• Title/Summary/Keyword: Distributed runoff model

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Estimation of Flood runoff using HEC-HMS at agricultural small watershed (HEC-HMS를 이용한 농업소유역에서의 홍수량 추정)

  • Kim, Sang-Min;Park, Seung-Woo
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers Conference
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    • 2002.10a
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    • pp.281-284
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    • 2002
  • Geographic Information System (GIS) has advantage of analyzing spatial distributed data and handling spatial data for hydrologic analysis. Hydrologic Engineering Center's Hydrologic Modeling System(HEC-HMS) with HEC-GeoHMS was used to analyze flood runoff at agricultural small watershed. HEC-GeoHMS, which is an ArcView GIS extension designed to process geospatial data for HEC-HMS, is a useful tool for storing, managing, analyzing, and displaying spatially distributed data. Hydroligical component including peak discharge, time to peak, direct runoff, baseflow for Balhan study watershed, which is located in Whasung city, Kyunggi province, having an area of $29.79km^2$, were calculated using the HEC-HMS model with HEC-GeoHMS.

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Impact of Representative SCS-CN on Simulated Rainfall Runoff (SCS-CN 대표 매개변수가 분포형과 집중형 강우-유출 모형에서 유출 손실에 미치는 영향 비교)

  • Lee, Hyeong-keun;choi, Yeong-seon;Lee, Khil-Ha
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.25-32
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    • 2020
  • The determination of soil parameters is important in predicting the simulated surface runoff using either a distributed or a lumped rainfall-runoff model. Soil characteristics can be collected using remote sensing techniques and represented as a digital map. There is no universal agreement with respect to the determination of a representative parameter from a gridded digital map. Two representative methods, i.e., arithmetic and predominant, are introduced and applied to both FLO-2D and HEC-HMS to improve the model's accuracy. Both methods are implemented in the Yongdam catchment, and the results show that the former seems to be more accurate than the latter in the test site. This is attributed to the high conductivity of the dominant soil class, which is A type.

Development of Grid-Based Conceptual Hydrologic Model (격자기반의 개념적 수문모형의 개발)

  • Kim, Byung-Sik;Yoon, Seon-Kyoo;Yang, Dong-Min;Kwon, Hyun-Han
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.43 no.7
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    • pp.667-679
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    • 2010
  • The distributed hydrologic model has been considerably improved due to rapid development of computer hardware technology as well as the increased accessibility and the applicability of hydro-geologic information using GIS. It has been acknowledged that physically-based distributed hydrologic model require significant amounts of data for their calibration, so its application at ungauged catchments is very limited. In this regard, this study was intended to develop a distributed hydrologic model (S-RAT) that is mainly based on conceptually grid-based water balance model. The proposed model shows advantages as a new distributed rainfall-runoff model in terms of their simplicity and model performance. Another advantage of the proposed model is to effectively assess spatio-temporal variation for the entire runoff process. In addition, S-RAT does not rely on any commercial GIS pre-processing tools because a built-in GIS pre-processing module was developed and included in the model. Through the application to the two pilot basins, it was found that S-RAT model has temporal and spatial transferability of parameters and also S-RAT model can be effectively used as a radar data-driven rainfall-runoff model.

Development of a Multi-Site Calibration Module of Distributed Model - The Case of GRM - (분포형 모형의 다지점 보정 모듈 개발 - GRM 모형을 중심으로 -)

  • Choi, Yun-Seok;Choi, Cheon-Kyu;Kim, Kyung-Tak
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.103-118
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    • 2012
  • A distributed model can easily obtain discharge at any grids spatially distributed in a watershed. But if there are subwatersheds which have various characteristics in a watershed, it is needed to apply a model calibrated at each subwatershed to obtain reliable simulation results for each subwatershed. In this study, a multi-site calibration module that can calibrate a distributed model at each subwatershed using observed flow data was developed. Methods to select multi-site calibration parameters, to apply subwatershed parameters, and to set subwatershed network information are suggested. Classes to implement multi-site calibration technique are designed and a GUI was developed, and procedures for runoff modelling using subwatershed parameters were established. Multi-site calibration module was applied to Sunsan watershed($977km^2$) of Nakdong river basin. Application results showed that the multi-site calibration technique could be applied effectively to model the calibration for each subwatershed, and the simulation results of subwatershed were improved by the application of multi-site calibration.

Development of decision support system for water resources management using GloSea5 long-term rainfall forecasts and K-DRUM rainfall-runoff model (GloSea5 장기예측 강수량과 K-DRUM 강우-유출모형을 활용한 물관리 의사결정지원시스템 개발)

  • Song, Junghyun;Cho, Younghyun;Kim, Ilseok;Yi, Jonghyuk
    • Journal of Satellite, Information and Communications
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.22-34
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    • 2017
  • The K-DRUM(K-water hydrologic & hydraulic Distributed RUnoff Model), a distributed rainfall-runoff model of K-water, calculates predicted runoff and water surface level of a dam using precipitation data. In order to obtain long-term hydrometeorological information, K-DRUM requires long-term weather forecast. In this study, we built a system providing long-term hydrometeorological information using predicted rainfall ensemble of GloSea5(Global Seasonal Forecast System version 5), which is the seasonal meteorological forecasting system of KMA introduced in 2014. This system produces K-DRUM input data by automatic pre-processing and bias-correcting GloSea5 data, then derives long-term inflow predictions via K-DRUM. Web-based UI was developed for users to monitor the hydrometeorological information such as rainfall, runoff, and water surface level of dams. Through this UI, users can also test various dam management scenarios by adjusting discharge amount for decision-making.

Application of Storm Runoff Model on Small Watershed by Finite Element Method (유한요소법에 의한 소유역 유출모형의 적용)

  • 최진규;손재권
    • Water for future
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.97-104
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    • 1992
  • The distributed hydrologic models are widely applied to estimate the storm-runoff with spatial variability in watershed characteristics and rainfall pattern. This study was aimed to introduce the event-oriented storm runoff model using finite element method, and to try it's applicability on small watershed. Yeonwha watershed was selected and 14 storm events in 1991 were used for the finite element model, and the simulation results were compared with hydrologic quantities.

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Parameter Estimation of the Storage Function Model: 1. Development of the Universal Model for the Parameter Estimation (저류함수법의 매개변수 추정: 1. 범용모형 개발)

  • Choi, Jong-Nam;Ahn, Won-Shik; Kim, Hung-Soo;Park, Min-Kyu
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Hazard Mitigation
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    • v.10 no.6
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    • pp.119-130
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    • 2010
  • The universal model for the parameter estimation of the Storage Function Model(SFM) was developed through the applications of the distributed model for various hypothetical watersheds and runoff conditions. The existing parameter estimation equations are based on observations and these equations which are derived from the restricted conditions are not sensitive to the variation of physical characteristics of a watershed. This study developed the universal model for the parameter estimation through the runoff simulations of 35,000 times. As the simulation results, we have known that the lag time is related to the longest stream channel characteristics and the storage coefficient is related to the watershed characteristics.

Discussion for the Effectiveness of Radar Data through Distributed Storm Runoff Modeling (분포형 홍수유출 모델링을 통한 레이더 강우자료의 효과분석)

  • Ahn, So Ra;Jang, Cheol Hee;Kim, Sang Ho;Han, Myoung Sun;Kim, Jin Hoon;Kim, Seong Joon
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.55 no.6
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    • pp.19-30
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    • 2013
  • This study is to evaluate the use of dual-polarization radar data for storm runoff modeling in Namgang dam (2,293 $km^2$) watershed using KIMSTORM (Grid-based KIneMatic wave STOrm Runoff Model). The Bisl dual-polarization radar data for 3 typhoons (Khanun, Bolaven, Sanba) and 1 heavy rain event in 2012 were obtained from Han River Flood Control Office. Even the radar data were overall less than the ground data in areal average, the spatio-temporal pattern between the two data was good showing the coefficient of determination ($R^2$) and bias with 0.97 and 0.84 respectively. For the case of heavy rain, the radar data caught the rain passing through the ground stations. The KIMSTORM was set to $500{\times}500$ m resolution and a total of 21,372 cells (156 rows${\times}$137 columns) for the watershed. Using 28 ground rainfall data, the model was calibrated using discharge data at 5 stations with $R^2$, Nash and Sutcliffe Model Efficiency (ME) and Volume Conservation Index (VCI) with 0.85, 0.78 and 1.09 respectively. The calibration results by radar rainfall showed $R^2$, ME and VCI were 0.85, 0.79, and 1.04 respectively. The VCI by radar data was enhanced by 5 %.

Distributed Rainfall-Runoff Modeling Using GIS (GIS를 이용한 분산형 강우-유형 모형의 개발)

  • 김경숙;박종현;윤기준;이상호
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.1-16
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    • 1995
  • This study is conducted to eveluate the potential of a GIS to assist an application problem. GIS has been applied to rainfall-runoff modeling over Soyang area. Various rainfall-runoff models have been developed over the years. A distributed rainfall-runoff model is selected because it considers the topographic characteristics over the basin. GIS can handle the spatial data to enhance the modeling. GRASS-a public domain GIS S/W-is used for GIS tools. Digital database is generated, including soil map, vegetation map, digital elevation model, basin and subbasin map, and water stream. The inpu data for the model has been generated and manupulated using GIS. The database, model and GIS are integrated for on-line operation. The inflow hydrographs are tested for the flood of Sept., 1990. This shows the promising results even without the calibration.

Impact of Vegetation Heterogeneity on Rainfall Excess in FLO-2D Model : Yongdam Catchment (용담댐 유역에서 식생 이질성이 FLO-2D 유량 산정에 미치는 영향)

  • Song, Hojun;Lee, Khil-Ha
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.259-266
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    • 2019
  • Two main sources of data, meteorological data and land surface characteristics, are essential to effectively run a distributed rainfall-runoff model. The specification and averaging of the land surface characteristics in a suitable way is crucial to obtaining accurate runoff output. Recent advances in remote sensing techniques are often being used to derive better representations of these land surface characteristics. Due to the mismatch in scale between digital land cover maps and numerical grid sizes, issues related to upscaling or downscaling occur regularly. A specific method is typically selected to average and represent the land surface characteristics. This paper examines the amount of flooding by applying the FLO-2D routing model, where vegetation heterogeneity is manipulated using the Manning's roughness coefficient. Three different upscaling methods, arithmetic, dominant, and aggregation, were tested. To investigate further, the rainfall-runoff model with FLO-2D was facilitated in Yongdam catchment and heavy rainfall events during wet season were selected. The results show aggregation method provides better results, in terms of the amount of peak flow and the relative time taken to achieve it. These rwsults suggest that the aggregation method, which is a reasonably realistic description of area-averaged vegetation nature and characteristics, is more likely to occur in reality.