• 제목/요약/키워드: Cultural Consumers

검색결과 514건 처리시간 0.022초

Consumers' Attitude toward Complaining: A Cross-Cultural Comparison of its Traits Predictors (소비자 불평토로성향에 대한 성격특성 예측변수: 한·미 비교문화적 접근)

  • Park, Sojin;John C. Mowen
    • Asia Marketing Journal
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    • 제11권1호
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    • pp.1-27
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    • 2009
  • The research compared the motivational network of traits predictive of complaint attitudes across consumers in the U.S. and South Korean cultures. Overall, the results revealed a similar pattern of traits predictive of complaint attitudes in the two cultures. The traits of value consciousness, general self-efficacy, emotional instability, and the need for material resources were positively related to attitudes toward complaining. In contrast, conscientiousness was negatively related to complaint attitudes. The only trait predictor of complaining attitude that was significantly different between the Korean and U.S. samples was shopping enjoyment. It was negatively related to complaining attitude in the U.S. sample but unrelated to complaining attitude in the Korean sample. Understanding the personality traits predictive of complaint attitudes has the potential to help marketers develop messages that will encourage the low complaint prone to voice their dissatisfaction. This is important, because when a consumer complains about and unsatisfactory purchase, it gives the firm a chance to take actions to avoid losing a customer.

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A Study on the Visual Image and Verbal Texts in Television Public Service Advertising (TV공익광고에 나타난 영상이미지와 언어에 관한 연구)

  • Shin, In-Sik
    • Archives of design research
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    • 제18권2호
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    • pp.111-122
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    • 2005
  • Public Service Advertising(PSA) is the integrated marketing concept including strategy and technology in all its aspects that pursue the changes of community to seek an agreement of its members by the intentional and the target oriented way. PSA to the exclusion of commercial intention reflects the current social flow and subject since it is focused to the social issue. PSA plays an important role in creating the further cultural value, and also affects present cultural value to advertising message. In this aspect, this study is very valuable to design the plan for further effective management of advertisement and to analyze communication strategy of PSA. This study is to make dear the nature of PSA by the analysis of contents of visual image and linguistics' factors in actual produced and broadcasted TV advertising, called 'Protection of environment' In the results, PSA related the environment is working to linguistic-centered persuading message corresponding to visual factor, this intends to educate and instruct the consumers in 1980's. PSA, therefore, shows a non-description nature without story line and a hero(heroin) on it. In contrast, after 1990's, PSA was made up image-centered and maximized the effectiveness public campaign through the activating consumer's judgement and intervention. We are able to know that it contributes to considering and persuading the consumer to suggest the story format through the visual way to deliver the message. This study of relationship between visual image and linguistics is a common trend appeared in all media including today's advertising, and may be a remarkable result to present proper direction of PSA campaign.

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A Study on Switching Intention of Broadcasting Service to MCN Service by Migration Theory (새로운 방송 서비스로의 이전 : 이주 이론을 통한 MCN으로 전환의도 연구)

  • Kim, Yonghee
    • The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business
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    • 제10권1호
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    • pp.59-67
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    • 2019
  • Purpose - The Millennial Generation, which grew in the wake of the spread of the Internet and rapid changes in the media environment, is rapidly moving from the traditional broadcasting environment to the Internet-broadcasting environment in terms of content acceptance. With the emergence of UGC (User-generated content), the change in the status of single-person content creators enables the growth of multi-channel networks (MCN), a new content-distribution platform and an agency concept for single creators. Youtube-based MCN produces multiple single star producers and casts and provides its own video series through Youtube. It is also emerging as a major M&A target for global media providers in terms of providing content to a wide range of consumers with the same interests and consumption characteristics. In addition, for the Millennials generation, which are part of their lives, MCN is becoming the most suitable media for TGIF (Twitter, Google, i-phone, Facebook). Accordingly, this study defines newly emerging MCNs and analyzes the factors for accepting MCN-produced content based on the push-pull-mooring (PPM) model. Research design, data, and methodology - An empirical analysis is performed through a questionnaire survey. For this purpose, 204 people who have experience of watching MCN were studied. Collected data is processed through analysis of a structural equation model using R to test the hypothesis. Results - For the MCN service to become an alternative to existing media, it is necessary to continuously promote cultural diversity and diversity of attempts that conventional media cannot provide. It is the attractiveness of the alternative that has the greatest influence on the intention to switch to a MCN service. When we look at MCN content so far, certain patterns such as game progress, introduction, food, and chat rooms have already appeared. We need to overcome this and develop a completely new conceptual content that we have never seen before. This requires a more generous viewer perception of the topics covered. For diversity, linguistic and verbal violence should be tolerant in common sense to provide a foundation for securing cultural diversity. Conclusions - In this study, we tried to develop a comprehensive approach to the substitution effect of MCN. In terms of academic achievement, the PPM model is used to enhance the utilization of media and broadcasting. Practical implications are to provide an analytical framework for verifying alternative or complementary effects when viewers switch to MCN.

Homo Ludens, Analysis on PLAY Contents of University Campus Festival (호모루덴스, 대학 축제 놀이콘텐츠 분석)

  • Ahn, Kyungju
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • 제18권5호
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    • pp.554-565
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    • 2018
  • This study is to think a new arena of collective play culture at the university campus festival for digital generation used to be individually consuming play in cyberspace. While cyberia is virtual cultural space by providing gigantic platforms in which producers and consumers meet, this space has characterized as individuality and disembodiment, that is why recalling the collective play culture at the off-line. This article is to examine the characteristics and meaning of the recent campus festivals during the history of Korean college festivals, and to analyze proposals of play-contents applied by various theories. The 2016-7' proposals include several kind of board game and experimental theatre sublimed philosophical reflection, which shows a kind of attempt to escape from the cultural industrial logic, however they are characterized by Ilinx(drinking culture) and Alea(board game) emphasized more than Agon, and Mimicry combined with paidia rule strongly. Under the neoliberalism, college students' gloomy reality is represented emasculating of the structure of competitions in the context of an unreal world and Mimicry of experience stay in front of the limen before entering the embodiment.

A Study on Consumer Awareness, Preference, and Consumption Behavior Regarding Local Food - Focusing on Gyeongju Area - (향토음식의 인지도와 기호도 및 소비행동에 관한 연구 - 경주지역을 중심으로 -)

  • Jang, Sun-Ok;Woo, Iee-Shik
    • Culinary science and hospitality research
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    • 제21권2호
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    • pp.154-170
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    • 2015
  • In this study, the real state of local foods was examined targeting Gyeongju citizens to help in developing distinguishing foods and to promote cultural to excellence of local foods widely. Ultimately, this study aims to promote cultural excellence of Gyeongju's local foods widely by examining the kinds of local foods in Gyeonggju area. In addition, current study was conducted to provide basic data of local foods which inherit and develop our precious assets, in order to keep up with the Korean Wave as well as globalization. For this study, a survey was performed with the 274 sample of local food consumers, and analyzed the data using descriptive, cross tabulation analysis, and t-test. Results shown that Janchi guksu(banquet noodles) and Jeonbok juk(abalone rice porridge) obtained the highest awareness and preference when awareness and preference of Gyeongju local foods were analyzed depending on the marital status. Significant implication in the study is that there is a need to develop and promote local foods and open local food restaurants for local residents. More discussion and limitations are suggested.

A Study of Male Luxury Consumption and the Cultural Politics of Difference Focused on the Consumer Experiences of Men in their 30s (남성의 명품 소비와 차이의 문화정치 한국 사회 30대 남성의 소비 경험을 중심으로)

  • Ryoo, Woongjae;Park, Jeongeun
    • Korean journal of communication and information
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    • 제75권
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    • pp.9-42
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    • 2016
  • This study critically examines the social and personal meanings that luxury consumption have in contemporary Korean society through understanding the consumption experiences of men in their 30s. Interviews with nine male consumers who are committed to luxury brands, especially those that produce suits, watches, fountain pens, and shoes, were conducted to collect qualitative data. We found that participants are satisfied with the whole process of luxury brand consumption including buying, using, and managing and try to consume the products for self-expression, congruent with their lifestyle and identity. Individuals have learned how to consume the luxury brand from their role models. Their consumption follows hybrid and postmodern patterns and combines luxury brand products with non-luxury one. In contemporary Korean society, using the luxury products is considered necessary to achieve some advantages in social contexts and can be also functioned as a sort of social signifier and self-help, as well as, a tool for self satisfaction or well-being.

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Influence of Characteristics of Performance Video Content on WOM Effect through Trust and Satisfaction (공연 영상콘텐츠 특성이 신뢰와 만족을 통해 구전효과에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Sin-Bok;Park, Chanuk
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • 제19권4호
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    • pp.129-137
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    • 2019
  • New technology leads the fast changes to cope with the fourth industrial revolution in the modern society. To meet the changes of the times, not only daily life but also cultural life of the modern people are changing, and these changed the times when we watch the cultural performances such as drama, musical, and opera that we should appreciate onsite into the times to see them whenever and wherever we want to see upon digitalizing them. However, studies have not been actively performed on the performance videos unlike other areas probably since they expect better image quality and services. Hence, considering the expectations from performance video contents by consumers as benefit, convenience, and innovation, this study was conducted to review the effectiveness of these attributes on the trust and satisfaction level. Also, upon reviewing the effectiveness of these on the word of mouth effect, expansion potential of the performance video contents was investigated to deduct the meaningful implications. Study results showed that benefit and convenience affected trust and satisfaction positively while innovation did not affect them at all. Yet, trust and satisfaction showed the positive influence on the word of mouth effect.

A Case of Development of Experiential Game Tourism Program Using Korean Classical Literature (한국고전문학을 활용한 체험형 게임 관광프로그램 개발 사례 : 중인가객 김수장과 『해동가요』를 대상으로)

  • Park, Bo-Yeon;Kim, Tai-Woong
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • 제21권12호
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    • pp.748-756
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    • 2021
  • In this study, as the first attempt to develop an experiential game tourism program using Korean classical literature, the primary research was conducted on Kim Soo-Jang and his anthology "Hae Dong Ga Yo". To this end, a theoretical review of the value of hands-on games and Korean classical literature as tourism content was conducted first. Afterwards, the consumers for the program were set up into three categories: family unit, MZ generation including lovers, and foreigners. A survey was conducted to confirm the program preference of each group. According to the analysis framework, the main value of each historical and cultural resource in "Hae Dong Ga Yo" and seven sijo pieces created by Kim Soo-Jang was discovered and, based on the survey, the preferences of the consumer related to the target were analyzed. Accordingly, the narrative structures were organized differently for each group. An adventure plot was designed for the family unit, a love plot for MZ generation and lovers, and a mixture of adventure and love for foreigners. Utilizing stories from Kim Soo-Jang and his works, which are rarely used despite their value, this study attempted to develop them into hands-on game tourism programs to create new outlets in terms of both Korean classical literature and the tourism area. In the future, if various Joseon literati are discovered and their storytelling is continued, we can expect the vitalization of the travel product line with the concept of classical literature travel.

A Study on the Smart(智慧) Museum in China: on the case of Dunhuang Museum, The Palace Museum, China Arts and Crafts Master Museum (중국 스마트(智慧) 박물관에 관한 연구: 둔황 박물관, 고궁 박물관, 중국공예미술대사 박물관 사례를 중심으로)

    • Journal of Internet of Things and Convergence
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    • 제9권3호
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    • pp.69-74
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    • 2023
  • Smart museums based on the growth of online exhibition can be seen as in line with the movement of the 4th Industrial Revolution. By combining art and technologies, they enable viewers to experience culture and art. This study examined the cases of the Dunhuang Museum, the Palace Museum, and the China Arts and Crafts Master Museum to assess or identify how China is leading by accepting the technology of the fourth industry and applying the technology. In common, Chinese smart museums are widely used for collecting enviromental data, establishing integrated digital applications, and preserving collections, services, management, and exhibitions through VR, and AR. Through the case of the Chinese Smart Museum, this study identified the online exhibition as a space that exists in another dimension rather than an image replica with excellent operational utility. Therefore, online exhibitions are the best medium to expand the space, and viewers can explorethe museum's exhibition room and engage with all the contents of the museum without visiting the museum in person. Through the online exhibition of smart museums, visitors and viewers can be transformed into more active cultural consumers and develop collective capabilities.

Racial Triangulation in Steph Cha's Your House Will Pay (스텝 차의 『너의 집이 대가를 치를 것이다』 에 나타난 인종 삼각구도)

  • Yim Jin-Hee
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • 제9권2호
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    • pp.19-27
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    • 2023
  • This paper is aimed at exploring a multi-racial, multi-ethnic, and multi-cultural trianglulation of Black, White, and Korean American race relations connected to a large-scale disturbance in the 1992 Los Angeles riots. The second generation Korean American Steph Cha's Your House Will Pay (2019) focuses on a social portrait of the racially marginalized beings as Korean immigrant merchants and African American native consumers. This family saga explores issues resulting from racial hierarchy, racialized stereotypes, and historical marginalization in the internalized sociometry of race and class inequality. This work grapples with issues involved in a sociocultural web of racial triangulation under the white dominant structure, and ensuing intergroup conflicts of social minorities in the economic geography of urban space. It opens up civil discussions for transracial, transethnic, and transcultural interactions and coexistence. It ultimately leads to extending young people's minds for a deep understanding of the socioecomonic landscape of racial matrix, and enhancing the cultural literacy for a better awareness of social empathy and the communal respect of life.