• Title/Summary/Keyword: ANALGESIC EFFECT

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Pharmacological Studies of Scolopendra subspinipes mutilans $L.\;K_{OCH}$ (노랑머리지네의 약리학적(藥理學的) 연구(硏究))

  • Hong, Nam-Doo
    • Korean Journal of Pharmacognosy
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.99-109
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    • 1976
  • Scolopendra corpus has been used as anticonvulsants and antispasmodics in the oriental medicine. It was previously shown that water extract of Scolopendra corpus had an inhibitory action on ileum in mouse. To investigate the anticonvulsant and antispasmodic activity of Scolopendra corpus, pharmacological studies have been carried out with the water extract of Scolopendra subspinipes mutilans $L.\;K_{OCH}$, which is widely distributed in Korea. 1. The extract depressed convulsions induced by picrotoxin and strychnine. 2. Sedative and antipyretic analgesic action were observed. 3. In mouse and rabbit, tone of intestinal smooth muscle was suppressed with the treatment of the extract and intestinal contraction induced by $BaCl_2$ was also inhibited, suggesting that the extract has a papaverine-like effect. Whereas, in guinea pig, intestinal and tracheal smooth muscle were stimulated, and the effect was antagonized by pre-and after-treatment of diphenhydramine, suggesting that the extract has a histamine-like effect. 4.Flow rate was increased when hind-limb of Toad was perfused with saline containing the extract, but returned to normal within 10 min. Hypotensive effect was observed in rabbit and the effect was abolished by vagotomy.

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Clinical Study of Continuous Cervical Epidural Anesthesia with Bupivacaine (Bupivacaine 주입에 의한 지속적 경부경막외마취의 임상적 연구)

  • Gil, Seon-Hee;Hwang, Kyung-Ho;Park, Wook
    • The Korean Journal of Pain
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.20-27
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    • 1988
  • Continuous cervical epidural anesthesia with two different concentrations of bupivacaine had been performed in 43 cases for surgery of upper extremity and cervical spine. After the initial dose of 0.33% bupivacaine 15ml to Group I(n=22) and 0.5% bupivacaine 15ml to Group II(n=21) was injected respectively, we observed the circulatory and pulmonary functions to be changed, and evaluated the duration of those analgesic action. The number of spinal segment to be affected and the complications were checked. Statistical significance of changes after the initial dose in both groups was determined by student's t-test. All values are impresed as mean$\pm$1S.D.. The results were as follows: 1) Circulatory functions; Systolic B.P. and Pulse rate were decreased by 10~15torr and 5~6 beats per minute respectively between 10~30 minutes following the initial dose, which were statistically significant in both groups. 2) Pulmonary functions; The diminution of minute volume showed to 20% and a rise of $PaCO_2$ level to 5~6 torr respectively between 30~60 minutes following the initial dose, which were statistically significant in both groups. There were no significant changes in self respiration and respiratory rate in both groups. 3) The duration of analgesic action was $72.3{\pm}25.7$(min) in Group I and $83.5{\pm}28.5$(min) in Group II which was not statistically significant between two groups, and the number of affected spinal segment at ore hour following the Anesthusia was $8.7{\pm}2.0$ in Group I and $10.5{\pm}2.4$ in Group II which was statistically significant between two groups. 4) Complications; a. Hypotension(below 80torr in systolic pressure) was appeared in 5% of all patients. b. Bradycardia(below 60 beats per minutes) was appeared in 25% of all patients. c. Inadvertent dural puncture was developed in only one patient, In conclusion, the 0.33% bupivacaine as well as 0.5% bupivacaine were enough for those analgesic effect in the above mentioned surgery even though the duration of analgesic action was about 10 minutes shorter in Group I than that of Group II. The cardiopulmonary function was clinically rather stable in Group I than that of Group II. Therefore we thought 0.33% bupivacaine was satisfactory for the clinical practicality in the cervical epidural anesthesia.

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Use of Magnesium in Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine (마취통증의학에서의 마그네슘 사용)

  • Seong, Chae-Rim;Jee, Dae-Lim
    • Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.93-101
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    • 2009
  • The use of magnesium sulphate has recently increased in anesthesiology and pain medicine. The roles of magnesium sulphate are as an analgesic adjuvant, a vasodilator, a calcium channel blocker and reducing the anesthetic requirement. These effect are primarily based on the regulation of calcium influx into the cell and antagonism of the N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor. We discuss here the clinical effects of magnesium sulphate on anesthesiology and pain medicine.

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Antagonism of Analgesic Effect of Morphine in Mice by Ginseng Saponins (인삼 사포닌의 몰핀 길항작용)

  • Kim, Hack-Seang;Oh, Ki-Wan;Oh, Se-Kwan
    • Journal of Pharmaceutical Investigation
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.135-138
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    • 1986
  • Ginseng total saponins(GS), protopanaxadiol saponins(PD) and protopanaxadiol saponins(PT) antagonized the analgesia in mice induced by morphine. The administrations of 2,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine, and 5-hydroxytryptophan reduced the GS, PD and PT antagonisms of morphine analgesia. Possible mechanisms involved in the antagonistic actions of GS, PD and PT on morphine analgesia were described.

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Clinical Use of Xylazine Epidural Anesthesia in Holstein Cows (소에서 Xylazine에 의한 경막외마취의 임상응용)

  • Chang Kwang-Ho;Cheong Jong-Tae;Nam Tchi-Chou
    • Journal of the korean veterinary medical association
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    • v.27 no.11
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    • pp.675-677
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    • 1991
  • This study was designed to examine the effect of xylazine (0.07mg/kg suspended in 5ml saline) given into the epidural space in 11 Holstein cows. Analgesic state was induced at the perineal region within 10 min after administration of xylazine and at the u

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Effect of Solanum lyratum Extract on Dimethylniatrosamine-Induced Liver Damage in Rats (Dimethylnitrosamine에 의해 유도된 흰쥐 간독성에 대한 배풍등 추출물의 보호효과)

  • Shin, Mi-Ok;Park, Jong-Hee;Moon, Jeon-Ok
    • Korean Journal of Pharmacognosy
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    • v.34 no.1 s.132
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    • pp.60-64
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    • 2003
  • Solanum lyratum(Solanaceae) has been used as a traditional analgesic, antipyretic and hepatoprotective agents in Korea. In this study, we investigated the hepatoprotective effect of ethylacetate extract of Solanum lyratum (SL) on the dimethylnitrosamine (DMN)-induced liver damage in rats. Oral administration of SL (150, 300 mg/kg daily for 4 weeks) into the DMN-treated rats remarkably prevented the elevation of serum alanine transaminase, aspartate transaminase and alkaline phosphatase levels. SL also increased serum protein level and reduced the hepatic level of malondialdehyde in DMN-treated rats. Furthermore, DMN-induced elevation of hydroxyproline content was reduced by the treatment of SL. In conclusion, these results demonstrated that SL exhibited in vivo hepatoprotective effect against DMN-induced liver injury, and suggest that SL may be useful in the prevention of liver damage.

An Experimental Studies on the Effects of Chunggisan (淸肌散의 效能에 關한 實驗的 硏究)

  • Kim, Hye-Jeong;Chae, Byeong-Yun
    • The Journal of Korean Medicine Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology and Dermatology
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.25-40
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    • 1990
  • Chunggisan has been widely used in treatment of urticaria which is based on. Oriental Medical literatures. These studies were attempted experimental effects of chunggisan on the analgesia, sedation, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory and isolated illeum of the experimental animals. The result of the studies were as follows: 1. The inhibitory effect was recognized on the Analgesic study by the Acetic acid Method in mice. 2. The spontaneous momentum of mice was restricted and the duration of Hypnosis induced by pentobarbital-sodium in mice was prolonged. 3. Anti-inflammatory effect was recognized significantly on the rat hind paws edema induced by dextran. 4. The inhibitory effect of leukocyte emigration was recognized by the CMC airpouch method of rats. 5. The inhibitory effect was noted on capillary permeability induced by histamin in mice. 6. Spontaneous mobilities in isolated ileum of mice were significantly suppressed, and contraction by acetylcholine, barium chloride and histamine were inhibited. According to the above results, it is expected that chunggisan can be widely used in treatment of urticaria.

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General Pharmacology of Aspalatone (Aspalatone의 일반약리작용)

  • 이은방;조성익;천선아;장혜옥
    • Biomolecules & Therapeutics
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.99-106
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    • 2000
  • Aspalatone [3-(2-methyl-4proponyl)]-2-acetyloxybenzoate, CAS 147249-33-0) is a compound having an antithrombotic action. General pharmacological properties of aspalatone were studied. Aspalatone had no effect on central nervous system and no anticonvulsant effect up to 1200 mg/kg p.o. However, the compound has hypothermic and analgesic effect. When administered intravenously in rabbits, aspalatone did not affect blood pressure, heat rate and respiration rate and depth, and it did not inhibit transient hypotensive effect of acetylcholine. The compound did not affect isolated guinea-pig ileum and tracheal strip at a concentration of 1${\times}$$10^{-4}$, and did not inhibit histamine-induced contraction of guinea-pig ileum. It also did not affect isolated rat stomach fundus and estrogenated rat uterus at 1${\times}$$10^{-4}$, and did not inhibit contraction produced by acetylcholine or oxytocin. The pupil size and intestinal propulsion were not influenced at a large dose of was shown. The compound showed a slight increase in urine volume and led to decreased excretion of potassium in urine of rats. The results suggest that aspalatone may have no considerable adverse effects in general pharmacological aspect.

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Experimental Studies on the Effects of Soyangin - Hyongbangdojoksan (소양인(少陽人) 형방도적산(荊防導赤散)의 효능(效能)에 관(關)한 실험적(實驗的) 연구(硏究))

  • Choi, Byung Ill
    • Journal of Sasang Constitution and Immune Medicine
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.167-178
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    • 1990
  • In order to investigate experimentally the clinical effect of Soyangin-Hyongbangdojoksan (少陽人荊防導赤散) that was prescribed to cure the Bisuhanpyohanbyong (脾受寒表寒病) of Soyangin (少陽人). The author experimented various activities of dried extract from hyongbangdojoksan (Sample-I) and mixed extract of each dried extract of hyongbangdojoksan (Sample-II) by the methods prescribed in the experimental parts. The results summarized as follows. 1. In the acetic acid method experiment, analgesic effect was noted in sample-I & Sample-II. 2. Anti-inflammatory effect on the edema induced by carrageenin was noted in Sample-I. 3. Antipyretic effect is not noted in Sample-I and Sample-II. 4. On urinary volume change and blood electrolyte clearance, the result is not significant, on the contrary the urine electrolyte discharge is effective in Sample-I and Sample-II. According to the above results, the effects based on oriental medical references approximate to the actual experimental results.

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