• Title/Summary/Keyword: Administrative District Name

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Overseas Address Data Quality Verification Technique using Artificial Intelligence Reflecting the Characteristics of Administrative System (국가별 행정체계 특성을 반영한 인공지능 활용 해외 주소데이터 품질검증 기법)

  • Jin-Sil Kim;Kyung-Hee Lee;Wan-Sup Cho
    • The Journal of Bigdata
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2022
  • In the global era, the importance of imported food safety management is increasing. Address information of overseas food companies is key information for imported food safety management, and must be verified for prompt response and follow-up management in the event of a food risk. However, because each country's address system is different, one verification system cannot verify the addresses of all countries. Also, the purpose of address verification may be different depending on the field used. In this paper, we deal with the problem of classifying a given overseas food business address into the administrative district level of the country. This is because, in the event of harm to imported food, it is necessary to find the administrative district level from the address of the relevant company, and based on this trace the food distribution route or take measures to ban imports. However, in some countries the administrative district level name is omitted from the address, and the same place name is used repeatedly in several administrative district levels, so it is not easy to accurately classify the administrative district level from the address. In this study we propose a deep learning-based administrative district level classification model suitable for this case, and verify the actual address data of overseas food companies. Specifically, a method of training using a label powerset in a multi-label classification model is used. To verify the proposed method, the accuracy was verified for the addresses of overseas manufacturing companies in Ecuador and Vietnam registered with the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety, and the accuracy was improved by 28.1% and 13%, respectively, compared to the existing classification model.

The Political Geography of Place Names : The Decisions of City Names in the Process of Administrative District Reorganization (지명의 정치지리학: 행정구역개편으로 인한 시 명칭 결정을 사례로)

  • Chi, Sang-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.310-325
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    • 2012
  • Human being has used place names to differentiate one place from another. Place names are the products of collective human cognition in that a place name is chosen when it successfully represents the identity of a place. In addition, place names have been changed by the competition and struggle between social agencies and the political imperatives of hegemonic groups to impose their identity on the places. Recent geographic studies on place names have focused on the social and political processes behind the change of place names. In this vein, the purpose of this study is investigating the debates on the decision of city names in the process of the administrative reorganization in mid 1990s by the lens of political geography. Residents in cities and counties tried to justify their arguments by emphasizing historical backgrounds and popularity of their names. Additionally, economic power and potential were mobilized for the political resources to win over the battle over city names. The result, however, shows that the decision of newly consolidated cities' name was mainly made by the amount of political resources, such as population and number of seats in local assemblies. Several regions tried to use city names to negotiate with counterparts. In sum, the decision of place names is the product of political competitions, and the place name becomes the symbol of territorial identity. Place names have been in the center of disputes in local politics even after the name was decided, which suggest further studies on reasonable solution to mitigate the disputes to be expected when additional reorganization of administrative districts.

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Regional Transformation in 'Myeon' Administrative District adjacent to Urban Area (도시주변 면단위 행정구역의 지역 변화 -전라북도 조촌면을 사례로-)

  • Cho, Sung-Wook
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.59-71
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this study is to explain the regional transformation in the lowest level administration district(Myeon). The major factor of regional transformation is the change of geographical range, identity of place name, the formation and change of regional center. Jo-Chon Myeon as a sample study region is located in near Jeon-Ju city. The large and dynamic city in neighbor is strong influenced to the change of geographical range. But the place name has Identity in spite of the regional change. The formation of new regional center is influenced by new road, rail road and station, japanese large farm, administration office in this district.

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A Study on the Building Use Control of Seoul in District Units Plan (서울시 지구단위계획의 운용에 관한 연구)

  • Shim, Jae-Heon;Lee, Jae-Kook
    • Journal of The Korean Digital Architecture Interior Association
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.26-34
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    • 2004
  • Our country did not illustrate and reverse by a city planning law department construction Buddhist priest's robe dual setup the urban setting to be regulated, it came. The city planning law as the high position system of space planning mainly provides the use and a size of the land, the construction law the detail contents of site undergarment concrete location and the form back is provided and of course, regarding the structure which relates with the designation of concrete building use in him and the immediacy back. These two laws are come by a trade name complement and a function sharing role in order for the affirmative development of the city to become accomplished, being used. To necessity of District unit plan the general causal government employee all it is sympathizing, it relates it goes to extremes and with the maintenance of endurance environment and many portion with charge Sikkim also the fact that it is the criticism which relativy is negative in duty of administrative origination is fact in the people. But realization of plan hazard the execution of the public section which stands will be important, it will reach and the public section execution plan of the autonomous nine dimension for must be prepared. The next research that the individual globe plan and development actual condition actual proof and the research which it analyzes system is necessary with base, sees the general operation evaluation of Seoul District unit plan.

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The Distribution of Place Name 'Dumo' and Location of Settlements (두모계 지명의 분포와 취락입지)

  • Na, Yoojin
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.47 no.6
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    • pp.884-898
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    • 2012
  • Place names represent a lot of information about the region and the life of the local residents. In particular, old geographical names have more spatial informations than recent place names. This paper tried to analyze the distribution and characteristic of 'Dumo' which is one of the ancient place names and was studied by Nam youngwoo in 1996 for the first time. After considering the etymology and phonological structure of 'Dumo', the name 'Dumo' included the geographic conditions related to a mountain and river in itself. The total number of place names in the line of 'Dumo' which were collected by the author were 417 and they were distributed evenly on the Korean Peninsula. 85% of them were used for the human place names and 73% of the human place names were served as settlement names standing for a village or an administrative district. Thus the author analyzed the location and diffusion of 220 of settlement names in depth. As a result, villages named in the line of 'Dumo' preferred southern or eastern exposure and located in front of a mountain and around a river. After a village name 'Dumo' was set up, it produces other similar names in the line of 'Dumo' near the village so most place names of 'Dumo' were found with several names of 'Dumo' not alone.

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A Real Time Location Based IoT Messaging System using MQTT (MQTT 활용 실시간 위치 기반 IoT 메시징 시스템)

  • Jung, In-Hwan
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.27-36
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    • 2018
  • In this paper, we design and implement a real time IoT messaging system that can collect location information of moving vehicles and pedestrians in real time using MQTT protocol and provides location based information service in administrative area. We implemented MQTT based IoT device for vehicle location information collection and communication and MQTT based smartphone application for pedestrian location information service. IoT clients can send messages to the server in administrative units by using the MQTT Topic which is equal to administrative names. The SLIMS (Seoul Location based IoT Messaging System) implemented in this study is able to analyze the real time traffic volume of pedestrians and vehicles by tracking clients. It also can deliver messages to clients based on coordinate range. SLIMS can be used as a real-time location-based information service for large-scale IoT devices such as real-time flow population and vehicle traffic analysis and location-based message delivery.

A Study on Origins of the Geographical Name in Daegu Metropolitan Area : Based on the Geographical Name of Dong(洞) (대구 지명유래에 관한 연구 - '동(洞)명'을 사례로 -)

  • Jeon, Young-Gweon
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.375-383
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    • 2013
  • The main results that can be drawn from the thematical analysis, based on 173 geographical names of Dong(洞) in Daegu city, are as follows. Firstly, the origin of the geographical name of Dong is divided into 10 groups such as natural landscape, human landscape, situation, and so on. Thematically, natural landscape is the most important factor among them. In particular, Dong-gu is such a case since Mt. Palgong and Geumho river are widely distributed around the area. Secondly, the origins of the geographical name of Dong in Jung-gu and Buk-gu are mainly concerned with human landscape and situation. Especially, Daegu-Eupseong(大邱邑城) has a great influence on the origin of the geographical name of Dong in Jung-gu. Thirdly, in 1914, the unification of administrative district established new Dongs(洞) and the geographical names of the new Dongs were made by borrowing each word from the existing geographical names of Dong. Fourthly, the geographical names of Dong in Suseong-gu and Dalseo-gu made after 1980s' were made in many cases by utilizing the existing natural landscapes. However, it is identified that Suseong field in Suseong-gu, Seongdang lake and Mt. waryong in Dalseo-gu have been recognized as the important natural landscapes. Lastly, the geographical name of Dong is commonly concerned with historical place names such as Gongsan battle in Dong-gu. It is judged that the geographical names of Dong based on Gongsan battle or a most intriguing piece of legend will make a great contribution on developing the regional tourism by storytelling.

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Analysis of User Demand Characteristics of Currently-established Night Bus in Seoul by Using Smart Card Data : Case Study on Gangnam Station (스마트카드 데이터를 이용한 심야버스 이용수요 특성분석 : 강남역을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Min ju;Lee, Young ihn
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.101-116
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    • 2017
  • This Study estimates the actual night traffic using the smart card data used by most of the public transportation users, and compares it with the current night bus routes by KT Telecom based on the night time call volume. In order to compare the current night bus and night trips evaluated by smart card data, we presented indicators related to the degree of matching, and estimated the volume of service currently provided. The unique approach of the study is that we chose subway station instead of bus stop for the unit of the study. Bus stops has their complexity in a way that stops with same name could belong to different administrative area depending on its direction. For this reason, we decided to use subway station and defined its adjacent administrative district as the scope of influence. Since night bus is the primary means of transportation during the late night, it is anticipated that they will be able to provide better service by calculating the actual traffic and selecting the routes.

The theory of lesson plannig and the instructional structuration : A case study for urban units in Japanese high school (수업설계론과 수업구조화 - 일본 고등학교 도시단원을 사례로 -)

  • ;Sim, Kwang Taek
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.166-182
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    • 1994
  • Kyonggi Province in the late Chosun dynasty was a center of superior government offices including 'Han' River water-road transportation and was located in the middle of an 'X'-shaped arterial road network. Because of these reasons, Kyonggi Province had a faster inflow of commodities, informations and technics compared with the other province. At this period of time, every local 'Eup' (name of administrative district) had not been affected by their above administrative districts and had their own autonomy. For this reason, every 'Eup' could be developed as a town, even if its size was small when it had sufficient internal growing conditions. Moreover, the markets ('Si-Jon') in big towns and periodical markets which were spread over the Kyonggi Province played role of commercial functions of town. And because military bases for the defence of the royal capital in Kyonggi Province also took parts of a non-agricultural city role, Xyonggi Provinc had much more possibilities of growing as a town rather than the other provinces. The towns of the late Chosun Dynasty were, except the capital and superior administrative districts which were governed by the 'You-Su', small towns which had only about 3, 000-5, 000 people. Most of the town dewellers were local officials, nobles, merchants, craftmen and slaves. And the farmers who lived near town became a pseudo-towner through suburb agriculture. Among these people, the merchants were leaders of townization. The downtowns were affected by the landform and traffic roads. The most fundamental function of towns were administrative. The opcial's grade, which was dispatched to the local administrative district ('Kun' or 'Hyun'), was decided by the size of population and agricultural land of each county. Large county which was governed by a high ranking opcial had more possibilities to develop as a large town. Because they supervised other opcials of lower rank and obtained more land and population for the town. The phonomena of farm abandonment after the Japanese Invasion of Korea in 1592-1598 stimulated the development of towns for commercial function. The commercial functions of towns were evident in the Si-Jon or Nan-Jon (names of markets) in the big cities such as Hansung and Kaesung, meanffwhile in the local areas it was emerged in the shape of periodical market networks as allied with near markets (which were called as Jang-Si) or permanent markets which were grown up from periodical markets. These facts of commercial development induced the birth of commercial town. Kyonggi Province showed the weak points of its defense system during both wars (Japanese Invasion in 1592 and Manchu's Invasion in 1636). The government reinforced its defense system by adding 4 'You-Su-Bus' and several military bases. Each local districts ('Eup'), where Geo-Jins were established, were stimulated to be a town while Jin-Kwan system were, adjusted and enforced. Among Dok-Jins(name of solitary military bases), Youngjongjin was grown up as a large garrison town which only played a role of defense. The number of towns that took roles of non-agricultural functions in Kyonggi Province was 52. Among these towns, 29 were developed as big towns which had above 3, 000 people and most of these towns were located on the northwest-southeast axes of 'X'-shaped arterial trafic network in the Chosn Dynasty, This fact points out that the traffic road is one of the important causes of the development of towns. When we make hierarchy of the towns of Kyonggi Province according to its population and how many functions it had, we can make it as 6 grades. The virst grade town 'Hansung' was the biggest central town of administration, commerce and defdnse. The 2nd grade town includes 'Kaesung' which had historical inertia that it had been the capital of the Koryo Dynesty. The 3rd grade towns include some 'You- Su-Bus' such as Soowon, Kanghwa, Kwangju and also include Mapo, Yongsan and from this we can imagine that the commercial development in the late Chosun Dynasty extremely affected the townization. The 4th-6th grade towns had smiliar population but it can be discriminated by how many town functions it had. So the 4th grade towns were the core of administration, commerce and defense function. 5th grade towns had administrative functions and one of commercial and defense functions. 6th grade towns had only one of these functions. When we research and town conditions of each grades as the ratio of non-agricultural population, we can find out that the towns from the 1st grade to 4th grade show difference by degree of townization but from the 4th grade to 6th grade towns do not show big difference in general.

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A Methodology for Standard Establishment of Spatial Impact Zone according to Place Names of Road Sign in Urban Regions - Using the Road Sign Management System Database - (도시부 도로표지 안내지명에 따른 공간적 영향권 기준 설정방법에 관한 연구 - 도로표지관리시스템 데이터베이스를 활용하여 -)

  • Jung, In-Taek;Chong, Kyu-Soo
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.15 no.6
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2016
  • Place names of road sign mean various place names being used on road signs for path guidance of drivers such as administrative district, facility, road, etc. It is very important that not only the choice method of place names for connectivity of road signs but standard establishment of spatial impact zone according to place names. However this standard are not established currently, so it is difficult to fix the spatial range for changing place names around the main facility according to the new construction or relocation of main facility in urban region. Considering the use of big data, one of the Government 3.0, we need to utilize actively the road sign management system database. This paper suggested a methodology for standard establishment of spatial impact zone according to place names of road sign in urban regions based on the road sign management system database. To perform a case study, we selected a major facility ("City Hall") which is the most frequently used the place name of road signs and presented standard of spatial impact zone by urban size in 84 cities.