• Title/Summary/Keyword: AI 예술

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A Study on the Aesthetic Value and Emotional Differences between AI-Generated Images and Artists' Works (인공지능 생성 이미지와 예술가의 작품의 미학적 가치와 감정적 차이에 대한 연구)

  • Min Kyu Kim;Jae Wan Park
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2024.05a
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    • pp.627-630
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    • 2024
  • 본 연구는 인공지능(AI)과 인간이 만든 예술작품 사이의 나타나는 기술적 요소에서 나타나는 차이점 탐구를 통해, 인공지능 예술의 특성, 가능성, 한계를 파악하고, 예술가의 역할에 대한 심층적 이해를 도모하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 연구 결과는 AI 생성 예술이 인간 예술과 경쟁할 수 있으며, 일반 대중 사이에서 높은 미학적 가치를 인정받을 수 있음을 나타냈다. 또한 AI 가 예술창작에서 중요한 역할을 할 수 있음을 나타냈다. 본 연구는 예술계 내에서 AI 예술의 위치와 사회적 수용에 대한 더 깊은 이해를 제공할 것으로 기대된다.

Research on art contents based on 4th industrial technology -Focusing on artificial intelligence painting and NFT art- (4차 산업 기술 기반의 예술 콘텐츠 연구 -인공지능 회화와 NFT 미술을 중심으로-)

  • Bang Jinwon
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.613-625
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    • 2024
  • This study analyzed the convergence case of AI painting and NFT art, art content created based on digital technology, an innovative technology of the 4th industrial technology, and explored its characteristics. Digital technology that innovates the paradigm of life in the 21st century is being used in creative art, and AI painting and NFT art that use it as an expression tool are changing the way they perceive and accept art. AI painting using big data and artificial intelligence technology is evolving into interactive daily art, and NFT art using blockchain and NFT technology is becoming the art of the metaverse with economic and cultural values. Therefore, this study attempted to explore various aspects and values of these digital convergence arts. For the study, representative examples of AI painting and NFT art were classified into cognitive creative AI painting and language generative AI, art economic NFTs, and art and cultural NFTs, and their characteristics, contents, and meanings were analyzed. It is hoped that the results of this study will contribute to the development of AI painting and NFT art, which are digital convergence arts.

Exploring Aesthetic Values and Technical Elements Through Comparison of AI and Artist Creations (인공지능과 예술가의 창작물 비교를 통한 미학적 가치와 기술적 요소 탐구)

  • Kim Min Kyu;Park Jae Wan
    • The Transactions of the Korea Information Processing Society
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    • v.13 no.10
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    • pp.520-528
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    • 2024
  • This study explores the differences in technical aspects and beauty between artworks generated by artificial intelligence (AI) and humans, assessing the characteristics, potential, and limitations of AI art, as well as the role of artists in depth. The results demonstrate that artworks generated by AI possess a level of technical proficiency and aesthetic value that can compete with human art, earning high appreciation among the general public. Specifically, with regard to emotional transmission and impression, AI can provide an artistic resonance comparable to that of humans; however, in artworks depicting natural landscapes, the subtle emotions and techniques of human artists surpass those of AI. This indicates that while AI can play a significant role in the field of artistic creation, AI also exhibits limitations in specific genres. The study is expected to provide deeper insights into the social acceptance and the position of AI art within the art community.

A Study on the use of generative AI in creative and artistic fields (창작·예술 분야의 생성형 aI 활용 방법에 대한 연구)

  • Dong-Hoo Lee
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Computer Information Conference
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    • 2023.07a
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    • pp.569-572
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    • 2023
  • 최근 하루가 다르게 발전하고 있는 생성형 AI가 창작과 예술 분야에 어떤 영향을 미칠 수 있는지, 새롭게 등장하고 있는 다양한 분야에서 활용 가능한 획기적인 기능 등을 살펴보고 이를 바탕으로 새로운 창작 방향을 제시할 수 있는 방법들을 살펴보려 한다. 최근, 작곡가와 소설가들은 물론, 디지털 아티스트들까지도 생성형 AI를 활용하여 독특한 음악, 글, 그리고 이미지를 창조하는데 성공했다는 사례들이 속속 드러나고 있고 영상, 게임, 웹툰 등 많은 산업현장에서 직접적인 활용방법에 대한 연구결과가 등장하고 실제 적용 사례도 늘어나고 있다. 이미지 생성기인 미드저니와 스테이블디퓨전 같은 도구들은 혁신적인 방법으로 빠르게 높은 퀄리티의 이미지를 생성하고 다양한 아이디어를 제공 받을 수 있는 도구로 창작과 예술 분야에서 큰 관심을 받고 있다. 이러한 발전은 창작과 예술 분야에서 생성형 AI의 무한한 가능성을 보여주는 한편, 인간의 창의성 침해와 예술가들의 노력 희석에 대한 비판적 시각을 불러일으키기도 한다. 본 연구는 이런 다양한 관점에서 창작·예술 분야의 생성형 AI 활용을 깊이 있게 탐구한다. 그 과정에서 여러 생성형 AI 도구들, 특히 이미지 생성기 미드저니와 스테이블디퓨전의 기능과 활용 방안, 그로 인한 사회적, 윤리적 측면을 분석하며, 창작·예술 분야에서의 생성형 AI 활용의 적절한 방향성과 미래 전망을 제시해 보고자 한다.

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Empirical Research on the Interaction between Visual Art Creation and Artificial Intelligence Collaboration (시각예술 창작과 인공지능 협업의 상호작용에 관한 실증연구)

  • Hyeonjin Kim;Yeongjo Kim;Donghyeon Yun;Hanjin Lee
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.517-524
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    • 2024
  • Generative AI, exemplified by models like ChatGPT, has revolutionized human-machine interactions in the 21st century. As these advancements permeate various sectors, their intersection with the arts is both promising and challenging. Despite the arts' historical resistance to AI replacement, recent developments have sparked active research in AI's role in artistry. This study delves into the potential of AI in visual arts education, highlighting the necessity of swift adaptation amidst the Fourth Industrial Revolution. This research, conducted at a 4-year global higher education institution located in Gyeongbuk, involved 70 participants who took part in a creative convergence module course project. The study aimed to examine the influence of AI collaboration in visual arts, analyzing distinctions across majors, grades, and genders. The results indicate that creative activities with AI positively influence students' creativity and digital media literacy. Based on these findings, there is a need to further develop effective educational strategies and directions that incorporate AI.

A Study on the Application of AI Image Generators in the Creative and Art Field (인공지능 이미지 생성기의 창작·예술 분야 활용 방향성에 대한 연구)

  • Dong-Hoo Lee
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Computer Information Conference
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    • 2023.01a
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    • pp.85-88
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    • 2023
  • 미국 콜로라도주 박람회 미술전에서 신인 디지털 아티스트 부문에서 1위를 차지한 게임 디자이너인 제이슨 앨런의 작품 스페이스오페라 극장'이 AI Image generator Midjourney를 활용해서 완성된 작품이라는 것이 알려지면서 창작과 예술 분야에 AI 활용이라는 논쟁이 가속화되고 있다. 창작과 예술을 돕는 탁월한 기능을 가진 툴로 바라보거나 창작과 예술 활동에 아이디어를 제공하고 작품을 구체화하는 과정의 조력자로 환영하는 입장과 예술가의 작품을 허가 없이 훔쳐서 만들어 낸 이미지일 뿐이라는 이상도 이하도 아니며 도덕적으로 허락되어서는 안되다는 입장이 크게 충돌하고 있다. 하루가 다르게 빠르게 발전하고 있는 주요 AI Image generator를 살펴보고 창작과 예술 분야에 AI 활용은 어떤 변화를 가져올지, AI 활용의 긍정적인 측면을 예측하고 연구해 보고자 한다.

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A Study on Attitudes Toward Ethical Issues in Artificial Intelligence Art (인공지능 예술 윤리 문제에 대한 인식 및 태도 연구)

  • Eunjoon Lee
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.10 no.6
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    • pp.19-28
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    • 2024
  • The study explores the ethical issues surrounding AI-generated art, which is rapidly becoming more prevalent across various fields. AI technology has revolutionized art creation and management, but this rise has sparked debates on the creativity, ethics, and social responsibility of AI-generated artworks. The study aims to examine and analyze attitudes toward these ethical concerns, focusing on the recognition of AI art's creativity, its social responsibility, and ways to address ethical issues in its creation process. It emphasizes the need to recognize AI's unique creativity while establishing clear ethical guidelines to manage these new forms of art. Key findings indicate that while AI democratizes art by enabling more people to engage in creation, it also risks diluting the unique creativity of human artists and impacting their market positions. The research highlights the necessity of indicating sources and securing permissions to avoid copyright infringements and calls for automated copyright management systems and ethical standards. Moreover, it underscores the importance of ensuring AI-generated art does not reinforce social biases and is accessible and fairly distributed. The study concludes that ongoing research and policy development are essential to ensure AI art positively impacts society and culture, fostering innovative and creative expressions responsibly.

Case study of AI art generator using artificial intelligence (인공지능을 활용한 AI 예술 창작도구 사례 연구)

  • Chung, Jiyun
    • Trans-
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    • v.13
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    • pp.117-140
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    • 2022
  • Recently, artificial intelligence technology is being used throughout the industry. Currently, Currently, AI art generators are used in the NFT industry, and works using them have been exhibited and sold. AI art generators in the art field include Gated Photos, Google Deep Dream, Sketch-RNN, and Auto Draw. AI art generators in the music field are Beat Blender, Google Doodle Bach, AIVA, Duet, and Neural Synth. The characteristics of AI art generators are as follows. First, AI art generator in the art field are being used to create new works based on existing work data. Second, it is possible to quickly and quickly derive creative results to provide ideas to creators, or to implement various creative materials. In the future, AI art generators are expected to have a great influence on content planning and production such as visual art, music composition, literature, and movie.

Integrated Arts Education Program with AI Literacy

  • Jihye Kim;SunKwan Han
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.28 no.12
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    • pp.281-288
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    • 2023
  • This study aimed to develop an integrated arts education program for improving AI literacy among elementary school students. First, we developed two thematic programs that are research on the goals of the art, music, physical curriculum in the 2022 revised elementary school curriculum, and a matrix of goals and elements of integrated art education. The developed program was revised and supplemented through the first expert validity test, and the second revision was made based on the results of students' AI literacy pre/post-test and satisfaction survey with the program. Finally, the final program was developed through the third expert validity test. We hope that the developed program will be used as a convergence education program to cultivate AI literacy in elementary school students.

A Study on AI Algorithm that can be used to Arts Exhibition : Focusing on the Development and Evaluation of the Chatbot Model (예술 전시에 활용 가능한 AI 알고리즘 연구 : 챗봇 모델 개발 및 평가를 중심으로)

  • Choi, Hak-Hyeon;Yoon, Mi-Ra
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.369-381
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    • 2021
  • Artificial Intelligence(AI) technology can be used in arts exhibitions ranging from planning exhibitions, filed progress, and evaluation. AI has been expanded its scope from planning exhibition and guidance services to tools for creating arts. This paper focuses on chatbots that utilize exhibition and AI technology convergence to provide information and services. To study more specifically, I developed a chatbot for exhibition services using the Naver Clova chatbot tool and information from the National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art(MMCA), Korea. In this study, information was limited to viewing and exhibition rather than all information of the MMCA, and the chatbot was developed which provides a scenario type to get an answering user want to gain through a button and a text question and answer(Q&A) type to directly input a question. As a result of evaluating the chatbot with six items according to ELIZA's chatbot evaluation scale, a score of 4.2 out of 5 was derived by completing the development of a chatbot to be used to deliver viewing and exhibition information. The future research task is to create a perfect chatbot model that can be used in an actual arts exhibition space by connecting the developed chatbot with continuous scenario answers, resolving text Q&A-type answer failures and errors, and expanding additional services.