• 제목/요약/키워드: Competition Strategy

검색결과 838건 처리시간 0.02초

Impacts of Corporate Network Building and Strategic Learning for Environmental Management on Business Performance

  • Kim, Youngshim;Jung, Hyung-Shik
    • Journal of Multimedia Information System
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    • 제8권4호
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    • pp.267-276
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    • 2021
  • This study discovered the effects of strategic learning and network building on a company's environmental management performance. According to the results, the environmental awareness of the company and competition threats within the industry did not significantly affect the establishment of environmental strategy, whereas the consumer's sensitivity to the environment and the environmental regulation of the government did. The environmental awareness of the company and the consumer's sensitivity to the environment were found to greatly impact a company's network building. which is closely related with the utilization of multimedia system and technology. In addition, it was found that the establishment of corporate environmental strategy had a significant effect on network building and strategic learning, but network building did not significantly affect strategic learning, indicating a difference. Finally, corporate strategic learning affected environmental management performance, suggesting an importance in accumulating strategic learning capabilities to increase environmental management performance.

Price estimation based on business model pricing strategy and fuzzy logic

  • Callistus Chisom Obijiaku;Kyungbaek Kim
    • 스마트미디어저널
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    • 제12권1호
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    • pp.54-61
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    • 2023
  • Pricing, as one of the most important aspects of a business, should be taken seriously. Whatever affects a company's pricing system tends to affect its profits and losses as well. Currently, many manufacturing companies fix product prices manually by members of an organization's management team. However, due to the imperfect nature of humans, an extremely low or high price may be fixed, which is detrimental to the company in either case. This paper proposes the development of a fuzzy-based price expert system (Expert Fuzzy Price (EFP)) for manufacturing companies. This system will be able to recommend appropriate prices for products in manufacturing companies based on four major pricing strategic goals, namely: Product Demand, Price Skimming, Competition Price, and Target population.

반도체 IP 산업에서 지식기반 기업의 기술혁신 전략에 대한 사례연구 (Knowledge-based company's technology innovation strategy and case analysis in semiconductor IP industry)

  • 김민식
    • 기술혁신학회지
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    • 제15권3호
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    • pp.500-532
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    • 2012
  • 본 연구는 반도체 IP산업의 지식기반 기업에 있어 기술혁신전략에 대하여 분석한 것이다. 분석을 위한 이론적인 논의는 i)지식의 창조 보호 활용과 혁신에 관한 이론, ii)혁신으로부터 가치 창출에 대한 이론 iii)모듈화, 시장진입시기, 표준(지배적 디자인)의 등장 경쟁 등의 중심으로 수행되었다. 이러한 이론적인 선행 연구를 통해 지식기반 기업의 기술혁신전략에 대한 탐색적인 연구가설을 제시하였다. 그리고 최종적으로 이러한 반도체 IP산업의 대표적인 지식기반 기업으로 ARM과 INTEL의 기술혁신 전략 사례 분석을 분석하여, 제시된 연구 가설들을 확인하였다. 첫째, 기술 주기에 있어 초기단계에 진입하는 지식기반기업은 i)상호보완적 자산(지식)에 대한 접근성이 낮아 수직 통합하는 기술 전략을 선택하며, ii)환경변화로 인한 산업의 가치사슬 분화에도 불구하고 수직결합적인 기술 전략을 주요한 방향으로 유지한다. 둘째, 기술 주기에 있어 후기단계에 진입하는 지식기반 기업은 i)상호보완적 지식자산에 대한 접근성이 높아져 계약거래를 통한 기술 혁신 전략을 선호하며, ii)보유한 지식자산에 있어 불연속적인 특징의 존재여부에 따라 기술 혁신 전략의 경로를 다르게 선택한다.

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병원 코디네이터의 도입 필요성에 대한 연구 (A Study on the Needs about Hospital Coordinator)

  • 류덕현;김진구
    • 정보학연구
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    • 제10권4호
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    • pp.69-83
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    • 2007
  • As a hospital environment is reconstructed from supplier-centered values to consumer-centered ones for the existence in the rapidly changing medical market, it can be said that not only must old slogans such as unconditional restructuring, remodelling, etc. be reconsidered, but a new strategy for the development and renovation of a hospital must be urgently required. Accordingly, development of customer-oriented practical strategies is needed and it appears possible to develop marketing and manage contacts, as a practical management strategy, for raising satisfaction of internal and external customers. The ultimate goal of such strategy development may be to ensure consistent potential development by maintenance of existing customers and securing new customers through a strategy of satisfying both existing and new customers. It appears that the competition in the medial will be keener in the future by human resources, members of an organization, Under these circumstances, and in relation to appearance of a new type of occupation of a coordinator, if a hospital could offer appropriate service which can meet the demand of the customers by efficiently utilizing the limited resources through efficient management of contacts between the customers and personnel, the competitive power of a hospital would be much stronger. Therefore, it is necessary to seek customer-impressing management by utilizing a coordinator as a more specialized intermediary as well as many-sided contact management through positive introduction of an expert coordinator system for internal and external customer contact management. It is expected that a hospital can secure a competitive advantage in the market through strategy development supported by an expert coordinator and increasing competitive power by means of practice of a developed creative strategy.

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포스트 코로나시대 미중 패권경쟁과 회색지대갈등: 한국 해군·해경의 대응전략 (US-China Hegemony Competition and Gray-Zone Conflict in the Post-Coronavirus Era: Response strategies of the Korean Navy and Coast Guard)

  • 이신화;표광민
    • 해양안보
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    • 제1권1호
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    • pp.149-173
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    • 2020
  • COVID-19 위기로 인해 미국을 비롯한 서구 세력들이 혼란에 빠져 있는 상황에서도, 중국은 회색지대 전략으로 공세적인 해양팽창을 계속하고 있다. 중국이 남중국해를 중심으로 사용하고 있는 회색 지대 전략이란 전쟁도, 평화도 아닌 불분명한 상태를 창출함으로써 국제정치의 현상변경을 추진하는 전략을 말한다. 동아시아 전역으로 영향력을 확대하려 하는 중국은 앞으로 한반도에도 회색지대 전략을 투사하려 할 것이다. 한국이 남중국해 분쟁에 우발적으로 연루되는 경우, 서해에서 중국어선의 불법조업으로 부터 양국의 군사적 갈등이 초래되는 경우, 중국이 이어도에 충돌을 일으키고 개입하려는 경우, 가능성은 낮으나 독도문제를 이용해 한일갈등을 일으켜 한중 결속을 시도하는 경우들이 예상된다. 이에 대처하기 위해 한국은 장기적인 관점에서 아시아 해양안전 선단 창설 및 국가함대라는 틀을 통한 해군과 해경의 통합운용 활성화, 중국의 도발에 대한 대응체계 강화 등을 추구해야 할 것이다.

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PP 산업에 대한 전략집단 개념의 적용 (Applying Strategy Group Concept to Program Providers(PP) Industry)

  • 여현철;김영수
    • 한국콘텐츠학회논문지
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    • 제11권1호
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    • pp.357-370
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    • 2011
  • 본 논문은 전략집단 이론을 활용하여 PP 사업자의 분석에 대한 현황, 성과와 한계를 살펴보고 개선방향을 모색했다. 기존 전략집단 개념을 활용한 PP사업자 분석의 한계는 전략집단의 도출이 통계결과에 따라 PP의 채널 특징만을 반영했다. 그렇기 때문에 전략 및 전략집단의 유형을 체계적이고 정교하게 분류하기 어려웠고 일반화가 어려운 것으로 나타났다. PP의 전략 변수 선정은 기업 및 사업부 수준(분석수준), 자원 및 경쟁범위와 관련된 변수를 사용했다. 향후에는 보다 적절한 절차에 따라 변수를 객관적으로 선정하여 자의성에 대한 논란을 피해야 할 것이다. PP 사업자의 전략집단 연구의 개선방향은 크게 다섯 가지로 요약되었다. 첫째, 전략 집단 분류 변수를 요인분석하고 몇 개의 요인으로 축약하여 분류기준이 되는 핵심 변수를 선정하는 것이 필요하다. 둘째, 산업 전문가들로부터 변수를 크로스 체크하여 일반화 가능성을 향상시켜야 한다. 셋째, 대리변수를 지양하고 PP 산업 특유의 속성을 반영할 수 있으며 경영자가 인지적 차원에서 지각할 수 있는 전략집단 모델을 연역적으로 개발해야 한다. 넷째, 전략집단의 분류 기준에 이동장벽과 분리기제 개념을 도입하고, 이를 통해 전략집단간 성과 차이를 규명하는 것이 바람직하다. 다섯째, PP 전략집단의 동태적 변화를 관찰하기 위한 종단적 연구가 시도되어야 한다.

동아시아 해양안보 : 해군력인가 해양법인가? (East Asian Maritime Security: Naval Power vs. Normative Power)

  • 구민교
    • Strategy21
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    • 통권40호
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    • pp.115-130
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    • 2016
  • The security environment surrounding the East Asian seas is rapidly changing due to the naval arms race among coastal states. The arms race is likely to worsen the security dilemma of the countries involved, thus increasing the chances for armed conflicts. It is too early to tell how the contemporary naval arms race in the region will evolve. But, for sure, the level of uncertainty is increasingly becoming high and intense. At the same time, there is emerging a legal warfare or lawfare among the rival countries. In particular, the United States and China have been involved in a serious debate about the nature and scope of the right of innocent passage and freedom of navigation in other countries' maritime zones. In collaboration with its regional allies, the United States has also put normative pressures on China with its excessive claims in the South China Sea. The latest arbitral tribunal case between the Philippines and China illustrates the point. With both arms race and normative competition in play, the future of East Asian maritime security will remain very complex and uncertain.

셰일가스 혁명의 파급영향과 국제정치적 함의 - 에너지 안보를 중심으로 - (Influences and International Political Implications of the Shale gas Revolution)

  • 서동주
    • Strategy21
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    • 통권34호
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    • pp.26-57
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    • 2014
  • Revolution of Shale gas literally brings about great changes in many spheres. In the past most academic research had been focused on the influence and innovative change in term of economic perspective. But nowadays we should more concern about the security approach and perspective as its status of the future's core energy resources. Revolution of Shale gas has an great influence on the reshaping of global and regional alliance order. There are many international political implications as follows. Contribution of energy hegemony with leading U.S.; Acting as strategic leverage on the reshaping international order; Deepening competition among major states on the construction of energy security and so on. We'd better make a good solution and systematic policies which are preparing for the Shale gas's revolution period including on the understanding about the change on the global energy structure and making a national policy agenda of energy security issues and so on. The thesis like 'to get the energy resources is to get the hegemonic power in the world' will persist. The same holds good of Shale gas case. To meet the revolution of shale gas era, we have important tasks as like making an opportunity to develope not only regional but also international prosperity.

새로운 고객 가치혁신 요구공학 프로세스를 적용한 BPR 컨설팅 (BPR Consulting applying New Customer Value Innovation Requirements Engineering Process)

  • 한광신;박만곤
    • 한국멀티미디어학회논문지
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    • 제21권6호
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    • pp.685-697
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    • 2018
  • (Most companies that perform BPR have not achieved satisfactory results or have not performed successful BPRs. There are many reasons for this, but the most important one has caused problems that do not accurately reflect the requirements of various stakeholders. In this paper, we will apply the BPR consulting methodology to a new value innovation requirements engineering process based on the Blue Ocean strategy, which is a way to create a new market without competition by customerizing potential customers by satisfying new customer expectations and needs. This paper uses a requirements engineering process that can generate customer value by applying the ERRC(Erasure Reduce Raise Create) analysis method, which is the core of the Blue Ocean Strategy Framework[1,2]. We will also apply the Six Sigma DFSS (Design For Six Sigma) methodology to improve quality and process through quantitative and systematic analysis. The proposed approach was presented to the BPR consulting to present a practical case, and the results of the empirical analysis of the system user to validate the results of BPR consulting.

글로벌 게이트웨이 논의와 한반도 서비스산업 비전 및 전략 (Vision and Strategy for Service Industry on the Korean Peninsula : Discussion on the Global Gateway for Service Cooperation)

  • 박문서
    • 통상정보연구
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    • 제9권1호
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    • pp.467-491
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    • 2007
  • The Korean Peninsula has the gateway role of Far East Asia in economic aspect, because it is the channel to global world that Korea and Japan should take in the future. Till now, there was no real economic cooperation in service industry for two Koreas. Nevertheless, it is high time that two Koreas have to play a gateway role in order to pave the way to come true their global vision. This paper aims to examine the possibility of economic cooperation between two Koreas in service sector and explore the vision and strategy which are useful for the ways toward peaceful unification on the Korean Peninsula and two Koreas' future survival in the midst of global competition. Economic cooperation in service sector, such as transport, tourism, educational services, etc. between two Koreas means establishing and strengthening the infrastructure of their unification. If there were no cooperation of service sector on the Korean Peninsula, we also could not expect the outcome of economic cooperation and the vision of Korea's unification. To sum up, the strategy recommended for the Korean Peninsula's global vision is that two Koreas should simultaneously open the window of economic cooperation in service sector and link the interface between the Eurasian continent and the Korean Peninsula.

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