• 제목/요약/키워드: Business Process Reference Model

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Design of Enterprise Architectures Framework using Architecture Unit and Domain Specific Method (도메인 기반 모델링과 구조 유니트를 이용한 기업 구조 프레임워크의 설계방법)

  • Chae Heekwon;Kim Kwangsoo;Kim Cheolhan;Choi Younghwan
    • The Journal of Society for e-Business Studies
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.21-41
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    • 2005
  • An Enterprise Architecture (EA) Framework is a tool which supports implementation of the Enterprise architecture that is used to enhance the interoperability of the IT components. In this paper, we propose a framework named as ENAE (ENterprise Architecture Framework) which combines enterprise architecture unit (AU), reference model, and association relationship between domain model. Architecture Unit is defined as a minimum set of a business process and its associated components such as application system and technical components. An EA can be designed and implemented by the aggregating the related AUs including association relationship between Architecture Units. Because UML model has limitations to describe business domain semantics because it is designed for general purpose, we adapt the DSM (Domain Specific Modeling) concept. We describe association relationship between Architecture Units designed by Domain Specific Modeling through Topic Map. Session 2 describes related works about Enterprise Architecture frameworks, Domain Specific Modeling, and Topic Map, while Session 3 explains components of the ENAF. Finally Session 4 shows the case study for implementation of the new Framework called ENAF.

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Development of managerial decision-making support technology model for supporting knowledge intensive consulting process (지식집약형 컨설팅프로세스 지원을 위한 경영의사결정지원 기술모델 개발연구)

  • Kim, Yong Jin;Jin, Seung Hye
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.251-258
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    • 2013
  • Recently companies are confronted with a much more sophisticated business environment than before and at the same time have to be able to adapt to rapid changes. Accordingly, the need for selecting among alternatives and managing systematic decision-making has been steadily increasing to respond to a more diverse customer needs and keep up with the fierce competition. In this study, we propose a framework that consist of problem solving procedures and techniques and knowledge structure built on processes to support strategic decision making. and discuss how to utilize simulation tools as the knowledge-based problem solving tools. In addition we discuss how to build and advance the knowledge structure to implement the proposed architecture. Management decision support systems architecture consist of three key factors. The first is Problem Solving Approach which is used as reference. The second is knowledge structure on business processes that includes standard and reference business processes. The third is simulators that are able to generate and analyze alternatives using problem solving techniques and knowledge base. In sum, the proposed framework of decision-making support systems facilitates knowledge-intensive consulting processes to promote the development and application of consulting knowledge and techniques and increase the efficiency of consulting firms and industry.

An Improved Multilevel Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation to Analyse on Engineering Project Risk

  • LI, Xin;LI, Mufeng;HAN, Xia
    • The Journal of Economics, Marketing and Management
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    • v.10 no.5
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    • pp.1-6
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    • 2022
  • Purpose: To overcome the question that depends too much on expert's subjective judgment in traditional risk identification, this paper structure the multilevel generalized fuzzy comprehensive evaluation mathematics model of the risk identification of project, to research the risk identification of the project. Research design, data and methodology: This paper constructs the multilevel generalized fuzzy comprehensive evaluation mathematics model. Through iterative algorithm of AHP analysis, make sure the important degree of the sub project in risk analysis, then combine expert's subjective judgment with objective quantitative analysis, and distinguish the risk through identification models. Meanwhile, the concrete method of multilevel generalized fuzzy comprehensive evaluation is probed. Using the index weights to analyse project risks is discussed in detail. Results: The improved fuzzy comprehensive evaluation algorithm is proposed in the paper, at first the method of fuzzy sets core is used to optimize the fuzzy relation matrix. It improves the capability of the algorithm. Then, the method of entropy weight is used to establish weight vectors. This makes the computation process fair and open. And thereby, the uncertainty of the evaluation result brought by the subjectivity can be avoided effectively and the evaluation result becomes more objective and more reasonable. Conclusions: In this paper, we use an improved fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method to evaluate a railroad engineering project risk. It can give a more reliable result for a reference of decision making.

A Study on the Basic Requirements and Operation Plan of E-trade Platform (전자무역 플랫폼의 기본요건과 운영방안에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Sang-Jin
    • International Commerce and Information Review
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.107-127
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    • 2004
  • The rapid development of internet information technology has increased interest in e-Trade these days, but it is not activated greatly up to now. In order to promote e-Trade, it is essential to construct cooperative process such as connecting systems among trade related parties. Building e-Trade platform which is based on the infrastructure of the past trade automatic system is key point of promoting e-Trade. To do this, a study on the basic concept and specific components of e-Trade platform is needed absolutely. At this point of view, after this paper has examined domestic and foreign studies on the fundamental technologies about electronic commerce, it drew several key technologies that could be applied to e-Trade considering the current IT trend. Then it evaluates these technologies according to Technology Reference Model(TRM) of the National Computerization Agency. This will help us to show the operation strategy as well as the concept of future e-Trade platform and its composition. On the basis of the theoretical background, this paper classified NCA's technology model into 6 fields, which are application. data, platform, communication, security and management. Considering the key technologies, e-Trade platform has to be mutually connected and accept international standards such as XML. In the aspect of business side, trade relative agencies' business process as well as trading company's process has to be considered. Therefore, e-Trade platform can be classified into 3 parts which are service, infrastructure and connection. Infrastructure part is compared of circulating and managing system of electronic document, interface and service framework. Connecting service (application service) and additional service (application service) consist of service part. Connecting part is a linking mutual parts and can be divided into B2B service and B20 service. The organization operating this e-trade platform must have few responsibilities and requirements. It needs to positively accept existing infrastructure of trade automatic system and improving the system to complete e-trade platform. It also have to continuously develop new services and possess ability to operate the system for providing proper services to demanders. As a result, private sector that can play a role as TTP(Third Trust Party) is adequate for operating the system. In this case, revising law is necessary to support the responsibility and requirement of private sector.

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An Ontology Model for Public Service Export Platform (공공 서비스 수출 플랫폼을 위한 온톨로지 모형)

  • Lee, Gang-Won;Park, Sei-Kwon;Ryu, Seung-Wan;Shin, Dong-Cheon
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.149-161
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    • 2014
  • The export of domestic public services to overseas markets contains many potential obstacles, stemming from different export procedures, the target services, and socio-economic environments. In order to alleviate these problems, the business incubation platform as an open business ecosystem can be a powerful instrument to support the decisions taken by participants and stakeholders. In this paper, we propose an ontology model and its implementation processes for the business incubation platform with an open and pervasive architecture to support public service exports. For the conceptual model of platform ontology, export case studies are used for requirements analysis. The conceptual model shows the basic structure, with vocabulary and its meaning, the relationship between ontologies, and key attributes. For the implementation and test of the ontology model, the logical structure is edited using Prot$\acute{e}$g$\acute{e}$ editor. The core engine of the business incubation platform is the simulator module, where the various contexts of export businesses should be captured, defined, and shared with other modules through ontologies. It is well-known that an ontology, with which concepts and their relationships are represented using a shared vocabulary, is an efficient and effective tool for organizing meta-information to develop structural frameworks in a particular domain. The proposed model consists of five ontologies derived from a requirements survey of major stakeholders and their operational scenarios: service, requirements, environment, enterprise, and county. The service ontology contains several components that can find and categorize public services through a case analysis of the public service export. Key attributes of the service ontology are composed of categories including objective, requirements, activity, and service. The objective category, which has sub-attributes including operational body (organization) and user, acts as a reference to search and classify public services. The requirements category relates to the functional needs at a particular phase of system (service) design or operation. Sub-attributes of requirements are user, application, platform, architecture, and social overhead. The activity category represents business processes during the operation and maintenance phase. The activity category also has sub-attributes including facility, software, and project unit. The service category, with sub-attributes such as target, time, and place, acts as a reference to sort and classify the public services. The requirements ontology is derived from the basic and common components of public services and target countries. The key attributes of the requirements ontology are business, technology, and constraints. Business requirements represent the needs of processes and activities for public service export; technology represents the technological requirements for the operation of public services; and constraints represent the business law, regulations, or cultural characteristics of the target country. The environment ontology is derived from case studies of target countries for public service operation. Key attributes of the environment ontology are user, requirements, and activity. A user includes stakeholders in public services, from citizens to operators and managers; the requirements attribute represents the managerial and physical needs during operation; the activity attribute represents business processes in detail. The enterprise ontology is introduced from a previous study, and its attributes are activity, organization, strategy, marketing, and time. The country ontology is derived from the demographic and geopolitical analysis of the target country, and its key attributes are economy, social infrastructure, law, regulation, customs, population, location, and development strategies. The priority list for target services for a certain country and/or the priority list for target countries for a certain public services are generated by a matching algorithm. These lists are used as input seeds to simulate the consortium partners, and government's policies and programs. In the simulation, the environmental differences between Korea and the target country can be customized through a gap analysis and work-flow optimization process. When the process gap between Korea and the target country is too large for a single corporation to cover, a consortium is considered an alternative choice, and various alternatives are derived from the capability index of enterprises. For financial packages, a mix of various foreign aid funds can be simulated during this stage. It is expected that the proposed ontology model and the business incubation platform can be used by various participants in the public service export market. It could be especially beneficial to small and medium businesses that have relatively fewer resources and experience with public service export. We also expect that the open and pervasive service architecture in a digital business ecosystem will help stakeholders find new opportunities through information sharing and collaboration on business processes.

A Construction Case of BRM 'Danwigwaje' in Basic Local Governments : Focussing on Gangbuk District of Seoul Special City (기초지방자치단체 기능분류체계(BRM)의 단위과제 구축 사례 서울특별시 강북구 사례를 중심으로)

  • Moon, Chan-il
    • The Korean Journal of Archival Studies
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    • no.49
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    • pp.247-275
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    • 2016
  • The classification scheme of records indicates a table that intends to express organic relations between records by organizing records and enabling internal order. Although the principles of organic classification have remained in traditional records management environment, they have been changed to "function and business" in the modern times. Therefore, Korea introduced a business reference model (BRM) based on function and business from 2008 and subsequently implemented its operation. However, it has been pointed out that the roles of the classification scheme of records have not been played because the analysis of "Danwigwaje," which belongs to the lowest level of business reference models, is poor. According to this indication, the Gangbuk District of Seoul Special City established a functional classification scheme by executing a business process analysis of "Danwigwaje." First, the record manager carried out analyses on the principles of "Danwigwaje," small function, and "Danwigwaje." Then, the functional classification scheme of "Danwigwaje" was modified by looking into the opinion inquiry process of the treatment department and performing a test operation. Through the case of the Gangbuk District in Seoul Special City, analytical procedures and methods of "Danwigwaje," as well as implications according to the establishment of a functional classification scheme of basic local governments, were arranged in a written format.

Analysis of Reform Model to Records Management System in Public Institution -from Reform to Records Management System in 2006- (행정기관의 기록관리시스템 개선모델 분석 -2006년 기록관리시스템 혁신을 중심으로-)

  • Kwag, Jeong
    • The Korean Journal of Archival Studies
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    • no.14
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    • pp.153-190
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    • 2006
  • Externally, business environment in public institution has being changed as government business reference model(BRM) appeared and business management systems for transparency of a policy decision process are introduced. After Records Automation System started its operation, dissatisfaction grows because of inadequacy in system function and the problems about authenticity of electronic records. With these backgrounds, National Archives and Records Service had carried out 'Information Strategy Planning for Reform to Records Management System' for 5 months from September, 2005. As result, this project reengineers current records management processes and presents the world-class system model. After Records and Archives Management Act was made, the records management in public institution has propelled the concept that paper records are handled by means of the electric data management. In this reformed model, however, we concentrates on the electric records, which have gradually replaced the paper records and investigate on the management methodology considering attributes of electric records. According to this new paradigm, the electric records management raises a new issue in the records management territory. As the major contents of the models connecting with electric records management were analyzed and their significance and bounds were closely reviewed, the aim of this paper is the understanding of the future bearings of the management system. Before the analysis of the reformed models, issues in new business environments and their records management were reviewed. The government's BRM and Business management system prepared the general basis that can manage government's whole results on the online and classify them according to its function. In this points, the model is innovative. However considering the records management, problems such as division into Records Classification, definitions and capturing methods of records management objects, limitations of Records Automation System and so on was identified. For solving these problems, the reformed models that has a records classification system based on the business classification, extended electronic records filing system, added functions for strengthening electric records management and so on was proposed. As regards dramatically improving the role of records center in public institution, searching for the basic management methodology of the records management object from various agency and introducing the detail design to keep documents' authenticity, this model forms the basis of the electric records management system. In spite of these innovations, however, the proposed system for real electric records management era is still in its beginning. In near feature, when the studies is concentrated upon the progress of qualified classifications, records capturing plans for foreign records structures such like administration information system, the further study of the previous preservation technology, the developed prospective of electric records management system will be very bright.

E-Discovery Process Model and Alternative Technologies for an Effective Litigation Response of the Company (기업의 효과적인 소송 대응을 위한 전자증거개시 절차 모델과 대체 기술)

  • Lee, Tae-Rim;Shin, Sang-Uk
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.10 no.8
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    • pp.287-297
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    • 2012
  • In order to prepare for the introduction of the E-Discovery system from the United States and to cope with some causable changes of legal systems, we propose a general E-Discovery process and essential tasks of the each phase. The proposed process model is designed by the analysis of well-known projects such as EDRM, The Sedona Conference, which are advanced research for the standardization of E-Discovery task procedures and for the supply of guidelines to hands-on workers. In addition, Machine Learning Algorithms, Open-source libraries for the Information Retrieval and Distributed Processing technologies based on the Hadoop for big data are introduced and its application methods on the E-Discovery work scenario are proposed. All this information will be useful to vendors or people willing to develop the E-Discovery service solution. Also, it is very helpful to company owners willing to rebuild their business process and it enables people who are about to face a major lawsuit to handle a situation effectively.

A Study of Job Analysis Method using Information Systems (정보체계를 활용한 직무분석 방안 연구)

  • Hwang, Ho-ryang
    • KIISE Transactions on Computing Practices
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    • v.22 no.10
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    • pp.521-531
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    • 2016
  • In this paper, since most business process of D-agency is being performed through some information systems, including Onnara System is a government standard operating management system, computerized accumulated in the system documentation based on, even if there is no independent job analysis system, in a judgment that can be can be tissue diagnosis, it presented a job analysis plan that leverages the existing information system. Most material is passed online in business processing between departments and between colleagues, it is returned. In situations where most information systems for such business processing is built developed, grasp the work procedures and information systems D-agency data accumulated to derive the necessary elements for job analysis quantified, and verified the validity of the element in the regression statistics.In addition, classification system (BRM, Business Reference Model) of the existing functionality that is available only Onnara System, and to establish a job analysis architecture to be able to function diagnostic departments to leverage common also in other information systems, related implement illustrating additional features of the information system, to derive a department duties value calculation formula with it, and present various job analysis plan that can actually be utilized to diagnose and derived elements department appropriate personnel.

An Analysis of IS-Related Curriculums in Korea Based on the IS 2002 Model Curriculum (IS 2002 표준교육과정에 입각한 국내 정보시스템 관련학과의 교육과정에 대한 분석)

  • Ryu, Young-Tae
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.149-171
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this research is an assessment of Information Systems(IS) curriculums in Korea based on the IS 2002 model curriculum. Out of the 201 Korean universities, 60 universities have the IS discipline as a major or a department having an independent curriculum. Out of these 60 universities, 38 universities(63.4%) have the IS discipline in the business schools while the IS discipline in the rest of universities is located under the social science school and others. Information Systems as a field of academic study exists under a variety of different names. The different labels(Information Systems, Management Information Systems, Computer Information Systems, Information Management, e-commerce, e-business, etc.) reflect historical development of the field, different ideas about how to characterize it, and different emphases when programs were began. The result of mapping the IS courses into the IS 2002 model curriculum supports the fact that management as a reference discipline that provides underlying theories for IS as a particular new discipline should be its academic home. Within the IS courses, information technology area is the most popular. and followed by information systems fundamentals area, information systems theory and practice area, information systems development area, and information systems deployment and management process area.

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