• Title/Summary/Keyword: Depth perception

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Subjectivity about Policy of Dental Treatment (치과진료 정책에 관한 주관성 연구 -치과 관련 전공자 중심으로-)

  • Lee, Jei-Young;Jeong, Mi-Ae
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.386-399
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    • 2012
  • This study was carried out by practical method in a subjectivity study accessible in-depth, in sloughing off old habit of functional quantity analysis about policy of dental treatment. The perception pattern come out in this study were divided into four types in Q-methodology. The result is as follows ; it is divided into 1[(N=11) : Extension Policy Type], 2[(N=13) : Institutional Improvement Type], 3[(N=5) : Image Improvement Type], 4[(N=14) : Treatment Focus Type], 5[(N=5) : Efficient Access Type], 6[(N=10) : Developmental Demand Type]. There are four types of fire fighter images. In conclusion, this study is to ascertain acceptance behavior about Reception Type on policy of dental treatment ; to offer a developmental suggestion about it.

Case Manager's Perception and Practices of Case Management Process at Community Psychiatric Rehabilitation Centers -Focused on the community psychiatric rehabilitation centers in Busan- (사회복귀시설 사례관리자의 사례관리 과정에 대한 인식과 수행에 관한 연구 -부산지역 사회복귀시설의 사례관리를 중심으로-)

  • Kim, Sun-Joo;Kim, Gyo-Jung
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.221-233
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    • 2013
  • This study aims to explore how to cognize and perform case management process to community psychiatric rehabilitation center in Busan area. The case of case manager for 12 people obtained by conducting focus group interviews were in-depth analysis. Many commissioned by a variety of human service organizations in the contract and the client-centric intake has been received. Assessment, rather than a function of mental disabilities center service needs, planning difficulties in securing resource discovery and felt. Intervention phase focuses on direct service and when several agencies responsible for the case management approach. The possession of responsibility was unclear. Mainly monthly facilities within the checking step checks are being made, there was a desire for the realistic-supervision. Completion stage expectations showed a performance evaluation oriented, and individualized case management that can be represented well on the rating scale.

The Phenomenological study on the Meaning of Family Adjustment Process Experience in Married Immigrant Women (결혼이민여성의 가족적응 과정에 관한 현상학적 연구)

  • Park, Byung-Kum
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.277-295
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of the phenomenological study was to explore the meaning of family adjustment process experience according to married immigrant women's perception and to enrich our understanding. In order to accomplish the purpose of research, six married immigrant women participated. Data were collected through in-depth interview. In addition, the data were analyzed by a Colaizzi's phenomenological analysis. The findings showed that the meaning of family adjustment process experience in married immigrant women were identified as 37 themes and 8categories. The 8 categories consisted of "deciding to marry a foreigner", "first meeting and marriage", "starting to living as a korean", "getting along with husband", "becoming a family with in-laws", "playing one's role as a mother", "missing hometown and family", "adjusting to living in Korea". Based on the findings, we discussed the meaning of family adjustment process experience in married immigrant women. And lastly, this results made suggestions for the social welfare policies and practices for them and their families.

The Characteristics and Applications of Han-Ok in the Perception of their Residents and Experts (전문가와 거주자 인식 관점에서 본 한옥의 특성과 적용)

  • Lee, Min-Ah
    • Korean Journal of Human Ecology
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.487-503
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate residents' perceptions and attitudes towards Han-Ok based on a study of the characteristics and elements of Han-Ok that experts perceived. For the study, in-depth interviews were conducted and the data of 7 experts and 24 Han-Ok residents were analyzed. The results of the study were as follows. First, the characteristics of spatial arrangements are primarily emphasized and provide emotional stability for the residents. Placement on the ground, a suitable scale, appropriate openings and closures, hierarchical spatial system and a spatial relationship provide a feeling of comfort and protection. Second, the spaces and the materials of Han-Ok are considered the representative elements providing functionality and health. The close relationship between the inside and outside area makes the air naturally circulate and natural materials such as wood, soil, and paper have the function as natural ventilation, heat storage, and in the prevention of various illnesses. Third, residents in modern society put more of a value on experiences of natural environments that are usually impossible in the city. The simple and incomplete characteristics in using color, materials, and form, provide a culture of story telling and a leisurely lifestyle. Fourth, the cold and spatial inconvenience of Han-Ok are solved by partially using modernized equipment and material. The functionality of spatial systems in Han-Ok needs to be promoted in order to change the residents' perceptions of cold in Han-Ok.

Stereoscopic Imaging and Interpretation of the three Dimensional Seismic Data by Numerical Projection (뉴메리컬 프로젝션에 의한 3차원 탄성파 데이터의 영상화 및 해석)

  • 정성종;김태균
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.13 no.6
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    • pp.490-500
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    • 1988
  • In recent years the acquisition, processing and interpretation of three dimensional seisimic data, for the purpose of locating gas and reservoirs, have become practical. This paper exlores one way in which the volume data can be searched and visualized, which may aid the interpreter. The illusion of looking at a three dimensional volume can be obrained by fusing a stereoscopic pair of pictures. Each picture can be made by projecting each data point of the volume into a plane from a point where the eye is placed. The data valuse along any projection line can be summed to form the picture, or only a segment along the line can be selected. By selective projection, the volume can be searched and obscuring layers removed. The stereoscopic pictures show the physical models in there ture spatial positions. Projection of the envelope function of the seismic traces is shown to give improved depth perception compared with projection of the position amplitudes.

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Happiness of kindergarten teachers: A Q-methodology approach (유치원 교사의 행복에 대한 인식 : Q방법론적 접근)

  • Ryu, Chill Sun
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.17 no.8
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    • pp.433-441
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    • 2016
  • This study analyzed the structural types of happiness that kindergarten teachers feel and the features of each happiness type to increase the happiness of kindergarten teachers. The subjects of this study were 41 kindergarten teachers working at a kindergarten in D city. They were chosen randomly. The Q-methodology, which allows in-depth measurements of people's subjective perception of happiness, was employed. The results and further analysis revealed 4 structural types of happiness: 1) self-realization type, who feels happiness while setting goals and achieving them; 2) inner satisfaction type, who thinks that happiness can be found in the current status; 3) social relationship type, who emphasizes a good relationship with others; and 4) personal belief type, who emphasizes living life in one's own style without being bothered by others.

Study on Subjectivity of Fire Fighter (소방공무원의 주관성에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Jee-Hee;Lee, Jei-Young;Kim, Dong-Ok;Hyun, Hye-Jin;Byeon, Do-Hwa;Rho, Sang-Gyun;Lee, Jung-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.12 no.10
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    • pp.4475-4483
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    • 2011
  • This study was carried out by practical method in a subjectivity study accessible in-depth, in sloughing off old habit of functional quantity analysis about a subjectivity of fire-public servant in nation. The perception pattern come out in this study were divided into four types in Q-methodology. The result is as follows ; it is divided into 1[(N=26) : Occupational Type], 2[(N=11) : Experience Type], 3[(N=1) : Human Type], 4[(N=2) : Justice Type]. There are four types of fire fighter images. In conclusion, this study is to ascertain acceptance behavior about Reception Type on a subjectivity of fire-public servant in nation ; to offer a developmental suggestion about it.

Perception of heading direction in dynamic random-dot and real-image motions (역동적인 무선점 및 실제영상 운동에서 관찰자의 진행 방향 지각)

  • 오창영;정찬섭;김정훈
    • Korean Journal of Cognitive Science
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.67-75
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    • 1999
  • We investigated whether human could perceive the heading direction from the optic flow made from random dots and real images simulating the motion of the observer and objects. When an object moves across the focus of expansion(FOE) in random dot simulation. the observer perceived the focus of expansion biased toward the motion direction of the object. supporting the hypothesis that the direction repulsion is produced between the expansional and the horizontal planar motion components. With real image display observers tended to perceive one's heading direction biased toward the c center of the scene regardless of the direction and position of moving 0bcts. And it was observed that the deeper the depth of the background was the larger the judgment error was. These results suggest it is more likely that human depends on different cues than the optic flow when they perceive or judge one's heading direction in the real environment.

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Practice of Health Managers and Workers according to Guidance of Work Environment Management of Specialized Health Management Institution (보건관리전문기관의 작업환경관리 지도에 따른 일부 지역 사업장 보건업무담당자와 근로자의 실천도)

  • Kim, Yunhee
    • Journal of Korean Society of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.198-209
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    • 2016
  • Objectives: This study aimed to provide basic data for the improvement of the guidance services for the management of the workplace environment of the specialized health management institution, by making inquiries on the perception and extent of practice by health managers and workers in the workplace. Methods: Workplaces with officially noted environmental hazards of noise, organic compounds and/or dust-metals were selected in a South Korean metropolitan city in 2015. The workplace health managers(hereinafter referred to as 'manager') and workers at 97 workplace were interviewed. Managers are those who are in charge of health management at the corresponding workplace and the workers were subjected to in-depth interviews by sampling one worker for each of the workplace. Results: The majority of the managers acknowledged the guidance services of the specialized health management institution affirmatively. Regarding the extent of practice in accordance with the guidance on engineering improvement, only 23 managers(37.1%) responded. With respect to education, 40 managers(41.2%) responded that it was implemented along with 35 workers(36.1%) who responded that they received education, showing no significant difference between manager and worker. Regarding the actual wearing of the protective equipment, however, 83 of the manager(85.6%) insisted that workers wore the protective devices while only 44 workers(49.5%) responded that they actually wore the devices, thereby illustrating a significant difference between managers and workers. Conclusions: These results suggest the urgent necessity of improvement in the mechanism of guidance services of the specialized health management institution for the workplace environment management.

An Ethnographic Study of Factors Contributing to the Occupational Socialization of Librarians (사서의 직업사회화 영향요인)

  • Kim, Kap-Seon
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.43 no.4
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    • pp.381-430
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    • 2009
  • Using Spradley's ethnographic method, the study was designed to describe and understand the factors contributing to the occupational socialization of librarians. Three in-depth interviews and one observation were conducted with each of the sixteen participants who have practiced for longer than 5 years in libraries and were selected by theoretical sampling. Eight factors emerged from the data: education in universities, social changes, work, human relationships, users, the library organizational climate, social perception, and striving to enhance the professional. 'Overcoming a lack of understanding about the profession' was the cultural theme for describing and integrating the factors contributing to the occupational socialization of librarians.