• Title/Summary/Keyword: Designation System

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Impact Angle Control for Non-maneuvering Target with Look Angle Measurements and Line of Sight (지향각, 시선각 정보를 이용한 이동표적의 충돌각 제어)

  • Park, Jang-Seong;Lee, Dong-Hee;Park, Sang-Hyuk;Kim, Yoon-Hwan
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences
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    • v.47 no.7
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    • pp.508-516
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    • 2019
  • In this paper, we propose a guidance law to control Impact Angle in consideration of look angle limit of the missile with strapdown seeker on the non-maneuvering target. The proposed law is based on sliding mode algorithm and generates acceleration commands using look angle and line of sight information provided by the strapdown seeker and navigation system. And, target velocity and target path angle are provided by like TADS (Target Acquisition and Designation System) at launch time. We can confirm that the target interception and impact angle control are possible through the convergence of the proposed sliding surface. In addition, it is possible to confirm that the sign of derivative result of the look angle at the maximum and minimum look angle is opposite to the sign of the look angle, so the look angle limit is not exceeded.

Practical suggestions for development of 『manned & unmanned complex combat performance plan』 (drone operation) (『유·무인복합전투수행방안』 발전을 위한 현실적 제언(드론 운용))

  • Cheol-jung Kim;Bo-Ram, Kim;Min-Youn Kim;Jae-Seok Lim
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.137-146
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    • 2024
  • drones are used in a variety of fields, including business, leisure, lifesaving, and war. Various research using drones is being conducted in the military. In particular, the use of drones in 『Manned-Unmanned Complex combat performance plan』, powered by various unmanned vehicles deployed in the Army TIGER system, is expected to be a major factor realizing the Army's future combat performance that minimizes damage to ally combat troops while causing maximum damage to the enemy. As the deployment of various systems progresses, combat performance methods utilizing each system are evolving, but there is a lack of research to identify and resolve limitations in the perspective of unmanned vehicle operators. Based on the Ukrainian military's FPV drone combat case, we would like to make suggestions from the operator's perspective on overcoming perspective limitations through the introduction of FPV and the designation of military drone frequency.

A study on the Comparative Analysis and Improvement Direction of Approved Training Organization for Pilot (비행교육을 위한 지정전문교육기관 비교분석 및 개선방안에 관한 연구)

  • Jun-Hyeok Hwang;Kyu-wang Kim
    • Journal of Advanced Navigation Technology
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.51-59
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    • 2024
  • Currently, the approved training organization (ATO) is being used worldwide to supply excellent pilots in the aviation industry. This system, which is used worldwide, has been transformed and utilized according to each country. In this study, the operation method and educational environment of specialized pilot training institutions in Korea were examined in detail, and the differences were compared by comparing the operation methods and flight education environments of international standards, the United States, Europe, Canada, and neighboring countries such as Japan, China, and Singapore to derive differences from the system of specialized educational institutions in Korea. Based on these comparative data, through a survey of workers in the relevant work, satisfaction with the number of department classes set by the domestic aviation safety law specialized educational institution designation standards differed greatly depending on the characteristics of the survey subjects, and the importance differed depending on the department's class subjects.

Korea's Free Economic Zone as an Economic Development Strategy and Operational System (경제발전전략으로서 한국의 경제자유구역과 운영체계에 관한 연구)

  • Koh, Eui-Hyeon
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.12 no.9
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    • pp.113-123
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    • 2014
  • Purpose - After Korea's Free Economic Zone (FEZ) system was launched in 2003, there have been many debates about upgrading it and its support systems. However, as of 2013, there were insufficient results. Further, upon the designation of the East Coast and Chungbuk as official FEZs from February 4, 2013 by the 56th the Commission, there is a concern that many people are in the area designated as FEZ 8. This study investigates Korea's new FEZ system as part of Korea's primary new economic development policy in the 21st century. Therefore, this study examines views on the weaknesses of the past ten years of FEZs so that Korea can expand its FEZ system. Research design, data, and methodology -Many countries have considered the FEZ as an economic special zone. By reviewing previous research models, this study provides an update using recent data and materials, until 2013, from the Center of Free Economic Zones. In previous studies, the lack of support systems was attributed to proposals to ensure operational autonomy and differentiation of each FEZ; however, the main cause cannot be solved through regulatory issues, as difficulties caused by the operational system are responsible for the problems. We wish to analyze the FEZ, specifically the operational system; this is the main issue of this study. Results - After the first FEZs were established, it became necessary to have basic plans, as investment results in 2013 compared to the same period this year led to lower earnings in the first half of 2014. We propose an improvement of the operational system because in the free economic zones, the operational system is the root cause of the underlying problem. The results of this research are as follows. The weak management of the FEZ system is influenced by weak investment, delayed development, foreigners' living facilities, benefits of foreign investments, the control tower's policy making decision process, quickness of the process of satisfying legal requirements, and support For the independence of FEZs. Conclusion - Local governments do not have legal rights over FEZ deregulation and investment industries. This study suggests that the local government should have more independence from the central government. Moreover, independent management committees are more effective for ensuring public rights, better employee responsibilities, and better-qualified personnel. The FEZ committee struggles to effectively manage the locations of FEZs, foreign investments, and related facilities under the control of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy. Thus, the FEZ committee should be under either the Prime Minister's office or the Presidential committee, to control and effectively coordinate between the local and central governments. If the problem clearly applies to the operational system in 2013, it is necessary to provide materials and methods so that the results of the first half of 2014 can be computed despite the data limits and lack of resources, and the data can be analyzed in a more diachronic thesis.

Improvement Plan to Facilitate a Landscape Architectural Promotion Facility and Complex System (조경진흥시설과 조경진흥단지 제도 활성화 방안 연구)

  • Kim, Yong-Gook;Kim, Shin-Sung
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.46 no.1
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    • pp.9-16
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    • 2018
  • Landscape architecture is an indispensable professional service in building sustainable land and urban environments. The landscape architecture industry is closely related to the promotion of the health and welfare of the people, urban revitalization and residential environment improvement as well as job creation. Despite various public interest values of landscape architecture, the growth engine of the landscape architecture industry, which is supposed to improve the quality of landscape services, has stagnated. In 2015, the Landscape Architecture Promotion Act was enacted to provide a landscape architectural promotion facility and complex system to support revitalization through the integration of the landscape architecture industry. The purpose of this study is to suggest an improvement plan to enhance the effectiveness of the landscape architectural promotion facility and complex system. The results of the analysis are as follows: First, workers and experts in landscape architecture recognized the need for policies and projects to promote the landscape architecture industry. Second, the industrial types suitable for the landscape architectural promotion facility were landscape design, landscape maintenance and management, and landscape construction industry. Meanwhile the industrial types suitable for a landscape architectural promotion complex were landscape trees and landscape facilities production and distribution. Third, the expected effect of the designation of the landscape architectural facility was 'the increase of the business opportunity through the expansion of the network'. On the other hand, that of the landscape architectural promotion complex was 'the activation of various information sharing'. Fourth, 'the size of the local government landscape architecture industry and the capacity to cultivate' was the most important among the designation criteria of the landscape architectural promotion facility. As for that of the landscape architectural promotion complex, the 'feasibility of promotion plan' was the most crucial. Fifth, 'tax benefit and deductible exemption' was considered as a necessary support method for the activation of the landscape architectural promotion facility, and 'maintenance and management fee support' was recognized in the case of the landscape architectural promotion complex.

A Study on the Concept and Protection System for the Geographical Indication (지리적 표시제도의 의의 및 보호체제 연구)

  • Go, Yong-Bu
    • Journal of Korea Port Economic Association
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.165-184
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    • 2007
  • This study reviews the concept and protection system for the geographical Indication(GI) to support the Korea-EU FTA. A geographical indication(GI) is a name or sign used on certain products or which corresponds to a specific geographical indication or origin (eg. a town, region, or country). The use of a GI may act as a certification that the product possesses certain qualities, or enjoys a certain reputation, due to its geographical origin. In the WTO Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual property Rights("TRIPS"). There are, in effect, two basic obligations from Article 22 to article 23 on WTO member governments relating to GIs in the TRIPS agreement. Geographical Indications have long been associated with Europe as an entity, where there is a tradition of associating certain food products with particular regions, Under European Union Law, the protected designation of origin system which came into effect in 1992 and 2003 regulates the following geographical indications: Protected designation of origin(PDO) and protected geographical indication(PGI) and Traditional Specialty Guaranteed(TSG). They have 5,000 articles for GI. We have the GI system and 40 articles rotating to registration by the law for quality management of production in agriculture. Cinclusinally, geographical indications could potentially serve as tools to helf holders of trade benefit more equitable through the mutual Acceptance for Korea-EU FTA.

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Considerations of Countermeasure Tasks in the Fields of Forest and Forestry in Korea through Case Study on "The Nagoya Protocol (Access to Genetic Resources and Benefit Sharing)" ("유전자원의 접근과 이익공유(ABS)" 사례연구를 통한 국내 산림·임업분야 대응과제 고찰)

  • Lee, Gwan Gyu;Kim, Jun Soon;Jung, Haw young
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.100 no.3
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    • pp.522-534
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    • 2011
  • The aim of this study is to draw forth the tasks for establishing the right of native biology in Korea through the case study on 'Access on genetic resources and Benefit Sharing'. For this purpose, this study decided on its research subject by selecting Hoodia, on which ABS treaty was made the most recently, through the examination of the representative ABS precedents on plant species. This study analyzed the process background of ABS on Hoodia, and compared & analyzed the ABS procedures of 'Bonn Guidelines' adopted by the 6th Conference of the Parties of the Convention on Biological Diversity in 2002 and Hoodia case. Together with the ABS major issues in common drawn as a result of this analysis, and "Nagoya Protocol" adopted by the 10th Conference of the Parties of the Convention on Biological Diversity, this study intended to shed a light on the impending tasks which Korea faces at present and its role relationship. The research results are as follows: 1. It is required that species habitats should be divided based on biological classification and its subsequent community should be established with the development of infrastructure such as a community's independent production, management and monitoring of bio-species. 2. There needs to be a designation of ABS National Focal Point for sharing of ABS-related general information, boosting of implementation of the relevant convention. 3. There needs to be the establishment of ABS convention system consequent on legislative, administrative, political procedures, and designation of the Competent National Authorities for the provision of the format of Prior Informed Consent (PIC) and Mutually Agreed Terms (MAT) and their contents assessment and confirmation. 4. There should be the establishment of integrated management system of ABS-related research and development of forest biological resources and its relevant research projects. 5. There should be information development through the distribution of responsibility and role between the ministries and offices concerned according to bio-resources, and there needs to be efforts in aiming for opening a working group of academic-industrial institutions for developing a mutually interchangeable system. 6. It's required that the efficient access between industrial circles and the people should be promoted by setting up ABS support center of biological resources in ministry and office's charge. 7. There should be a selection of a national supervisory organization for securement of the right of a local community and monitoring of ABS convention implementation, and a countermeasure system for preventing outflow of forest bioresources. Conclusively, it's judged that it will be possible to inquire into the countermeasures for the establishment of the native forest biology dominion through such research results.

A Preservation of Traditional Landscape through Co-Prosperity in Local Communities - In Case of "Terraced Paddy Fields of Gacheon Village, Namhae", Scenic Site - (지역공동체 상생을 통한 전통경관 보전방안 - 명승 남해 가천마을 다랑이 논을 사례로 -)

  • Kim, Dong-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.40 no.2
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    • pp.14-23
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study is to preserve the sustainable traditional landscape of the "Terraced Paddy Fields of Gacheon Village, Namhae". To this end, the changes in the traditional landscape and its factors were analyzed, and a conservation plan was sought to coexist with local communities. The results are as follows; First, the traditional scenery of "Terraced Paddy Fields of Gacheon Village, Namhae" is characterized by stonework built on a steep topography to secure cultivated land and narrow rice fields. To this end, local communities have maintained the traditional landscape through their long-established traditional knowledge, but after the designation of cultural heritage, the unique landscape of the "Terraced Paddy Fields of Gacheon Village, Namhae" changed as standardized stone construction methods were applied. Recently, the Cultural Heritage Administration recognized these problems and returned to the direct repair system of local communities, so cultivated land is regaining the scenery of the past. Second, the factors that changed the traditional landscape of the "Terraced Paddy Fields of Gacheon Village, Namhae" were largely found to be a decrease in voluntary conservation consciousness, a limited management range of preservation society, a decrease in agricultural population, and a lack of skilled traditional skills. After the designation of cultural heritage, expectations for policy support by the state or local governments accelerated the damage as existing farmland was neglected, and the lack of agricultural population also resulted in the same result. The preservation society is making efforts to preserve it, but the phenomenon of excessive and insufficient management personnel is intensifying. Conflicts between residents due to profit polarization have spread to the problem of escalating. In addition, there are concerns about the loss of traditional knowledge such as step farming technology and stone construction functions. Third, to suggest a win-win plan with local communities for preserving the traditional landscape, it is necessary to seek the ways to expand farming participants and generate profits through the placement of professional careers and public-private linkage system. In addition, it is desirable to improve the profit distribution system through the preservation society to strengthen the management authority and induce participation. And a support system is required for education on the transmission of terraced farming technology and stone construction functions.

Grouting Improvement through Correlation Analysis of Hydrogeology and Discontinuity Factors in a Jointed Rock-Mass (절리 암반의 수리지질 및 불연속면 특성 간 상관분석을 통한 그라우팅 계획 수립의 개선 방안)

  • Kwangmin Beck;Seonggan Jang;Seongwoo Jeong;Minjune Yang
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.279-294
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    • 2024
  • Large-scale civil engineering structures such as dams require a systematic approach to jointed rock-mass grouting to prevent water leakage into the foundations and to ensure safe operation. In South Korea, rock grouting design often relies on the experience of field engineers that was gained in similar projects, highlighting the need for a more systematic and reliable approach. Rock-mass grouting is affected mainly by hydrogeology and the presence of discontinuities, involving factors such as the rock quality designation (RQD), joint spacing (Js), Lugeon value (Lu), and secondary permeability index (SPI). This study, based on data from field investigations of 14 domestic sites, analyzed the correlation between hydrogeological factors (Lu and SPI), discontinuity characteristics (RQD and Js), and grout take, and systematically established a design method for rock grouting. Analysis of correlation between the variables RQD, Js, Lu, and SPI yielded Pearson correlation (r) values as follows: Lu-SPI, 0.92; RQD-Lu, -0.75; RQD-Js, 0.69; RQD-SPI, -0.65; Js-Lu, -0.47; and SPI-Js, -0.41. The grout take increases with Lu and SPI values, but there is no significant correlation between RQD and Js. The proposed approach for grouting design based on SPI values was verified through analysis and comparison with actual curtain-grouting construction, and is expected to be useful in practical applications and future studies.

A Study on Improving the Storm and Wind Damage Management System of Coastal Cities (연안도시 풍수해 관리체계 개선방안에 관한 연구)

  • Oh, Sang-Baeg;Lee, Han-Seok
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.43 no.3
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    • pp.209-218
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    • 2019
  • Coastal cities suffer a great deal of storm and wind damage. The storm and wind characteristics vary between cities. Therefore, a storm and wind damage management system suited for specific characteristics is required for each coastal city. In this study, we analyze the current situation and establish the problem of storm and wind damage management system in regards to urban management, coastal management and disaster management. We also review the storm and wind damage management system for the USA and Japan. We consequently propose a plan to improve the storm and wind damage management system. As a result of the study, in terms of city management, we recommend the compulsory identification of disaster prevention districts, implementation of the integrated coastal city management plan, designation of natural disaster risk mitigation area as disaster prevention district, the division of disaster prevention district into wind damage prevention district, storm damage prevention district, erosion damage prevention district, the building of restrictions at the disaster prevention district by ordinance, etc. In regards to coastal management, we suggest the delegation of authority to delegate coastal erosion management area to the local government, the subdivision of coastal erosion management area into erosion serious area, erosion progress area, erosion concern area, the building restrictions at coastal erosion management area by ordinance, development of erosion prediction chart, etc. In relation to disaster management, we recommend the integration of "countermeasures against natural disasters act" and "disasters and safety management basic act", the local government-led disaster prevention system, the local disaster management network, and the customized local disaster prevention plan, etc.