• 제목/요약/키워드: Check-List

검색결과 397건 처리시간 0.032초

병원중심 가정간호 기관의 기록체계개발 - 미국 일개 종합병원을 대상으로 - (Development of Documentation System in Hospital-based Home Health - in one general hospital in the U.S.A. -)

  • 강창희
    • 한국보건간호학회지
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    • 제6권2호
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    • pp.58-69
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    • 1992
  • The purposes of this study were 1) to assess the currunt documentation system 2) to identify the problems in communication regarding to documentation 3) to develop new documentation system 4) to suggest effective communication channel using new documentation system Research was conducted by direct observation, chart review, staffs interview and servey. Results were as follows: 1) nursing care plans were not used in ongoing care 2) documentation format was primarily narrative and charting was time consuming 3) documentation did not reflect the nursing process 4) patient records were not used as effective communication tool between case manager and part time nurse 5) difficult access to patient record for nurse manager created inefficiency in coordinating 6) documentation of patient education did not describe the precise contents of education, and the responses of the patients and evaluation To solve these problems, new documentation format was developed. With new formats nurses : 1) use standardized care plan which contains nursing diagnosis, ecpected outcome, time frame for evaluation, flow sheet for updating the plans 2) leave one copy of care plan at patient home for mutual agreement with patent and communication among nursing staffs 3) carry one copy of care plan for updating 4) document and evaluate the patient education using education check list keeping in patient's home 5) document nursing process in focus charting visit report 6) carry one copy of visit report 7) have one copy of visit report which was deligated to part time nurses 8) use documentation in direct communication with part time nurse 9) use beeper and memo to promote communication

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The impact of a quality improvement effort in reducing admission hypothermia in preterm infants following delivery

  • Choi, Han Saem;Lee, Soon Min;Eun, Hoseon;Park, Minsoo;Park, Kook-In;Namgung, Ran
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • 제61권8호
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    • pp.239-244
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    • 2018
  • Purpose: Hypothermia at admission is associated with increased mortality and morbidity in preterm infants. We performed a quality improvement (QI) effort to determine the impact of a decrease in admission hypothermia in preterm infants. Methods: The study enrolled very low birth weight (VLBW) infants born at Gangnam Severance Hospital between January 2013 and December 2016. This multidisciplinary QI effort included the use of occlusive wraps, warm blankets, and caps; the delivery room temperature was maintained above $23.0^{\circ}C$, and a check-list was used for feedback. Results: Among 259 preterm infants, the incidence of hypothermia (defined as body temperature <$36.0^{\circ}C$) decreased significantly from 68% to 41%, and the mean body temperature on neonatal intensive care unit admission increased significantly from $35.5^{\circ}C$ to $36.0^{\circ}C$. In subgroup analysis of VLBW infants, admission hypothermia and neonatal outcomes were compared between the pre-QI (n=55) and post-QI groups (n=75). Body temperature on admission increased significantly from $35.4^{\circ}C$ to $35.9^{\circ}C$ and the number of infants with hypothermia decreased significantly from 71% to 45%. There were no cases of neonatal hyperthermia. The incidence of pulmonary hemorrhage was significantly decreased (P=0.017). Interaction analysis showed that birth weight and gestational age were not correlated with hypothermia following implementation of the protocol. Conclusion: Our study demonstrated a significant reduction in admission hypothermia following the introduction of a standardized protocol in our QI effort. This resulted in an effective reduction in the incidence of massive pulmonary hemorrhage.

체험 마케팅에 의한 직업체험관의 특성에 관한 연구 - 어린이 직업체험 중심으로 - (A Study on the Characteristics of Vocational Experience Facilities in Accordance with Experience Marketing - Focused on Vocational Experience Facilities for Children -)

  • 주희문;변대중
    • 한국실내디자인학회논문집
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    • 제22권3호
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    • pp.108-116
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    • 2013
  • This study has the purpose to review the way of experience element and property of space design appearing in vocational experience space and accumulate basic study material for children's vocational experience space and build systematic and specialized modules. Analysing the marketing elements of experience space through pilot research to arrange frame of analysis, and in a determined range, experimental marketing's property appearing in children's vocational experience center is analysed. This researcher analysed experimental displaying space's function of recognition, emotional, behavior, sense marketing and experimental marketing induced from pilot research on space design expressive elements of experimental marketing when it is applied to spaces through the frame of analysis with the combination of total 8 kind's experience display space function such as investigative, conceptional, aesthetic, entertaining, logical, relative, participating, and comprehensive experience based on 5 vocational experience spaces located in Seoul and Gyeonggi, opened after 2010, being operated at present with more than 500 pyeong (about 1,650 square meter) and targeted for children, after this researcher visited the site directly to make check list with the frame of analysis together with the staff and administrator in charge of vocational experience education. As a conclusion, vocational experience center is a space of edutainment helping children experience various profession more easily to find their interest and to bring up their dream. By analysing current vocational experience center through the element called experimental marketing, current status of vocational experience center could be known. the experience itself in vocational experience center becomes a merchandise. Instead of mere experience, so as to get professional experience and new information, new experiences should be provided by incessant variation and development. This study is to build basic research data for children's vocational experience space, however not only drawing specialty of vocational experience center through the connection of enterprises based on the contents arranged above but also systematic and specialized modules are expected to be built in next researches.

중학생이 지각한 가족지지와 정신건강 (Perceived Family Support and Mental Health of Middle school students)

  • 서순림;김정복
    • 한국학교보건학회지
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    • 제15권2호
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    • pp.219-232
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    • 2002
  • This study was conducted to identify the relationship between the perceived family support and mental health of middle school students and provide basic data to develop a nursing program for prevention of mental disease and mental health promotion in adolescent. The subjects for this study were 427 students in their first, second and third year of two middle school in K city. The data were collected from December 12th to 19th, 2001. The instruments used for this study were the family support scale by Kang and the mental health assessment scale was the Symptom Check List-90-R. The data were analyzed by frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, Pearson Correlation Coefficient, ANOVA, and Duncan test with SPSS program. The results were as follows: The mean score of the perceived family support was 42.26 and the mean score of mental health was 52.24. As a subarea of mental health was analyses, the scores of obsessive-compulsive reaction and hostility were respectively higher but the scores of phobia were lower than others. Family support was significantly different according to student's grade, religion and economic status, and educational level, the relationship between them, and living in parents. the characteristic influence on the level of mental health were sex, grade, and economic status of students and the relationship between them of parents. There was a significant correlation between the perceived family support and the level of mental health was revealed a significant correlation(r=-.35(P=0.001)). In conclusion, this study was found that family support was an important factor for promoting mental health of middle school students. In order to increase mental health of middle school students effectively, family support must be increased. Efforts to promote mental health of students are required in home and school. School authorities have to search a plans like "family support-class program" as one countermeasure to increase family support. teachers have to make educational programs to promote mental health constantly with participating parents.

게임 소프트웨어의 신뢰성 품질 평가 모델에 대한 연구 (A Study on the Reliability Quality Testing Model of Game Software)

  • 정혜정
    • 인터넷정보학회논문지
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    • 제6권4호
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    • pp.37-46
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    • 2005
  • 컴퓨터가 여러 분야에 사용되어지고 그들의 정확한 운영이 종종 사업의 성공과 인간의 안전에 결정적이다. 높은 품질의 소프트웨어를 개발하는 것은 상당히 중요하다. 최근 게임이 대중화 되어지면서 게임 소프트웨어의 평가에 대한 관심이 높아지게 되었다. 게임 소프트웨어는 다양한 장르에 따라서 다소의 특징적인 면이 다르기 때문에 게임 소프트웨어를 평가 하는데는 상당한 어려움이 있다. 환경변화로 인해서 온라인 게임은 널리 대중화 되었다. 현재 온라인 게임 소프트웨어는 해외 시장을 개척하고 있다. 회사에서는 개발된 제품에 대하여 베타테스트를 거쳐서 좀더 신뢰성이 높은 제품을 개발하려고 최선을 다하고 있으나 몇 개월간의 베타테스트를 거친 제품도 사용자 측에서는 사용 중 다양한 오류들을 경험하게 된다. 게임의 경우는 게임 환경과 기능성에서 오는 오류가 다양하므로 이것을 평가하기에는 어려움이 많다. 본 연구에서는 게임 소프트웨어를 평가하는데 있어서 경험하게 되어지는 환경적인 요인과 기능적인 오류를 점검하여 품질평가 메트릭에 적용하는 방법에 대하여 연구하였다. 사용자 관점에서 설문조사를 실시하였으며 설문조사 결과를 종합분석하여 게임 소프트웨어의 버그 체크리스트 작성하였다. 또한 버그체크리스트를 품질 평가 메트릭에 적용하였다. ISO/IEC 9126을 기준으로 품질평가모델을 구성하였으며 특히 신뢰성에 대한 평가를 정량화 하기 위해서 버그체크리스트는 IS0/IEC 9126의 신뢰성 평가 메트릭에 적용하는 방안을 제시하였다.

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이주여성의 임신적응증진을 위한 다국어 교육자료 개발과 평가 (Development and Evaluation of Multilingual Education Materials to Promote Immigrant Women's Adaptation to Pregnancy)

  • 김경원;백성희;정금희
    • 여성건강간호학회지
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    • 제20권4호
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    • pp.235-245
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    • 2014
  • Purpose: This study was done to develop and evaluate multilingual education materials to promote health and adaptation to pregnancy for immigrant women in Korea. Methods: This study had three procedures: First, contents of the education materials were developed according to pregnant women's needs, literature reviews, and group discussion. Details in contents were constructed based on Roy's adaptation model; Second, validity verification and translation of education materials were accomplished; Third, evaluation of the education materials was done through a survey of immigrant women. Results: The education materials were developed in six languages (Korean, English, Chinese, Vietnamese, Filipino, and Cambodian). The title is "Healthy mother, happy family: eight-step guide to a healthy pregnancy". It was composed of an eight-step guide to healthy pregnancy, self-examination check list, websites for childbirth education and information, and guidelines on education materials in a brochure. In the evaluation, the average response score for the questionnaire items was high (3.23 on a four-point Likert scale). The average score for Cambodian immigrants was the highest of all immigrant women. Conclusion: Multilingual education materials developed in this research will help community health nurses to manage pregnancies for immigrant women and will be useful for health education for these women.

간호정보조사지 개선을 위한 연구 (A study for innovation of Adult nursing assessment tool)

  • 박경숙;지성애;정혜경
    • 성인간호학회지
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    • 제12권1호
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    • pp.77-87
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    • 2000
  • This study tried to suggest the basic materials that can be efficiently applied in clinical cases by understanding problems through a content analysis of an adult nursing assessment tool and opinion agreement about nurse's practical usage presently used in the hospital. The study was carried out in 36 attached hospitals in nationwide universities from May to December, 1999, the two hundred and twenty five reports were for analysis. The contents of the collected nursing assessment tool were analyzed. It was found that the tool had been used with various names and content and there were instances of partial omission of a number of items, such as documentation and time records. Other results revealed that they mostly had a systematic classification of items, formation of details a form of a check list, and the effect of saving time. In spite of the adult nursing assessment tool, it was suggested that its style be subdivided according to the specialized of a department and that standardized style be amended and supplemented. The respondents also answered that there had to be education about continuous and sufficient health assessment skills on the physical examination record. The most frequently suggested items to be added were: past history, marital status, patient and caregiver's address and telephone number. It was found that a patient's education career, economic status, religion, hygienic practice, sexual life and hobby were the most frequently omitted items on record. The reason given wes because the items were associated with his/her privacy. These results highlight the importance of analyzing the content with an complete data collection, supplying basic content for a more accurate nursing record, computerization, sharing information and standardization of the form.

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Modeling of Influential Predictors of Gastric Cancer Incidence Rates in Golestan Province, North Iran

  • Behnampour, Nasser;Hajizadeh, Ebrahim;Zayeri, Farid;Semnani, Shahriar
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • 제15권3호
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    • pp.1111-1117
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    • 2014
  • Golestan province has a reputation for relatively high incidence rates of gastric cancer in Iran. Along with dietary, lifestyle and environmental influential factors, soil selenium and high levels of pesticide used may exert influence in this region. The present study was designed for modeling the influential predictors on incidence of gastric cancer in Golestan. All registered cases of gastric cancer from March 2009 to March 2010 (49 females and 107 males) were investigated. Data were gathered by both check list and researcher made questionnaire (demographic, clinical and lifestyle characteristics) and analysed using logistic regression. Mean (${\pm}SD$) age at diagnosis was $62.9{\pm}13.8$ years. CIR and ASR of gastric cancer showed 9.16 and 13.9 per 100,000 people, respectively. Based on univariate logistic regression, a history of smoking (OR= 2.076), unwashed hands after defecation (OR= 2.612), history of cancer in relatives (OR= 2.473), history of gastric cancer in first-degree relatives (OR= 2.278), numbers of gastric cancers in first-degree relatives (OR= 2.078), history of X-ray and dye exposure (OR= 2.395), history of CT scan encounter (OR= 2.915), improper food habits (OR= 3.320), specific eating behavior (OR= 0.740), consumption of probable high risk foods (OR= 2.942), charred flesh (OR= 1.945), and animal fat (OR= 2.716) were confirmed as a risk factors. Changes in lifestyle may be expected to increase gastric cancer incidence dramatically in the near future. Therefore, appropriate educational interventions should be designed and implemented by competent authorities.

간병인의 직무스트레스와 정신건강과의 상관관계 (Relationship between Job Stress and Mental Health of Caretakers)

  • 노효련;김성중;이문환
    • 한국콘텐츠학회논문지
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    • 제9권11호
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    • pp.297-308
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    • 2009
  • 환자의 간병과 수발을 제공하는 간병인들은 신분의 불안정성과 업무로 인하여 직무스트레스가 높다. 따라서 본 연구는 간병인들의 직무스트레스가 정신건강에 어떠한 영향을 주는지를 알아봄으로서, 간병인들의 직무스트레스가 정신건강에 부정적인 영향을 주는 요인들을 예견하여 환자들에게 양질의 서비스를 제공할 수 있는 기초자료를 제공하고자 한다. 간병인 247명을 대상으로 구조화된 설문지와 간이정신진단검사를 이용하여 측정하였으며, 대인관계, 환자, 경제, 상해에 대한 직무스트레스로 요인을 분류하였다. 그 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 간병인들의 정신건강상태와 직무스트레스 정도는 별로 없거나 보통인 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 간병인들의 직무 스트레스 중 보수의 상응성이 제일 큰 스트레스 요인으로 나타났다. 셋째, 간병인의 직무스트레스와 정신건강은 양의 관계를 나타내었고, 정신건강에 가장 많은 영향을 미치는 요인은 대인관련 직무스트레스로 나타났다. 넷째, 간병인은 직무스트레스로 인하여 정신건강이 나빠질 수 있다고 할 수 있다. 따라서 간병인들의 직무스트레스 관리를 위한 교육 및 프로그램 개발이 필요하다.

중추 신경계 혈관질환(C. V. A)환자 중 퇴원환자의 신체기능장애정도와 그 특성에 관한 고찰 (Selected Characteristics and Degree of Physical Disability of Stroke Survivors at Discharge from Five General Hospitals in Seoul, 1975)

  • 이선옥
    • 대한간호학회지
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    • 제6권1호
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    • pp.23-28
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    • 1976
  • This study was undertaken to obtain information about selected characteristics and the degree of physical disability of patients with a diagnosis of cerebrovascular accident upon their discharge from a general hospital. It was hoped that this information would contribute to the assessment of their needs for follow-up nursing care. Nurse's and Physician's Progress Notes of all stroke patients discharged from five general hospitals in Seoul from January to December 1975 were analysed using a prepared check list. Patients with other complicating diagnosis such as diabetes, tuberculosis or heart disease were excluded from the sample. According to six factors used to grade the total sample of 334 stroke victims degree of physical ability at discharge, 144 (43%) of the Survivors had good functional ability, 72 (22%) fair, 62 (18%) poor, and 57(17%) very Poor. Certain clinical diagnosis correlated with the degree of physical ability. Intra cranial Hemorrhage and Subarachnoid Hemorrhage tended to be related to poor and very poor outcome categories. There was no significant correlation between nae and ability outcome, women had revealed a significantly positive correlation with poor and very poor ability outcomes. The hospitalization period was less than three days for 37.5% of the total group, and more than one month for 4.7%. Those patients with less than three days hospitalization accounted for the highest relationship with poor and very poor ability outcomes. Of the total groups 175(50.99%), were discharged with a diagnosis of condition improved (though not necessarily with good physical ability). The results suggest serious need for comprehensive follow- up nursing care for stroke survivors discharged a from general hospitals in Seoul.

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