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Different Uptake of Tc-99m ECD and Tc-99m HMPAO in the Normal Brains: Analysis by Statistical Parametric Mapping (정상 뇌 혈류 영상에서 방사성의약품에 따라 혈류 분포에 차이가 있는가: 통계적 파라미터 지도를 사용한 분석)

  • Kim, Euy-Neyng;Jung, Yong-An;Sohn, Hyung-Sun;Kim, Sung-Hoon;Yoo, Ie-Ryung;Chung, Soo-Kyo
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine
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    • v.36 no.4
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    • pp.244-254
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    • 2002
  • Purpose: This study investigated the differences between technetium-99m ethyl cysteinate dimer (Tc-99m ECD) and technetium-99m hexamethylpropylene amine oxime (Tc-99m HMPAO) uptake in the normal brain by means of statistical parametric mapping (SPM) analysis. Materials and Methods: We retrospectively analyzed age and sex matched 53 cases of normal brain SPECT. Thirty-two cases were obtained with Tc-99m ECD and 21 cases with Tc-99m HMPAO. There were no abnormal findings on brain MRIs. All of the SPECT images were spatially transformed to standard space, smoothed and globally normalized. The differences between the Tc-99m ECD and Tc-99m HMPAO SPECT images were statistically analyzed using statistical parametric mapping (SPM'99) software. The differences bgetween the two groups were considered significant ant a threshold of corrected P values less than 0.05. Results: SPM analysis revealed significantly different uptakes of Tc-99m ECD and Tc-99m HMPAO in the normal brains. On the Tc-99m ECD SPECT images, relatively higher uptake was observed in the frontal, parietal and occipital lobes, in the basal ganglia and thalamus, and in the superior region of the cerebellum. On the Tc-99m HMPAO SPECT images, relatively higher uptakes was observed in subcortical areas of the frontal region, temporal lobe, and posterior portion of inferior cerebellum. Conclusion: Uptake of Tc-99m ECD and Tc-99m HMPO in the normallooking brain was significantly different on SPM analysis. The selective use of Tc-99m ECD of Tc-99m HMPAO in brain SPECT imaging appears especially valuable for the interpretation of cerebral perfusion. Further investigation is necessary to determine which tracer is more accurate for diagnosing different clinical conditions.

A study on the strategies to lower technologist occupational exposure according to the performance form in PET scan procedure (PET 검사실 종사자의 업무 행위 별 방사선피폭 조사에 따른 피폭선량 저감화를 위한 연구)

  • Ko, Hyun Soo;Kim, Ho Sung;Nam-Kung, Chang Kyeoung;Yoon, Soon Sang;Song, Jae Hyuk;Ryu, Jae Kwang;Jung, Woo Young;Chang, Jung Chan
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine Technology
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.17-29
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    • 2015
  • Purpose For nuclear medicine technologists, it is difficult to stay away from or to separate from radiation sources comparing with workers who are using radiation generating devices. Nuclear medicine technologists work is recognized as an optimized way when they are familiar with work practices. The aims of this study are to measure radiation exposure of technologists working in PET and to evaluate the occupational radiation dose after implementation of strategies to lower exposure. Materials and Methods We divided into four working types by QC for PET, injection, scan and etc. in PET scan procedure. In QC of PET, we compared the radiation exposure controlling next to $^{68}Ge$ cylinder phantom directly to controlling the table in console room remotely. In injection, we compared the radiation exposure guiding patient in waiting room before injection to after injection. In scan procedure of PET, we compared the radiation exposure moving the table using the control button located next to the patient to moving the table using the control button located in the far distance. PERSONAL ELECTRONIC DOSEMETER (PED), Tracerco$^{TM}$ was used for measuring exposed radiation doses. Results The average doses of exposed radiation were $0.27{\pm}0.04{\mu}Sv$ when controlling the table directly and $0.13{\pm}0.14{\mu}Sv$ when controlling the table remotely while performing QC. The average doses of exposed radiation were $0.97{\pm}0.36{\mu}Sv$ when guiding patient after injection and $0.62{\pm}0.17{\mu}Sv$ when guiding patient before injection. The average doses of exposed radiation were $1.33{\pm}0.54{\mu}Sv$ when using the control button located next to the patient and $0.94{\pm}0.50{\mu}Sv$ when using the control button located in far distance while acquiring image. As a result, there were statistically significant differences(P<0.05). Conclusion: From this study, we found that how much radiation doses technologists are exposed on average at each step of PET procedure while working in PET center and how we can reduce the occupational radiation dose after implementation of strategies to lower exposure. And if we make effort to seek any other methods to reduce technologist occupational radiation, we can minimize and optimize exposed radiation doses in department of nuclear medicine. Conclusion From this study, we found that how much radiation doses technologists are exposed on average at each step of PET procedure while working in PET center and how we can reduce the occupational radiation dose after implementation of strategies to lower exposure. And if we make effort to seek any other methods to reduce technologist occupational radiation, we can minimize and optimize exposed radiation doses in department of nuclear medicine.

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Evaluation of Radiation Exposure to Nurse on Nuclear Medicine Examination by Use Radioisotope (방사성 동위원소를 이용한 핵의학과 검사에서 병동 간호사의 방사선 피폭선량 평가)

  • Jeong, Jae Hoon;Lee, Chung Wun;You, Yeon Wook;Seo, Yeong Deok;Choi, Ho Yong;Kim, Yun Cheol;Kim, Yong Geun;Won, Woo Jae
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine Technology
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.44-49
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    • 2017
  • Purpose Radiation exposure management has been strictly regulated for the radiation workers, but there are only a few studies on potential risk of radiation exposure to non-radiation workers, especially nurses in a general ward. The present study aimed to estimate the exact total exposure of the nurse in a general ward by close contact with the patient undergoing nuclear medicine examinations. Materials and Methods Radiation exposure rate was determined by using thermoluminescent dosimeter (TLD) and optical simulated luminescence (OSL) in 14 nurses in a general ward from October 2015 to June 2016. External radiation rate was measured immediately after injection and examination at skin surface, and 50 cm and 1 m distance from 50 patients (PET/CT 20 pts; Bone scan 20 pts; Myocardial SPECT 10 pts). After measurement, effective half-life, and total radiation exposure expected in nurses were calculated. Then, expected total exposure was compared with total exposures actually measured in nurses by TLD and OSL. Results Mean and maximum amount of radiation exposure of 14 nurses in a general ward were 0.01 and 0.02 mSv, respectively in each measuring period. External radiation rate after injection at skin surface, 0.5 m and 1 m distance from patients was as following; $376.0{\pm}25.2$, $88.1{\pm}8.2$ and $29.0{\pm}5.8{\mu}Sv/hr$, respectively in PET/CT; $206.7{\pm}56.6$, $23.1{\pm}4.4$ and $10.1{\pm}1.4{\mu}Sv/hr$, respectively in bone scan; $22.5{\pm}2.6$, $2.4{\pm}0.7$ and $0.9{\pm}0.2{\mu}Sv/hr$, respectively in myocardial SPECT. After examination, external radiation rate at skin surface, 0.5 m and 1 m distance from patients was decreased as following; $165.3{\pm}22.1$, $38.7{\pm}5.9$ and $12.4{\pm}2.5{\mu}Sv/hr$, respectively in PET/CT; $32.1{\pm}8.7$, $6.2{\pm}1.1$, $2.8{\pm}0.6$, respectively in bone scan; $14.0{\pm}1.2$, $2.1{\pm}0.3$, $0.8{\pm}0.2{\mu}Sv/hr$, respectively in myocardial SPECT. Based upon the results, an effective half-life was calculated, and at 30 minutes after examination the time to reach normal dose limit in 'Nuclear Safety Act' was calculated conservatively without considering a half-life. In oder of distance (at skin surface, 0.5 m and 1 m distance from patients), it was 7.9, 34.1 and 106.8 hr, respectively in PET/CT; 40.4, 199.5 and 451.1 hr, respectively in bone scan, 62.5, 519.3 and 1313.6 hr, respectively in myocardial SPECT. Conclusion Radiation exposure rate may differ slightly depending on the work process and the environment in a general ward. Exposure rate was measured at step in the general examination procedure and it made our results more reliable. Our results clearly showed that total amount of radiation exposure caused by residual radioactive isotope in the patient body was neglectable, even comparing with the natural radiation exposure. In conclusion, nurses in a general ward were much less exposed than the normal dose limit, and the effects of exposure by contacting patients undergoing nuclear medicine examination was ignorable.

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Comparison of Activity Capacity Change and GFR Value Change According to Matrix Size during 99mTc-DTPA Renal Dynamic Scan (99mTc-DTPA 신장 동적 검사(Renal Dynamic Scan) 시 동위원소 용량 변화와 Matrix Size 변경에 따른 사구체 여과율(Glomerular Filtration Rate, GFR) 수치 변화 비교)

  • Kim, Hyeon;Do, Yong-Ho;Kim, Jae-Il;Choi, Hyeon-Jun;Woo, Jae-Ryong;Bak, Chan-Rok;Ha, Tae-Hwan
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine Technology
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.27-32
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    • 2020
  • Purpose Glomerular Filtration Rate(GFR) is an important indicator for evaluating renal function and monitoring the progress of renal disease. Currently, the method of measuring GFR in clinical trials by using serum creatinine value and 99mTc-DTPA(diethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid) renal dynamic scan is still useful. After the Gates method of formula was announced, when 99mTc-DTPA Renal dynamic scan is taken, it is applied the GFR is measured using a gamma camera. The purpose of this paper is to measure the GFR by applying the Gates method of formula. It is according to effect activity and matrix size that is related in the GFR. Materials and Methods Data from 5 adult patients (patient age = 62 ± 5, 3 males, 2 females) who had been examined 99mTc-DTPA Renal dynamic scan were analyzed. A dynamic image was obtained for 21 minutes after instantaneous injection of 99mTc-DTPA 15 mCi into the patient's vein. To evaluate the glomerular filtration rate according to changes in activity and matrix size, total counts were measured after setting regions of interest in both kidneys and tissues in 2-3 minutes. The distance from detector to the table was maintained at 30cm, and the capacity of the pre-syringe (PR) was set to 15, 20, 25, 30 mCi, and each the capacity of post-syringe (PO) was 1, 5, 10, 15 mCi is set to evaluate the activity change. And then, each matrix size was changed to 32 × 32, 64 × 64, 128 × 128, 256 × 256, 512 × 512, and 1024 × 1024 to compare and to evaluate the values. Results As the activity increased in matrix size, the difference in GFR gradually decreased from 52.95% at the maximum to 16.67% at the minimum. The GFR value according to the change of matrix size was similar to 2.4%, 0.2%, 0.2% of difference when changing from 128 to 256, 256 to 512, and 512 to 1024, but 54.3% of difference when changing from 32 to 64 and 39.43% of difference when changing from 64 to 128. Finally, based on the presently used protocol, 256 × 256, PR 15 mCi and PO 1 mCi, the GFR value was the largest difference with 82% in PR 15 mCi and PO 1 mCi. conditions, and at the least difference is 0.2% in the conditions of PR 30 mCi and PO 15 mCi. Conclusion Through this paper, it was confirmed that when measuring the GFR using the gate method in the 99mTc-DTPA renal dynamic scan. The GFR was affected by activity and matrix size changes. Therefore, it is considered that when taking the 99mTc-DTPA renal dynamic scan, is should be careful by applying appropriate parameters when calculating GFR in the every hospital.

Changed in Growth and Chemical Properties of Plastic Film House by Earthworm Cast on Gymnocalycium mihanovichii var. 'Ihong' (비모란 선인장(Gymnocalycium mihanovichii var. 'Ihong') 시설재배에서 지렁이분변토시용에 따른 생육특성 및 토양 화학성 변화)

  • Choi, I-Jin;Cho, Sang-Tae;Kim, Young-Mun;Kim, Mi-Seon;Lee, Sang-Kweon
    • Korean Journal of Organic Agriculture
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.731-742
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    • 2014
  • In the current study, we investigated effects of a combination of earthworm casting, environment-friendly by-product fertilizer, and cultivation soil of Gymnocalycium mihanovichii in a heavy fertilizing culture on diameter, height, numbers of tubercles, and chemical properties of soil thereby elucidating optimal mixture ratio for securing production as well as providing nutrients throughout cultivation period. The Gymnocalycium mihanovichii var 'Ihong', one of grafted cactus for export (Rootstock: 9 cm, Scion: $1.5{\times}1.3cm$ grafted cactus) was cultured in plastic houses of Agricultural Technology Center located in Naegok-dong, Seocho-gu, Seoul from June, 2013 through December, 2013. For the control group, a mixture of sand and fertilizer (50:50) was used as this ratio is widely utilized in farmhouses. In contrast, a variety mixtures of sand and earthworm casting that was produced with food wastes was compared; the mixture ratios were 80:20, 60:40, 40:60, 20:80, and 0:100 and pH for these mixtures were found to be similar each other (ranging between 7.1 and 7.4) which is in an appropriate range (pH 6.5-7.5) for cultivation of G. mihanovichii. The organic content was increasing along with increasing contents of earthworm casting ratio while it was lower than the treatment practice group (32-43 mg/kg vs. 55 mg/kg). The content of exchangeable cation was also increasing as the ratio of earthworm casting was elevated; although levels of $K^+$, $Na^+$, and $Mg^{2+}$ were lower than the treatment practice group, the level of $Ca^{2+}$ was higher ($9.1cmol^+/kg$ and $11.5-33.7cmol^+/kg$ in the treatment practice group and the earthworm casting group, respectively). Three months after grafting, diameters of G. mihanovichii were compared with the control group; consequently, there was a significant difference noted in between the earthworm casting group and the control group (31.39 mm vs. 32.46-37.59 mm). After 5 months, growth characteristics of G. mihanovichii were evaluated. Similarly, the diameter of G. mihanovichii was significantly increasing in the group with higher ratio of earthworm casting treatment (32.63 mm vs. 32.49-37.59 mm). The height of tubercles was 2.63 mm in the control group while it was significantly elevating along with the ratio of earthworm casting mixture. The more numbers of tubercles, the more incomes for farm-houses; as results, higher mixture ration of earthworm casting resulted more numbers of tubercles compared to the control group (2.7 vs. 3.2-8.3 ea). In particular, in the earthworm casting groups with 80% and 100% ratios, the numbers of tubercles were 6.2 and 8.3 ea, respectively, which is 2.5 times more than those of the control group. These results indicate that earthworm casting treatment may be utilized in G. mihanovichii farming houses for short term production of tubercles. In the group with 40% and 60% of earthworm casting mixture, the numbers of tubercles were found to be 4.5 and 4.8 ea, respectively which is higher than the control group as well; in these groups, there were no issues with soil drainage as well as moss formation. Given the analysis results of growth characteristics of G. mihanovichii, it was concluded that 40% and 60% of earthworm casting mixture might be the optimal ratios.

Purification Characteristics and Hydraulic Conditions in an Artificial Wetland System (인공습지시스템에서 수리학적 조건과 수질정화특성)

  • Park, Byeng-Hyen;Kim, Jae-Ok;Lee, Kwng-Sik;Joo, Gea-Jae;Lee, Sang-Joon;Nam, Gui-Sook
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.35 no.4 s.100
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    • pp.285-294
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    • 2002
  • The purpose of this study was to evaluate the relationships between purification characteristics and hydraulic conditions, and to clarify the basic and essential factors required to be considered in the construction and management of artificial wetland system for the improvement of reservoir water quality. The artificial wetland system was composed of a pumping station and six sequential plants beds with five species of macrophytes: Oenanthe javanica, Acorus calamus, Zizania latifolia, Typha angustifolia, and Phragmites australis. The system was operated on free surface-flow system, and operation conditions were $3,444-4,156\; m^3/d$ of inflow rate, 0.5-2.0 hr of HRT, 0.1-0.2 m of water depth, 6.0-9.4 m/d of hydraulic loading, and relatively low nutrients concentration (0.224-2.462 mgN/L, 0.145-0.164 mgP/L) of inflow water. The mean purification efficiencies of TN ranged from 12.1% to 14.3% by showing the highest efficiency at the Phragmites australis bed, and these of TP were 6.3-9.5% by showing the similar ranges of efficiencies among all species. The mean purification efficiencies of SS and Chl-A ranged from 17.4% to 38.5% and from 12.0% to 20.2%, respectively, and the Oenanthe javanica bed showed the highest efficiency with higher concentration of influent than others. The mean purification amount per day of each pollutant were $9.8-4.1\;g{\cdot}m^{-2}{\cdot}d^{-1}$ in BOD, $1.299-2.343\;g{\cdot}m^{-2}{\cdot}d^{-1}$ in TN, $0.085-1.821\;g{\cdot}m^{-2}{\cdot}d^{-1}$ in TP, $17.9-111.6\;g{\cdot}m^{-2}{\cdot}d^{-1}$ in SS and $0.011-0.094\;g{\cdot}m^{-2}{\cdot}d^{-1}$ in Chl-a. The purification amount per day of TN revealed the hi링hest level at the Zizania latifolia bed, and TP showed at the Acrous calamus bed. SS and Chl-a, as particulate materials, revealed the highest purification amount per day at the Oenanthe javanica bed that was high on the whole parameters. It was estimated that the purification amount per day was increased with the high concentration of influent and shoot density of macrophytes, as was shown in the purification efficiency. Correlation coefficients between purification efficiencies and hydraulic conditions (HRT and inflow rate) were 0.016-0.731 of $R^2$ in terms of HRT, and 0.015-0.868 of $R^2$ daily inflow rate. Correlation coefficients of purification amounts per day with hydraulic conditions were 0.173-0.763 of Ra in terms of HRT, and 0.209-0.770 daily inflow rate. Among the correlation coefficients between purification efficiency and hydraulic condition, the percentages of over 0.5 range of $R^2$ were 20% in HRT and in daily inflow rate. However, the percentages of over 0.5 range of correlation coefficients ($R^2$) between purification amount per day and hydraulic conditions were 53% in HRT and 73% in daily inflow rate. The relationships between purificationamount per day and hydraulic condition were more significant than those of purifi-cation efficiency. In this study, high hydraulic conditions (HRT and inflow rate) are not likely to affect significantly the purification efficiency of nutrient. Therefore, the emphasis should be on the purification amounts per day with high hydraulicloadings (HRT and inflow rate) for the improvement of eutrophic reservoir withrelatively low nutrients concentration and large quantity to be treated.

Effects of Combined Micronutrient(Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, Mo and B) Application on Forage Traits in Pure and Mixed Swards of Orchardgrass and White Clover I. Changes in the growth, summer depression, and flowering of forage plants (Orchardgrass 및 White Clover의 단파 및 혼파 재배에서 미량요소(Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, Mo, B)의 조합시비가 목초의 여러 특성에 미치는 영향 I. 목초의 생육, 하고 및 개화 등의 특성 변화)

  • Jung, Yeun-Kyu
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.229-236
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    • 2003
  • This pot experiment was conducted in order to observe the effects of application of combined micronutrients(T$_1$: control. T$_2$; Fe, T$_3$; Fe+Mn, T$_4$; Fe+Mn+Cu, T$_{5}$; Fe+Mn+Cu+Zn, T$_{6}$;Fe+Mn+Cu+Zn+Mo, T$_{7}$; Fe+Mn+Cu+Zn+Mo+B) on forage performance of pure and mixed cultures of orchardgrass and white clover. The first part was concerned with the changes in the growth, summer depression, and flowering of forage plants. The results obtained are summarized as follows: 1. The T$_3$and T$_{6}$ resulted in a wide chlorosis induced by the Fe-deficiency on orchardgrass. Chlorosis was significantly reduced by the T$_4$and T$_{5}$, whereas the T$_{7}$, T$_2$, and T$_1$showed normal growth without chlorosis symptoms. The T$_{7}$ resulted in the best growth of orchardgrass both in the pure and mixed swards. There was no chlorosis symptom on white clover. whereas the T$_1$, T$_2$and T$_{7}$ showed a relatively good growth with deep green leaf-colour compared with the other treatments in the pure culture. 2. In summer, a summer depression occurred in orchardgrass: this was significantly reduced by the T$_1$and T$_{7}$. The treatments with chlorosis symptoms in orchardgrass partly induced a lodging. Summer depression in white clover did not occur. 3. In the pure culture, the T$_{7}$ and T$_2$in white clover resulted in many flowers and flower-buds compared with the other treatments. The T$_{7}$, especially, showed a long blooming period and an early full bloom compared with the other treatments, whereas the T$_{6}$ and is showed inferior numbers of them. Only the T$_{7}$ resulted in more flowers than flower-buds, and above 1 in the flower/flower-bud ratio except the T$_{6}$ in the mixed culture. 4. It was recognized that the chlorosis of Fe-deficiency occurred not only from the unsuitable ratios of Fe/Mn and Fe/Mo but also from the unsuitable mutual ratios among the cations(Fe, Mn, Cu and Mn), between the anions(Mo and B), and their total ion concentration. It was observed the multiple interactions of Fe${\times}$Mn${\times}$Mo${\times}$B, and the distinct role of B as a regulator.

Chromaticity and Brown Pigment Patterns of Soy Sauce and UHYUKJANG, Korean Traditional Fermented Soy Sauce (간장과 어육장의 색도 및 갈색색소 패턴)

  • Kim, Ji-Sang;Moon, Gap-Soon;Lee, Young-Soon
    • Korean journal of food and cookery science
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    • v.22 no.5 s.95
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    • pp.642-649
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    • 2006
  • The browning of soy sauce is caused by the reaction of amino-carbonyl between amino-compounds and reducing sugar. Only a few studies have investigated the formation of melanoidins in UHYUKJANG. The objectives of this study were to analyze the brown pigment of UHYUKJANG and to investigate the characteristics of UHYUKJANG in comparison with soy sauce and model melanoidins. The samples were ripened for 0, 60, 120, 180, 240, 300 and 360 days at 4$^{\circ}C$ and 20$^{\circ}C$. The pH, absorbance at 420 nm absorbance ratio of 400 to 500 nm and UV-VIS spectra as an index of color intensity were measured. Additionally, L, a and b values of the samples and the amount of 3-Deoxyglucosone(3DG) in the samples were measured. The pH of both soy sauce (from 6.26 to 5.52) and UHYUKJANG (from 6.13 to 5.11) rapidly decreased during the first 60 days of aging and was also affected by storage temperature. The absorbance of samples at 420 nm increased during the aging process, reaching its maximum after 180 days, regardless of sample and temperature. On the other hand, the intensity of brown color in the samples increased with increasing aging period according to the results of absorbance ratio (soy sauce: 1.37 to 5.29, UHYUKJANG: 1.37 to 5.02). The L value of soy sauce increased during the aging process and was maximized after 240 days at 4$^{\circ}C$ and 180 days at 20$^{\circ}C$, but decreased thereafter. There was no significant difference in L value of UHYUKJANG, regardless of aging period and temperature. On the other hand, the b value did not reveal any significant change during aging, but the a value increased until 120 days of aging in the other samples except for UHYUKJANG at 20$^{\circ}C$. The average amount of 3DG separated from soy sauce was 5.65 mg%, and from UHYUKJANG was 3.74 mg%. These results indicated that the browning of UHYUKJANG was also caused by melanoidins produced by the reaction of amino-carbonyl during the fermentation process.

Management of Critical Control Points to Improve Microbiological Quality of Potentially Hazardous Foods Prepared by Restaurant Operations (외식업체에서 제공하는 잠재적 위험 식품의 미생물적 품질향상을 위한 중점관리점 관리방안)

  • Chun, Hae-Yeon;Choi, Jung-Hwa;Kwak, Tong-Kyung
    • Korean journal of food and cookery science
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    • v.30 no.6
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    • pp.774-784
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study was to present management guidelines for critical control points by analyzing microbiological hazardous elements through screening Potentially Hazardous Foods (PHF) menus in an effort improve the microbiological quality of foods prepared by restaurant operations. Steamed spinach with seasoning left at room temperature presents a range of risk temperatures which microorganisms could flourish, and it exceeded all microbiological safety limits in our study. On the other hand, steamed spinach with seasoning stored in a refrigerator had Aerobic Plate Counts of $2.86{\pm}0.5{\log}\;CFU/g$ and all other microbiological tests showed that their levels were below the limit. The standard plate counts of raw materials of lettuce and tomato were $4.66{\pm}0.4{\log}\;CFU/g$ and $3.08{\pm}0.4{\log}\;CFU/g$, respectively. Upon washing, the standard plate counts were $3.12{\pm}0.6{\log}\;CFU/g$ and $2.10{\pm}0.3{\log}\;CFU/g$, respectively, but upon washing after chlorination, those were $2.23{\pm}0.3{\log}\;CFU/g$ and $0.72{\pm}0.7{\log}\;CFU/g$, respectively. The standard plate counts of baby greens, radicchio and leek were $6.02{\pm}0.5{\log}\;CFU/g$, $5.76{\pm}0.1{\log}\;CFU/g$ and $6.83{\pm}0.5{\log}\;CFU/g$, respectively. After 5 minutes of chlorination, the standard plate counts were $4.10{\pm}0.6{\log}\;CFU/g$, $5.14{\pm}0.1{\log}\;CFU/g$ and $5.30{\pm}0.3{\log}\;CFU/g$, respectively. After 10 minutes of chlorination treatment, the standard plate counts were $2.58{\pm}0.3{\log}\;CFU/g$, $4.27{\pm}0.6{\log}\;CFU/g$, and $4.18{\pm}0.5{\log}\;CFU/g$, respectively. The microbial levels decreased as the time of chlorination increased. This study showed that the microbiological quality of foods was improved with the proper practices of time-temperature control, sanitization control, seasoning control, and personal and surface sanitization control. It also presents management guidelines for the control of potentially hazardous foods at the critical control points in the process of restaurant operations.

A Study on the 'Zhe Zhong Pai'(折衷派) of the Traditional Medicine of Japan (일본(日本) 의학醫學의 '절충파(折衷派)'에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Park, Hyun-Kuk;Kim, Ki-Wook
    • Journal of Korean Medical classics
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.121-141
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    • 2007
  • The outline and characteristics of the important doctors of the 'Zhe Zhong Pai'(折衷派) are as follows. Part 1. In the late Edo(江戶) period The 'Zhe Zhong Pai', which tried to take the theory and clinical treatment of the 'Hou Shi Pai (後世派)' and the 'Gu Fang Pai (古方派)' and get their strong points to make treatments perfect, appeared. Their point was 'The main part is the art of the ancients, The latter prescriptions are to be used'(以古法爲主, 後世方爲用) and the "Shang Han Lun(傷寒論)" was revered for its treatments but in actual use it was not kept at that. As mentioned above The 'Zhe Zhong Pai ' viewed treatments as the base, which was the view of most doctors in the Edo period, However, the reason the 'Zhe Zhong Pai' is not valued as much as the 'Gu Fang Pai' by medical history books in Japan is because the 'Zhe Zhong Pai' does not have the substantiation or uniqueness of the 'Gu Fang Pai', and also because the view of 'gather as well as store up' was the same as the 'Kao Zheng Pai', Moreover, the 'compromise'(折衷) point of view was from taking in both Chinese and western medical knowledge systems(漢蘭折衷), Generally the pioneer of the 'Zhe Zhong Pai' is seen as Mochizuki Rokumon(望月鹿門) and after that was Fukui Futei(福井楓亭), Wadato Kaku(和田東郭), Yamada Seichin(山田正珍) and Taki Motohiro(多紀元簡), Part 2. The lives of Wada Tokaku(和田東郭), Nakagame Kinkei(中神琴溪), Nei Teng Xi Zhe(內藤希哲), the important doctors of the 'Zhe Zhong Pai', are as follows First. Wada Tokaku(和田東郭, 1743-1803) was born when the 'Hou Shi Pai' was already declining and the 'Gu Fang Pai' was flourishing and learned medicine from a 'Hou Shi Pai' doctor, Hu Tian Xu Shan(戶田旭山) and a 'Gu Fang Pai' doctor, Yoshimasu Todo(吉益東洞). He was not hindered by 'the old ways(古方), and did not lean towards 'the new ways(後世方)' and formed a way of compromise that 'looked at hardness and softness as the same'(剛柔相摩) by setting 'the cure of the disease' as the base, and said that to cure diseases 'the old way' must be used, but 'the new way' was necessary to supplement its shortcomings. His works include "Dao Shui Suo Yan", "Jiao Chiang Fang Yi Je" and "Yi Xue Sho(醫學說)" Second. Nakagame Kinkei(中神琴溪, 1744-1833) was famous for leaving Yoshirnasu Todo(吉益東洞) and changing to the 'Zhe Zhong Pai', and in his early years used qing fen(輕粉) to cure geisha(妓女) of syphilis. His argument was "the "Shang Han Lun" must be revered but needs to be adapted", "Zhong jing can be made into a follower but I cannot become his follower", "the later medical texts such as "Ru Men Shi Qin(儒門事親)" should only be used for its prescriptions and not its theories". His works include "Shang Han Lun Yue Yan(傷寒論約言) Third. Nei Teng Xi Zhe(內藤希哲, 1701-1735) learned medicine from Qing Shui Xian Sheng(淸水先生) and went out to Edo. In his book "Yi Jing Jie Huo Lun(醫經解惑論)" he tells of how he went from 'learning'(學) to 'skepticism'(惑) and how skepticism made him learn in 'the six skepticisms'(六惑). In the latter years Xi Zhe(希哲) combines the "Shen Nong Ben Cao jing(神農本草經)", the main text for herbal medicine, "Ming Tang jing(明堂經)" of accupuncture, basic theory texts "Huang Dui Nei jing(黃帝內徑)" and "Nan jing(難經)" with the "Shang Han Za Bing Lun", a book that the 'Gu Fang Pai' saw as opposing to the rest, and became 'an expert of five scriptures'(五經一貫). Part 3. Asada Showhaku(淺田宗伯, 1815-1894) started medicine at Zhong Cun Zhong(中村中倧) and learned 'the old way'(古方) from Yoshirnasu Todo and got experience through Chuan Yue(川越) and Fu jing(福井) and received teachings in texts, history and Wang Yangmin's principles(陽明學) from famous teachers. Showhaku(宗伯) meets a medical official of the makufu(幕府), Ben Kang Zong Yuan(本康宗圓), and recieves help from the 3 great doctors of the Edo period, Taki Motokato(多紀元堅), Xiao Dao Xue GU(小島學古) and Xi Duo Cun Kao Chuang and further develops his arts. At 47 he diagnoses the general Jia Mao(家茂) with 'heart failure from beriberi'(脚氣衝心) and becomes a Zheng Shi(徵I), at 51 he cures a minister from France and received a present from Napoleon, at 65 he becomes the court physician and saves Ming Gong(明宮) jia Ren Qn Wang(嘉仁親王, later the 大正犬皇) from bodily convulsions and becomes 'the vassal of merit who saved the national polity(國體)' At the 7th year of the Meiji(明治) he becomes the 2nd owner of Wen Zhi She(溫知社) and takes part in the 'kampo continuation movement'. In his latter years he saw 14000 patients a year, so we can estimate the quality and quantity of his clinical skills Showhaku(宗伯) wrote over 80 books including the "Ju Chuang Shu Ying(橘窓書影)", "WU Wu Yao Shi Fang Han(勿誤藥室方函)", "Shang Han Biang Shu(傷寒辨術)", "jing Qi Shen Lun(精氣神論)", "Hunag Guo Ming Yi Chuan(皇國名醫傳)" and the "Xian Jhe Yi Hua(先哲醫話)". Especially in the "Ju Chuang Shu Ying(橘窓書影)" he says "the old theories are the main, and the new prescriptions are to be used"(以古法爲主, 後世方爲用), stating the 'Zhe Zhong Pai' way of thinking. In the first volume of "Shung Han Biang Shu(傷寒辨術) and "Za Bing Lun Shi(雜病論識)", 'Zong Ping'(總評), He discerns the parts that are not Zhang Zhong Jing's writings and emphasizes his theories and practical uses.

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