• Title/Summary/Keyword: Distribution & Service

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Determining Transit Vehicle Dispatching Time (최적 배차시각 설정에 관한 해석적 연구)

  • Park, Jun-Sik;Go, Seung-Yeong;Kim, Jeom-San;Gwon, Yong-Seok
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.137-144
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    • 2007
  • This study involves an analytical approach to determine transit dispatching schedules (headways) Determining a time schedule is an important process in transit system planning. In general, the transit headway should be shorter during the peak hour than at non-peak hours for demand-responsive service. It allows passengers to minimize their waiting time under inelastic, fixed demand conditions. The transit headway should be longer as operating costs increase, and shorter as demand and waiting time increase. Optimal headway depends on the amount of ridership. and each individual vehicle dispatching time depends on the distribution of the ridership. This study provides a theoretical foundation for the dispatching scheme consistent with common sense. Previous research suggested a dispatching scheme with even headway. However, according to this research, that is valid for a specific case when the demand pattern is uniform. This study is a general analysis expanding that previous research. This study suggests an easy method to set a time table without a complex and difficult calculation. Further. if the time axis is changed to the space axis instead, this study could be expanded to address the spacing problems of some facilities such as roads. stations, routes and others.

A Study on Distributions and Spatial Properties of Geomorphological Mountain Area (지형학적 산지의 분포와 공간적 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Tak, Han-Myeong;Kim, Sung Hwan;Son, Ill
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.48 no.1
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    • pp.1-18
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    • 2013
  • The mountain region in Korea has been known as 70% of total area and most Korean people have recognized Korea as the mountainous country. Those concepts are thought to be mislead by the definition of the Korea Forest Service for the mountain region. According to KFS's definition based on the land-use, the forest and farmland at the low altitude are also included in the mountain region. In this study, firstly, the geomorphological mountain region is extracted according to the definition of Kapos et al. (2000). The rates of mountain region in S. Korea, N. Korea, Korea Peninsular are 31%, 51%, 42% respectively. And the rates between mountain area and non-mountain area in the 300-1000m and 1000-2500m intervals are considerably different due to the existence of plateaus such as high-level plain surfaces. Secondly, using the overlay analysis in GIS, the distribution of mountain areas are compared with that of order-mountains' areas defined by Qui and SON (2010). Even in case of the 5th order, the highest order mountains, the hill & plain and non-mountain areas are included in that mountain area. It is possible to suggest that the definition of the KFS is completely different from the academic, realistic and epistemic definition for mountain area, and the geomorphological definition of mountain area is useful to classify the mountain area according to the its physical properties. Therefore, it would be expected that the definition contributes the development of methodologies on the scientific management of mountain area in future.

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A Study on the Distribution of Industrial Nurses and Performance of Industrial Nursing Services in Taegue and Kyungpook area (대구.경북지역 산업간호사의 배치현황 및 제공실태에 관한 조사연구)

  • Kim, Sang-Soon;Kim, Youn-Hwa;Kim, Ok-Lan;Choi, Youn-Hee
    • Research in Community and Public Health Nursing
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.299-317
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    • 1989
  • This study was attempted to find out the distribution of industrial nurses, analyze job performance by function and utilization state of medical dispensary among workers. The subjects for this study were 32 nurses working at industry located in Kyungpook and Taegu area. The data was collected through questionaire during the period of August 5-31, 1986, and analysed by the method of frequency and percentage. The following is the main findings of the study; 1. 72.2% of respondents was engaged in manufacturing industry, 33.3% in workplace whose regular workers was more than 2,000 workers. 67.7% in occupational health physicians was part-time system. 2. 93.1% of respondents was 20-29 years age group, 93.1% was graduates of junior nursing college, 96.6% was unmarried. 448% had 1-4 years of total working experiences. 3. For the motives which made them becomes industrial health nurse, 'good employment condition' was 62.1%. For the job satisfaction, 'moderate' was 586%. For the interest about the industrial health, 'moderate' was most frequent (58.6%). In the inservice education, 86.2% of the subjects was received education. 4. For the attitude of the dispensary and industrial nursing of employer, 'necessary' was most frequent (72.4%, 62.6%). 5. All establishment had dispensary facilities, 65.5% of them had independent dispensary. 6. In duty shift, 93.1% of respondents was working in one shift system. 41.4% of respondents was received from 250,000 won to 290,000 Won and 41.4% was belong to personnel section and 24.1% was direct controlled by general business section chief. 7. In the main health problem of their factories, 48.3% of respondents was work-environmental state, 24.1% was health education. 8. In the Dispensary budget, 60% of respondents was under 3,000 won per worker. 9. In the job performance rate by function, nursing service 73.1%, industrial health and nursing management 63.7%, environmental hygiene and safety management 54.5%, medical insurance 44.9%, welfare 38.4%. 10. Main health complaints among workers utilizing medical dispensary was 35.9% of respiratory system, 21.5% of gastro-intestinal system, 11.0% of skeletomuscular system.

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Mosquito Distribution and Detection of Flavivirus Using Real Time RT-PCR in Jeju Island, 2017 (제주지역 모기의 계절적 발생소장 및 Real Time RT-PCR을 이용한 Flavivirus 감염조사(2017))

  • Lee, Che-Wook;Hwang, Kyu-Kye
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.57 no.3
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    • pp.177-183
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    • 2018
  • This study examined the seasonal, regional distribution of mosquito vectors related with disease vectors in the Jeju. From March to November, sample were collected from 11 points in four environmentally different sites in Jeju Island. Samples were collected twice a month using a black-light trap and a BG sentinel trap. Overall, five genera and seven species types of 6,042 female mosquitos were collected. Among the collected mosquitos, 4,159 (68.8%) and 1,348 (24.4%) were Culex pipiens and Aedes albopictus, respectively, making them the dominant species. Additionally, collection using the black light trap produced 72.8 entities per trap in Jungang-dong service center in the center of the city, which was the highest value, while the lowest amount of 1.4 per trap was recovered from the airport. When the BG sentinel trap was used, the largest recovery was observed in the port, where there were 71.7 entities per trap, while the lowest amount of 28.3 entities per trap was recovered at Gealmae Eco Park. The overall number of mosquitoes collected started to increase from May, and reached the largest value of 1,156 (19.1%) in August. Trapped mosquitoes are created 364 pools of up to 50 grains per pool, by season, by environmental, and by species. When the pools were used, no flaviviral infection was observed upon real time RT-PCR.

Clinical analysis of febrile infants and children presenting to the pediatric emergency department (소아응급실에 내원한 발열 환아에 대한 연구 분석)

  • Kwak, Byeong Gon;Jang, Hyun Oh
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • v.49 no.8
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    • pp.839-844
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    • 2006
  • Purpose : We studied clinical patterns of the febrile infants and children presenting to the Pediatric Emergency Department(ED) in the general pediatric population. Method : We analyzed 1,764 infants and children who had a history of measured body temperature of $38.3^{\circ}C$ or higher, before or after arrival at Pediatric ED of Ilsan Paik Hospital from September 2004 to August 2005. We analyzed their clinical patterns, such as the frequency of febrile illness, age distribution, monthly distribution, diagnosis. Result : The frequency of the febrile illness at Pediatirc ED was 19.9 percent (1,764/8,881 cases). The percentage of admission into hospital was 26.4 percent. The most common age group presenting to Pediatric ED with febrile illness was the 12-23 months group(22.8 percent) followed by the 4-11 months group and the 2 years group. In May, the most numerous patients presented to the Pediatric ED with febrile illness. The frequency of febrile illness was significant higher in the 'Spring & Summer group' compared to the 'Autumn & Winter group'. The ratio of male to femal was 1.4:1. The most common diagnosis was acute pharyngitis(42.5 percent), followed by acute gastroenteritis (15.3 percent), pneumonia(7.0 percent). Conclusion : The frequency of the febrile illness at Pediatirc ED was 19.9 percent. The most numerous patients visited Pediatric ED in May. And, the most common age group was 12-23 months. The proportion of non-urgent disease, such as acute pharyngitis, acute gastroenteritis, acute nasopharyngitis and acute bronchitis, was high. There is a need to educate parents and improve the medical system in Korea.

Distribution of Bacterial Angular Leaf Spot of Strawberry and Characterization of Xanthomonas fragariae Strains from Korea (한국의 딸기세균모무늬병 발생분포 및 딸기세균모무늬병균 특성조사)

  • Yoon, Myung-Ju;Myung, Inn-Shik;Lee, Jae-Yeon;Kim, You-Shin;Lee, Yong-Hwan;Kim, Dae-Young;Lee, Young-Ki
    • Research in Plant Disease
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.9-17
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    • 2016
  • Nationwide survey for angular leaf spot (ALS) of strawberry caused by Xanthomonas fragariae, a quarantine disease in Korea, was performed in November 2012. In the survey, ALS was observed in eighty eight farmers' fields of Sukok, Jinju and Okjong, Hadong in Gyeongnam Province, and one field in Namwon of Jeollabuk Province. The infected field of Namwon closed immediately after the disease diagnosed ALS. In detailed survey of Sukok and Okjong areas during February 2012 to January 2015, ALS occurrence decreased from 45% farmer's fields on December 2012 to 5% on January 2015, and from 38% on November 2013 to 5% on January 2015, respectively. Phenotypic characteristics of the Korean strains were similar to those of the type strain of X. fragariae. A multilocus sequence analysis of Korean strains of X. fragariae was conducted using four genes; dnaK, fyuA, gyrB, and rpoD. All the Korean strains had the same sequences of the four genes. The concatenated sequences of the Korean strains shared 100% with that of the type strain of X. fragariae. All strawberry cultivars tested were susceptible to the strains of X. fragariae two weeks after inoculation. The inoculated sites were necrosis and expanded, which were rated 4 based on evaluation of inoculation site.

FPGA Implementation of a Grant Distribution Algorithm for the MAC in the ATM-PON (ATM-PON에서 MAC을 위한 승인분배 알고리즘의 FPGA 구현)

  • Kim, Tae-Min;Chung, Hae;Shin, Gun-Soon;Kim, Jin-Hee
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea TC
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    • v.38 no.10
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2001
  • The MAC (Medium Access Control) protocol is needed for the OLT(Optical Line Termination) to allocate bandwidth to ONUs(Optical Network Units) and ONTs(Optical Network Terminations) dynamically in the ATM PON(Passive Optical Network). With the protocol, the OLT gathers ONUs' informations and provides grants efficiently to each ONU. Two important functions of the MAC protocol is the grant request procedure and the grant distribution algrithm. The latter has the greatest arithmetic portion in the TC(Transmission Convergence) module, occupies a relatively large portion of the overall chip area, has often been the limiting factor in terms of speed, and should be designed to guarantee the quality of service for various traffics. In this paper, we implement the MAC with the FPGA which can allocate grants dynamically according to the queue length information and the number of active ONUs and distribute grants uniformly to minimize the cell delay variation for each ONU. The structure of the MAC scheduler for the dynamic bandwidth assignment has a programmable look-up table. Also, it has a simple structure, the less chip area, and the lower delay time.

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The Effect of Set Configuration on the Choice of Brand - Focusing on the Moderating Effects of Promotion Type - (선택구조가 브랜드선택에 미치는 영향 - 프로모션 유형의 조절효과를 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Yong-Ho;Kim, Sook-Hee;Song, Kyung-Soo
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.97-111
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    • 2015
  • A preliminary study on the existing attraction effect and compromise effect was started on the experiment studies about product or service and conducted on the empirical studies on things, research trips, staff recruitment process in the research and the actual US presidential election. However most studies have been limited in the theories of the frequency range and no research about combining compromise effect and attraction effect with the types of promotion. The purpose of this study verifies that how attraction effect and compromise effect in the choice option of the choice process for brand varies according to the types of promotion. This study compares the difference of choice of brand between the influence of the attraction effect and compromise effect. The independent variables among the manipulated variables are as follows : (1) Brand choice (attraction effect and compromise effect), (2) Promotion Type (price promotion/non-price promotion). This study was manipulated in between-subjects design and within-subjects design. The results of this study will be able to see the implications for the positioning strategy of offering several new products such as practical dimensions of promotion strategy because the entry of new brands rather increases market share of similar existing brands.

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Measuring Myun Health Worker's Performance by Time-Activity Approach (시간활동 접근법에 의한 면 보건요원의 업무량 분석)

  • Kim, Han-Joong;Kim, Moon-Shik
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.34-43
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    • 1977
  • This study attempts to examine the performances of Myun Health Workers-the frontline workers in the Korean rural health care delivery system. The time-activity approach was mainly utilized as a measuring tool. This study was undertaken in September 1976 with 35 Myun Health Workers at the Kang Wha County. The pretested time-activity approach sheets were filled out daily for one month by those Myun Health Workers themselves. Statistical means and variances of analysis were utilized for statistical method in comparing some activities and functions converged into time distribution Findings: 1. The workers's average working hours derived in this study is 8 hours and 48 minutes per day, which takes half an hour longer than normal schedule. 2. They spend 56% working hour for direct services, in other words, the main function, 22% for supportive function, and 22% for other activities, the unrelated health services. 3. Considering the total working hours of main function, out-center activity is far more than in-center services with the ratio of 70% to 30% respectively, which proves, therefore, that the main activity of the workers is home visiting. 4. It takes 20 minutes purely for home visiting and takes 14 minutes for transportation. 5. This research also indicates that such factors as characteristics of the health workers and myun influence in shaping the structures of the worker's function and activity: a. The workers whose working site is located in myun office spend 15% among total working hours in carring out official myun activities, which is incidentally unrelated to health services, while the health subcenter have no rooms for administrative jobs for myun office. b. The workers whose office is in health subcenter contribute much time in doing main function and those working in special project distribute more time in performing supportive function. c. The types of workers are another dominant factor to influence the components of worker's functions and activities. MCH workers and MPW I spend much time for manipulating main function. d. MPW II, whose function is reorganized by special project in 2 myuns shows different pattern of time distribution compared to the TB worker orFP worker in the ordinary area. MPW II distributes their time evenly in performing MCH program, T.B. Program, F.P. program and education activity, while the unipurpose workers engage in carring out only their dominant role. e. Another variables which involve the variation of the worker's activity can be illustrated with the variables like target population, size of myun and convenience for transportation, among which the latter two are remarkable factors in determining the time for out-center service.

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Characteristic Evaluation of Bending Strength Distributions on Revised Korean Visual Grading Rule (개정된 육안등급 구분에 따른 휨강도 특성 평가)

  • Pang, Sung-Jun;Oh, Jung-Kwon;Park, Chun-Young;Park, Joo-Saeng;Park, Mun-Jae;Lee, Jun-Jae
    • Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology
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    • v.39 no.1
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    • pp.1-7
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    • 2011
  • Recently, the visual grading rule of Korea Forest Research Institute (KFRI) was revised and it is necessary to investigate the distribution characteristics of visual graded lumber in accordance with the revised rule. Therefore, in this study, the distribution characteristics of bending strength was investigated with revised visual grading rule and changed prior rule, respectively. The size of specimens was $38{\times}140{\times}3,000$ (mm) and the species were $Larix$ $kaempferi$ and $Pinus$ $koraiensis$. The moisture content was under 18% and the specimens were tested in accordance with ASTM D-198. The number of No. 1 and 2 grades, suitable for structural lumber, was increased when the revised visual grading rule was applied. Moreover, the revised rule was more effective to distinguish sharply between No. 1 and 2 grades and below No. 3 grade. Meanwhile, the lower 5% exclusion limit and allowable stresses were generally decreased when revised visual grading rule had been applied. However, the announcement of Korea Forest Service, tested with small clear specimen, was much lower than the allowable stresses of this test, tested with structural lumber. Therefore, the revision of allowable design values should be considered for more exact use and effective structural design.