• Title/Summary/Keyword: Academic skills

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Why Your Manuscripts Were Rejected or Required a Major Revision: An Analysis of Asia Pacific Journal if Information Systems (MIS 논문의 '게재 불가' 및 '수정 후 재심사' 사유: Asia Pacific Journal of Information Systems 심사소견서 분석)

  • Lee, Choong-C.;Yun, Hae-Jung;Hwang, Seong-Hoon
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.179-193
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    • 2009
  • As the common saying attests, a publish-or-perish world, publishing is absolutely critical for academic researchers' successful careers. It is the most objectively-accepted academic performance criteria and the most viable way to attain public and academic recognition. Asia Pacific Journal of Information Systems(APJIS) has been recognized as the most influential domestic journal in Korean MIS field since July, 1991. Therefore, publishing in APJIS means your research is original, valid, and contributive. While most researchers learn how to publish an article in APJIS through a repetitive review process, thereby improving their chance of the' accepted' through their personal trial and error experiences, such valuable lessons and know-how tend to be kept personally and rarely shared. However, useful insights into research and publication skills could be also gained from sharing others' errors, neglect, and misjudgments which are equally critical in improving researchers' knowledge in the field (Murthy and Wiggins, 2002). For this reason, other academic disciplines make systematic efforts to examine the paper review process of major journals and share the findings from these studies with the rest of the research community members (Beyer et al., 1995; Cummings et al, 1985; Daft, 1995; Jauch and Wall, 1989; Murthy and Wiggins, 2002). Recognizing the urgent need to provide such type of information to MIS research community in Korea, we have chosen the most influential academic journal, APJIS with an intention to share the answer to the following research question: "What are the common problems found in the manuscripts either 'rejected' or 'required a major revision' by APJIS reviewers?" This study analyzes the review results of manuscripts submitted to APJIS (from January, 2006 to October, 2008), particularly those that were 'rejected' or required a 'major revision' at the first round. Based on Daft's(1995) study, twelve most-likelihood problems were defined and used to analyze the reviews. The twelve criteria for classification, or "twelve problems", are as follows: No theory, Concepts and operationalization not in alignment, Insufficient definition--theory, Insufficient rationale--design, Macrostructure--organization and flow, Amateur style and tone, Inadequate research design, Not relevant to the field, Overengineering, Conclusions not in alignment, Cutting up the data, and Poor editorial practice. Upon the approval of the editorial board of APJIS, the total 252 reviews, including 11 cases of 2005 and 241 cases from July, 2006 to October, 2008, were received without any information about manuscripts, authors, or reviewers. Eleven cases of 2005 were used in the pilot test because the data of 2005 were not in complete enumeration, and the 241 reviews (113 cases of 'rejection' and 128 ones of 'major revision') of 2006, 2007, and 2008 were examined in this study. Our findings show that insufficient rationale-design(20.25%), no theory(18.45%), and insufficient definition--theory(15.69%) were the three leading reasons of 'rejection' and 'major revision.' Between these two results, the former followed the same order of three major reasons as an overall analysis (insufficient rationale-design, no theory, and insufficient definition-theory), but the latter followed the order of insufficient rationale--design, insufficient definition--theory, and no theory. Using Daft's three major skills-- 'theory skills', 'design skills', and 'communication skills'-- twelve criteria were reclassified into 'theory problems', 'design problems', and 'communication problems' to derive more practical implications of our findings. Our findings show that 'theory problems' occupied 43.48%, 'design problems' were 30.86%, and 'communication problems' were 25.86%. In general, the APJIS reviewers weigh each of these three problem areas almost equally. Comparing to other disciplines like management field shown in Daft's study, the portion of 'design problems' and 'communication problems' are much higher in manuscripts submitted to the APJIS than in those of Administrative Science Quarterly and Academy of Management Journal even though 'theory problems' are the most predominant in both disciplines.

Influence of Simulation-Based Practice on Emergency Care for Patients with Dyspnea on Learning Outcomes in Nursing Students (시뮬레이션을 활용한 호흡곤란 응급관리 실습이 간호학생의 학습 성과에 미치는 영향)

  • Hur, Hea-Kung;Choi, Hyang-Ok;Jung, Ji-Soo;Kang, Hye-Won;Kim, Gi-Yon
    • Journal of Korean Critical Care Nursing
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.12-22
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    • 2012
  • Purpose: This study was conducted to evaluate the learning outcomes of simulation-based practice on emergency care for patients with dyspnea in nursing students. Methods: One group pre-post experimental design with 28 nursing students was used. Simulation-based practice on the basis of SimMan Human Patient Simulator including academic lectures, simulation lab exercises and debriefing was applied for four and half hours. The learning outcomes were assessed by measuring knowledge, critical thinking, problem solving process of cognitive skills, self-confidence and learning attitudes of affective domain. Furthermore, self reported clinical performance ability of psychomotor skills was examined. Results: After the completion of simulation-based practice, there was a significant increase in the mean of following measured variables: knowledge, critical thinking, problem solving process of cognitive skills, self-confidence, learning attitudes of affective domain and clinical performance ability of psychomotor skills. Significant positive relationships were found among learning outcome measurement variables. Conclusion: Simulation-based practice is an effective method to improve cognitive skills, affective domain and psychomotor skills of nursing students. Hence, Simulation-based practice should be applied for improving current limited emergency care training for nursing students and enhancing students' competency in clinical situations.

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A Study of Educational Performance Utilizing Project-Based Learning: Focused on the 3P Model (프로젝트 기반 학습의 성과 영향 변인 규명 연구: 3P모형을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Dongsim;Jo, Hyunjeong;Kim, Woocheol
    • Journal of Practical Engineering Education
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.275-291
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    • 2020
  • This study aims to identify the structural relationship between mastery-approach goal orientation, instructor support, problem solving, collaborative skills, and course satisfaction among students who participated in project-based learning. To achieve the purpose of this research, researchers have conducted surveys between June and December in 2019. A total of 283 cases were selected for analysis. According to the study, mastery-approach goal orientation and instructor support have positive effects on problem solving and course satisfaction. Instructor support has positive effects on collaboration skills, and problem solving has positive effects on collaboration skills and course satisfaction. Also, the mediating effect of problem solving in the relationship among mastery-approach goal orientation, instructor support, collaboration skills, and course satisfaction was found to be statistically significant. However, the path between mastery-approach goal orientation and collaboration skills was not statistically significant. Based on these findings, academic and practical implications were suggested.

The Smartphone Addiction, Self-Efficacy, and Communication Skills of Nursing College Students before Clinical Training Relationship between Communication Skills (임상실습교육 전 간호대학생의 스마트폰 중독, 자기효능감 및 의사소통능력 관계)

  • Mi-Young Kim;Hyo-Jin Park
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Integrative Medicine
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.157-166
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    • 2023
  • Purpose : The purposes of this study were to determine the relationships of communication skills with smartphone addiction and self-efficacy before clinical practice training among nursing students and to provide basic data for developing and verifying the effectiveness of an intervention program for improving nursing students' communication skills. Methods : This study targeted those who obtained consent to collect data explained the purpose and procedure of the study for the first and second graders of the nursing department at one university located in B city. The data collection period was from April 24 to May 13, 2023. A total of 207 questionnaire responses were included in the analysis. The collected data were analyzed using t-tests and analysis of variance in the SPSS/Win 230 program. The results were reported as real numbers, percentages, mean values, and standard deviations. The correlations between the variables were analyzed using the Pearson correlation coefficient. Results : Smartphone addiction according to the general characteristics of the study subjects showed significant differences in 'residence type' (F=2.91, p=.035) and 'average smartphone usage time' (F=20.15, p=.000). It seemed. self-efficacy was determined by 'age' (F=2.74, p=.045), 'subjective academic level' (F=7.71, p=.001), and 'average smartphone usage time' (F=3.96, p=.009) showed a significant difference. Communication skills showed a significant difference in 'average smartphone usage time' (F=3.83, p=.011). The correlation between the variables of the study subjects showed that self-efficacy was negatively correlated with smartphone addiction (r=-.42, p<.001), and communication ability was positively correlated with self-efficacy. It was found that (r=.55, p<.001). 15) Conclusion : On the basis of the study results, the higher the nursing students' smartphone addiction, the lower their self-efficacy, and the higher their communication ability, the higher their self-efficacy. Therefore, intervention research is necessary to develop interventions for preventing smartphone addiction and increasing communication ability among nursing students.

A Study on the Status of Academic Advising Systems in Korean Universities - Focusing on Dongguk University's Paramita College - (국내대학의 학사지도제도 현황에 관한 연구 - 동국대학교 파라미타칼리지를 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Hyo-Jin
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.14 no.10
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    • pp.61-69
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    • 2016
  • Recently, university education is changing from content- centered to learner - centered education not to deliver knowledge unilaterally but to help student to cultivate their skills to discover and apply knowledge for themselves. It means that students' cognitive or emotional development is being emphasized. Also, because of universities' quantitative expansion, more strict evaluation on professors' research result, or conversion to a departmental system in a university organization, it has become a crucial issue for undergraduates to adapt to college life successfully. Along with this trend of university education, an academic advising system is becoming one of the most important areas in it as in not only provides students with necessary academic information but also helps them adapt to college life by developing their potentials and integrating their career and life plans. Therefore this study is going to examine the status of academic advising systems in US universities, investigate how Dongguk University's Paramita college operates its academic advising system, and find out way to establish academic advising system in Korean universities.

Analysis of Citations in Undergraduate Papers (대학생 과제보고서에 나타난 인용정보 분석에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Sung-Jae
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.50 no.1
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    • pp.513-532
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study is to gain a better understanding of undergraduate citation behavior and to measure the contribution which an academic library makes in the academic writing of students. Citations in 80 student papers submitted in the academic paper competition was analyzed for types of items cited and the number of items in the library collection, etc. The findings indicate: 1) the level of undergraduates' citation knowledge is very low, 2) undergraduates prefer web resources (44.9%) to such academic resources as books, journal articles, theses or dissertation, and 3) undergraduates find academic resources in their academic library. Upon these findings, this study suggests that academic library staff should intervene to enhance undergraduate academic writing skills and to develope of educational material, including how to search for and cite reliable resources.

A Propose of Education Program in New 3 Academic Year System Accomplishing the Goal to Cultivate a Useful Technician on IT Industry Field (IT 분야 중견 전문기술인 양성을 위한 3년제 교육과정 개발 - 인터넷정보 전공을 중심으로 -)

  • 김재각;김인범;이용학;이문구
    • Journal of the Korea Computer Industry Society
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    • v.2 no.11
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    • pp.1483-1494
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    • 2001
  • In this rapidly changing information society, the needs for professional technicians in IT-related industrial fields are increasing, but the supplies of such men are not enough. A well-designed educational program is required in order to produce outstanding technicians in this up-to-date information-centered industrial environment. It is widely recognized that the educational program of two-year level college today should be improved because it has been mainly oriented to train or exercise short-term skills with a few basic theory. With this educational program, it is not easy to achieve the original educational goal to cultivate and to produce the specialists to be equipped with both technological and intellectual skills. Therefore, new three-year academic educational program is expected to accomplish that goal. This paper is aimed to offer a model of a new educational program on three-year academic system, which would help to meet IT industry's requirements.

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The effects of coping strategy on academic burnout and school adjustment in Chinese adolescents (중국 청소년의 스트레스 대처 방식이 학업소진 및 학교생활적응에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Jung-Hyun;Ma, Yuanyuan;Go, Min-Sun;Jung, In-Kyung
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.129-146
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    • 2013
  • This study investigated the effects from stress coping strategies on the school adjustment and burnouts with the Chinese $9^{th}$ graders from an middle school in Shanghai. The survey results showed that Chinese youth spent the most of their after-school-hours with the various leisure activities such as computer gaming or watching TV, so on. In the results, the school adjustments and burnouts were negatively associated. The adopting the active coping skills(i.e., problem oriented strategy or seeking social supports) lowered the burnouts and increased the school adjustments whereas the negative coping skills showed the advert results. In conclusions, the authors of this study suggested the continuous educational efforts should be needed to promote Chinese youth's ability to cope the academic stress actively.

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The Use of Social Media among First-Year Student Groups: A Uses and Gratifications Perspective

  • Owusu-Ansah, Christopher M.;Arthur, Beatrice;Yebowaah, Franklina Adjoa;Amoako, Kwabena
    • International Journal of Knowledge Content Development & Technology
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.7-34
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of the study was to explore the uses and gratification of social media among first-year student groups at a satellite campus of a public university in Ghana. The study employed a descriptive survey design. The study involved all 1061 first-year university students in six academic departments of the College. A total of 680 (64%) participants returned validly completed copies of the questionnaire. Descriptive statistics and thematic analysis were employed for data analysis. The findings indicate that WhatsApp was the most popular application for social media groups, while a need for information-sharing, peer-tutoring and learning, and finding and keeping friends were the primary motivations for joining social media groups. First-year students are involved mainly in reactive activities, as most engage when solving an academic assignment through group discussions. Though challenges persist, such as posting of unwanted images, inadequate participation, and ineffective and irrelevant communication, most are willing to continue their social media groups' membership in the long term. This study provides valuable insight into transitioning students' lived experiences on social media from the group perspective. These insights are valuable conceptually and practically to academic counsellors, librarians and student affairs officers who are expected to provide on-going education on (social) media literacy to first-year students to enhance the adjustment process. The study is the first of its kind in Ghana that investigates social media group participants' exit intentions.

An Analysis Study on Correlation Between Academic Background and Information Culture Index (학력과 정보문화지수와의 상관관계 분석연구)

  • Bae, Ye-sun;Jun, Woo-chun
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.127-133
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    • 2016
  • In the present knowledge and information society, every citizen can enjoy benefits of various advanced technologies such as information and communication technology(ICT) and smart technology. Nowadays everybody has to have some level of information literacy and application ability in order to enjoy benefits from various advanced technologies. In additions, knowledge and practice will about information and communication ethics are also required for all. Currently we need some kind of standards to evaluate and model everybody's information literacy and application capability. In this sense, information culture index has been developed to check information literacy and application capability of every citizen for various aspects of daily life. Information culture index consists of three standards, that is, application, awareness, and norm, respectively. Application standard indicates how information contents and skills are generalized for all. In other words, it is concerned with how every citizen can understand information literacy and use information skills in his or her daily life. Awareness standard is concerned with how well everyone can respect and trust others in the current information culture community. Norm standard is concerned with how everyone can use information communication services according to his or her desirable sense of information and communication ethics. The purpose of this paper is to analyze correlation between academic background and three standards of information culture index, that is, application, awareness, and norm. For this purpose, we use 2-year national survey works for information culture. After thorough statistical analysis, we can conclude that, awareness and norm standards do not show a meaningful correlation with academic background while application standard shows a meaningful correlation with academic background, It means that, the higher academic background one has, the higher application standard one can achieve. We expect that our correlation analysis results can be helpful to spread of information education and information culture in the future.