• Title/Summary/Keyword: Community Loss

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Identifying the Effect of Personal, Foodservice and Organizational Characteristics on Foodservice Managers' Job Satisfaction by the Contract Management Company Scale (위탁급식업체 규모에 따른 급식관리자 직무만족에 영향을 미치는 개인, 급식소 및 조직특성 분석)

  • Han, Jeong-Hye;Yi, Na-Young;Hong, Wan-Soo
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.216-228
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of the study was to investigate the influences of contract foodservice managers' personal characteristics, foodservice characteristics and organizational characteristics on job satisfaction, including interpersonal relationships, self-actualization and promotion opportunity categories. A survey was administered to four hundred contract foodservice managers of five large companies and five small/medium companies in the Seoul and Kyungin areas. The final response rate was 66%(N=265), and the data were analyzed using SPSS Windows(ver. 12.0). The respondents were 76.1% female, average age 28.8 years, and 73.0% were regular workers. Contract foodservices have profit and loss contracts(69.1%), single menu types(59.6%) and buffet serving styles(37.7%). There are significant differences of job satisfaction by some personal characteristic variables(gender, martial status, age, education, position, work hours, period of working for the present company, and payroll per year) and foodservice characteristic variables(type of contract and charge of food costs). In three job satisfaction categories, foodservice managers reported the highest interpersonal relationship satisfaction, following self-actualization satisfaction and promotion opportunity satisfaction in both large companies and small/medium companies. However, foodservice managers of large companies tended to be more satisfied regarding their promotion opportunities than foodservice managers of small/medium companies(p<0.05). Work hours, number of meals served/day, male, workload, communication with the clients, relationship with co-workers, obvious role and autonomy were significant factors to increase the job satisfaction in contract foodservices of large companies. On the other hand, relationships with co-workers and males were significant factors to increase the job satisfaction in contract foodservices of small/medium companies. This research suggests that contract foodservice companies need to understand the characteristics of their managers, foodservices and organizations to enhance the job satisfaction of foodservice managers and to develop specified human resource management strategies that can be applied to each company scale.

Livestock Industry Odor Reduces the Property Value - Spatial Hedonic Model - (축산농가의 악취가 주택가격에 미치는 영향 - 공간헤도닉모형 -)

  • Park, Dooho
    • Environmental and Resource Economics Review
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.923-941
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    • 2005
  • Odor problem of livestock operation is important issue in a local community. I quantified the property price impact of 199 livestock operations for 3,355 housing sales in the U.S (Colorado). Spatial hedonic model was adopted to deal with spatial autocorrelation in housing market. Small beef and dairy operations, which are the traditional agricultural sector, seem to create a positive rural lifestyle amenity effect. However, the impact of livestock operation on rural residential sales turns to negative if the operation is over a certain size and species. Large hog and sheep operation seems to bring fatal economic loss from the local community perspective if it close to residential area. Livestock odor is one of the negative externality, the results provide the potential social cost of the livestock sector in the region. Policy makers may incorporate this social cost in the regional planning to minimize the social and maximize the development effect. Therefore, local officials and private individuals should carefully consider the location and characteristics of new residential properties and livestock operations alike.

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Influencing Women's Actions on Cervical Cancer Screening and Treatment in Karawang District, Indonesia

  • Kim, Young-Mi;Ati, Abigael;Kols, Adrienne;Lambe, Fransisca Maria;Soetikno, Djoko;Wysong, Megan;Tergas, Ana Isabel;Rajbhandari, Presha;Lu, Enriquito
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.13 no.6
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    • pp.2913-2921
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    • 2012
  • Introduction: The impact of cervical cancer prevention programs depends on persuading women to go for screening and, if needed, treatment. As part of an evaluation of a pilot project in Indonesia, qualitative research was conducted to explore the factors that influence women's decisions regarding screening and treatment and to generate practical recommendations to increase service coverage and reduce loss to follow up. Methods: Research was conducted at 7 of the 17 public health centers in Karawang District that implemented the pilot project. Interviews and focus group discussions were held with 20 women, 20 husbands, 10 doctors, 18 midwives, 3 district health officials, and 16 advocacy team members. Results: Free services and mobile outreach events encouraged women to go for screening, along with promotional efforts by community health workers, advocacy teams, and the mass media. Knowledge and perceptions were the most important barriers to screening: women were not aware of cervical cancer risks, did not know the disease was treatable, and were fatalistic. Factors facilitating treatment were social support from husbands, relatives, and friends and the encouragement and role modeling of health workers. Barriers to prompt treatment included limited access to services and the requirement for husband's consent for cryotherapy. Conclusion: As cervical cancer prevention services are scaled up throughout Indonesia, the findings suggest three strategies to expand screening coverage and ensure prompt treatment: strengthening community mobilization and advocacy activities, modifying the service delivery model to encourage a single visit approach to screening and treatment, and working to gain men's support.

A Study on the Family Planning Program of The Korean Catholic Church Its Acceptability's, and Effctivenes (가톨릭 교회를 중심으로 한 한국에서의 자연가족계획 방법 수용 및 사용효과에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Shin-Ae
    • Research in Community and Public Health Nursing
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.170-187
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    • 1993
  • The natural growth rate of the Korean population has decreased from 3.0% in 1960 to 1.0% in 1990. This was done with family planning program which was introduced by the government in 1961. The family planning program focused on birth control rather than the characteristics of the individuals and motivations of contraception. People were simply forced to use the method. Whereas, Natural Contraceptive is a method of family planning based solely on the timing of intercourse with the naturally occurring' physiological manifestation of fertilization and in fertilization during the menstrual cycle. This is the combination of self fertility awareness with periodic abstinence. Natural family .planning(NFP) programs in Korea were first started in the Chun-Chen diocese of catholic church by Bishop Thomas Stewart in 1970 In 1975, the Bishops conference launched the Korea Happy Family Movement in the Catholic Hospital Association, to promote the natural family planning. An average of 70,000 people, including adolescents, college students, unmarried and married persons, arid the clergies were trained during a six-year period (1986-1991). 61.5%(24,542 people) of those who completed 3 cycles during 6 year period (1986-1991) became autonomous users and the range was from 48.1% to 78.2%. In 1986, 22.7% of NFP individuals who drooped out of the program because of the desire for conception (23.4%), the difficulty of the method used(25.8%), and the loss of interest(22.8%). During the six-year period the unplanned pregnancy rate at the NFP was 2.9%. The range of the pregnancy rate was at 1.2-9.8%. The rate was decreased as years passed. The major reason for the failure of contraceptive was error by the individuals(61.1%). The percentage of the success of conception was 18.1% of 2.979 for achieving pregnancy. The highest percentage was 58.2% (99 users) in Kwang-Joo diocese and next was 37.1% (10 users) in Chong Joo diocese.

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The Quality Characteristics and Hypoglycemic Effect of Cookies Containing Helianthus tuberosus Powder (돼지감자 분말 첨가 쿠키의 품질특성 및 혈당에 미치는 영향)

  • Park, Hwa Yeon;An, Na Young;Ryu, Ho Kyung
    • The Korean Journal of Community Living Science
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.233-241
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    • 2013
  • This study was conducted to evaluate the quality characteristics and the hypoglycemic effect of cookies containing Helianthus tuberosus powder (HTP). To examine the effect of adding HTP, cookies with various HTP contents (0%, 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%) were made and compared for their quality characteristics. The pH of cookie doughs decreased significantly (p<0.05) as the content of HTP increased. However, the density did not show significant difference among samples. The spread ratio and loss rate in cookies showed significant increase (p<0.05) as the content of HTP increased. However the leavening rate and the hardness of the cookies decreased significantly (p<0.05) when HTP content increased. Color measurement also showed significant difference among samples, although the cookie sample with 10% HTP powder showed the highest scores from consumer tests and liking score, the cookie samples with 30% HTP were selected to measure the hypoglycemic effect of Helianthus tuberosus compared to control cookies and bread. Ten healthy subjects in their twenties participated in measuring blood glucose levels after intake of bread, control cookie, or 30% HTP cookie. Blood glucose level was measured after fasting 12 hours, before eating, and 30, 60, 90, and 120 minutes after taking the samples. As a result, the blood glucose levels at 30min after meals showed significant (p<0.05) difference among treatments: the lowest when taken the cookies added 30% HTP. However there was no difference in the blood glucose levels at 60min, 90min, and 120min after the sampling.

Performance of Weight Control Program on University Students in Daejeon (대전시 일부 대학생들을 대상으로 한 체중조절 프로그램 수행연구)

  • Lee, Joon Ho;Hou, Hai Yuan
    • The Korean Journal of Community Living Science
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.477-493
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    • 2016
  • This research was conducted to investigate the performance of a weight control program in university students in Daejeon during 3 months from November 2014 to February 2015. This program measured body measurement and composition analysis, nutritional education, and counseling every month. The status of students' weight control was surveyed before and after the program. The participants were 17 males (24.5 years old) and 15 females (20.8 years old). Their weights before the program were 78.2 kg (male) and 57.2 kg (female), whereas after the program, weights were 77.6 kg (male) and 56.2 kg (female). Weight reduction in students was 53.1%, and weight increase was 40.6% by the weight control program. Body mass index (BMI) tended to decrease after the program. Body fat % and muscle masses were not significantly different by program practice. Body image decision of females showed mainly 'normal' status while that of male was 'over fatty constitution', Before and after the program, the most prevalent method of weight control was exercise for all students. The most selected exercise was 'walking and jogging' during the program. For the most effective weight control method, female acknowledged both 'reducing amount of meals' and 'increasing exercise' while males selected 'increasing exercise.' On the side effects of weight control, over 40% of all students chose 'no experience' and 'loss of volition'. The degree of student's goal achievement was largely 20 ~-20% compared with their goal weights. Accordingly, this program didn't show significant effects. For effective weight control, it is recommended to conduct nutritional education. Students can exercise regularly and control diet to sustain a healthy and satisfactory body status.

Body Mass Index, Self-recognized Body-type, Eating Habits, and Eating Disorders of College Students (일부 대학생의 인식체형, 식행동, 체질량지수 및 섭식장애 경향)

  • Rhie, Seung Gyo;Song, Jin
    • The Korean Journal of Community Living Science
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.495-508
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    • 2016
  • This study was conducted to recognize the need for diet and nutrition education to correct body-shape and eating habits that lead to eating disorders in college students. The relationship between diet and obesity was confirmed. Approximately 405 (male 46.4%, female 53.6%) students were evaluated by questionnaire in September 2014. The statistical program SAS (ver. 4.3) was used to evaluate the Chi-squared, F and T-value. The correlation between eating disorder risk and eating habits was evaluated by Pearson's correlation. Body type recognition was classified into nine steps up the body fatty (9) to skinny (1) to show their body. Eating disorder risk (KEAT-26) was composed of F1 (attachment factors for weight loss), F2 (attachment factors for binge eating, and food), and F3 (adjustment factor to eating their will. The risk of eating disorders in male 73.4% of low risk, in female 61.3% (p<0.05). According to body mass index, underweight groups recognized in the normal weight (53.7%), normal weight group was in overweight (29.1%) (p<0.001). According to body-type, the overweight group had a higher risk of eating disorders (68.2%). The KEAT-26 showed that the overweight and obese group were high-risk in F1 & F2, while the underweight group was high-risk in F3 (p<0.001). Recognized overweight showed the dangers of eating disorders, proper recognition of body-type and body mass index required. Tendency to seek a balanced diet was associated with eating disorders, no-imposed adequate diet for nutritional education would be made. Proper nutrition education for males is needed depending on the increased incidence of male eating disorders.

Health Status, Health Behavior, and Health Promotion Program Needs of Industrial Male Workers according to Shift Work at an Workplace (일개 산업장 남성 근로자의 근무형태별 건강상태와 건강행위 및 건강증진 프로그램 요구도)

  • Hwang, Seung-Sook
    • Research in Community and Public Health Nursing
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.210-222
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    • 2006
  • Purpose: This study was performed to identify the health status, healthy behavior, and health promotion program needs of day time and shift time industrial male workers at an workplace. Method: Relevant data were collected from June 20 to August 18, 2005. Questionaries were distributed to all subjects along with their medical records of 2005 and 151 sets of responses were used for the analysis. Collected data were analyzed using SPSS WIN 10.0. Result: 1. Health Status - day time and shift-time workers had significant differences in obesity ($x^2=8.38$, p<.01) and blood pressure ($x^2=-2.17$, p<.05). 2. Healthy Habits - Full-time and part-time workers had significant differences in regular meals (63.83, p<.01), preferred foods ($x^2=7.10$, p<.05), and sleep time (t=-3.55, p<.01). They also had significant differences in exercising ($x^2=13.11$, p<.01), exercising time (minutes) (t=-2.25, p<.01), and use of fitness centers ($x^2=7.02$, p<.05). 3. They also had significant differences in their needs of health programs ($x^2=8.66$, p<.01). Conclusion: This study revealed that day time and shift-time workers had differences in obesity and blood pressure, as well as differences in eating sleeping, and exercising patterns. Both groups needed 'fitness programs' more than any other types of health programs and picked 'weight loss' and 'stress control' programs for other options. Industrial nurses should be able to create appropriate health programs for each group based on the above results and induce the workers' active participation.

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Quality Characteristics of Gluten-Free Rice Bread Formulated with Soft-Type Rice Flour Mixed with Black-Rice Flour (흑미 쌀가루를 연질미와 배합한 Gluten-Free 쌀 식빵의 품질특성)

  • Choi, Ok Ja;Jung, Hee Nam;Shin, Seo-Ho;Kim, Young Doo;Shim, Jae-Han;Shim, Ki Hoon
    • The Korean Journal of Community Living Science
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.447-456
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    • 2015
  • To develop functional bread and improve the quality of gluten-free bread, this study investigates the quality characteristics of gluten-free rice bread made from soft-type rice (Bodeurami) flour mixed with black rice at different levels (0%, 10%, 20%, 30%, and 40%, w/w). An increase in the mix level of black-rice flour increased the weight of rice bread but reduced its volume, baking loss, volume expansion, and specific volume. The results for Hunter's color value and texture measurements indicate that an increase in the content of black-rice flour reduced the L-value, the b-value, hardness, gumminess, and chewiness but increased the a-value, adhesiveness, and springiness. According to the sensory analysis, rice bread formulated with a mixture of soft-type rice flour (80%) and black-rice flour (20%) showed the highest scores in color, taste, texture, and overall preferences. With respect to flavor and appearance, bread samples with 20% and 30% black-rice flour were preferred to those with 0%, 10%, and 40% black-rice flour. These results suggest that gluten-free rice bread mixed with wet-milling rice flour and black-rice flour can be used to develop functional and gluten-free bread.

Quality of Life among Breast Cancer Patients In Malaysia

  • Ganesh, Sri;Lye, Munn-Sann;Lau, Fen Nee
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.1677-1684
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    • 2016
  • Background: Among the factors reported to determine the quality of life of breast cancer patients are socio-demographic background, clinical stage, type of treatment received, and the duration since diagnosis. Objective: The objective of this study was to determine the quality of life (QOL) scores among breast cancer patients at a Malaysian public hospital. Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional study of breast cancer patients was conducted between March to June 2013. QOL scores were determined using the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality of Life Questionnaire (EORTC QLQ-C30) and its breast cancer supplementary measure (QLQ-BR23). Both the QLQ-C30 and QLQ-BR23 assess items from functional and symptom scales. The QLQ-C30 in addition also measures the Global Health Status (GHS). Systematic random sampling was used to recruit patients. Results: 223 breast cancer patients were recruited with a response rate of 92.1%. The mean age of the patients was 52.4 years (95% CI = 51.0, 53.7, SD=10.3). Majority of respondents are Malays (60.5%), followed by Chinese (19.3%), Indians (18.4%), and others (1.8%). More than 50% of respondents are at stage III and stage IV of malignancy. The mean Global Health Status was 65.7 (SD = 21.4). From the QLQ-C30, the mean score in the functioning scale was highest for 'cognitive functioning' (84.1, SD=18.0), while the mean score in the symptom scale was highest for 'financial difficulties' (40.1, SD=31.6). From the QLQ-BR23, the mean score for functioning scale was highest for 'body image' (80.0, SD=24.6) while the mean score in the symptom scale was highest for 'upset by hair loss' (36.2, SD=29.4). Two significant predictors for Global Health Status were age and employment. The predictors explained 10.6% of the variation of global health status ($R^2=0.106$). Conclusions: Age and employment were found to be significant predictors for Global Health Status (GHS). The Quality of Life among breast cancer patients reflected by the GHS improves as age and employment increases.