• Title/Summary/Keyword: Degree of Perception Importance

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The Effect of Entrepreneurship, Perception of Entrepreneurial Environment and Participation in Government Start-up Support Project on Business Performance (창업자들의 기업가정신과 창업환경인식, 그리고 정부의 창업지원사업 참여정도가 경영성과에 미치는 영향)

  • Jang, Young-Hye;Jang, In Sung;Kim, Pansoo
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.14 no.5
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    • pp.115-125
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    • 2019
  • This study examined the effects of entrepreneurship and perception of entrepreneurial environment on business performance. In particular, this study analyzed the difference in the effect of each independent variable on the dependent variable by using the government's participation in the start-up support project as a moderate variable. In order to achieve the purpose of this study, the researcher drew the variables corresponding to entrepreneurship and the variables related to entrepreneurship awareness. Innovativeness and risk sensitivity were selected as variables for entrepreneurship, and market environment and product environment were selected as variables for perception of entrepreneurial environment. Based on the above variables the research model was completed including the degree of participation in the government's start-up support project as a moderating variable. The data for the empirical analysis were collected from start-up companies in Daegu in 2018. A total of 601 questionnaires were collected and 399 copies of the data were used in this study after removing the unfaithful answers. The results of the analysis showed that innovation had a negative effect on management performance, and risk sensitivity, market environment, and product environment had a positive effect on management performance. In terms of the moderating effect, in the case of innovation, the higher the participation in government support projects, the lesser the negative effect. Risk sensitivity and product environment showed a strong impact on companies with a lot of government support projects, and the market environment had a strong impact on those who participated less. This study confirmed the importance and necessity of entrepreneurship and perception of entrepreneurial environment that influence the management performance of entrepreneurs. It is also meaningful in that it deals with the practical effects of the government's start-up support project on the start-up performance.

A study on the current status and ways of activating 3PL (제3자물류의 실태분석 및 활성화 방안에 관한 연구)

  • 이충규;김준석
    • Journal of Korea Port Economic Association
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.65-90
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    • 2002
  • Despite the importance and necessity, the 3PL has not been activated to date. Among many views, customers claim that logistics service provider(LSP) are not prepared or capable of offering satisfactory 3PL services, while LSP emphasize the lack of mutual trust, closed corporate culture of the customer and excessive demand for reducing the costs. With this keeping in mind, it surveyed difference of perception between users and providers of 3PL services in terms of the actual status of using 3PL services, the degree of satisfaction and key factors for selecting 3PL provider through the questionnaire. As shown in this study, 43.3% of the respondents outsourced logistics services. However, Most company outsourced only inland transportation (49.5%) which is a simple and limited scope of 3PL services, but it also indicated that the percentage of users have ranged was less then 10% in outsourcing their whole logistics sector to 3PL provider and employing other logistics functions. Among respondents, a majority of the service provider stated that they offered satisfactory cost-saving to the customers, while users felt that the degree of satisfaction for using 3PL services was evaluated as at an average level and they more highly regarded the strong partnership of their 3PL provider rather than the saving of cost and improvement of customer's services. Moreover, in contrast to the 3PL providers which regard the most important factor for selecting 3PL service provider is the logistics cost quoted, users of 3PL services felt that the quality of services was more significant than the reduction of cost, and this tendency for selecting 3PL providers was shown in more advanced countries. While users of 3PL services indicated that the main reason for not using 3PL services was to avoid disclosing information of their business and it costs much for employing 3PL providers than doing themselves, 3PL providers thought it was due to reluctancy of opening information and resistance from the logistics division engaged in logistics activities concerned. Accordingly, providers and users of 3PL services should trust each other and prepare plan to activate 3PL services under the collaborative relationships as soon as possible.

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A Study on Qulity Perceptions and Satisfaction for Medical Service Marketing (의료서비스 마케팅을 위한 품질지각과 만족에 관한 연구)

  • Yoo, Dong-Keun
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Administration
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.97-114
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    • 1996
  • INSTRODUCTION Service quality is, unlike goods quality, an abstract and elusive constuct. Service quality and its requirements are not easily understood by consumers, and also present some critical research problems. However, quality is very important to marketers and consumers in that it has many strategic benefits in contributing to profitability of marketing activities and consumers' problem-solving activities. Moreover, despite the phenomenal growth of medical service sector, few researchers have attempted to define and model medical service quality. Especially, little research has focused on the evaluation of medical service quality and patient satisfaction from the perspectives of both the provider and the patient. As competition intensifies and patients are demanding higher quality of medical service, medical service quality and patient satisfaction has emerged as a critical research topic. The major purpose of this article is to explore the concept of medical service quality and its evaluation from both nurse and patient perspectives. This article attempts to achieve its purpose by (1)classfying critical service attibutes into threecategories(satisfiers, hygiene factors, and performance factors). (2)measuring the relative importance of need criteria, (3)evaluating SERVPERF model and SERVQUAL model in medical service sector, and (4)identifying the relationship between perceived quality and overall patient satisfaction. METHOD Data were gathered from a sample of 217 patients and 179 nurses in Seoul-area general hospitals. From the review of previous literature, 50 survey items representing various facets of the medical service quality were developed to form a questionnaire. A five-point scale ranging from "Strongly Agree"(5) to "Strongly Disagree"(1) accompanied each statement(expectation statements, perception statements, and importance statements). To measure overall satisfaction, a seven-point scale was used, ranging from "Very Satisfied"(7) to "Very Dissatisfied"(1) with no verbal labels for scale points 2 through 6 RESULTS In explaining the relationship between perceived performance and overall satisfaction, only 31 variables out of original 50 survey items were proven to be statistically significant. Hence, a penalty-reward analysis was performed on theses 31 critical attributes to find out 17 satisfiers, 8 hygiene factors, and 4 performance factors in patient perspective. The role(category) of each service quality attribute in relation to patient satisfaction was com pared across two groups, that is, patients and nurses. They were little overlapped, suggesting that two groups had different sets of 'perceived quality' attributes. Principal components factor analyses of the patients' and nurses' responses were performed to identify the underlying dimensions for the set of performance(experience) statements. 28 variables were analyzed by using a varimax rotation after deleting three obscure variables. The number of factors to be extracted was determined by evaluating the eigenvalue scores. Six factors wereextracted, accounting for 57.1% of the total variance. Reliability analysis was performed to refine the factors further. Using coefficient alpha, scores of .84 to .65 were obtained. Individual-item analysis indicated that all statements in each of the factors should remain. On 26 attributes of 31 critical service quality attributes, there were gaps between actual patient's importance of need criteria and nurse perceptions of them. Those critical attributes could be classified into four categories based on the relative importance of need criteria and perceived performance from the perspective of patient. This analysis is useful in developing strategic plans for performance improvement. (1) top priorities(high importance and low performance) (in this study)- more health-related information -accuracy in billing - quality of food - appointments at my convenience - information about tests and treatments - prompt service of business office -adequacy of accommodations(elevators, etc) (2) current strengths(high importance and high performance) (3)unnecessary strengths(low importance and high performance) (4) low priorities(low importance and low performance) While 26 service quality attributes of SERPERF model were significantly related to patient satisfation, only 13 attributes of SERVQUAL model were significantly related. This result suggested that only experience-based norms(SERVPERF model) were more appropriate than expectations to serve as a benchmark against which service experiences were compared(SERVQUAL model). However, it must be noted that the degree of association to overall satisfaction was not consistent. There were some gaps between nurse percetions and patient perception of medical service performance. From the patient's viewpoint, "personal likability", "technical skill/trust", and "cares about me" were most significant positioning factors that contributed patient satisfaction. DISCUSSION This study shows that there are inconsistencies between nurse perceptions and patient perceptions of medical service attributes. Also, for service quality improvement, it is most important for nurses to understand what satisfiers, hygiene factors, and performance factors are through two-way communications. Patient satisfaction should be measured, and problems identified should be resolved for survival in intense competitive market conditions. Hence, patient satisfaction monitoring is now becoming a standard marketing tool for healthcare providers and its role is expected to increase.

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The Similarity Measurement of Interior Design Images - Comparison between Measurement based on Perceptual Judgment and Measurement through Computing the Algorithm - (실내디자인 이미지의 유사성 측정 - 관찰자 직관 기반 측정법과 알고리즘 기반 정량적 측정법의 결과 비교를 중심으로 -)

  • Ryu, Hojeong;Ha, Mikyoung
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.32-41
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    • 2015
  • We live in the era of unlimited design competition. As the importance of design is increasing in all areas including marketing, each country does its best effort on design development. However, the preparation on protecting interior design rights by intellectual property laws(IPLs) has not been enough even though they occupy an important place in the design field. It is not quite easy to make a judgement on the similarity between two images having a single common factor because the factors which are composed of interior design have complicated interactive relations between them. From the IPLs point of view, designs with the similar overall appearance are decided to be similar. Objective evaluation criteria not only for designers but also for design examiners and judges are required in order to protect interior design by the IPLs. The objective of this study is the analysis of the possibility that a computer algorithm method can be useful to decide the similarity of interior design images. According to this study, it is realized that the Img2 which is one of content-based image retrieval computer programs can be utilized to measure the degree of the similarity. The simulation results of three descriptors(CEDD, FCTH, JCD) in the Img2 showed the high degree of similar patterns compared with the results of perceptual judgment by observers. In particular, it was verified that the Img2 has high availability on interior design images with a high score of similarity below 60 which are perceptually judged by observers.

A Study on Awareness and Degree of Practice about Infection Control by Dental Hygienics Student's in Some Ares (일부지역 치위생과 학생의 감염관리 인식 및 실천도에 관한 조사)

  • Han, Ok-Sung;Lee, Jae-Ra
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.410-417
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    • 2013
  • This research surveyed 324 college students majored dental hygiene in Gwangju and Chonnam province to analyze their awareness and degree of practice about infection control. Through the study for recognition about infectious disease related with the grade, the sophomore students are the group who is the most aware. In addition, the study shows students who experienced teeth cleaning have high degree of awareness (p<0.05). The research of perception about infectious disease based on experiences for vaccinations and education about infection prevention says hepatitis B has the highest rate when it comes to level of occurrence risk and tuberculosis and acquired immune deficiency syndrome are the lowest (p<0.05). According to the research, the group who had vaccination, knowledge about infection prevention and experience for scaling shows high practice rate for hand washing according to whether students receive protective inoculation or not. Depending on what the result were, since student learned about infection control has high degree of recognition and practice about infection management if we could emphasize the importance to students through regulative education about infection control and then increase the degree of practice, it would make big contributions to the effective infection control.

Students' Recognition on the Experiment and Practice of Technology.Home Economics in Middle schools (중학교 기술.가정 교과의 실험.실습 운영에 관한 학습자 인식 연구)

  • Song Ji-Sun;Doo Kyung-Ja;Hong Hee-Young
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.18 no.2 s.40
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    • pp.29-45
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    • 2006
  • This study was to investigate the perception of middle school students on the management of the curriculum $\ulcorner$Technology Home Economics$\lrcorner$ according to the 7th National Curriculum. The subjects were 494 third grade students from middle schools located in Seoul, in order to inquire into their perceptions through the questionnaire. The collected data was analyzed with the descriptive statistics, Pearson Chi-Square, t-test, and one-way ANOVA by SPSS Win ver. 12.0 program. The major findings were as follows: Firstly there were gender differences on the interests for the subject of $\ulcorner$Technology Home Economics$\lrcorner$. The girls who were interested in the subject were much more numerous than the boys, but only in the technology part of it, the boys were more interested than the girls. Secondly the students recognized that the experiment & practice for learning $\ulcorner$Technology Home Economics$\lrcorner$ was important. They, however, recognized that its operation in school was not enough to understand the contents. The higher a student viewed the importance of the experiment & practice on $\ulcorner$Technology Home Economics$\lrcorner$, the higher his perception of its usefulness in real life. Thirdly the highest ranking of its usefulness for the contents of the subject $\ulcorner$Technology Home Economics$\lrcorner$ was identified as 'the Computer and Information Processing' and 'the Nutrients and Diet in Adolescence'. These findings suggest that the importance of the experiment & practice was enhanced and the gender differences on the usefulness of the experiment & practice on the each units were considered in order to increase the degree of the students' interest and usefulness of the $\ulcorner$Technology Home Economics$\lrcorner$

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An Analysis of Elementary School Teachers' Identification Criteria and Nominations of Gifted Students (관찰추천 과정에서 초등학교 교사가 인식하는 영재학생 판별기준과 추천요인 분석)

  • Yoon, Chohee;Park, Heechan
    • Journal of Gifted/Talented Education
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    • v.23 no.5
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    • pp.771-791
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    • 2013
  • What are the identification criteria elementary school teachers prefer? What are the characteristics of students that teachers consider when nominating them to gifted programs? Will those criteria of identification/nomination differ as to teacher experiences related to gifted education or teacher involvement in the professional development? This study aims to find the answer to these questions. For this purpose, a total of 511 elementary school teachers with a varying degree of experiences with gifted education were recruited from 23 schools in 11 school districts in Seoul. The results show that teachers generally preferred task commitment, creativity, curiosity, and domain specific talents as criteria for identifying gifted students, while perceiving achievement records, total grades, leadership, and general intelligence as less important. Teachers experienced in gifted education or having been involved in professional development perceived curiosity, task commitment, and creativity as more important than teachers without such experiences. The importance-performance analysis of identification criteria indicates that teachers reported high importance on task commitment, curiosity, and creativity, but those factors were less considered in actual nomination. On the contrary, teachers reported low importance on quick learning and achievement(total grades, subject grades), but those were highly considered in nomination. A similar pattern was found in both experienced and nonexperienced teachers although the importance-performance gap was higher for the latter. Implications for teacher nominations and professional development were discussed.

A preliminary study for the evaluation of the effects of sex education program on college students (대학생의 성교육 효과측정을 위한 기초 연구)

  • Chang, Soon-Bok;Choi, Yun-Soon;Kang, Hee-Sun;Park, So-Mi
    • The Korean Nurse
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    • v.36 no.2
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    • pp.49-63
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    • 1997
  • This study was performed to provide preliminary data for the development of a useful instrument to measure the effect of sex education. The study was conducted with the voluntary participation of 155 college students enrolled in the course "Sexuality and Relationship" at Y university in Seoul. At the end of that course, they were asked to write freely about the change they had experienced on sexuality. All meaningful statements were elicited and classified into 7 categories; "Change of Knowledge", "Enlightenment", "Change of Attitude on Sexuality", "Buildup of Ability", "Buildup of. Identity", "Change of Emotion", "Change of Behavior:' There were significant changes in the areas of knowledge(28. 6%), enlightenment(27.4%), and attitudes(20.3%) about sexuality among these 7 categories. The Change of Knowledge category consists of 3 areas: "concretion of knowledge", "increase of information", and "correction of misunderstanding." In the category of Enlightenment, total 12 areas are included: "sex role", "erception of lack of knowledge", "importance of family", "life plan", "parent role", "value of life", "equality", "sexual autonomy", "importance of sexuality", "freedom of sexuality", "perception of sexual problem", and "meaning of love." The Attitude Change category consists of 8 areas. These are "being natural", "being progressive", "being sensitive", "being truthful", "being expressive", "being cautious", "being responsible", and "being confident". The category of Buildup of Ability includes 4 areas: "problem solving", "sex education", "relationship", and "communication". The category of Buildup of Identity includes "sexual identity", and "value of sexuality". The Emotional Change category includes 3 areas: "positive feeling", "negative feeling", and "breaking from negative feeling on sexuality". The Behavior Change category includes "sex-related behavioral change". In conclusion, up to now most researches on sex education effect measures only changes of knowledge, attitude, and behavior. But we believe the changes in "Enlightenment", "Buildup of Ability", "Buildup of Identity", "Change of Emotion", should be included in addition to knowledge, attitude, and behavior in the development of an instrument to measure the sex education effects. And the effect of sex education should measure the degree of learning of autonomy, enlightenment, and ability of behavior and so on rather than studying the simple changes in sexuality.enment", "Buildup of Ability", "Buildup of Identity", "Change of Emotion", should be included in addition to knowledge, attitude, and behavior in the development of an instrument to measure the sex education effects. And the effect of sex education should measure the degree of learning of autonomy, enlightenment, and ability of behavior and so on rather than studying the simple changes in sexuality.ng the simple changes in sexuality.

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A Study on the Impacts of users' Needs for Cognition(NFC) on the Online Brand Community and Brand Loyalty (사용자의 인지욕구 특성이 온라인 커뮤니티 충성도와 브랜드 태도에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Sun-Ro;Cho, Jung-Hyun;Cho, Sung-Min
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.1-29
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    • 2007
  • The brand-based online community recently plays an important roles for consumers to facilitates searching and sharing information among them. Firms often find such a brand community as a critical channel to gain collective intelligence for developing new ideas and products. As a new web platform such as web 2.0 has been introduced, consumers could more easily participate in the new social networks created by sharing mutual value and belief among themselves. Accordingly firms began to recognize potentials of online brand assets and pay attention to the importance of online brand community loyalty. Previous research related to online community tends to focus on identifying the antecedents of community loyalty and their subsequent impacts on brand. They, however, tend to neglect the importance of individual characteristics of online community users. As integrating the fragmented variables with an individual characteristics, therefore, this study reexamined the impacts of interactivity, information, reward, and personalization services provided by an online brand community on the sense of community, community loyalty, and brand attitude. Also, this study investigated how users' individual characteristics(need for cognition: NFC) can play moderating roles among the variables identified in the previous research. A field survey was administrated and 671 valid samples were collected. In order to test the hypothesis we conducted the multi-sample structural equation modeling(MSEM) between two groups(a group with high vs. a group with low level of NFC). Results show that previously identified variables such as interactivity, information, reward, and personalization services have significant effects on the sense of community as previous research demonstrated. Subsequently, the sense of community positively influences the community loyalty and brand attitude. However, when considering the NFC as a moderating variable, we found that the effect of interactivity and reward service on the sense of community was stronger for a group with a lower level of NFC compared to a group with a higher level, while the effect of information providing service on the sense of community was stronger for a group with a higher level of NFC compared to a group with a lower level. This research revealed that NFC can affect the degree of individual perception on the sense of community which has been considered as an important indicator for the community loyalty and brand attitude. Hence, when firms developing customer relation strategy through building an online brand community, they need to reflect customers' NFC and accordingly provide varying degree of interactivity, information, reward, and personalization services.

A Study on the Performance & Job Satisfaction of Visiting Nurses of district health centers in Seoul (서울시 각 구 보건소간호사의 방문간호 업무수행과 직무만족에 관한 연구)

  • Yang, Mi-Jin
    • Journal of Home Health Care Nursing
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    • v.4
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    • pp.30-40
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    • 1997
  • The change in health care environment increases the importance of Visiting Nursing Services Program. It has been performed by nurses of district health centers in Seoul since 1991. The Achievement of Visiting Nursing Services Program will be dependent upon their activities. The purpose of this study was to identify the Performance of Visiting Nurses and Job satisfaction of district health centers in Seoul. Therefore, it was to provide the fundamental data development of Visiting Nursing Services Program. The subjects were 214 Visiting Nurses of district health centers in Seoul. The data was collected by self reporting questionnaire from April 15 to April 30, 1997. Their performances and various supportive factors were measured with the instruments developed by the researcher. Job satisfaction were also measured by the instrument developed by Slavitt et al. (1978) was used. The data were, analyzed by Cronbach Alpha, mean, standard deviation, percentage, t -test, ANOVA Duncan test, Correlation Coefficient, and Stepwise Multiple Regression with SAS program. The results of this study were as follows: 1. The average of budget of Visiting Nursing Services Program of district health centers was 0.9% and the average of visiting nursing services personnel of district health centers was 10.1%. 2. With regard to the job satisfaction of Visiting Nurses the mean score was 2.92 out of 5. While the level of Job prestige / status presented as a mean score of 3.48 which was the largest among the 7 components of job satisfaction, the level of administration was the lowest showing 2.57 scores respectively. There were significant differences in the job satisfaction by age, working career of health centers(p<0.01, 0.001). 3. The average of the performance level of Visiting Nurses variables was 2.29; The variable with highest degree of performance was the teaching & consultation, establishment of performance plan, whereas the on with the lowest degree was the directive nursing services. The significant difference was found in performance level according to age, structure type of visiting nursing services, working career of health centers and working career of visiting nursing services(p<0.05). 4. With regard to the perception of the performance expertise by the Visiting Nurses the mean score was 2.37 : The variable with highest degree of performance expertise was the teaching & consultation, establishment of performance plan, whereas the on with the lowest degree was management of home-environment. The significant difference was found in performance expertise according to working career outside of health centers(p<0.05). 5. With regard to the perception of the performance necessity by the Visiting Nurses the mean was 2. 40 : the variable with highest degree of performance necessity was the teaching & consultation, establishment of performance plan, whereas the on with the lowest degree was directive nursing services. The significant difference was found in performance necessity according to working career of visiting nursing services(p<0.05). 6. A positive correlation was found between job satisfaction and performance level(r=.3731, P<0.001). Also, a weak positive correlation was found between the components of job satisfaction and performance level. 7. Stepwise multiple regression analysis revealed that the most powerful predictor was the variance of job satisfaction(R=.3557, $R^2$=.1265). Structure type of visiting nursing services and working career of visiting nursing services accounted for 19.0% of the variance in performance level in nurses. In conclusion, Job satisfaction, Structure type of visiting nursing services and Working career of visiting nursing services variables had influenced on performance level in health centers. Further research is required to confirm these findings.

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