• Title/Summary/Keyword: Contour map

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Optimization of Roasting Conditions for High-Quality Polygonatum odoratum Tea (둥굴레차의 고품질화를 위한 볶음조건의 최적화)

  • Ryu, Ki-Cheoul;Chung, Hyung-Wook;Kim, Kyung-Tae;Kwon, Joong-Ho
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.776-783
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    • 1997
  • Response surface methodology was applied to determine the optimum roasting conditions (roasting temperature and time) for the high-quality Polygonatum odoratum tea which has been roasting with a traditional means. As quality criteria of Polygonatum odoratum tea, water-soluble solids, browning color, total phenolic compounds and electron-donating ability were proportionally increased with increased temperature and time of roasting conditions up to around $145^{\circ}C$ and 55 min, respectively, while they were decreased under the extended-roasting conditions. The optimum roasting temperature and time based on the organoleptic overall acceptability were $146^{\circ}C$ and 52 min, respectively. On the basis of superimposed contour maps for the tea characteristics, the optimum range of roasting conditions were $135{\sim}140^{\circ}C$ and $58{\sim}64$ min. Predicted values at the optimum conditions $(137^{\circ}C,\;60\;min)$ were in good agreement with experimental values.

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Robust Finger Shape Recognition to Shape Angle by using Geometrical Features (각도 변화에 강인한 기하학적 특징 기반의 손가락 인식 기법)

  • Ahn, Ha-Eun;Yoo, Jisang
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.18 no.7
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    • pp.1686-1694
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    • 2014
  • In this paper, a new scheme to recognize a finger shape in the depth image captured by Kinect is proposed. Rigid transformation of an input finger shape is pre-processed for its robustness against the shape angle of input fingers. After extracting contour map from hand region, observing the change of contour pixel location is performed to calculate rotational compensation angle. For the finger shape recognition, we first acquire three pixel points, the most left, right, and top located pixel points. In the proposed algorithm, we first acquire three pixel points, the most left, right, and top located pixel points for the finger shape recognition, also we use geometrical features of human fingers such as Euclidean distance, the angle of the finger and the pixel area of hand region between each pixel points to recognize the finger shape. Through experimental results, we show that the proposed algorithm performs better than old schemes.

Analysis of Combined Motor and Electronic Speed Control Efficiency Using Contour Plots (등치선도를 이용한 모터와 전자 변속기 통합 효율 분석)

  • Seokhwan Lee;Hyeonsu Hwang;Hong-Su Nam;Hak-Tae Lee
    • Journal of Advanced Navigation Technology
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.214-220
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    • 2023
  • Because there exist a region in the rotational speed and torque map that the a particular combination of a motor and an ESC (Electronic Speed Control) can maintain its peak efficiency, identifying this region is important for designing an efficient system. Firstly the accuracy of the measurement device is verified using the published propeller measurement data. And then, the combined motor-ESC efficiencies of an individual propeller are measured at a wide range of rotational speeds. With measurements obtained from a large number of different propellers, efficiency contours are obtained. It is shown that there exist a significant difference between the measured combined efficiency and the motor efficiency computed using a simple model. In addition, with the same motor, the combined efficiency can have a meaningful variation depending on the model of the ESC. The efficiency contours derived from this study will be useful for the design and optimization of electric propulsion systems of an aircraft where propulsion efficiency is critical.

Learnable Sobel Filter and Attention-based Deep Learning Framework for Early Forest Fire Detection

  • Sehun KIM;Kyeongseok JANG;Dongwoo LEE;Seungwon CHO;Seunghyun LEE;Kwangchul SON
    • Korean Journal of Artificial Intelligence
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.27-33
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    • 2024
  • Various techniques are being researched to effectively detect forest fires. Among them, techniques using object detection models can monitor forest fires over wide areas 24 hours a day. However, detecting forest fires early with traditional object detection models is a very challenging task. While they show decent accuracy for thick smoke and large fires, they show low accuracy for faint smoke and small fires, and frequently generate false positives for lights that are like fires. In this paper, to solve these problems, we focus on leveraging local characteristics such as contours and textures of fire and smoke, which are crucial for accurate detection. Based on this approach, we propose EDAM (Edge driven Attention Module) that performs enhancement by richly utilizing contour and texture information of fire and smoke. EDAM extracts important edge information to generate feature maps with emphasized contour and texture information, and based on this map, performs Attention Mechanism to emphasize key characteristics of smoke and fire. Through this mechanism, the overall model performance was improved, with APsincreasing from 0.154 to 0.204 and AP0.5 from 0.779 to 0.784, resulting in a significant improvement in APsvalue to 32.47%. In practice, the model applying this technique showed excellent inference speed while greatly improving detection performance for small objects compared to existing models and reduced false positive rates for building and street light illumination in nighttime environments that are easily mistaken for fire.

Evaluation of Lung Dose Using Linac Photon Beam in Geant 4 Simulation (Geant4 Simulation에서 Linac 광자선을 이용한 폐 선량평가)

  • Jang, Eun-Sung;Lee, Hyo-Yeong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.443-450
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    • 2018
  • The Geant 4 simulated the linear accelerator (VARIAN CLINAC) based on the previously implemented BEAMnrC data, using the head structure of the linear accelerator. In the 10 MV photon flux, Geant4 was compared with the measured value of the percentage of the deep dose and the lateral dose of the water phantom. In order to apply the dose calculation to the body part, the actual patient's lung area was scanned at 5 mm intervals. Geant4 dose distributions were obtained by irradiating 10 MV photons at the irradiation field ($5{\times}5cm^2$) and SAD 100 cm of the water phantom. This result is difficult to measure the dose absorbed in the actual lung of the patient so the doses by the treatment planning system were compared. The deep dose curve measured by water phantom and the deep dose curve calculated by Geant4 were well within ${\pm}3%$ of most depths except the build-up area. However, at the 5 cm and 20 cm sites, 2.95% and 2.87% were somewhat higher in the calculation of the dose using Geant4. These two points were confirmed by the geometry file of Genat4, and it was found that the dose was increased because thoracic spine and sternum were located. In cone beam CT, the dose distribution error of the lungs was similar within 3%. Therefore, if the contour map of the dose can be directly expressed in the DICOM file when calculating the dose using Geant4, the clinical application of Geant4 will be used variously.

Evaluation of Maximum Effective Temperature for Estimate Design Thermal Loads in Steel Box Girder Bridges (강상자형교의 설계온도하중을 위한 최고 유효온도 산정)

  • Lee, Seong-Haeng
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.17 no.8
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    • pp.133-139
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    • 2016
  • In order to obtain a reasonable value for the thermal load to use in designs, a bridge specimen of a full-size steel box girder (bridge) was manufactured. The temperature data were measured at 21 points in the bridge specimen and 19 points in the steel box bridge. The steel box bridge specimen was installed in a similar direction to a nearby real one. The maximum effective temperatures in the bridge specimen and bridge were calculated for air temperatures in the range of $24^{\circ}C{\sim}38^{\circ}C$. The maximum effective temperature of the bridge specimen and bridge showed correlations of approximately 93.2% and 87.4%, respectively, compared with the Euro code. The maximum effective temperature calculated in this study was very close to the Euro code and the maximum temperature of the Highway Bridge Design Criteria. When the effective temperature obtained in the study is combined with the highest temperature calculated from the Contour map for each region, the design criteria for the thermal load in domestic bridge design, taking into consideration the characteristics of each region, can be established.

Object Tracking And Elimination Using Lod Edge Maps Generated from Modified Canny Edge Maps (수정된 캐니 에지 맵으로부터 만들어진 LOD 에지 맵을 이용한 물체 추적 및 소거)

  • Park, Ji-Hun;Jang, Yung-Dae;Lee, Dong-Hun;Lee, Jong-Kwan;Ham, Mi-Ok
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartB
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    • v.14B no.3 s.113
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    • pp.171-182
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    • 2007
  • We propose a simple method for tracking a nonparameterized subject contour in a single video stream with a moving camera and changing background. Then we present a method to eliminate the tracked contour object by replacing with the background scene we get from other frame. First we track the object using LOD (Level-of-Detail) canny edge maps, then we generate background of each image frame and replace the tracked object in a scene by a background image from other frame that is not occluded by the tracked object. Our tracking method is based on level-of-detail (LOD) modified Canny edge maps and graph-based routing operations on the LOD maps. We get more edge pixels along LOD hierarchy. Our accurate tracking is based on reducing effects from irrelevant edges by selecting the stronger edge pixels, thereby relying on the current frame edge pixel as much as possible. The first frame background scene is determined by camera motion, camera movement between two image frames, and other background scenes are computed from the previous background scenes. The computed background scenes are used to eliminate the tracked object from the scene. In order to remove the tracked object, we generate approximated background for the first frame. Background images for subsequent frames are based on the first frame background or previous frame images. This approach is based on computing camera motion. Our experimental results show that our method works nice for moderate camera movement with small object shape changes.

A Study on the Figuration of Korean Traditional Pattern Images (한국 전통문양의 이미지 형상화 소고)

  • 장수경
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.22 no.8
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    • pp.1001-1010
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    • 1998
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the images and characteristic formative elements of Korean traditional patterns. The Korean pattern image could be interpreted into visual elements of design based on the images, the characteristic formative elements of Korean traditional patterns, and their relationships. Fourteen patterns selected from 5 groups of Korean patterns were used as stimuli. An image evaluation using a 2-point sementica scale of 19 bipolar adjectives, and an impression evaluation of which results were presented by visual drawing using lines and shapes were carried out. The data were analyzed by correspondence analysis and cluster analysis. The major findings are as follows; 1. Fourteen patterns and 19 adjectives were marked on a perception map composed of two (x and y-) axes. The bipoles of x- and y axes were soft-hard and splendid-artless, respectively. 2. Four clusters semerged to account for the dimensional sturucture of 14 patterns and 19 adjectives. These were splendid image, soft image, individualistic image, and sophisticated image. However there was no pattern which belonged to the cluster, sophisticated image. The Korean pattern image was founded to be better related to the kind of patterns than the type of patterns. 3. The characteristic formative elements obtained from the impression test were contour of motif, repeated line or shape, various curved lines, and decorative elements. 4. The splendid image was related to Bongwhang patterns and detailed line and complexity. The individualistic image was related to the abstractive form of Bongwhang pattern and the decorative form of Cloud pattern both of which have the characteristics of point-symmetry and abstraction, and Turtle-back pattern. In this case, the related charac-teristic formative element was identified to be repeated lines. The soft image was related to Moran, Cloud, and Taegeuk patterns. The related characteristic elements were various types of curved lines, decorative elements, and rounded contours.

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Semi-automatic Building Area Extraction based on Improved Snake Model (개선된 스네이크 모텔에 기반한 반자동 건물 영역 추출)

  • Park, Hyun-Ju;Gwun, Ou-Bong
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea CI
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    • v.48 no.1
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    • pp.1-7
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    • 2011
  • Terrain, building location and area, and building shape information is in need of implementing 3D map. This paper proposes a method of extracting a building area by an improved semi-automatic snake algorithm. The method consists of 3-stage: pre-processing, initializing control points, and applying an improved snake algorithm. In the first stage, after transforming a satellite image to a gray image and detecting the approximate edge of the gray image, the method combines the gray image and the edge. In the second stage, the user looks for the center point of a building and the system sets the circular or rectangular initial control points by an procedural method. In the third stage, the enhanced snake algorithm extracts the building area. In particular, this paper sets the one tenn of the snake in a new way in order to use the proposed method for specializing building area extraction. Finally, this paper evaluated the performance of the proposed method using sky view satellite image and it showed that the matching percentage to the exact building area is 75%.

Study on the Building of Digital Terrain Model Using Satellite Remotely Sensed Data and Its Applications (위성 원격탐사 데이타를 이용한 지형표고모델 산출 알고리즘 구축 및 응용)

  • 최윤수
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.141-151
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    • 1995
  • In generating DTM as basic data to GIS, the use of existing map is difficult to aquire current data and the method using airphotos needs cost for stereoplotting and ground control surveying. So, the method of DTM generation by satellite imagery is promising because satellite is able to observe wide area at once. In this study the program for SPOT bundle adjustment and image matching based on Coarse to Fine method is developed and various image enhancement algorithm is used for more accurate DTM generation and also evaluation of accuracy was carried out. Further more, orthophoto, a bird's eye-view, contour map producing, net-work analysis and terrain analysis were performed for GIS applications using generated DTM in this study. Generated DTM using SPOT stereo imagery is useful for GIS applications such as automated mapping, facility management, national geographic information system. Moreover developed automatic DTM generation pro-gram is studied, tested and verified more to be applicable to all the area.

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