• 제목/요약/키워드: Consumers' perceptions

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중국 소비자의 중용 가치관이 친환경 소비행동에 미치는 영향 (Impacts of Zhongyong Values on Green Consumption Behavior of Chinese Consumers)

  • 리이;이유경
    • 무역학회지
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    • 제46권6호
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    • pp.109-125
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    • 2021
  • China has achieved remarkable economic growth through an extended period of rapid industrialization. However, adverse environmental issues have become more prevalent during this time of development. In particular, car exhaust emissions in the country have become one of the most substantial causes of environmental degradation in China. To combat these issues, the Chinese government is actively implementing green car policies to mitigate the negative environmental concerns. Likewise, Chinese consumers' interest in green cars has also increasing. Despite these changes in consumer perceptions, research on Chinese consumers' green consumption behavior is still in its infancy. Therefore, an empirical study was conducted to measure the relationship between zhongyong(中庸) values, new ecological paradigm(NEP), and green consumption behavior for 334 Chinese consumers. As a result, the study found that the three sub-dimensions of zhongyong(中庸) values(multi-dimensionality, flexibility and compatibility) and NEP had a significantly positive(+) effect on the purchase intention of green cars. It was also found that NEP positively mediates the effect of flexibility and harmony on purchase intention of green cars. This study is expected to provide academic outcomes on China, which is currently the world's fastest growing green car market, as well as providing practical strategic implications for establishing unique green marketing strategy for China.

탐색쾌악주의대망상소비자행위적조절작용(探索快乐主义对网上消费者行为的调节作用) (Investigating the Moderating Impact of Hedonism on Online Consumer Behavior)

  • Mazaheri, Ebrahim;Richard, Marie-Odile;Laroche, Michel
    • 마케팅과학연구
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    • 제20권2호
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    • pp.123-134
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    • 2010
  • 考虑到消费者和供应商的利益, 公司利用网络为媒介来沟通并向消费者销售产品. 这一趋势使得很多研究者和实践者都关注网上购物环境这一领域. 本文测试了网上消费者行为和具有不同快乐主义水平的网址的模型. 与以往的研究不同, 我们包括了所有三种情绪(激励, 快乐和支配)并将此运用到模型中. 本研究中, 我们假设网址的外观, 例如背景颜色, 音乐和字体在消费者最初接触到网址时均影响三种情绪(Mazaheri, Richard, and Laroche, 2011). 反之, 这些情绪会影响消费者对网址氛围的感知–网址信息量, 效率和娱乐性的感知. 这些假设与Zajonc (1980)的研究一致. 他认为情感的作用是独立于感性的和认知操作并且可以影响回应. 我们因此提出网址氛围和流量的感知影响消费者对网址和产品的态度, 网址卷入和购买意图. 另外, 我们研究网址的快乐主义水平对模型中所有关系的调节作用. 因此, 我们比较享乐网址路径系数 "高" 和 "低". 我们用39个真实的网站涵盖了12种产品类别(8种服务和4种实物产品)来测试模型. 这其中, 回复者认为20个是高享乐, 19个为低享乐. EQS6.1的结果支持整体模型: x2=1787 (df=504), CFI=.994; RMSEA=.031. 所有假设都是显著的. 另外, 多群组分析表明在高享乐和低享乐网址群组之间的几个非不变量结构路径. 这些结果支持三种情绪影响消费者对网址氛围, 流量和其他消费者行为变量的认知. 我们发现快乐极大的影响这网址态度和网址娱乐性的认知. 激励积极的影响其他两种情绪, 网址信息量的认知和网址卷入. 而且, 激励对流量的影响非常显著. 这些结果说明在支配和消费者对网址效率的认知之间有很强的相关. 支配同时和网址态度和流量相关. 另外, 结果还表明网址卷入和对产品的态度是购买意图最重要的两个因素. 网址信息量和流量也积极的影响购买意图. 多群组分析的结果支持网址快乐主义的调节作用. 与低(高)享乐网址相比, 实用(享乐)属性对其他变量的影响比高(低)享乐网址更强. 在这三种情绪中, 支配(控制感)影响在高享乐网址中更强. 快乐影响在低享乐网址中更强. 而且, 网址信息量的影响对高享乐网址更强. 另一方面, 信息效率对网址信息量认知的影响和网址卷入对产品态度的影响在低享乐网址中更强.

집체범죄감대경향일본산품적영향(集体犯罪感对倾向日本产品的影响) (The Impact of Collective Guilt on the Preference for Japanese Products)

  • Maher, Amro A.;Singhapakdi, Anusorn;Park, Hyun-Soo;Auh, Sei-Gyoung
    • 마케팅과학연구
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    • 제20권2호
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    • pp.135-148
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    • 2010
  • 阿拉伯人联合抵制丹麦产品, 澳大利亚人联合抵制法国产品, 而中国人厌恶日本产品, 这些是国家间的敌对行为影响消费行为的案例. 敌意文献中已考查过消费者对其他国家敌对行为的反应, 以及这种敌意如何影响消费者对敌对国家产品的态度和倾向. 例如, 中国消费者不愿购买日本产品, 是由于日本人在第二次世界大战中的暴行, 以及不平等的经济往来(Klein, Ettenson and Morris 1998). 然而在市场营销文献中, 却没有考查过那些对他国实施敌对行为的国家消费者的反应, 这些敌对行为是否会影响他们购买受害国产品的态度. 社会心理学文献认为, 消费者面对这样的敌对行为时, 会产生一种集体犯罪感. 集体犯罪感源于当组织成员认为组织要对伤害其他组织的行为负责时所产生的痛苦感(Branscombe, Slugoski, and Kappenn 2004). 案例包括美国人由于美军在Abu Ghraib监狱的暴行而产生犯罪感(Iyer, Schamder and Lickel 2007), 荷兰由于过去对印度尼西亚的占领而产生犯罪感(Doosje et al. 1998). 本研究的主要目的是考查当国家成员对他国有敌对行为时消费者的感知, 这种感知是否会影响他们对敌对国家产品的态度. 更准确的说, 本研究的目标之一是考查集体犯罪感的感知前提, 以及当国家成员对他国有敌对行为时, 人们的情绪反应. 另一个目标是考查集体犯罪感如何影响消费者对敌对国产品的感知和倾向. 如果集体犯罪感能起到明显的预言作用, 敌对国双方的公司可能会从这类不幸的事件中受益. 本研究利用了由Klein, Ettenson and Morris (1998)提出并经Klein (2002)发展的敌意模式. Klein发现美国消费者对日本人怀有敌意, 起因是二战期间的事件(如日军偷袭珍珠港)和近年来日本的经济威胁. 因此本研究认为, 二战间的事件(如广岛长崎的原子弹爆炸)可能导致美国消费者的集体犯罪感. 曾有过一系列的三个假设, 第一个假设关于集体犯罪感的前提. 之前有研究认为当消费者感知到侵害造成的非法伤害, 并且认为侵犯者来自的国家应为此负责, 集体犯罪感就产生了(Wohl, Branscombe, and Klar 2006). 因此提出下列假设: 假设1a: 感知到的伤害非法性越高, 集体犯罪感越强烈. 假设1b: 责任越大, 集体犯罪感也肯定越强烈. 第二个和第三个假设关于集体犯罪感对倾向日本产品的影响. Klein (2002)发现对日本的敌意越强, 相比较韩国产品对日本产品的倾向越小, 但相比较美国产品对日本产品的倾向并未变小. 这些结果说明集体犯罪感存在时, 消费者在购买日本产品和韩国产品时会更倾向于前者, 但在购买日本产品和美国产品时并未受影响. 假设2: 集体犯罪感与购买日本产品的倾向大于韩国产品有关, 但与购买日本产品的倾向大于美国产品无关. 假设3: 集体犯罪感与购买日本产品的倾向大于韩国产品有关, 并且对产品的判断和敌意保持不变. 有过一个实验测试这个假设. 使被调查者面临发生在二战中的敌对事件, 从而产生非法伤害和责任. 该实验由一家美国的消费者调查小组收集数据, 将调查对象随机分配到低等级责任和违法情况(n=259)或高等级责任和违法情况(n=268). 测试假设关系时, 运用到潜在变量结构方程模式(LVSEM). 第一个假设得到了支持, 美国人因二战中对日本人的伤害而产生的伤害非法性和责任都对集体犯罪感有积极影响. 第二个假设也得到了支持, 集体犯罪感与购买日本产品的倾向大于韩国产品有关, 但与购买日本产品的倾向大于美国产品无关. 最后, 第三个假设也得到了支持, 集体犯罪感与购买日本产品的倾向大于韩国产品有关, 同时还影响人们对日本产品的判断和敌意. 由这些研究的结果可得出结论. 第一, 伤害的非法性和责任是集体犯罪感的前提. 第二, 当消费者面临来自敌对行为目标国家的产品和其他外国产品之间的选择时, 会受到集体犯罪感的影响. 但当他们面临来自敌对行为目标国家的产品和本国产品时, 不受集体犯罪感的影响. 这一结果意味着当竞争对手来自国外时, 利用集体犯罪感对那些受到敌对行为的国家的公司是可行的, 但当竞争对手来自国内时则不可行.

개격현저대소비자감지화구매의도적영향(价格显著对消费者感知和购买意图的影响) (The Effects of Price Salience on Consumer Perception and Purchase Intentions)

  • Martin-Consuegea, David;Millan, Angel;Diaz, Estrella;Ko, Eun-Ju
    • 마케팅과학연구
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    • 제20권2호
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    • pp.149-163
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    • 2010
  • 以前的研究已经表明零售价格促销改变消费者的购买行为以及零售商频繁的使用价格促销. 为了持续的从消费者身上获得利益, 零售商会采用几种价格促销方式. 例如, 零售商采用绝 对的降低价格($,€), 百分比价格, 或两种方法的结合(Della Bitta et al. 1981). 采用不同的价格促销类似于购买决定的形成(Monroe 1990). 框架效应是指一个问题两种在逻辑意义上相似的说法却导致了不同的决策判断(Frisch 1993). 因此, 如何陈述促销会影响消费者的交易评价并提高销售量. 事实上, 大量的营销研究已经证实了价格陈述对交易感知的影响(Lichtenstein and Bearden 1989; Urbany et al. 1988; Yadav and Monroe 1993). 从这个意义上说, 很多的营销研究已经论证了交易感知同样由消费者准确的计算折扣和最终价格的水平决定的(Estelami 2003a; Morwitz et al. 1998). 所以营销者能够通过提高计算的准确性来提高消费者对折扣的反应. 最后, 由于整体的计算误差导致低估了折扣(Kim and Kramer 2006), 消费者更容易在深度分析价格信息之后领会打折的报价,使他们能更准确地评估价格折扣. 本研究的目的是测试不同的折扣价格对消费者价格感知的影响. 更准确的来说, 本研究的目的是探索如何不同的执行相同的价格促销(语义和视觉凸显), 从而影响消费者对促销的感知和他们的购买决定. 我们的分析聚焦于价格陈述对评估, 购买意图和储蓄感知的影响. 为了验证提出的假设, 本文用实验性分析来分析几个折扣陈述. 从这个意义上来说, 我们采用一个2(数值显著陈述: 绝对和相对)x 2(语言显著陈述: 新颖的和传统的)x 2(视觉显著: 红色和蓝色)的设计来探索折扣陈述对三个因变量的影响: 评估, 购买意图和储蓄感知. 我们向受访者提供一个假设的广告, 受访者被告知报价的情况并需要对此评估. 一旦样本完成对广告的评估, 他们需要回答一份与价格显著和依赖纬度的问卷. 然后, 进行操作来确保受访者记得他们被对待的情况. 接着, 我们用一个2x2x2的多变量方差分析和随访单变量的测试来证实研究假设并检测单因子(价格显著)对评估, 购买意图和储蓄感知的影响. 结果表明, 语义和视觉显著的陈述对评估, 购买意图和储蓄感知有显著的主要影响和相互作用. 数值显著的作用显著影响评估和购买意图. 另外, 语言显著主要影响储蓄并作用与评估和购买意图. 最后, 视觉显著的相互作用对评估有显著影响. 本研究的结果的实践启示包括公司在计划基于用折扣来吸引消费者主义的促销时需要考虑. 因为价格陈述对消费者感知有重要的影响, 所以零售商应该考虑那种影响是想要的从而设计有效的折扣陈述. 特别是, 零售商应该用一种使得最终价格计算容易的传统方式来陈述折扣. 这是如此重要的调查方式使得营销者可以提高消费者心算的准确性来提高消费者对价格折扣的反应. 这个有关价格陈述对消费者反之和购买意图的影响的初步研究为未来的研究开启了方向.

로컬푸드에 대한 전문가 인식 조사 (A Study of Experts' Perceptions on Local Food)

  • 홍경완;김현철;정인경
    • 한국산학기술학회논문지
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    • 제11권12호
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    • pp.4742-4751
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    • 2010
  • 본 연구는 학교급식서비스의 활성화를 위한 로컬푸드의 사용 확대를 위해 우선적으로 로컬푸드에 대한 인식을 알아보기 위한 것이었다. 이를 위해서 로컬푸드의 개념이 한국에서 활용되면서 한국적인 정의와 한국에서의 로컬 푸드의 활용에 관해 전문가 인식조사를 실시하였다. 전문가 집단은 학교 급식관련 운영자 또는 로컬푸드 운영자, 소비자, 생산자 등으로 구성되었다. 따라서 본 연구 결과는 로컬푸드의 한국적인 정의와 도출하고, 로컬푸드에 대한 일반 소비자의 인식조사를 위한 기초자료를 제공할 수 있었다.

소비자의 정보탐색 유형별 온라인 점포속성 지각 (The Perception of Online Store Attributes by Online Consumer Information Seeking Type)

  • 이승민;구양숙
    • 대한가정학회지
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    • 제40권1호
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    • pp.99-112
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    • 2002
  • The purpose of this study was to examine characteristics of online consumer groups by information seeking type and to identify the variables influencing consumers'purchase intention of internet fashion product shopping by consumer groups. A questionnaire was administered to 456 adults who had purchasing experience at fashion outline shopping mall. SPSS 9.0 package was used for data analysis. Factor analysis, ${\chi}^2$-test, t-test, frequency, percentage, one-way ANOVA and stepwise regression analysis were utilized. The online store attribute dimensions of fashion online shopping main were tangibility, variety, marketing promotion, responsiveness, reputation, price and convenience. The online store attributes had directly different influences in the purchase intention of Internet fashion product shopping by online consumer groups. Outline information seeking type who had higher variety and reputation perceptions had more positively affected on the purchase intention of internet fashion product shopping. Offline information seeking type who had higher tangibility and variety perceptions had significantly positive influence on the purchase intention of it. Combination(online+offline) information seeking type who had higher price and responsiveness perceptions had positive impact on purchase intention of it.

체육시설 이용객의 서비스 만족도 인식간 상호관계 분석 (Analysis of the Interrelations among Perceptions of Satisfaction with Service in the Users of Sports Facilities)

  • 이양구
    • 한국융합학회논문지
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    • 제9권12호
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    • pp.337-344
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    • 2018
  • 본 연구는 공공체육시설 이용자의 서비스 만족도 인식간 상호관계를 규명함으로써 지금의 체육시설의 활성화 및 효율적 운영 관리를 위한 기초 자료를 제공하는데 목적이 있다. 본 연구의 대상은 충북권 지역민 225명을 성별 구분 없이 선정하였으며, 공공체육시설 이용객들의 인식간 상호관계를 알아보기 위해 대응일치분석 방법을 적용하였다. 연구결과를 통해 얻어진 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 공공체육시설 운영의 효율성과 이용객들의 서비스 만족도에 대한 요구를 반영하기 위해 공공체육시설의 건립과 개선이 필요하다. 둘째, 공공체육시설 활용방안을 복지적 측면으로 접근하고, 소비자 계층에 맞게 다양한 활동 프로그램이 개발되어 제공되어져야 한다.

A study on the perception of the metaverse and luxury fashion brands

  • Hosun Lim
    • 복식문화연구
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    • 제32권2호
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    • pp.125-147
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    • 2024
  • This study aims to analyze consumer perceptions of the metaverse platform and luxury fashion brands in relation to consumer lifestyles, thereby providing foundational data for future marketing strategies of fashion brands using the metaverse. A survey on the lifestyle and perceptions of the metaverse, as well as on luxury fashion brands, was conducted among 300 men and women between their 20s and 40s. Statistical analyses included frequency analysis, cross-tabulation, chi-square (χ2) analysis, factor analysis, cluster analysis, one-way ANOVA, and Duncan's post-hoc test. Factor analysis of the participants' lifestyles revealed five distinct types: "Indifferent," "Social, individual, and leisure-oriented," "Trend-leading and brand-oriented," "Appearance and fashion-oriented," and "Self-improvement-focused and individualistic" types. The analysis of luxury fashion brand perceptions based on lifestyle types showed that the "Trend-leading and brand-oriented" type had higher awareness and preference for brands such as Gucci, Burberry, and Balenciaga, while the "Indifferent" type showed lower levels of awareness and preference. Regarding brand perception related to luxury fashion brand content experiences within the metaverse, Gucci, Burberry, and Balenciaga showed consistent results across all types. Specifically individuals classified under the "Trend-leading and brand-oriented" category exhibited higher awareness and preference for these brands within metaverse experiences, while those categorized as "Indifferent" displayed comparatively lower levels. Therefore, digital marketing strategies targeting consumers under the "Trend-leading and brand-oriented" category are expected to be highly effective for luxury fashion brands. This study is poised to contribute to the expansion of the marketing landscape within the metaverse virtual world for fashion.

노인소비자의 구매문제 인식 유형과 관련변수: 울산광역시를 중심으로 (Elderly Consumers' Perception of the Purchasing Problems and Related Variables : in Ulsan Metropolitan City)

  • 서정희
    • 한국생활과학회지
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    • 제20권2호
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    • pp.365-376
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    • 2011
  • This paper measured elderly consumers' perceptions of purchasing problems, and classified elderly consumers into 5 categories of purchasing problems using cluster analysis, and analyzed the relationships between the elderly consumers' perception type, socio economic variables, activities of daily living, and activities of healthy living. The data was collected from 500 elderly consumers in Ulsan Metropolitan City. Three clusters were extracted. 56.4% of the sample was included in 'redress and contract problems group', and 22.6% of the sample was included in 'less perception of purchasing problems group, and 21.0% of the sample was included in 'the perception of strong purchasing problems group. The elderly consumers' perception type of purchasing problems were related with socio-economic variables such as sex, existence of a spouse, the number of family living together, the number of children, education, the average monthly household income and allowance, activities of daily living, and activities of healthy living. The redress and contract problems group was found to be of midium level in socio-economic and health status, and included more females and less spouselessness. The perception of less purchasing problems group was found to be the highest level in socio-economic status, and included more males and less spouselessness. The perception of strong purchasing problems group was found to be at the lowest level of socio-economic status.

Korean consumers' perceptions of health/functional food claims according to the strength of scientific evidence

  • Kim, Ji-Yeon;Kang, Eun-Jin;Kwon, O-Ran;Kim, Gun-Hee
    • Nutrition Research and Practice
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    • 제4권5호
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    • pp.428-432
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    • 2010
  • In this study, we investigated that consumers could differentiate between levels of claims and clarify how a visual aid influences consumer understanding of the different claim levels. We interviewed 2,000 consumers in 13 shopping malls on their perception of and confidence in different levels of health claims using seven point scales. The average confidence scores given by participants were 4.17 for the probable level and 4.07 for the possible level; the score for the probable level was significantly higher than that for the possible level (P < 0.05). Scores for confidence in claims after reading labels with and without a visual aid were 5.27 and 4.43, respectively; the score for labeling with a visual aid was significantly higher than for labeling without a visual aid (P < 0.01). Our results provide compelling evidence that providing health claims with qualifying language differentiating levels of scientific evidence can help consumers understand the strength of scientific evidence behind those claims. Moreover, when a visual aid was included, consumers perceived the scientific levels more clearly and had greater confidence in their meanings than when a visual aid was not included. Although this result suggests that consumers react differently to different claim levels, it is not yet clear whether consumers understand the variations in the degree of scientific support.