This study examines the process of Chou Sun-Ae's spiritual formation in the light of Carl Jung's conception of individuation. Spirituality is defined in different ways by different scholars, but most consider self-transcendence as a necessary element. This self-transcendence can occur in the relationship with self, with others, and with the transcendent. In the relationship with the self, it appears as self-objectification; with others, it is as moving toward others; and in the relationship with the transcendent, it moves toward the transcendent. Spirituality is closely related to individual identity, in that it surrounds and integrates life. Spiritual formation is thus closely related to Jung's concept of individuation, as this involves the separation of persona and ego, and shadow recognition which are closely related to the level of self-objectification. In addition, the withdrawal of shadow projection that occurs in individuation is closely related to moving toward others, in that it recognizes the shadow instead of blaming others, allowing one to look at others without prejudice. The fact that Jesus Christ is the symbol of the Self, the driving force of the individuation process, tells us that spirituality leading to a relationship with the transcendent God and Jung's theory are closely related to each other. Thus, if we examine the process of spiritual formation through the Jung's individuation process, we can better understand the psychodynamic dimension of spirituality. This article investigates the process of Chou Sun-Ae's spiritual formation through Jung's individuation process. Throughout her 98 years, Chou Sun-Ae experienced national pain and hardships, as well as personal adversity and difficulties; but through all of these hardships, conflicts, and difficult moments, she accomplished individualization. Therefore, by examining the spiritual formation through individuation in Chou Sun-Ae, I consider the direction of Christian spiritual education. In this study, three main characteristics of Chou Sun-Ae's spiritual formation can be identified. First, through a life of repentance, the identification between persona and ego can be weakened. Second, the ego develops, and individualization is achieved, through a new calling. Third, in shadow integration, the spiritual development comes to recognize Jesus Christ on the cross and achieve the process of sanctification. Investigating the direction of Christian spiritual education through Chou Sun-Ae's spiritual formation indicates that Christian spiritual education should harmonize vertical and horizontal relations and should develop an experience of the transcendent God in everyday life. By this means, the believer can achieve Self-realization and be a true Christian who practices love for God and love for neighbors.