• Title/Summary/Keyword: Designation System

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A Review on the Arbitral Proceeding under Rules of Arbitral Procedure of the Indonesia National Board of Arbitration (BANI) (인도네시아 국립중재위원회(BANI) 중재규칙상 중재절차의 구조)

  • Kim, Young-Ju
    • Journal of Arbitration Studies
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.99-125
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this paper is to introduce the arbitral proceeding system in Indonesia. Arbitration in Indonesia is governed by Law No. 30 of 1999 on Arbitration and Alternative Dispute Resolution (Arbitration Law). Also, the Indonesian National Board of Arbitration (BANI) is the main arbitration body in Indonesia. BANI handles both domestic and international disputes. BANI has published its Rules of Arbitral Procedure (the BANI Rules). Within a period of not longer than 30 days after receiving the petition for arbitration, the respondent must submit its reply. Also, if the respondent wishes to assert against the claimant a counter-claim in connection with the dispute, the respondent may submit such counter-claim together with its statement of defense no later than the first hearing. This paper suggests that the following may be some of the disadvantages to using arbitration under the BANI Rules. The first is that final decision or approval regarding the designation of all arbitrators shall be in the hands of the Chairman of BANI. It is the chief problem facing the international stream of arbitration systems. The second is that arbitrators must have certain minimum qualifications. BANI Rules provide the same requirements for the qualifications of the arbitrators as the Arbitration Law. The third is that the BANI Rules require arbitrators in BANI-administered references to be chosen from BANI's list of arbitrators. BANI can also consider a recognized foreign arbitrator if the foreign arbitrator meets the qualification requirements and is prepared to comply with the BANI Rules. This includes the requirement that the appointing party must bear the travel, accommodation, and other special expenses related to the appointment of the foreign arbitrator.

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Techniques for Evaluation of Ecological and Aesthetic Aspects of Landscapes through GIS Overlay Method (생태경관다양성과 시각경관민감도를 적용한 GIS중첩평가 계획기법)

  • Jang, Rai-Ik;Lee, Myung-Woo
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.37 no.4
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    • pp.22-31
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    • 2009
  • In this study a landscape evaluation was carried out for the submission of a natural landscape conservation plan with the intention to prevent damage to natural landscapes through incautious exploitation. In the case of Korean landscape evaluation, in fact, only the aesthetic value of the landscape is evaluated as related to development projects but the ecological relevance of the landscape cannot be estimated by evaluating only the aesthetic. For that reason, this study performed a landscape evaluation, including the sensitivity limit of visible scenery and the diversity of ecological scenery. For the intention of landscape evaluation in the designation of an essential conservation area and for devising a plan related to this area, a GIS applied to Ian McHarg's map overlay method was used and both the ecological landscape diversity and the aesthetic value of the landscape was surveyed using this map overlay method. A region can be analyzed in relation to the needs for concentration of management in influence analysis of landscape effect elements.

The Literature Review of Music Therapy in the United States (음악요법에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Won-Yu
    • Research in Community and Public Health Nursing
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.245-261
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    • 2000
  • Based on the literature, status and role the music therapist in America was reviewed for this study. The process of developing a music therapy program in America suggests to us many things: In America, music therapists have sustained a mutually beneficial status with their clients for, over fifty years. Excellence in academic education and clinical training enable music therapists to continue to provide quality music therapy. The magnitude of change in to music therapy in the United States, however creates the challenge of providing real access to music therapy continues in the future. Music therapy is the use of music in the accomplishment of therapeutic aims: the restoration, maintenance, and improvement of mental and physical health. Music therapists work with individuals of all ages who require special services due to behavioral. social. learning, or physical disabilities. Employment may be in hospitals, clinics, day care facilities, schools, community mental health centers, substance abuse facilities, nursing homes, hospices, rehabilitation centers, correctional facilities, or private practices. The American Music Therapy Association (AMTA) was founded in 1998 as a result of a union between the American Association for Music Therapy (founded in 1971) and the National Association for Music Therapy(founded in 1950). Music therapists are highly qualified professionals who have completed approved degree programs and had clinical training in order to receive Board Certification(MT-BC), with the designation of Registered, Certified, or Advanced Certified Music Therapist(RMT. CMT - or ACMT). AMTA provides several mechanism for monitoring the quality of music therapy programs: Standards of Practice. a Code of Ethics, a system for Peer Review, a Judical Review Board, and an Ethics Board. According to the results of this study, the suggestions were as follows: 1. It is concluded that music therapy as a nursing intervention can be effective for the clients. 2. It is a great challenge to develope a music therapy program for nursing intervention however, it is also task and responsibility to further the development of nursing.

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A Study on the Adoption of Electronic Contract Service (전자계약서비스의 문제점과 해결방안)

  • Choi, Seok-Beom;Kim, Tae-Hwan;Kim, In-Kyung;Kim, Jae-Hak;Park, Sun-Young;Yoon, Young-Rim
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    • v.34
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    • pp.157-185
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this thesis is to contribute to the activation of e-contract service for one stop e-trade by analyzing the problems and its solutions in e-contract service at home and abroad. In order to achieve the purpose of this thesis, case studies are done on e-contract service providers such as CECTRUST service of NTT DATA in Japan and HanCM.com of Haansoft in Korea and user companies such as Taisei Corporation using CECTRUST service and Hyundai Card using HanCM.com. The problems in the e-contract service are the lack of e-contract service providers, rare publicity of e-contract service, limited use of e-contract service at only home, higher pricing for e-contract service, short time management of e-contract documents by service providers, no application of newly developed security technology to e-contract service, unsatisfaction of requirements of e-contract service provider as trusted third party, absence of lower pricing e-contract service by service provider, authorizing key error in electronic signature under recognized authentication system in case of fail in renewal of digital certificate and reproduction of digital certificate. The solutions of these problems are the upbringing of e-contract service providers, broad publicity of e-contract service, development of e-contract service on a global basis, establishment of lower pricing for e-contract service, long time management of e-contract documents by service providers, application of newly developed security technology such as bio technology to e-contract service, satisfaction of requirements of e-contract service provider as trusted third party by designation of recognized e-document repository, development of lower e-contract service by way of application service provider(ASP), introduction of time stamping of e-contract document and signature key value. The limitation of this thesis is that the problems and its solutions could not meet with the broad recognition as they are conferred by intuition because of few e-contract service provider.

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A Study on the Size Designation of Foundation Garments (화운데이션의류의 치수규격에 관한 연구)

  • Lee Jun-Ok;Seong Hwa-Kyung;Choi Hei-Sun;Yi Kyong-Hwa
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.30 no.6 s.154
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    • pp.892-903
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    • 2006
  • This study was to carry out interview and survey of currently marketed foundation garment, focusing on manufacturers, on the basis of data of Year 2004 SIZE KOREA in 2004, to re-establish suitable age range and standard size, to simplify size interval scale and size system and to revise the standard for consumers' easy understanding and availability; The findings of this study are as follows. 1. Considering the age, in which a bra is worn, has reduced socially, the applicable age range was expanded into 880 years old, which was divided into for junior and for adult. 2. For bra size, the standard title changed into the foundation garments size standard, in which girdle and bodysuit were included. 3. Basic physical parts for establishing for bra size are underbust and bust. Interval scale of under bust and bust was 5cm and 2.5cm, respectively. And basic physical parts are waist and hip girth for girdle, and underbust, bust, and hip girth for bodysuit. 4. For bra size, underbust girth was applied together with bra-cup size without 'cm' unit. For bra-cup size, difference between underbust and bust was represented as English alphabet. In other words, AAA means that difference between under bust and bust is 5cm. AA, A, B, C and D means that the difference are 7.5cm, 10cm, 12.5cm, 15cm and 17.5cm. 5. For girdle size, waist girth was applied together with hip girth without 'cm' unit. And for bodysuit size, underbust girth was applied together with cup size like bra size, and English alphabet represented hip girth range.

An Exploratory Study on Development Plan of Consumer-centered Cluster Complex in 6th Industry (수요자 중심의 6차산업 특화단지 조성을 위한 탐색적 연구)

  • Lee, Yun-Sang;Ahn, Hyeon
    • Land and Housing Review
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.33-40
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    • 2018
  • Korea seems to have introduced the legal basis for supporting and revitalizing the 6th industry since about 2010. Problems such as lack of systematic support system, inadequacy of cooperation and cooperation between ministries, and poor efficiency have been raised. Also, there is a lack of information on the designation, development method, participant, and management plan of the 6th industrial complex. In this study, we review prior researches and cases related to the 6th industry and examine how to efficiently create the 6th industry-specific complex by analyzing the requirements of customers for the enterprises, residents, professionals and officials of the metropolitan area and non-metropolitan areas. As a result of the questionnaire survey, some suggestions for the establishment of the 6th industry specialization complex were drawn. First, 77.5% of the total requires a combination of public and mixed use, which can be expected to have positive effects such as sharing development gains with local residents and improving resettlement of local residents. Second, the 6th industrial complex should be harmonized with the 1st, 2nd and 3rd industries. However, unlike the standardized land use plan of existing industrial complex, it is necessary to expand the distribution and sales space to reflect the demand for tertiary industry. It is also necessary to consider measures for securing primary industrial sites or securing primary industrial sites through external procurement. Third, it is necessary to establish and operate a plan reflecting rent and rental demand after leasing for a certain period.

The Study on Activation of the Regional Tourism Utilized the Traditional Buildings : The Case of the Ichibangai, Kawagoe City in Saitamaken, Japan (전통 건축물을 활용한 지역관광 활성화에 관한 연구 : 일본 사이타마현(기옥현(埼玉縣)) 카와고에시(천활시(川越市)) 이치반가이(일번가(一番街))를 사례로)

  • Woo, Youn-Sub
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.323-335
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    • 2005
  • The aim of this study is m inquire the features of preservation and utilization of traditional buildings landscape through the effort of civics and public institution. Kawagoe is 30km from Tokyo and keeps the history and culture of Edo period. The tourism feature of the Ichibangai area which has the traditional warehouse(Kurazukuri) landscape is that the rate of old tourists from nearby regions is high and the one day trip is majority. The most tourists have visited many times, but they have spent small sum of money. The tourism activation of Ichibangai area is the result of the cooperation and effort of public institution, civic organization, and civics. The public institutions have the institutional support system has established which is including the designation of cultural assets, ordinance enactment, tax exemption, repairing charges support, public hearing, construction of tour network. The residents of the Ichibangai area have contributed to preserving the traditional landscape and activating tourism through their own organizations and meetings for a long time. And the roles of various committees which have leaded close cooperation relations between civics and public institution are activated.

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On Efficient Implementation of the Regeneration Projects for the Zones Vulnerable to Natural Disasters (자연재해위험지구 정비사업의 효율적인 추진방안 연구)

  • Kim, Seonguen;Cho, Woncheol;Lee, Taeshik;Shim, Jaehyun
    • Journal of Korean Society of societal Security
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.45-51
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study is to suggest some effective ways to implement the regeneration projects for the zones vulnerable to natural disasters which have been delayed due to shortage of the financial resources, and thereby complete the disaster prevention projects as early as possible and thus secure the financial resources for the projects continuously. For this purpose, the researcher reviewed the statutory grounds and designation procedures or the zones vulnerable to natural disasters, and thereupon, examined and analyzed the regeneration projects being implemented in Gyeonggi-do in view of contents by zone, history of damages, annual investment plans and financial resources for investments. In addition, the researcher examined the criteria for reserve of the disaster management fund and its uses and investigated the fund sources and expenditures and thereby, addressed the problems of the statutory reserve and suggested their solutions. All in all, the researcher suggested that the disaster management fund should be invested in regeneration projects for the zones vulnerable to natural disasters in order to remove the disaster risks earlier and that the uses of the fund should be adequately deregulated with a reserve fund ceiling system to secure the financial resources for the disaster prevention projects continuously.

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Implementation of curved type a metallic plate system at the Bone contact (골 접촉 곡선형 금속 고정 시스템 구현)

  • Kim, Jeong-Lae
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.12 no.5
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    • pp.285-292
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    • 2007
  • This study was developed the metallic plate for fixation in the femur fracture for the orthopedic region and rigid fixation with plates has a firm place in fracture treatment. Most plates can be used for rigid as well as biological and dynamical fracture fixation. The device's designation and sizing has a specific with bending structural stiffness and strength, known meaning that is reliable regardless of the plate by the short type and long type. Short plate have a wrapping of femur and long plate have to preserve a pole of femur. The bending strength of the curved metallic long plate has to evaluate a 11,000N and The bending strength of the curved metallic short plate has to evaluate a 6,525N. The tensile stress through to press a plate is 1573N/m2and1539N/m2. The device can be used to support Revision case of Hip Implant and to use a case of Hip screw compression of Hip Neck Fracture.

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Suggestion for Safety Improvement of Compressed Natural Gas Vehicle (압축천연가스 자동차의 안전성 향상을 위한 제언)

  • Kim, Young-Seob;Park, Kyo-Shik;Kim, Tae-Ok
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Gas
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.1-7
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    • 2012
  • Systematic safety research by Korea Government has been made to enhance the safety of CNG (compressed natural gas) vehicles since the burst of compressed cylinder of an urban bus in August 9, 2010. This article summarizes some major activities to ensure the safety of CNG vehicles, which covers review of regulation, safety management system including standard of inspection and certification, and training program of inspectors and car mechanics. Specifically, the followings were reviewed; type of CNG cylinder, location of CNG cylinder, material and type of fuel line and vent line, modification of pipeline connection, installation of gas detector, installation of emergency shutdown valve, installation of protecting cover for cylinder, obligations for CNG vehicle filling station. improving periodical inspection, routine test on gas vehicles, training program for engaged in gas vehicles, and designation of safety manager for CNG bus company. This paper suggests how to improve safety of CNG vehicles as a result of review of above mentioned check items.