• Title/Summary/Keyword: Approach of Network

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Community-based Welfare and Policy Tasks for Rural Areas in Korea - A Case Study of Koryung Gun, Kyungsangbukdo (고령군 지역사회 복지의 실태와 정책 과제)

  • Choi, Byung-Doo
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.14 no.6
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    • pp.643-663
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    • 2008
  • The rural area of S. Korea has been excluded from the process of industrialization and urbanization, and is to be faced with a serious crisis in the context of recent globalization/localization with a rapid economic and political change. And hence it is required to give a active attention to community-based welfare for rural areas. The status of welfare of Koryung-gun as such a rural area adjacent to Daegu city is still low, even though recently it has been improved dramatically, and the welfare policy seems not to reflect the rapidly changing conditions of reality, though it has been institutionalized systematically. What is more, the number of dwellers who demand basic welfare has been increased, as welfare services seem not to delivered to them. In order to improve this totally low level of social welfare, major tasks should be pursued to formulate as basic principles an integral approach for community-based welfare and ultimately a restoration of rural community; to construct a mobilization system of diverse resources within community, to develop connections between welfare demanders and providers, and networks of institutes and facilities for community welfare; and to find out and to extend financial sources for welfare policies.

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New Regional Geography in Korea : (1) Context of Development, Research Trend and Prospect (한국의 신지역지리학: (1) 발달 배경, 연구 동향과 전망)

  • Choi, Byung-Doo
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.357-378
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    • 2014
  • The concern on new regional geography in Korea has emerged in the 1990s under the influence of paradigm shift of Western geography, that is, the withering of positivist geography and the introduction of grand social theories into geography. New regional geography in Korea also seems to have developed in the rapidly changing process of glocalization of capitalism which has accompanied with the transformation toward post-Fordism with high-tech innovation, development of transportation and communication technology with time-space compression, and increasing social and cultural mobility with change of identity. But it can be pointed out that discussion on methodology for regional geography in Korea has been shrunken since the mid 2000s, and there has been relatively little empirical research with synthetic approach to region. But more concern on methodology in terms of place, territory, network, scale, etc. rather than the concept of region itself has increased, and empirical researches on regions in specific fields of human geography have been promoted. It is argued that the traditional distinction between synthetic and analytic approaches seems no longer significant. But geographers need to extend the concept of region in relation to other diverse spatial concepts, and to purse simultaneously structural analysis on glocalization process and practical strategies responding positively to the process.

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Research on Characteristics Classification of Regional Operation System of the Shared Research Instrument: Exploratory Case Study of Gyeonggi Region, Korea (지역 연구 공용장비 운영체계 개선을 위한 특성 분류 연구: 경기도 지역에 대한 탐색적 사례연구를 중심으로)

  • Hong, Jae-Keun;Chung, Sun-Yang
    • Journal of Korea Technology Innovation Society
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.833-859
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    • 2011
  • This study aims to draw the characteristics of the regional operation system of the shared research instrument service, which contributes to the R&D investment efficiency by the avoidance of duplicated research instrument investment and the enhancement of the network collaboration. So from the perspective of technology infrastructure policy and regional innovation system, Gyeonggi region of Korean metropolitan area has been analyzed for the case study. The case study has been conducted by 2 step process of within-case analysis and cross-case analysis. Firstly, the characteristics of operation system of the shared research instrument have been examined through various research methods. Secondly, in the cross-case analysis, the examined issues and problems have been organized by the matrix of 3 organizational governance characteristics and 4 issues to facilitate the regional policy approach. The issues deducted by the cross-case analysis have been deducted as (1) 'usage fee charge system', 'relevant method for the performance index and measurement of the instrument service management' for the regional policy led case, (2) 'performance management issue', 'financial and managerial accounting system for the instrument operating division', and 'change of budget support scheme' for the joint operation case and lastly (3) 'usage facilitation after the expiration of research lab support project' for the university led case.

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Mega Sport Event and Social Capital: A Host Community Perspective Comparison in Korea and the US through Social Conflict Theory (메가스포츠이벤트와 사회적 자본의 역할: 갈등이론을 중심으로 한 한국과 미국의 이벤트 유치지역사회의 관점 비교에 대한 연구)

  • Park, Seong-Hee;Cottingham, Michael;Seo, Won-Jae
    • The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business
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    • v.9 no.9
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    • pp.63-74
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    • 2018
  • Purpose - The current study is to compare the cognition of stakeholders on hosting a mega sports event between Korea and the United States. In particular, to understand their cognition and perceptual conflict towards hosting a mega sports event, the study employed conflict theory. Furthermore, the study reviewed the role of social capital in the process of managing the mega sports events. Research Design, Data, and Methodology - Of homogeneous sampling, purposeful sampling method and criterion-based selection approach were used to collect interview data from key stakeholders who have been involved in hosting a mega sports events in Korea and the United States. In-depth interview transcripts were reviewed multiple tiems after transcription to extract concepts and meanings that were pertinenet to the experience involving hosting a mega sports event. Further member checks was conducted to increase the credibility of the results. Results - Results can be summarized as followed: First, stakeholders of Korea have a strong desire for positive economic effects of a mega sports event, compared to those in the United States who are more concerned in enhancing the public interests and concerns. Second, in Korea, various socio-political issues emerged at the same time and conflicts among multiple stakeholders have aggravated the situations to coordinate the issues. This was because legal system supporting socio-trust has not been established. On the other hand, major stakeholders of the United States consisted of community members who have socio-trust and networks. Thereby these social resources have been found playing a key role in building social capital that assists the stakeholders to coordinate the current issues and to solve them. Conclusions - The current study analyzed the cognition and perceptual conflict of stakehoders in a mega sports event. Social capital has beend found as a key catalyst to increase a network and cooperation among stakeholders. In order to enhance social capital in managing a mega sports event hosted in Korea, legal systems that establish networks and relationships among the related stakeholders need to be developed. Furthermore, the systematic guideline needs to be developed, organizing the sub-committees according to the types of stakeholders and the categorized common needs.

The Role of Extensive and Intensive Margins in Korean Exports to China (우리나라 대중국 수출에서의 수출 집약도 및 다양도의 역할)

  • Lee, Siwook
    • KDI Journal of Economic Policy
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.195-234
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    • 2009
  • This paper examines relative contributions of extensive margin and intensive margin of Korean exports growth to China after 1990s', based on an analytical approach proposed by the Hummels and Klenow(2005). In this paper, extensive margin is defined as a weighted count of Korean exports categories relative to the rest of world's export categories to China. On the other hand, intensive margin refers to Korean exports to China relative to the rest of the world's exports to China, exclusively in those product categories that Korea exports to China. According to the results of the analysis, the expansion of Korean exports to China was induced mainly by the increase of intensive margin. This result is consistent with $Besede{\check{s}}$ and Prusa(2007) as well as the Helpman, Melitz and Rubinstein(2007) who suggest that intensive margin is a more important factor than extensive margin for sustaining growth of export in the long term. In addition, this paper shows that the survival rates of exports of parts and components and capital goods is relatively higher in comparison to those of primary and consumption goods. This implies that the expansion of international division of labor under the global production network could substantially affect the survival of exports.

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Optimal Reservour Operation for Flood Control Using a Hybrid Approach (Case Study: Chungju Multipurpose Reservoir in Korea) (복합 모델링 기법을 이용한 홍수시 저수지 최적 운영 (사례 연구 : 충주 다목적 저수지))

  • Lee, Han-Gu;Lee, Sang-Ho
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.31 no.6
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    • pp.727-739
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    • 1998
  • The main objectives o reservoir optimal operation can be described as follows : maximization of the benefits through optimal allocation of the limited water resources for various purpose; minimization of t도 costs by the flood damage in potential damaging regions and risk of dam failure, etc. through safe drainage of a bulky volume of excessive water by a proper reservoir operation. Reviewing the past research works related to reservoir operation, we can find that the study on the matter of the former has been extensively carried out in last decades rather than the matter of the latter. This study is focused on developing a methodology of optimal reservoir operation for flood control, and a case study is performed on the Chungju multipurpose reservoir in Korea. The final goal of the study is to establish a reservoir optimal operation system which can search optimal policy to compromise two conflicting objectives: downstream flood damage and dam safety-upstream flood damage. In order to reach the final goal of the study, the following items were studied : (1)validation of hydrological data using HYMOS: (2)establishment of a downstream flood routing model coupling a rainfall-runoff model and SOBEK system for 1-D hydrodynamic flood routing; (3)replication of a flood damage estimation model by a neural network; (4)development of an integrated reservoir optimization module for an optimal operation policy.

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The Legal Protection Scope and Limitation of Information (정보의 법적 보호범위와 한계)

  • Kim, Hyung-Man;Yang, Myung-Sub
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.10 no.11
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    • pp.691-699
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    • 2012
  • "Information", which is circulated in society by information technology development represented by computer, has brought innovation not only to physical civilization, but also deep into our daily lives. This is to say that information has brought fundamental change to its form of existence, and value system through being faster regarding the circulation and the way of management being diverse. As time goes by, this kind of change would stimulate more changes to be made as the development of scientific civilization. Therefore, informatization is one of the important characteristic that defines modern society's essence, but on the other side, information has been taken advantage of that temperament and abused in a lot of different ways. "The Law Regarding Computer Network Diffusion Expansion and Usage Promotion"(1986), as a counterplan of informatization is our nation's first Act about informatization, which enacts national policy and system about this issue. Since then, many laws has been enacted down to "Private Information Protection Act"(2011), forming a comprehensive system. The basic background of these laws are based upon the premise that even if the place where the information is managed is virtual space, rules that are considered valid in the real world should be basically applied in the virtual space. Therefore, the violation of the law in the real world is also considered the violation in the virtual space. This direction of current law regarding information is shared with both the theories and the reality. However, current law system and notion are based upon the premise that the law regards material objects, thus the characteristic of the information, which is "Immaterial Being" is not reflected. Also, the management and approach to this issue is allopathic, exposing many problems. Thus, this paper examines the way of protecting information stipulated in the current law, contemplates its protection scope and limitation, and seeks the direction of the improvement, based on the critical mind explained above.

Factors influencing the Caregiving Responsibility of Siblings without Disability on Adult with intellectual disability (성인 지적장애인에 대한 비장애형제의 부양 책임감에 영향을 미치는 요인 연구)

  • Kim, Mee-hye;Oh, Soo-Kyung;Jang, Sook
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare Studies
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    • no.37
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    • pp.63-89
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    • 2008
  • This study attempts to examine the factors influencing the Caregiving responsibility of sibling without disability on their adult siblings with intellectual disability. For this purpose, a questionnaire survey was conducted on siblings without disability who have adult siblings with intellectual disability aged 18 years old or more and also who use services provided by 8 welfare centers for persons with disabilities in Seoul. With 132 valid responses, multiple regression technique was adopted in exploring a model for characteristics of adult with intellectual disability, a model for characteristics of siblings without disability, a model for relationship factors, and a comprehensive model. The findings of the study showed that the degree of disability in the model for characteristics of adult siblings with intellectual disability and the intimacy of siblings and social support in the model of relationship factors were significant. The result of the comprehensive model revealed that the degree of disability, the gender of the siblings without disability, the intimacy of siblings, and social support were significant. Especially, the relationship factors including the intimacy of siblings and social support were found to be the most significant factors in order to explain the caregiving responsibility. The findings of the study suggest that sibling program needs to be developed and disseminated in order to increase the understanding and the trust between adult with intellectual disability and sibling without disability, that a help is critical for adult with intellectual disability to extend the social network in which sibling without disability receives support from sibling without disability, family, friends, and other acquaintances around, and that different approach is needed in order to reduce caregiveing difficulties depending on the dependence of disability.

Development of Birdcage Resonator for Various Absorption Regions at 3T (3T MRI에서 흡수영역의 변화에 따른 Birdcage Resonator의 개발)

  • 이정우;최보영;윤성익;이형구;서태석;허순녕
    • Progress in Medical Physics
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.54-58
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    • 2004
  • The aim of this study was to develop special birdcage resonators for small objects including the human wrist, hand and small animals, using 3T MRI/MRS. Before substantial development, different types of parameters were arranged, based on theoretical analysis, through lumped element transmission line theory. The primary analysis was peformed with a network analyzer (HP 4195A) and the final experimental analysis was carried out with 3T MRI (Medinus, Korea). The manufactured birdcage resonator is typically composed of 12-element structures to which a low-pass filter is fundamentally applied. The diameter and length of each element of the birdcage resonator were as follows: (1) diameter 12 cm, length of element 22 cm, (2) diameter 15 cm, length of element 22 cm, and (2) diameter 17 cm, length of element 25 cm. Copper tape with a width of 1 cm was used for the coils. MRI acquisition parameters were TR=500 ms, TE=17 ms, and Ave=2 for T1-WT images, and TR=4,000 ms, TE=96 ms, and Ave=2 for T2-WT images. The ratio of the samples diameter to the birdcage resonators diameter was approximately 55%, 63% and 70%, respectively, for the three elements. This study determined that the best image quality and S/N ratio were obtained when the ratio of the object's diameter was approximately 50∼80%. A general theoretical analysis of the birdcage coil differs in many respects from the experimental results which were influenced by many factors that were not considering when the general theoretical analysis of the birdcage coil was peformed. The induced resistance may be considered as part of the resistive loss if the quantitative value can be determined using a radiation resistance approach.

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USB Device Authentication Protocol based on OTP (OTP 기반의 USB 디바이스 인증 프로토콜)

  • Jeong, Yoon-Su;Kim, Yong-Tae;Park, Gil-Cheol
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.15 no.8
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    • pp.1735-1742
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    • 2011
  • Now a days, as a mass-storage USB becomes comfortable to carry, function of USB is being developed fast. However, there is a problem that the personal information which is stored in USB could be exposed being used with negative purpose without other certification process. This paper suggests OTP(One-Time Password)-based certification protocol of USB to securely protect personal information stored in USB without additional certification information. The proposed OTP based certification protocol of USB not only demands low calculations but also prevents physical approach of USB of other network and does not allow unnecessary service access of user because it conducts simple action and uses one-way hash function. Therefore, communication overhead and service delay is improved. In the experiment, the proposed protocol compares and evaluates throughput of certification server according to the numbers of USB and delay time of packet certification with a device(USB driver) which simply save device and a device(USB Token) which can calculate by oneself. As a result, it is improved as the number of 12.5% in the certification delay time on average and is improved as the number of 10.8% in the throughput of certification server according to the numbers of USB.