• Title/Summary/Keyword: Activity Cost

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Development of a Free School Year Program for Sustainable Fashion Education I -Focused on Status Analysis and Suggestion about the Program- (지속가능패션교육을 위한 자유학년제 프로그램 개발 (제1보) -프로그램 현황 분석 및 제안을 중심으로-)

  • Jung, Kyunghee;Wee, Eunhah;Bae, Soojeong
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.92-108
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study was to develop a free semester program using sustainable materials therefore improving the clothing & textiles section of the middle school textbook and the systematic and in-depth sustainable fashion education based on theme selection activity, as one of free semester system activities in the middle school. Our analysis on the programs, which was performed from 2018 to 2019, showed that the clothing & textiles programs were majorly focused making simple household items through basic needlework and knitting. The programs that related to the sustainable fashion education were environmental programs associated with other textbooks, or mainly included simple upcycling and were mainly operated as arts & physical education or club activities, rather than theme selection programs. According to results from a questionnaire survey on teachers incharge of the system, they had an intention of starting sustainable fashion education program or clothing & textiles section but failed due to low number of participants, practice cost, and time burden. Based on our analysis, this study proposed a 17-session based free semester program that includes the understanding of the sustainable fashions concept, classification of sustainable materials and systematic and stepwise practice in association with the middle school textbook clothing & textile section. The teaching materials developed in this study are expected to be incorporated in the program that helps students understand the right concept of sustainable fashions and respond to the pending environmental issue actively and systematically.

Recent Advance in Microbial Fuel Cell based on Composite Membranes (복합막 기반의 미생물 연료전지 연구에 대한 총설)

  • Kim, Se Min;Patel, Rajkumar;Kim, Jong Hak
    • Membrane Journal
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.120-132
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    • 2021
  • Microbial fuel cell (MFC) is a bio-electrochemical device that generates electricity by utilizing bacterial catalytic activity that degrades wastewater. Proton exchange membrane (PEM) is the core component of MFC that decides its performance, and Nafion membrane is the most widely used PEM. In spite of the excellent performance of Nafion, it has drawbacks such as high cost, biofouling issue, and non-biodegradable property. Recent studies in MFC attempted to synthetize the alternative membrane for Nafion by incorporating various polymers, sulfonating, fluorinating, and doping other chemicals. This review summarizes characteristics and performances of different composite membrane based MFCs, mostly focusing on PEM.

Study on the Necessity and Policy Direction of Participating SMEs in Standardization Activities (중소기업의 표준화 활동 참여의 필요성과 정책방향에 관한 연구)

  • Jeong, Myoung-Sun;Kong, Hee-Jung
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.47-54
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    • 2019
  • The technical standard is an important factor in the national economy, and its importance is gaining more attention due to the emergence of the convergence industry. This is an essential element for implementing fusion technology because it ensures interoperability. Since standardization activities are essential for the growth of domestic SMEs, this study aims to diagnose the status of standardization activities of SMEs and to suggest policy directions accordingly. And we sought to clarify the status of the standardization activities of domestic SMEs and to draw some implications for the domestic promotion plan by examining the major promotion policies for overseas standardization successfully. As a result, it was found that the investment cost for the standard activities is burdensome, the professional manpower is needed, and the participation of SMEs is low due to the complexity of the standard technology. In addition, standardization activities have weaknesses in terms of technology protection, and SMEs tend to avoid technology disclosure. Therefore, in order to solve the difficulties of standardization of companies, it is necessary to establish cooperation system of supporting organizations. In order to promote standardization activities, it is necessary to establish legal basis necessary for technology protection.

Analysis of the Health Expenditure and Medical Usage Difference of the Baby Boomers between Male and Female: Depression as a Mediators (베이비붐세대의 남녀 간 의료비 지출 및 의료이용 차이: 우울을 매개변수로)

  • Jeong, Ji Yun;Jeong, Jae Yeon;Cha, Sun Jung;Lee, Hae Jong
    • Health Policy and Management
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.160-171
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    • 2019
  • Background: This study purposed to compare the difference on medical utilization and health expenditure of baby boomer generation by depression between gender. Methods: Korea Welfare Panel Survey 2016, provided by the Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs, was used for the analysis. For the research, we used the two-part model, yes or no of use (part 1), and frequency of use (part 2) for medical utilization. The dependent variables are the whether or not to use of hospitalization services, outpatient services, length of stay, outpatient service visits, and health expenditure. And the independent variables are used as the predisposing (education, spouse presence), enabling (insurance type, private insurance, economic activity, income), and need (chronic disease, self-rated health, disability) factors in the Andersen behavior model. Depression was used as intervening variables. Structural equation model and multiple group analysis by gender were used. Results: There were differences in the medical care usage and cost between men and women in baby boomer. For men, mediating effects of depression were present at the hospitalization (yes/no), length of stay, and health expenditure. On the other hand, for women, the mediating effect of depression was found only at the outpatient visits. Specially, depression was working at the medical services by the different way between gender. The size of effect (multiple group analysis) was affected by significant differences between men and women. Conclusion: This study found that the mediating effect of depression is increased medical usage and health expenditure and the effect factors are different by gender. Therefore, it is necessary to establish a medical care policy considering the socio-economic characteristics of baby boomers.

Falling Accident Case Analysis on Construction Working Platform and Working Passage (건설현장 작업발판 및 안전통로 관련 추락 및 전도재해 사고사례 분석)

  • Kim, Hyunsoo;Lee, Yong-Soo;Oh, Inhwan;Ahn, Hongseob
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Construction Safety
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.9-15
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    • 2019
  • Despite the efforts for enhancing the safety record, construction industry has been suffered from higher fatalities than other industries. The poor record of safety in construction industry means that there is a clear need for an effective countermeasure. As mentioned in previous studies, it is important to identify the type of activities or risks that are likely to cause accidents and to develop appropriate safety measures. Considering the large number of accident cases on the temporary installations including work platforms and work passages, the temporary installations should be managed first. To support it, this study aims to analyze falling accident cases on construction working platforms and passages which can lead to develop proper safety measures. Through the analysis of 1663 accident cases in the perspective of cost, progress, activity, and type of workers, this study identifies how the recent accidents occur and what is the cause of the accident occurrence. The identified causes of accident occurrence will help us to improve current construction safety.

Effect of vibration during local anesthesia administration on pain, anxiety, and behavior of pediatric patients aged 6-11 years: A crossover split-mouth study

  • Hegde, Kuthpady Manasa;Neeraja, R;Srinivasan, Ila;Murali Krishna, DR;Melwani, Anjana;Radhakrishna, Sreeraksha
    • Journal of Dental Anesthesia and Pain Medicine
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.143-149
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    • 2019
  • Background: Uncooperative behavior of children due to dental anxiety may interfere with the effective delivery of dental care and compromise the quality of treatment provided. Injection of local anesthesia is one of the most anxiety-inducing stimuli in pediatric dentistry. This study aimed to compare the efficacy of a child-friendly device, having a combined effect of vibration and distraction, with the conventional method of injection on pain, anxiety, and behavior of pediatric patients aged 6-11 years. Methods: This randomized, crossover, split-mouth study included 30 children requiring a bilateral inferior alveolar nerve block. The children were equally divided into two groups: group 1, aged 6-8 and group 2, aged 9-11 years. All children were injected with anesthesia using the conventional and device method in two separate sessions. They were assessed for anxiety by measuring the pulse rate before and during the administration of local anesthesia. Behavior was assessed using Faces, Legs, Activity, Cry, Consolability (FLACC) scale, and the child's experience while receiving anesthesia was assessed using the Wong Bakers Pain Rating Scale. Results: Results showed that the children who received local anesthesia using the device method had a lower mean pulse rate, FLACC scores, and pain rating scores than those who received local anesthesia using the conventional method. Conclusion: The device method was more effective than the conventional method in managing pain, anxiety, and behavior of patients aged 6-11 years. The device is a cost effective, simple, and child-friendly product for administrating local anesthesia in pediatric patients.

A machine learning model for the derivation of major molecular descriptor using candidate drug information of diabetes treatment (당뇨병 치료제 후보약물 정보를 이용한 기계 학습 모델과 주요 분자표현자 도출)

  • Namgoong, Youn;Kim, Chang Ouk;Lee, Chang Joon
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.23-30
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study is to find out the structure of the substance that affects antidiabetic using the candidate drug information for diabetes treatment. A quantitative structure activity relationship model based on machine learning method was constructed and major molecular descriptors were determined for each experimental data variables from coefficient values using a partial least squares algorithm. The results of the analysis of the molecular access system fingerprint data reflecting the candidate drug structure information were higher than those of the in vitro data analysis in terms of goodness-of-fit, and the major molecular expression factors affecting the antidiabetic effect were also variously derived. If the proposed method is applied to the new drug development environment, it is possible to reduce the cost for conducting candidate screening experiment and to shorten the search time for new drug development.

Private Certification Method of ePedigree for Cooperatives (협동조합을 위한 전자 페디그리 사설인증 방법)

  • Kim, Sangsik;Chae, Myungsu;Jung, Sungkwan
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2016.10a
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    • pp.463-466
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    • 2016
  • Sharing of product and process information with partners is a basic activity and key requirement which ensures success of distribution. ePedigree that encapsulates all of the event data from manufacturer to retail shop provides a flexible mechanism of storing and sharing traceable information to the partners of supply chain and credibility of shared information through digital signature based on Public Key Infrastructure (PKI). To generate the signature that can be authenticated through PKI, the partners of supply chain should pay for PKI certificates from Certificate Authority (CA). In case of agrifood cooperatives which consist of petty merchants or farmers, it is hard to pay for the PKI certificate for all members and is a big obstacle for the ePedigree to be applied to the supply chain. This paper proposes a private certification method of ePedigree for cooperatives. Cooperatives can apply the ePedigree using the proposed method to all the members at small cost and the proposed method can assure the credibility of information at the same level of the previous ePedigree.

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The Effect of Crystallinity on the Photoluminescence of TiO2 Nanoparticles (결정성에 따른 TiO2 나노입자의 포토루미네선스 영향)

  • Han, Wooje;Park, Hyung-Ho
    • Journal of the Microelectronics and Packaging Society
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.23-28
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    • 2019
  • The Titanium oxide (TiO2) is an attractive ceramic material which shows non-toxic, high refractive index, catalytic activity and biocompatibility, and can be fabricated at a low cost due to its high chemical stability and large anisotropy. TiO2 nanoparticles have been prepared by sol-gel method. The pH of solution can affect the TiO2 crystallinity during the formation of nanoparticles. The prepared nanoparticles were characterized using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction, photoluminescence spectroscopy in order to investigate their structural and photoluminescence properties. Through these analysis, the size of TiO2 nanoparticles were found to be smaller than 5 nm. As the crystallinity of the nanoparticles increased, the emission of PL in the 550 nm region increased. Therefore, luminescence characteristics can be improved by controlling the crystallinity of the TiO2 nanoparticles.

Enhancement of Electrochemical Activity of Ni-rich LiNi0.8Mn0.1Co0.1O2 by Precisely Controlled Al2O3 Nanocoatings via Atomic Layer Deposition

  • Ramasamy, Hari Vignesh;Sinha, Soumyadeep;Park, Jooyeon;Gong, Minkyung;Aravindan, Vanchiappan;Heo, Jaeyeong;Lee, Yun-Sung
    • Journal of Electrochemical Science and Technology
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.196-205
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    • 2019
  • Ni-rich layered oxides Li(NixCoyMnz)O2 (x + y + z = 1) have been extensively studied in recent times owing to their high capacity and low cost and can possibly replace LiCoO2 in the near future. However, these layered oxides suffer from problems related to the capacity fading, thermal stability, and safety at high voltages. In this study, we use surface coating as a strategy to improve the thermal stability at higher voltages. The uniform and conformal Al2O3 coating on prefabricated electrodes using atomic layer deposition significantly prevented surface degradation over prolonged cycling. Initial capacity of 190, 199, 188 and 166mAhg1 is obtained for pristine, 2, 5 and 10 cycles of ALD coated samples at 0.2C and maintains 145, 158, 151 and 130mAhg1 for high current rate of 2C in room temperature. The two-cycle Al2O3 modified cathode retained 75% of its capacity after 500 cycles at 5C with 0.05% capacity decay per cycle, compared with 46.5% retention for a pristine electrode, at an elevated temperature. Despite the insulating nature of the Al2O3 coating, a thin layer is sufficient to improve the capacity retention at a high temperature. The Al2O3 coating can prevent the detrimental surface reactions at a high temperature. Thus, the morphology of the active material is well-maintained even after extensive cycling, whereas the bare electrode undergoes severe degradation.