• Title/Summary/Keyword: Developing Strategies

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Bayesian Game Theoretic Model for Evasive AI Malware Detection in IoT

  • Jun-Won Ho
    • International journal of advanced smart convergence
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.41-47
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    • 2024
  • In this paper, we deal with a game theoretic problem to explore interactions between evasive Artificial Intelligence (AI) malware and detectors in Internet of Things (IoT). Evasive AI malware is defined as malware having capability of eluding detection by exploiting artificial intelligence such as machine learning and deep leaning. Detectors are defined as IoT devices participating in detection of evasive AI malware in IoT. They can be separated into two groups such that one group of detectors can be armed with detection capability powered by AI, the other group cannot be armed with it. Evasive AI malware can take three strategies of Non-attack, Non-AI attack, AI attack. To cope with these strategies of evasive AI malware, detector can adopt three strategies of Non-defense, Non-AI defense, AI defense. We formulate a Bayesian game theoretic model with these strategies employed by evasive AI malware and detector. We derive pure strategy Bayesian Nash Equilibria in a single stage game from the formulated Bayesian game theoretic model. Our devised work is useful in the sense that it can be used as a basic game theoretic model for developing AI malware detection schemes.

Exploring Clinical Nurses' Strategies For Desirable Shift Handoffs: A Focus Group Interview (일반간호사의 바람직한 교대근무 인수인계를 위한 전략 탐색: 포커스그룹인터뷰 연구)

  • Kim, Eun Jung;Choi, Jin Yi
    • Korean Journal of Occupational Health Nursing
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.141-152
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    • 2024
  • Purpose: This qualitative study aimed to explore clinical nurses' experience with desirable handoffs, competencies, and strategies for desirable handoffs. Methods: Between March 4 and June 10, 2023, 13 nurses working shifts in general or tertiary hospitals were divided into two groups. Data were collected through focus group interviews and analyzed using conventional content analysis through coding and thematic identification. Results: Three themes emerged regarding the desired handoff experience: "handoff that allows accurate identification of patient status," "handoff with less time and effort," and "handoff that allows inspection to prevent patient safety accidents." Four competencies required for a desirable handoff were followed: "ability to identify key information," "information utilization," "logical information delivery ability," and "the attitude of trust and respect." Five themes were derived regarding desirable handoff strategies: "understanding standard treatment and nursing processes for each clinical case," "rehearsal and feedback for handoffs," "presenting standards for a desirable handoff," "continuous handoff education," and "ensuring uninterrupted time and space." Conclusion: This study identified desirable handoffs, competencies, and strategies for hospital nurses. This study is significant because it provides basic data for developing an effective handoff program for new nurses.

Analysis of Advanced School Health Promotion Policies and Programs for Developing Effective School Health Strategies (학교건강증진사업의 주요 영역과 전략 개발을 위한 선진사례 분석)

  • Kim, Myung;Kim, Hye-Kyung
    • The Journal of Korean Society for School & Community Health Education
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.13-27
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    • 2007
  • The role of school as a key setting for health promotion practices should be empathized. However, there were limitations for the effectiveness of school health promotion practices in Korea because of the lack of recognition about its importance, social support, guiding principles of the school health promotion services by the school health related law, and cooperation between school and community. The purpose of this study was to analyse the advanced cases from The United States, Japan, Europe and Australia, and to evaluate the applicability to school health promotion services in Korea for establishing the strategy for effective implementation of school health promotion program in Korea. Four cases of school health program were selected for analysis, including Coordinated School Health Program and National School Health Strategies in the USA, Healthy Japan21, National School Health Initiative in Australia and the European Network of Health Promoting Schools. Major conclusions were as follows: 1. Advanced cases of school health programs were comprehensive in nature. 2. Integrated school and community health promotion efforts was emphasized. mostly. 3. Governmental agencies played an active role in conducting surveillance activities to monitor priority health risk behaviors, developing school health program and training manual, providing periodic program evaluation. 4. Life skill focused health education was the key component for the comprehensive school health program. For the improvement of efficiency in school health promotion practices, above advanced strategies for school health promotion program would be necessary.

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Korea's Rural Development Characteristics and the Implications to Vietnam (한국의 농촌개발 경험이 베트남에 주는 시사점)

  • Im, Sang Bong
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.71-80
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    • 2016
  • Korea is becoming a model country for the developing countries' agricultural and rural development. Drawing implications for Vietnam from Korea's experiences can help make development strategies and policies for other developing countries including North Korea as well as for Vietnam itself. Vietnam is facing an inefficiency in agricultural production and the gap between urban and rural growth has been widening. Farm sizes per household are small and farmlands are scattered. Diversification in rural industry is very restricted. To attack these problems, investment is urgently needed for rural infrastructure building as well as agricultural structure adjustment. In the process of rural development, there have been also encountered such problems as financial procurement, community's spontaneous participation, manpower development for adjusting to industrial structural change. Korea's experiences may be helpful for establishing rural development strategies and policies in Vietnam. Benchmark scopes can go beyond Saemaul Undong in 1970s. Korea's pre- and post-Saemaul Undong era as well as the Saemaul Undong era can be referred. In the wake of globalization, Vietnam has not only experienced compressed rapid economic growth but also encountered policy tasks to eradicate poverty, to realize self-reliance and income increase, and to lessen urban-rural development gap, at the same time. Korea's experiences show that priority needs to be put on the establishment of national and rural development strategies based on Vietnam-specific conditions, utilization of village's resources including community tradition and social capital, fund raising for rural development, farmland development and mobilization, production and living infrastructure building, technology transfer for farmers and vocational training for new job seekers.

Search for Strategies of Vocational Training Institutes and their Competencies of CEO based on Delphi Method (직업훈련기관의 발전전략과 CEO의 역량 탐색을 위한 델파이 조사)

  • Kim, Jeong-Il;Kwon, Oh-Young;Rim, Kyung-Hwa
    • The Journal of Korean Institute for Practical Engineering Education
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.146-155
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    • 2012
  • This research was conducted as a part of research project entitled 'A Fact-finding Survey of Management of Vocational Training Institutes and the Development of Training Program Model for their CEO'. The purpose of this paper was to investigate developing strategies for vocational training institutes in three sector; public institute, private institute and private academy for life long education and to develop practical and professional programs based on competencies model of CEO. The major subjects of this paper were developing strategies of three type of vocational training institutes, exploration of competencies of CEO, and training program for CEO. Delphi method was applied two times. The panel consists of 30 experts who relate to vacational training. The panel of experts emphasized the different own mission and function among three type of vocational institutes. Public institutes support the government policy and private institutes and academy. Private institutes develop specialized training programs that reflect the regional demand. Private academies focus on short-term service training. To recognize changing vocational training policy, to develop vision of institute, ethical mind and sense of mission and so on are presented as competencies of CEO.

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Reconstruction and application of reforming textbook problems for mathematical modeling process (수학적 모델링 과정을 반영한 교과서 문제 재구성 예시 및 적용)

  • Park, SunYoung;Han, SunYoung
    • The Mathematical Education
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    • v.57 no.3
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    • pp.289-309
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    • 2018
  • There has been a gradually increasing focus on adopting mathematical modeling techniques into school curricula and classrooms as a method to promote students' mathematical problem solving abilities. However, this approach is not commonly realized in today's classrooms due to the difficulty in developing appropriate mathematical modeling problems. This research focuses on developing reformulation strategies for those problems with regard to mathematical modeling. As the result of analyzing existing textbooks across three grade levels, the majority of problems related to the real-world focused on the Operating and Interpreting stage of the mathematical modeling process, while no real-world problem dealt with the Identifying variables stage. These results imply that the textbook problems cannot provide students with any chance to decide which variables are relevant and most important to know in the problem situation. Following from these results, reformulation strategies and reformulated problem examples were developed that would include the Identifying variables stage. These reformulated problem examples were then applied to a 7th grade classroom as a case study. From this case study, it is shown that: (1) the reformulated problems that included authentic events and questions would encourage students to better engage in understanding the situation and solving the problem, (2) the reformulated problems that included the Identifying variables stage would better foster the students' understanding of the situation and their ability to solve the problem, and (3) the reformulated problems that included the mathematical modeling process could be applied to lessons where new mathematical concepts are introduced, and the cooperative learning environment is required. This research can contribute to school classroom's incorporation of the mathematical modeling process with specific reformulating strategies and examples.

An Analysis of Relationships between Epistemological Beliefs about Science and Learner's Characteristics of Elementary School Students (초등학생의 과학에 대한 인식론적 신념과 학습자 특성과의 관련성 분석)

  • Lee Ju-Yeun;Paik Seoung-Hey
    • Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.167-178
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this study was to explore characteristics of sixth grade students' opistemological beliefs in science and the relationship to learner's characteristics: learning motivation, learning strategies, and logical thinking. The subjects were 265 sixth graders and data was collected through two types of questionnaires, translated and modified by researchers: opistemological beliefs regarding science, learning motivation & strategies. The results of this study were as follows. The students believed that the goals of science were related to activations such as 'Science is experiment', or 'Science is invention: These beliefs were connected with the emphasis of science classes or the focus of the science curriculum. However, the students' beliefs related to the changeability of science knowledge, the source of science knowledge, and the role of experiments in developing knowledge were oriented to modern opistemological views. Moreover, the beliefs were meaningfully related to students' characteristics: learning motivation, learning strategies, and logical thinking. Among the students' characteristics, logical thinking was especially related to all of the factors of students' beliefs: the changeability of science knowledge, the source of science knowledge, and the role of experiments in developing knowledge. However, the students who believed that scientific knowledge came from scientists, science teachers, or science textbooks had high levels of self-efficacy. Therefore, the belief that scientific knowledge is formed by self-discovery, in order to generate high self-efficacy, needs to be encouraged. From the results, it is possible to check the orientation of current science education based on the students' opistemological beliefs. In addition, the resources can be accumulated for persevering in our efforts to achieve a positive orientation for science education.

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Information and Analytical Support of Anti-Corruption Policy

  • Novak, Anatolii;Bashtannyk, Vitalii;Parkhomenko-Kutsevil, Oksana;Kuybida, Vasyl;Kobyzhcha, Nataliia
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.134-140
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    • 2021
  • The development of technology speeds up the process of obtaining information and its analysis to track the level of corruption in different countries and develop countermeasures. This study examines the role of information and analytical support of anti-corruption policy as a tool for government accountability and analysis, evaluation, combating corruption in Eastern Europe. The purpose of the article is to identify the components of the information-analytical system that help reduce the level of corruption. The research methodology is based on a qualitative content analysis of the functioning of information and analytical systems of Ukraine used by anti-corruption bodies. A quantitative analysis of the CPI score was conducted, according to Transparency International, to identify the effectiveness of anti-corruption policies in developing countries. The results show similar trends in countries developing on the effect of the use of information and analytical systems in the implementation of anti-corruption policies, strategies and measures. The strategy to combat corruption mainly involves increasing the independence and powers of anti-corruption bodies. Therefore, the development of information and analytical support is aimed at automating the processes of pre-trial investigations and criminal proceedings, information protection. As a tool for accountability, information and analytical systems may be ineffective due to the abuse of power by higher anti-corruption bodies due to political pressure from elite structures. Restrictions on political will are a major problem for the effectiveness of anti-corruption policies.

A Study on Waterfront Planning and Design from the Perspective of Resilience - Focusing on Resilient by Design Challenge and Sponge City (리질리언스 관점에서 수변 공간 계획에 관한 고찰 - 리질리언트 바이 디자인 공모전과 스펀지 시티 프로젝트를 바탕으로)

  • Jinhyun Jun
    • Journal of the Society of Disaster Information
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.562-571
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    • 2023
  • Purpose: This study aims to provide a direction for restructuring resilient waterfront spaces, emphasizing the severity of water-related disasters and the significance of developing responsive urban strategies. Method: To achieve this objective, the study analyzes overseas planning and design cases based on the theoretical framework of urban resilience. The goal is to identify physical and social systemic design elements that can be applied to waterfront space planning and design of Korea. Result: The proposals from the Resilient by Design Callenge included strategies for enhancing social systems and promoting sustainability in a more systematic manner. Additionally, various physical design strategies and technologies were identified in the Sponge City projects, which aim to create a flexible urban waterfront space. Conclusion: When planning and designing Korean waterfront spaces to effectively respond to disasters, several elements should be considered, such as enhancing educational functions, expanding local resident participation, establishing a governance system, developing systematic sustainable plans, adopting ecological approaches, and implementing various low-impact development techniques.

Survey-based unstructured data analysis to predict flipped learning performance (플립드러닝 성과를 예측하기 위한 설문조사 기반의 비정형 데이터 분석)

  • Chayoung Kim;Yoon Kim
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.9 no.6
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    • pp.519-524
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    • 2023
  • The study summarizes the experience of operation in the application of flipped learning to various IT-related liberal arts subjects, and proposes a specific application method. So far, most of the studies have analyzed various strategies and learner responses to flipped learning. Currently, it is the time when teachers, who are the main operators of the flipped learning class, need to study how to provide immediate feedback and application while running the relevant courses. Studies related to this are gradually coming out. In general, most of the studies on sharing reference materials through the results after applying various strategies such as developing the structure of class operation by instructors themselves, combining them with discussion classes, or developing various contents. This study proposes a method to analyze how various strategies can be applied in the subject and obtain results simultaneously with class operation by analyzing unstructured data, which is a survey that can receive immediate feedback.