• Title/Summary/Keyword: Control Module

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A Development of Module Operating on Standby-power Reduction for PLC Control Modem (제어용 PLC 모뎀을 위한 대기전력 절감 모듈 개발)

  • Kim, Kl-Hyun;Kim, Ji-Hong;Kim, Nam-Kyun;Kim, Sang-Cheol;Seo, Kil-Soo;Kim, Eun-Dong
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers Conference
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    • 2004.07a
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    • pp.296-299
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    • 2004
  • This paper introduces a supplementary module reducing tile standby-power of Power Line Communication(PLC) modem, one of the network equipments that take up much of tile stand-by power. This supplementary module consists of three parts, such as a compare part, a control part, and a switch part. This supplementary module controls the power going from the power supply element into PLC modem, which brings about the effect of standby-power reduction. It is assured that over 30% standby-power reduction is estimated when we applied this module to a low-speedy PLC control modem.

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A study on hybrid solar LED street light system (하이브리드 태양광 LED 가로등 시스템 연구)

  • Lee, Dong-Hyuk
    • Design & Manufacturing
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.20-25
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    • 2022
  • In line with the rapid economic growth of many countries, fossil fuel energy sources are also rapidly depleting. Therefore, the price is also rising rapidly, so it is necessary to develop new and renewable energy sources such as hydropower, geothermal power, nuclear power, wind power and solar energy to replace fossil fuel energy in the future. In this study, development of rotating concentrator module system, development of rotating module control control system, development of lamp and charge control controller, configuration and prototype production of rotating concentrating solar LED street light system, efficiency of rotating concentrating solar LED street light, and power production. The research was conducted in the order of evaluation of comprehensive performance tests such as consumption and consumption. As a result, the developed high-efficiency rotation-concentrating hybrid solar LED street light module system has a 50% higher light-gathering efficiency than existing products by tracing sunlight by self-developing a rotation-collecting module on existing solar LED street lamps according to the characteristics of Korea's topography. and the power generation was improved by more than 40%.

Development of an Illumination Measurement Device for Color Distribution Based on a CIE 1931 XYZ Sensor

  • Son, Do-Ky;Cho, Eun-Byeol;Moon, In-Kyu;Park, You-Sang;Lee, Chung-Ghiu
    • Journal of the Optical Society of Korea
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.44-51
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    • 2011
  • In this paper, an easy-to-use measurement device for illumination distribution is developed. The device consists of a sensor array module, a control module, and a PC interface. The sensor array module incorporates CIE 1931 color sensors and the ARM-based 96 MHz microcontroller in the control module for measurement and data processing. The sensor array module contains 64 color sensors arranged in a $16{\times}4$ array. The sensitivity of the sensor array module can be adjusted depending on the illumination level to be measured. The measurement data and control signals are exchanged via USB 2.0 standard. To demonstrate the performance of the device, the illumination distribution is measured for colors of red, green, and blue and is graphically shown. The device can be used for measurement of the illumination distribution, design and adjustment of LED illumination.

A PID Control of Supply Duct Outlet Air Temperature in Personal Environment Module

  • Park, Young-Chil
    • International Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.82-90
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    • 2003
  • The work presented here is a design and an implementation of PID control system to regulate a supply duct outlet air temperature in PEM (Personal Environment Module). In PEM, the air is heated to the required temperature while it flows through the supply duct without any mixing chamber. This makes the control of air temperature in PEM difficult. A simulation is done first to understand the relationship between a temperature distribution in working area, flow rate and the outlet air temperature of PEM. Then a linear dynamic model of heating process in PEM is derived. P, PD and PID type control systems, to provide the rapid response without overshoot and saturation in heater command voltage, are designed using a linear model obtained. Experimentally obtained data shows that the control system satisfies the design criteria and works properly in controlling the supply duct outlet air temperature.

Development of Control Simulator for Integrated Sensor Module of Vehicle (차량용 통합 센서 모듈 제어를 위한 시뮬레이터 개발)

  • Jeon, Jin-Young;Park, Jeong-Yeon;Byun, Hyung-Gi
    • Journal of Sensor Science and Technology
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.65-70
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    • 2013
  • The integrated sensor module of vehicle combines the functions of rain sensor, auto defog sensor, and sun angle sensor into a single module. These functions originally were applied to work separatively. This integrated sensor module should meet the each performance which appears from the individual modules up to the same level or higher. Therefore, it is important to verify the stability and the accuracy considering the characteristics of the integrated sensor module according to various situations. For the verification, we need to use the actual data of integrated sensor module measured but, a lot of time and money is needed to collect data measured under various circumstances when operating. Thus, through the development of this simulator for the control of the integrated sensor module, we can use it effectively for the initial verification of integrated sensor module by implementing the various situations. In this paper, the simulator for controlling the integrated sensor module which combines vision-based rain sensor, auto defog sensor, auto light sensor, and sun angle sensor has been developed.

Development of an Integrated Packet Voice/Data Terminal (패킷 음성/데이터 집적 단말기의 개발)

  • 전홍범;은종관;조동호
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.171-181
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    • 1988
  • In this study, a packet voice/data terminal(PVDT) that services both voice and data in the packet-switched network is implemented. The software structure of the PVDT is designed according to the OSI 7 layer architecture. The discrimination of voice and data is made in the link layer. Voice packets have priority over data packets in order to minimize the transmission delay, and are serviced by a simple protocol so that the overhead arising form the retransmission of packets may be minimized. The hardware structure of the PVDT is divided into five modules; a master control module, a speech proessing module, a speech activity detection module, a telephone interface module, and an input/output interface module. In addition to the hardware implementation, the optimal reconstruction delay of voice packets to reduce the influence of delay variance is analyzed.

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A New Concept of Manipulator Modeling

  • Roh, Ho-Sik;Kim, Jin-Oh
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2003.10a
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    • pp.2546-2550
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    • 2003
  • We propose a new method of robot manipulator modeling. Different from existing modelers, our modeler provides a convenient robot modeling configured from modules from module library or module modeling. In addition, a way of using D-H parameters to configure a robot is proposed. These additional functions of robot modeling can be a powerful and flexible tool for various needs of robot modeling. We show an example of modeling with our approach.

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Analysis of TCP packet by Protocol Analysis module Design (프로토콜 분석모듈 설계에 의한 TCP 패킷 분석)

  • Eom, Gum-Yong
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2004.11c
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    • pp.234-236
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    • 2004
  • Transmission control protocol(TCP) is protocol used in internet. TCP is seldom transmission error and is protocol based on wire environment. TCP uses 3 way handshake ways, data transmission control through windows size, data transmission control through reception confirmation, sliding window for packet delivery. In this study, designed TCP packet ion module for analyze the TCP segments & correct information about TCP. TCP capture in internet using designed TCP module and analysed TCP segments composition. Through this, could analyze the correct information of protocol in network.

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A development of multiple PLC communication module for near field control and measurement (근거리 원격 계측 및 제어를 위한 다중 PLC용 통신 모듈 개발)

  • 박종석;현웅근
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2000.10a
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    • pp.661-664
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    • 2000
  • A winless communication module for multiple PLC was developed. The function of the developed system are dual communication, concurrent multiple communication PLC control ,d interpretation of RC command, and A/D D/A converting. The multiple communication approach is based on master-slave control concept To show validity of the developed module, severial experiments are illustrated.

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Module Suggestion to Develop an Integration System of Schedule and Change Control (공정 및 변경관리 통합시스템 개발을 위한 모듈 제안에 관한 연구)

  • So Young-Sung;Oh Seung-Jun;Kim Young-Su
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute Of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • autumn
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    • pp.393-396
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    • 2002
  • Purpose of this study is to suggest some modules to integrate schedule and change control. The study has been performed through the process of literature review, effect comparison of being not integrated and integrated of the schedule and change control, and finally suggest new integrated modules. The results of this study are as follows: 1) Suggestion of a Predicted Change Information Control Module: This nodule can be used to assess the impact of changes in advance and to prepare counteraction. 2) Suggestion of a Change Information Control Module: This module is used to update current schedule for the realized changes. 3) Suggestion of a Revision History Maintenance Module: This module is used to record schedule and cost revision history and to analyze the overall change trend.

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