• 제목/요약/키워드: Distributed DB

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The Risk Assessment of the Fire Occurrence According to Urban Facilities in Jinju-si (진주시 도시시설물별 화재발생 위험도 평가)

  • Bae, Gyu Han;Won, Tae Hong;Yoo, Hwan Hee
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.43-50
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    • 2016
  • Urbanization in Korea has increased significantly and subsequently, various facilities have been concentrated in urban areas at high speed in accordance with a growing urban population. Accordingly, damages have occurred due to a variety of disasters. In particular, fire damage among the social disasters caused the most severe damage in urban areas along with traffic accidents. 44,432 cases of fire occurred in 2015 in Korea. Due to these accidents, 253 were killed and property damage of 4,50 billion won was generated. However, despite the efforts to reduce a variety of damage, fire danger still remains high. In this regard, this study collected fire data, generated from 2007 to 2014 through the Jinju Fire Department and the National Fire Data System(NFDS) and calculated fire risk by analyzing the clustering of fire cases and facilities in Jinju-si based on the current DB of facilities, offered by the Ministry of Government Administration and Home Affairs. As a result, the risk ratings of fire occurrence were classified as four stages under the standards of the US Society of Fire Protection Engineers(SEPE). Business facilities, entertainment facilities, and automobile facilities were classified as the highest A grade, detached houses, Apartment houses, education facilities, sales facilities, accommodation, set of facilities, medical facilities, industrial facilities, and life service facilities were classified as U grade, and other facilities were classified as EU grade. Finally, hazardous production facilities were classified as BEU grade, the lowest grade. In addition, in the case of setting the standard with loss of life, the highest risk facility was the hazardous production facilities, while in the case of setting the standard with property damage, a set of facilities and industrial facilities showed the highest risk. In this regard, this study is expected to be effectively utilized to establish the fire reduction measures against facilities, distributed in urban space by calculating risk grades regarding the generation frequency, casualties, and property damage, through the classification of fire, occurred in the city, according to the facilities.

Analysis of Land Use Characteristics Using GIS DB - A Case Study of Busan Metropolitan City in Korea - (GIS DB를 이용한 토지이용 특성 분석 - 부산광역시 건물 높이 시뮬레이션을 중심으로 -)

  • Min-Kyoung CHUN;Tae-Kyung BAEK
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.52-64
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    • 2023
  • As cities continue to develop rapidly, overcrowding, pollution, and urban sanitation problems arise, and the need to separate conflicting uses is emerging. From this perspective, there is no disagreement that urban land use should be planned. Therefore, all activities in land space must be predicted in advance and planned so that land use can be rationally established. This study used the constructed data to compare and analyze the use distribution characteristics of residential, commercial, and industrial areas in Busan Metropolitan City to identify the building area status, total floor area, and floor area ratio by use zone in districts and counties in Busan Metropolitan City. As a result, it was found that the residential area accounted for the largest proportion of the area by use zone at 51%, and that the residential area accounted for the largest proportion at 63% of the total floor area by use zone. And the analysis was conducted using a specialization coefficient that can identify regional characteristics based on land use composition ratio. Because it is difficult to determine the trend of the entire region just by counting the absolute value of the area, the area composition ratio was calculated and compared. Looking at the residential facilities among the specialization coefficients by use area, it is above 1.0 except for Gijang-gun, Sasang-gu, Saha-gu, and Jung-gu. Commercial facilities are over 1.0 except for Gijang-gun, Gangseo-gu, Nam-gu, Sasang-gu, and Saha-gu. Looking at industrial facilities, you can see that the industrial complex distribution area is Gangseo-gu (2.5), Gijang-gun (1.22), Sasang-gu (2.06), and Saha-gu (1.64). In addition, it was found that business facilities and educational welfare facilities were evenly distributed. Land use analysis was conducted through simulation of the current status of building heights according to each elevation in each use area and the height of buildings in each use area. In general, areas over 80m account for more than 43% of Busan City, showing that the distribution of use areas is designated in areas with high altitude due to the influence of topographical conditions.

A Study on the Vegetation Structure of Abies koreana Forest in Yeongsil Area of Hallasan Mountain (한라산 영실지역 구상나무림의 식생구조 연구)

  • Song, Kuk-Man;Kang, Young-Je
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.57-65
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    • 2016
  • This study's purpose was to provide basic data for the monitoring of ecological changes caused by change of vegetation structure of Abies koreana forest in a study site susceptible to climatic change in Yeongsil area of Hallasan Mountain, Jeju Island. Surveys revealed this: in Yeongsil area of Hallasan Mountain, per 1 ha of A. koreana forests, total number 1,781, and A. koreana number 989, accounting for 55.5% of the total number of trees. 190 A. koreana or 19.2% were found to be dead. For the number of individual trees by DBH, trees standing 5 cm - 10 cm tall formed the largest portion at 39.9%, and in the case of other trees except A. koreana, the number of individual trees below 5 cm accounted for 23.5% of the total number of trees. The survey of importance by height revealed this: at the top level, the importance of A. koreana was the highest at 106.23, but the sum of importance of temperate deciduous broad-leaved trees (Prunus maximowiczii, Quercus mongolica, and Taxus cuspidata) was higher at 142.84 than that of A. koreana. The analysis of species diversity revealed 0.645 species diversity for the tree layer and 0.817 for the shrub layer; for evenness, 0.549 for the tree layer and 0.664 for the shrub layer; for dominance value; 0.451 for the tree layer and 0.336 for the shrub layer. The analysis of tree vitality revealed that for the A. koreana forests in Yeongsil, the composition ratio of A. koreana by type is AS type>AL type>DS type>DB type, and that of the other trees is AL type>AS type>AF type>AB type. Compared with the forests in other areas, the A. koreana forests in the Yeongsil area have a very high occurrence rate of dead trees, and a high importance of trees is shown in the deciduous broad-leaved tree forests. Compared with the A. koreana forests in the Jindallaebat area, with the same level above sea, the vegetation structures are fast changing. Also, due to dryness and other non-physical environmental changes caused by a lack of rainwater and dry winds in winter, dead trees are fast increasing in number. Environmental changes such as climate change diversely affect the maintenance of A. koreana in individual areas, and if environmental changes are fast and continue long, of the A. koreana forest areas in the Hallasan Mountain, the A. koreana forests in the Yeongsil area will decrease fastest in number and will experience changes in the vegetation structure. Thus, it is necessary to survey the vegetation changes in A. koreana forests, which are distributed in all directions but are centered on Hallasan Mountain, and to thus conduct long-term monitoring and research.

Development of SaaS cloud infrastructure to monitor conditions of wind turbine gearbox (풍력발전기 증속기 상태를 감시하기 위한 SaaS 클라우드 인프라 개발)

  • Lee, Gwang-Se;Choi, Jungchul;Kang, Seung-Jin;Park, Sail;Lee, Jin-jae
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.19 no.9
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    • pp.316-325
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    • 2018
  • In this paper, to integrate distributed IT resources and manage human resource efficiently as purpose of cost reduction, infrastructure of wind turbine monitoring system have been designed and developed on the basis of SaaS cloud. This infrastructure hierarchize data according to related task and services. Softwares to monitor conditions via the infrastructure are also developed. Softwares are made up of DB design, field measurement, data transmission and monitoring programs. The infrastructure is able to monitor conditions from SCADA data and additional sensors. Total time delay from field measurement to monitoring is defined by modeling of step-wise time delay in condition monitoring algorithms. Since vibration data are acquired by measurements of high resolution, the delay is unavoidable and it is essential information for application of O&M program. Monitoring target is gearbox in wind turbine of MW-class and it is operating for 10 years, which means that accurate monitoring is essential for its efficient O&M in the future. The infrastructure is in operation to deal with the gearbox conditions with high resolution of 50 TB data capacity, annually.

Proposed Landslide Warning System Based on Real-time Rainfall Data (급경사지 붕괴위험 판단을 위한 강우기반의 한계영역 설정 기법 연구)

  • Kim, Hong Gyun;Park, Sung Wook;Yeo, Kang Dong;Lee, Moon Se;Park, Hyuck Jin;Lee, Jung Hyun;Hong, Sung Jin
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.197-205
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    • 2016
  • Rainfall-induced landslide disaster case histories are typically required to establish critical lines based on the decrease coefficient for judging the likelihood of slope collapse or failure; however, reliably setting critical lines is difficult because the number of nationwide disaster case histories is insufficient and not well distributed across the region. In this study, we propose a method for setting the critical area to judge the risk of slope collapse without disaster case history information. Past 10 years rainfall data based on decrease coefficient are plotted as points, and a reference line is established by connecting the outermost points. When realtime working rainfall cross the reference line, warning system is operating and this system can be utilized nationwide through setting of reference line for each AWS (Automatic Weather Station). Warnings were effectively predicted at 10 of the sites, and warnings could have been issued 30 min prior to the landslide movement at eight of the sites. These results indicate a reliability of about 67%. To more fully utilize this model, it is necessary to establish nationwide rainfall databases and conduct further studies to develop regional critical areas for landslide disaster prevention.

Open GIS Component Software Ensuring an Interoperability of Spatial Information (공간정보 상호운용성 지원을 위한 컴포넌트 기반의 개방형 GIS 소프트웨어)

  • Choe, Hye-Ok;Kim, Gwang-Su;Lee, Jong-Hun
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartD
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    • v.8D no.6
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    • pp.657-664
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    • 2001
  • The Information Technology has progressed to the open architecture, component, and multimedia services under Internet, ensuring interoperability, reusability, and realtime. The GIS is a system processing geo-spatial information such as natural resources, buildings, roads, and many kinds of facilities in the earth. The spatial information featured by complexity and diversity requires interoperability and reusability of pre-built databases under open architecture. This paper is for the development of component based open GIS Software. The goal of the open GIS component software is a middleware of GIS combining technology of open architecture and component ensuring interoperability of spatial information and reusability of elementary pieces of GIS software. The open GIS component conforms to the distributed open architecture for spatial information proposed by OGC (Open GIS Consortium). The system consists of data provider components, kernel (MapBase) components, clearinghouse components and five kinds of GIS application of local governments. The data provider component places a unique OLE DB interface to connect and access diverse data sources independent of their formats and locations. The MapBase component supports core and common technology of GIS feasible for various applications. The clearinghouse component provides functionality about discovery and access of spatial information under Internet. The system is implemented using ATL/COM and Visual C++ under MicroSoft's Windows environment and consisted of more than 20 components. As we made case study for KSDI (Korea Spatial Data Infrastructure) sharing spatial information between local governments, the advantage of component based open GIS software was proved. Now, we are undertaking another case study for sharing seven kinds of underground facilities using the open GIS component software.

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Analysis of Genotype and Flanking Sequence Tagged from pooled Ds Insertional lines in rice (벼 Ds 삽입변이 pooling 계통들의 FST 및 유전자형 분석)

  • Ahn, Byung-Ohg;Kim, Jeong-Ho;Ji, Sang-hye;Yun, Doh-Won;Park, Yong-Hwan;Ji, Hyeon-So;Eun, Moo-Young;Lee, Gi-hwan;Suh, Seok-Cheol;Lee, Myung-Chul
    • Korean Journal of Breeding Science
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    • v.40 no.4
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    • pp.387-393
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    • 2008
  • Over 7 individual rice (Oryza sativa L.) plants per a line were sowed and sampled by pooled sampling method for genomic DNA extraction. The 5,400 flanking sequence tags (FSTs) were analysed by adaptor PCR and direct sequencing. FST analysis showed that the intragenic FSTs, the intergenic FSTs, and the original insertional sequences including hot spot covered 48.1% (2,597), 25.6% (1,383), and 25% (1,350), respectively. The 2,597 intragenic FSTs were used for genotyping to determine whether they are heterozygous or homozygous, and 1,393 core lines were selected. Among them, 422 knockout genes were distributed on chromosome 3, while 56 - 157 intragenic FSTs scattered on other chromosomes. Among 1,393 FSTs, known genes such as transcription factor covered 59.4% (827), while unknown genes such as expressed protein covered 40.6% (566). RT-PCR indicated that some core lines had no expression or decreased expression level in their knockout genes. It means that core lines are very useful knockout lines for functional genomic studies.

A Security Nonce Generation Algorithm Scheme Research for Improving Data Reliability and Anomaly Pattern Detection of Smart City Platform Data Management (스마트시티 플랫폼 데이터 운영의 이상패턴 탐지 및 데이터 신뢰성 향상을 위한 보안 난수 생성 알고리즘 방안 연구)

  • Lee, Jaekwan;Shin, Jinho;Joo, Yongjae;Noh, Jaekoo;Kim, Jae Do;Kim, Yongjoon;Jung, Namjoon
    • KEPCO Journal on Electric Power and Energy
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.75-80
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    • 2018
  • The smart city is developing an energy system efficiently through a common management of the city resource for the growth and a low carbon social. However, the smart city doesn't counter a verification effectively about a anomaly pattern detection when existing security technology (authentication, integrity, confidentiality) is used by fixed security key and key deodorization according to generated big data. This paper is proposed the "security nonce generation based on security nonce generation" for anomaly pattern detection of the adversary and a safety of the key is high through the key generation of the KDC (Key Distribution Center; KDC) for improvement. The proposed scheme distributes the generated security nonce and authentication keys to each facilities system by the KDC. This proposed scheme can be enhanced to the security by doing the external pattern detection and changed new security key through distributed security nonce with keys. Therefore, this paper can do improving the security and a responsibility of the smart city platform management data through the anomaly pattern detection and the safety of the keys.

Construction of a Genetic Map using the SSR Markers Derived from "Wonwhang" of Pyrus pyrifolia (배 '원황'(Pyrus pyrifolia) 유전체 해독에 기반한 SSR 마커 개발 및 유전자 지도 작성)

  • Lee, Ji Yun;Seo, Mi-Suk;Won, So Youn;Lim, Kyoung Ah;Shin, Il Sheob;Choi, Dongsu;Kim, Jung Sun
    • Korean Journal of Breeding Science
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    • v.50 no.4
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    • pp.434-441
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    • 2018
  • High-density genetic linkage mapping is critical for undertaking marker-assisted selection and confirming quantitative trait loci, as well as helping to build pseudomolecules of genomes. We constructed a genetic map using 94 $F_1$ populations generated from the interspecific cross between Korean cultivar "Wonwhang" (Pyrus pyrifolia, NCBI BioSample SAMN05196235) and European cultivar "Bartlett" (Pyrus communis). We designed a total of 24,267 SSR markers based on the genome sequences of "Wonwhang" for this. To select the markers that are linked to the traits important in pear breeding programs, SSR-containing genomic sequences were subjected to nucleotide sequence homology searches, which resulted in 510 SSR markers with high similarity to genes encoding proteins with putative functions such as transcription factors, resistance proteins, flowering time, and regulatory genes. Of these, 70 markers showed polymorphisms in parents and segregating populations and were used to construct a genetic linkage map, together with the unpublished 579 SNPs obtained from genotyping by sequencing analysis. The genetic linkage map covered 3,784.2 cM and the average distance between adjacent markers was 5.8 cM. Seventy SSR markers were distributed across 17 chromosomes with more than one locus.

Research Direction for Functional Foods Safety (건강기능식품 안전관리 연구방향)

  • Jung, Ki-Hwa
    • Journal of Food Hygiene and Safety
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.410-417
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    • 2010
  • Various functional foods, marketing health and functional effects, have been distributed in the market. These products, being in forms of foods, tablets, and capsules, are likely to be mistaken as drugs. In addition, non-experts may sell these as foods, or use these for therapy. Efforts for creating health food regulations or building regulatory system for improving the current status of functional foods have been made, but these have not been communicated to consumers yet. As a result, problems of circulating functional foods for therapy or adding illegal medical to such products have persisted, which has become worse by internet media. The cause of this problem can be categorized into (1) product itself and (2) its use, but in either case, one possible cause is lack of communications with consumers. Potential problems that can be caused by functional foods include illegal substances, hazardous substances, allergic reactions, considerations when administered to patients, drug interactions, ingredients with purity or concentrations too low to be detected, products with metabolic activations, health risks from over- or under-dose of vitamin and minerals, and products with alkaloids. (Journal of Health Science, 56, Supplement (2010)). The reason why side effects related to functional foods have been increasing is that under-qualified functional food companies are exaggerating the functionality for marketing purposes. KFDA has been informing consumers, through its web pages, to address the above mentioned issues related to functional foods, but there still is room for improvement, to promote proper use of functional foods and avoid drug interactions. Specifically, to address these issues, institutionalizing to collect information on approved products and their side effects, settling reevaluation systems, and standardizing preclinical tests and clinical tests are becoming urgent. Also to provide crucial information, unified database systems, seamlessly aggregating heterogeneous data in different domains, with user interfaces enabling effective one-stop search, are crucial.