• 제목/요약/키워드: Discourse of Tradition

검색결과 49건 처리시간 0.022초

문화재보호제도와 전통 담론 (The Protection System of Cultural Property and the Discourse of Tradition)

  • 정수진
    • 헤리티지:역사와 과학
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    • 제47권3호
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    • pp.172-187
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    • 2014
  • 이 글은 문화재보호제도에서 전통이 구체적으로 어떻게 정의되고 통용되어 왔는지를 고찰하는 데 그 목적이 있다. 우선 오늘날과는 다른 의미로 쓰이던 '문화재'와 '전통'이 조우하게 되는 역사적 과정과 그 결합 양상을 살피고, 두 용어의 관계맺음이 이후 문화재보호법에 어떻게 반영되는지, 또 그 제도 운영 과정에서 서로에게 어떤 영향을 어떻게 미치는지를 고찰했다. 그러고 나서 문화재보호제도에서 견지해온 전통론이 균열되는 지점과 그 원인을 총괄적으로 짚어보았다. 이 글은 전통을 '과거로부터 현재로 전승된 모든 것'이라고 정의하는 기존의 통념과 달리, 과거와의 필연적인 연속성을 내세우려는 헤게모니적 실천을 통해 비로소 현재화된 것이라고 보는 비(非) 본질주의적 관점을 견지했다. 이 관점에서 보자면, 문화재와 전통의 관계를 살피는 것은 곧 국가 헤게모니 속에서 전통이 공식적으로 어떻게 정의되어 왔는가를 고찰하는 것에 다름 아니다. 문화재야말로 국가 차원에서 운영되는 제도의 산물인 까닭이다. 1920년대부터 이어져온 문화재 관련 제도의 변천 과정 속에서 전통은 고정적이고도 본질적이며 순수한 실체로 개념화되었다. 이러한 본질주의적 전통관은 그간 문화와 문화재를 천착한 수많은 연구들 속에서 비판의 대상이 되었음에도 불구하고, 제도적 관점으로 줄곧 지속되어 왔다. 그러나 오늘 우리는 이 전통관에 균열이 생기기 시작했음을 목도하고 있는 바, 급변하는 세계 경제 질서와 유네스코 무형문화유산을 둘러싼 등재 경쟁은 기존의 제도를 지탱해온 지적 담론으로서 전통론의 전격 선회를 견인하고 있다.

고르기아스 수사학에서 설득과 진리: 파르메니데스적 로고스 전통에 대한 소피스트적 수용의 한 국면 (Persuasion and Truth in Gorgias' Rhetoric: A Feature of the Sophistic Reception of Parmenidean Logos Tradition)

  • 강철웅
    • 철학연구
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    • 제116호
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    • pp.251-281
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    • 2017
  • 연구자들이 제대로 주목하지 못한 파르메니데스적 '로고스' 전통은 존재-인식-담론이라는 삼원적 구조로 이루어진다. 그는 전통적 이해가 강조하듯 존재론자일 뿐만 아니라, 수정주의적 이해가 강조하기 시작한 것처럼 인식론자이기도 하며, 동시에 두 기존 이해가 담아내지 못한 담론론자의 면모 또한 갖고 있다. 파르메니데스의 이런 역동적, 통합적 면모를 온전히 포착하는 제3의 이해에 도달하려면, 진리편-의견편-서시라는 세 담론 부분의 유기적 구성에, 특히 서시와 메타 담론의 의의에 면밀히 주목해야 한다. 엘레아적 담론 전통 내에서 이런 파르메니데스 담론의 진면모를 분명히 파악하고 발전시킨 사람은 통상의 기대대로 2세대 엘레아주의자들이 아니라 오히려 그 반대편 자리에 흔히 정위되어 온 고르기아스다. 이 글은 파르메니데스적 로고스 전통을 과연 그가 어떻게 혁신하면서 계승하는지 추적한다. 특히 그의 담론을 전통 내부적 반론(안틸로기아)으로 규정한다. 파르메니데스적 전통을 하나의 커다란 지성적 훈련의 장으로 놓고 거기에 일종의 스파링 상대로 자신을 제공하면서 반론을 세워 줌으로써 파르메니데스적 설득을 보완하고 완성한 '악마의 대변자'로 자리 매김한다. "헬레네 찬양"이나 "팔라메데스 변명" 같은 수사학 연설에서 수행한 그런 반론 과정에서 그는 설득이 진리와 따로 놀 가능성을 실험하고 음미한다. 하지만 그것은 플라톤이 '철학적' 저작 "비존재에 관하여"에만 주목하며 문제 삼은 것처럼 그저 설득력과 그럴법함(에이코스)을 위해 진리를 희생하는 것이 아니었다. 오히려 진리와 앎에 지나치게 기울어 경직된 당대 지성에 균형과 유연성을 제공하기 위해 일부러 반대편에 힘을 실어 주려는 '반대를 위한 반대'요 진지한 유희였다. 이런 소피스트적 전통을, 플라톤의 과제가 아니라 우리 시대의 과제, 즉 진지한 유희를 나눌 수 있는 건강한 담론 문화를 만들어가야 한다는 과제를 위해 불러들이고 음미하는 것은 온전히 우리가 감당해야 할 '에라노스'(우리 몫의 기여)다.

Confucianism in Vietnam: A Hauntology-based Analysis of Political Discourse

  • LINH Trinh Ngoc
    • 대순사상과 동아시아종교
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    • 제3권1호
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    • pp.87-108
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    • 2023
  • From the time it was propagated to Vietnam until it was forced to relinquish its leadership position in both politics and philosophy, Confucianism in Vietnam was never orthodox Confucianism. This study employs the theory of invented tradition to examine how Confucianism penetrated the ethnic Vietnamese community at the turn of the first millennium and points out its vital requirement: the construction of a Chinese-style centralized administrative government based on Neo-Confucianism. This requirement unfolded during the Le So Dynasty in the fifteenth century. Moreover, the theory of invented tradition can also be applied to discover the motivation behind Neo-Confucianism's process of manufacturing orthodoxy to speed up the goal of Sinicization. Somehow, the launching of the imperial examination system, meant to fulfill a system of bureaucracy, ended up resolving one of the greatest challenges of medieval times. It is to seek the ruler's uncritical submission to the ruled. This article applies hauntology to analyze two forms of Confucianism discourse in Vietnam. In doing so, this study determined that Confucianism evolved into its own unique system of thought in Vietnam and in the end, was not even recognizable as Confucianism. Throughout Vietnam's turbulent history, Confucianism shifted from a symbol of progress to one of backwardness. This culminated Vietnam's preoccupation with the de-Sinicization during the early twenty-first century.

근대 이후 한국주거의 미시사를 보는 다양한 관점 (Various Perspectives to Read the Micro-History of Korean Housing after the Period of Opening the Port)

  • 홍형옥
    • 가정과삶의질연구
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    • 제23권5호
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    • pp.79-92
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this study was to explore the various perspectives to read micro-history of Korean housing after the period of Opening the Port for foreigners. This study were designed to adapt original theory for exploring the unique housing perspectives without using strict basic assumption which were already developed in the area of sociology, history, anthropology and philosophy. Research method applied was literature review. Each perspective might give useful insight to read the micro-history of Korean housing on the way of change after the Period of Opening the Port in Korea. Adapted perspectives to housing history were critical theory perspective, microsociological perspective, everyday life perspective(phenomenology tradition, symbolic interaction tradition, Marxist tradition), discourse perspective, exchange theory perspective, conflict theory perspective, and life course perspective. Conclusively, each perspective must be adapted multi-supportively to read the housing phenomena, because housing change derived from complex causes and factors. The fruit of this study was to ensure the adaptable viewpoint to housing were useful to read the micro-history of housing change.

트랜스미디어 담론에 대한 집단지성론적 고찰 (The Meaning of the 'Collective Intelligence' in the Transmedia Discourse)

  • 김기홍
    • 만화애니메이션 연구
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    • 통권40호
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    • pp.261-285
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    • 2015
  • 젠킨스(Henry Jenkins)에 의해 재구성되어 유포된 트랜스미디어(Transmedia) 담론은 하나의 이야기 세계가 다양한 미디어를 넘나들며 확장되는 것을 의미하며, OSMU나 미디어믹스 등과의 유사성에 의하여 산업론적 관점에서 다루어진 경우가 많았다. 본 논문은 이 연구담론의 초기 기획의도를 중심으로 버밍엄에서 비롯된 서구 문화연구의 전통에서 이 담론을 고찰하고 의미 있는 시사점을 추출하고자 했다. 트랜스미디어 담론은 기존 문화연구의 능동적 수용자(active audience) 연구의 전통에서 출발하고 있으나, 비판이론적 연구 전통의 고전적 프레임인 미디어에 의한 권력 은폐문제와 수용자의 능동성 문제, 지배/피지배, 순응/저항 등의 이분법적 패러다임과는 다른 접근을 시도하고 있다. 특히 레비(Pierre Levy)의 집단지성 개념에 크게 영향을 받아 수용자의 '능동성'에 대한 새로운 해석 가능성을 열고자 한것이다. 문화의 상품성에 대한 인정이나 고전적 문화연구의 주요 관심사였던 수용자의 '고유의 정치적 활동' 가능성 등에 대한 논제들의 해명에서 레비의 영향이 도드라진다. 그러나 무엇보다 담론의 철학적 기저에 있어서 집단지성론은 특유의 유토피아적 접근을 통해 사이버스페이스에서의 집단 참여를 새롭게 해석했다는 점에서 트랜스미디어 담론에 크게 기여하였다. 본 연구는 먼저 미디어컨버전스와 트랜스미디어 담론의 배경에 대해 고찰하며, 디지털시대 미디어의 변화양상과 수용자에 대한 기본적 가정들을 살펴보았다. 이는 트랜스미디어론과 집단지성 개념에 의한 수용자 위치의 재규정으로 연계되어, 기존 문화연구의 맥락에서 행해졌던 연구의 전제와 시각을 기존으로 트랜스미디어 담론에서 제시하는 변화된 양상을 자세히 고찰하였다. 마지막으로 문화연구의 비판이론적 프레임에 대한 재해석을 통해 이러한 시각적 변화의 요구 내지는 실천에 대해 그 양상과 의미를 고찰하였다. 특히 집단지성론이라는 철학적 기저에 대한 고찰을 통해 디지털미디어의 시대 수용자를 보는 새로운 연구 관점과 패러다임 변화에 대해 논의하며, 문화연구적 가치를 밝힘으로써, 관련 연구를 다양화하고 새로운 시각을 제시하고자 하였다.

한국 현대 조경의 한국성 논의를 위한 기초 연구 (A Basic Study on the Koreanness of Contemporary Korean Landscape Architecture)

  • 최정민;최기수
    • 한국조경학회지
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    • 제35권4호
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    • pp.1-15
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this study is to mate a basic foundation for the discourse of Koreanness of contemporary Korean landscape architecture by way of searching the conceptual definitions of Koreanness through analysis of Koreanness discourses. The results are that discourses of Koreanness are to be classified in aesthetics type, spatial-temporal type, and cultural type. Aesthetics type is understood as style in terms of formal and design representation planning principles of spatial composition and immanence in terms of philosophy. Spatial-temporal type is understood as contemporaneity. This is classified as the concept of connoting of tradition, and separating and keeping a distance from tradition. Cultural type is prescribed as cultural identity. This is classified as unity, generality and individuality. The intension of Koreanness of these types is represented as an aspect changing and shifting from one regulation to another regulation. First, in the concerns of substantial archetypes like Korean original form, decorative element, spatial composition aesthetic perception and philosophy, Koreanness shifts to the point of view of contemporaniety which is created and defined in history. Second, Koreanness as contemporaniety shows a trend of shifting the point of view which is to be found through the reconsideration on modem history and modernism. Third, Koreanness defined as cultural identity shows a trend to emphasize the differences in other cultures and includes all the modem cultural agents. The number of views understood as individuality and denial are small but provide important points. Programmatic definition of Koreanness is not suitable. This basic study uses a stipulative or operational definition of Koreanness in many ways such as spatial and regional identity. Koreanness study for Korean contemporary landscape architecture requires a systematic understanding of modernity and colonization relating to identity. Also, it is needed to elaborate on the discourse to divide the meaning of a concept of identity.

전통건축논의에서 나타나는 움직임의 담론적 이해 - 안영배의 "한국건축의 외부공간"을 중심으로 - (Understanding on the Movement in Discourse of Traditional Korean Architecture - Focused on Ahn Yung Bae's "Exterior Space in Traditional Korean Architecture" -)

  • 서정연
    • 한국가구학회지
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    • 제24권3호
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    • pp.293-301
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    • 2013
  • Through 1960 and 1970s, there had been constant endeavor in order to succeed the korean traditional architectural heritages. Among those efforts Ahn Yung Bae's book "Exterior Space in Traditional Korean Architecture"presented unique methodology utilizing abstraction of space and movement of subject. His method doesn't refer traditional form of architecture. He ignores formal elements. Instead, he reads space through subject's movement and this reading act creates meaning of space. So, he constructed knowledge not about the object of traditional architecture but the subject of today. Ahn's book opens new discourse based on traditional korean architecture. His analyses didn't deal with the form of traditional space, but the experiences of observer. However many historical documents related to architecture had not been interpreted until nineties and the succession of heritage became to be broken by modernity through 20th century. In this situation his book showed the unavoidable method, that is, the modernization of tradition.

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Strategic use of social media IDs: critical perspectives on identity and interaction

  • Rizwan, Snobra
    • 비교문화연구
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    • 제36권
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    • pp.5-35
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    • 2014
  • This study attempts to give a review of social media users' choice of a particular name for the sake of signaling identity cues and interaction with the others. The social media names could be classified into different categories such as traditional/cultural anthroponyms, nicknames and fictitious IDs etc. Out of these categories, it is the phenomenon of choice and construction of fictitious social media IDs by Pakistani social media users which has been reviewed and scrutinized in this particular article. This study examined fictitious IDs of Pakistani social media users from Critical Discourse Analysis and System Functional Linguistics perspectives and demonstrates how nationalistic, ethnic and religious identities are negotiated, constructed, deconstructed and reconstructed by the social media users through a particular ID choice.

한국미술에서의 동양성 개념의 출현과 변형 (Birth and Transformation of the Concept of "Oriental-ness" in Korean Art)

  • 정형민
    • 미술이론과 현장
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    • 제1호
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    • pp.109-144
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    • 2003
  • Orientalness is a concept that expresses the collective identity of the Orient in relation to the West. The concept itself is mutable and defined by the relationship between the two regions at different points in time. Changes in the concept depend on a number of factors, such as cultural influence, the political balance of power between the two regions, and on the interpretative scheme that defines the relationship. In addition, the geographical notion of the concept evolves culturally, socially and politically. During this process, Oriental-ness becomes Oriental-ism at times. I will attempt to survey and measure the progression of Orientalness from its emergence in early 17th century to its subsequent transformation in modern Korea as reflected in art theory and art works. The recognition of the comparative characteristics of Oriental art began when the Orient was exposed to the art of the West in the late Ming dynasty during the early 17th century. The changes in the artistic climate in China affected the late Chosun. I will start with a brief introduction of this time and the birth of Orientalness. The concept gradually changed during the period of Enlightenment(開化期) towards the end of the 19th century, and during the colonial period( 1910-1945) it took on a new form. Establishment of the concept of "Orient"as a single, unifying concept spanning across cultures and national boundaries has been attributed to late Meiji period Japan, whose intention at that time is believed to have been to build a pan-Asia(亞細亞) empire with Japan at its commanding center. It has been stressed that the real motive behind the formation of one single cultural unit, where the shared common written language was Chinese and Confucianism and Taoism were the common metaphysical traditions, was to build one political unit. When the notion of a geographical unit of Asia was replaced by the concept of Asia as a cultural and political unit, a massive growth of interest and discourse were provoked around the concept of Orientalism. When Orientalism was being formulated, Korea automatically became member of "one Asia" when the country became colonized. For Koreans, the identity of the Orient had to be defined in cultural terms, as the political notion of a nation was non-existent at that time. The definition of identity was pursued at two levels, pan-Asian and local. If Orientalism was an elite discourse centered in pan-Asian philosophical and religious tradition, localized Orientalism was a popular discourse emphasizing locality as the byproduct of natural geographic condition. After the liberation in 1945 from colonial rule, a thrust of movement arose towards political nationalism. Two types of discourses on Orientalism, elite and popular, continued as central themes in art. Despite the effort to redefine the national identity by eradicating the cultural language of the colonial past, the past was enduring well into the present time. As discussed above, even when the painting themes were selected from Korean history, the tradition of using history painting as a manifestation of political policy to glorify the local identity had its founding during the Meiji period. The elevation of folk art to the level of high art also goes back to the colonial promotion of local color and local sentiment. Again, the succession of the past (colonial) ideal was defended as the tradition assumed a distinct modern shape that was abstract in style. The concept of the "Orient" is of relative and changing nature. It was formulated in relation to Western culture or civilization. Whatever the real motive of the adoption of them had been, the superiority of the Orient was emphasized at all times. The essence of the Orient was always perceived as the metaphysical tradition as a way to downgrade Western culture as materialistic. This view still prevails and the principle of Orient was always sought in Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism. Even when Orientalism was employed by imperialist Japan in an effort to establish her position as the center of the Orient, the spiritual source was still in Chinese philosophy and religion. In art also, the Chinese literati tradition became the major platform for elite discourse. Orientalism was also defined locally, and the so-called local color was pursued in terms of theme and style. Thus trend continued despite the effort to eradicate the remnants of colonial culture long after liberation. These efforts are now being supported politically and also institutionalized to become the aesthetic ideal of the modern Korean art.

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국가/민족에 대한 영화적 상상력과 재현 - <실미도>와 <한반도>를 중심으로 (Cinematic Imagination and Representation of State/Nation -Focusing on and )

  • 황혜진
    • 한국콘텐츠학회논문지
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    • 제6권11호
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    • pp.56-64
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    • 2006
  • 국가/민족에 대한 상상으로서의 팩션 영화가 하나의 경향을 이루고 있다. <실미도>와 <한반도>는 이러한 팩션적 상상력이 블록버스터적 기획과 조우한 전형적 예라고 할 수 있다. 이 논문은 국가/민족 재현의 영화적 전통과 한국영화사에 나타난 국가/민족의 도구적 재현의 역사를 개괄한 후, <실미도>와 <한반도>에서 특수하게 나타나는 재현 전략을 분석을 통해 그 결과로서 드러난 내셔널리즘의 이데올로기적 성격을 규명할 것이다. 이러한 연구는 영화뿐 아니라 최근의 드라마에서 보여지는 팩션적 상상력의 담론적 측면을 고찰하는 데도 기여할 수 있을 것이다.

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