에 대한 연구)

  • Seo, Eun-Bi;Joo, Hyun-A;Lim, Jin-Young;Hwang, Chung-Yeon
    • The Journal of Korean Medicine Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology and Dermatology
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.55-64
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    • 2011
  • Objectives : This study was performed in order to investigate the effectiveness of electroneuronography as predicting factors for peripheral facial palsy prognosis. Methods : Data were gathered with 32 Bell's palsy patients. The grade of Bell's palsy were measured 2 times; first medical exam and 4 weeks after treatment, with Lucille Daniels's Muscle test. We converted the grade system use on five rating scale. The significance of treatment verified with paired t-test used on first medical exam and 4 weeks after treatment score and predicting factors of electroneuronography verified with simple regression test. Results : The improvement score were statistically significant different before and after treatment(p<.001). Mean axonal loss according to electroneuronography showed a statistically significant correlation in predicting peripheral facial palsy (P<0.01). Conclusion : Axonal loss as determined by electroneuronography has statistical significance as predicting factors for peripheral facial palsy prognosis.

X-ray Image Segmentation using Multi-task Learning

  • Park, Sejin;Jeong, Woojin;Moon, Young Shik
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.1104-1120
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    • 2020
  • The chest X-rays are a common way to diagnose lung cancer or pneumonia. In particular, the finding of a lung nodule is the most important problem in the early detection of lung cancer. Recently, a lot of automatic diagnosis algorithms have been studied to find the lung nodules missed by doctors. The algorithms are typically based on segmentation network like U-Net. However, the occurrence of false positives that similar to lung nodules present outside the lungs can severely degrade performance. In this study, we propose a multi-task learning method that simultaneously learns the lung region and nodule-labeled data based on the prior knowledge that lung nodules exist only in the lung. The proposed method significantly reduces false positives outside the lung and improves the recognition rate of lung nodules to 83.8 F1 score compared to 66.6 F1 score of single task learning with U-net model. The experimental results on the JSRT public dataset demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method compared with other baseline methods.

Development, Application and Evaluation of the Evidence-based Nursing Practice Guideline for Hemodialysis in the Patients with Risk of Bleeding (출혈위험이 있는 신부전환자의 혈액투석을 위한 근거중심 간호실무 가이드라인 개발과 적용 및 평가)

  • Kim, Su-Mi
    • The Journal of Korean Academic Society of Nursing Education
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.150-155
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    • 2010
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study is to develop evidence-based nursing practice guidelines for hemodialysis in the renal failure patients with risk of bleeding and to evaluate the guidelines by applying it to the practice. Method: Referring to the SIGN, the first draft for guidelines was developed based on the advices and recommendations obtained from the procedure of critical literature analysis. Then, the draft was modified by the procedures of the expert group evaluation and pilot application to the practice. The final draft was evaluated by the expert group using AGREE instrument. Result: The first draft of guidelines was developed through 8 stages of process and was evaluated by seven experts in terms of the appropriateness, applicability, and effectiveness using a 9 point scale. The mean score of 11 items was 7.90 or above. The quality of the final draft was evaluated by 5 experts using the AGREE instrument. The mean standard score was 73.0% or above in the 19 items. Conclusion: The clinical guidelines developed by this research can be utilized as systematic and scientific guidelines for hemodialysis in the renal failure patients with risk of bleeding. In addition, the research can contribute to improving care services.

The Effect of Supportive Nursing Care on the Knowledge Level and Compliance of Sick-Role Behavior in Patients with Coronary Artery Disease after Coronary Angiography (지지간호가 관상동맥조영술을 받은 관상동맥질환자의 질병관련 지식과 환자역할행위 이행에 미치는 효과)

  • Choi, Ok Ja;Cho, Bok Hee
    • Korean Journal of Adult Nursing
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.47-55
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    • 2007
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of supportive nursing care on the level of knowledge and compliance with sick-role behavior in patients with coronary artery disease after coronary angiography (CAG). Methods: A quasi-experimental research was performed with 81 subjects with coronary artery disease who were admitted for CAG to a cardiovascular department. Among the selected subjects, 40 of them were assigned to experimental group and the rest of them were assigned to control group by convenience. Supportive nursing care was implemented twice by a researcher. Results: 1. The mean score of knowledge related to coronary artery disease was higher in the group who received supportive nursing care than that of the control group (t=2.259, p=.027). 2. The mean score of compliance of sick role behavior was higher in the group who received supportive nursing care than that of the control group (t=4.580, p=.001). Conclusion: The supportive nursing care after CAG was effective in increasing the knowledge level and compliance of sick-role behavior in patients with coronary artery disease. Further studies would be recommended to identify long-term effectiveness of supportive care on patients' outcomes.

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The Two Cases Report of Iliolumbar Ligament Syndrome Showed a Physical Examination Positive Result by Acupuncture and Chuna Therapy (이학적 검사상 장요인대 증후군으로 진단된 환자에 대한 침과 추나치료 치험 2례)

  • Kwon, Jeong-Gook;Park, Jae-Won;Park, Seo-Hyun;Keum, Dong-Ho
    • The Journal of Churna Manual Medicine for Spine and Nerves
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.75-84
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    • 2016
  • Objectives : The objective of this study is to report the improvement of two patients with Iliolumbar ligament syndrome showed a physical examination positive. Methods : Two patients were treated by acupuncture therapy with chuna therapy at pelvic. We evaluated the effectiveness by numerical rating scale (NRS) and Oswestry Disability Index(ODI). Results : Both patients improved significantly NRS score and ODI score. And both patients' symptoms were alleviated. Iliolumbar ligament stress test was changed from positive to negative. Conclusions : We conclude that acupuncture therapy with chuna therapy at pelvic is an effective treatment to reduce the iliolumbar ligament originated pain. But there is a limit on this study due to sufficient number of cases. Further studies will be needed.

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