• Title/Summary/Keyword: 2022 revised national curriculum

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Analysis of Illustrations for the 2015 Revised Curriculum Practical Textbook 'Software Education' (2015 개정 교육과정 실과교과서 '소프트웨어 교육' 단원 삽화 분석)

  • Jeaho Lee;Sang-il Gen
    • Journal of The Korean Association of Information Education
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    • v.26 no.5
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    • pp.317-325
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    • 2022
  • In textbooks, illustrations are used to easily explain concepts and guide the exploration process. Therefore, the illustration should be presented accurately and easily. However, as a result of analyzing previous studies, it was confirmed that there was no research related to illustration analysis at all in the case of the elementary school 'software education' unit. Therefore, among the six practical textbooks developed according to the 2015 revised curriculum, the illustration of the 'software education' unit was analyzed in terms of type, function, and use, and provided guidelines for the adoption of textbooks, curriculum research, and next textbook development. As a result of analyzing six practical textbooks, all textbooks used more than one illustration per page, and the types of illustrations were used in the order of screen capture, picture, picture, table, illustration, illustrative function, and use.

Weight as Knowledge to be taught according to Didactic Transposition Theory (가르칠 지식으로서 무게에 대한 분석: 교수학적 변환 이론을 중심으로)

  • Choi, Jisun
    • Education of Primary School Mathematics
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.377-394
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    • 2022
  • Criticism has been raised that the way of teaching weights in the 3rd and 4th graders of elementary school is different between the 2015 revised math curriculum and the 2015 revised science curriculum, causing confusion among elementary school teachers and students. This study tried to confirm the social recognition that should be considered in the process of didactic transformation which means transformation from knowledge to used into knowledge to taught and to compare the variations of didactic transformations differently according to didactic intentions. The research analyzes and synthesizes the root of the meaning of weight, weight in the international standard system of units SI, weight implemented in Korean mathematics curriculum and textbooks, Singaporean mathematics curriculum and textbooks, USA mathematics curriculum and textbooks, and Korean science curriculum and textbooks. Through this analysis, a pedagogical perspective on how to define and teach weight in elementary school as knowledge to be taught was derived.

Exploration of Contents Composition of High School Earth Science for the 2022 Revised Curriculum: Focus on the Area of Astronomy (2022 개정 교육과정 고등학교 지구과학 내용 구성 방안 탐색 -천문 영역을 중심으로-)

  • Kim, Hyunjong
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.41 no.6
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    • pp.441-454
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    • 2021
  • In this study, we propose the composition of contents on the area of astronomy for high school Earth Science elective courses for the 2022 revised curriculum based on high school students' perceptions of changes in Earth Science core concepts over the curriculum revisions, and analysis of learning elements in the area of astronomy for domestic and foreign Earth Science curriculum. Four Earth Science education experts compared and analyzed the astronomy contents presented in Korea, the US, British Columbia (BC) in Canada, Japan, and the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program (IBDP) curriculum. According to the survey results, high school students who answered that they were most interested in the core concepts of astronomy expressed a lot of regret that the contents related to astronomical observation were eliminated from the 2015 revised curriculum. As a result of comparing domestic and foreign curriculum, Korea and IBDP curriculum dealt with the largest amount of learning elements in astronomy. In the case of BC in Canada and IBDP, astronomy was offered as an independent subject, and the curriculums of Japan and Korea dealt with astronomy in the Earth Science subject. According to the results, it is necessary to develop general elective courses in Earth Science with astronomy-related contents with high discriminating power in order to strengthen astronomy education. Since astronomy requires background knowledge from various disciplines and inter-disciplinary learning was required, it is necessary to organize the career-related elective courses in Earth Science so that astronomy can be dealt with according to the knowledge structure of general Astronomy. Based on the research results, ways to organize astronomy contents for Earth Science elective courses were suggested.

An Analysis of the Statistics Curricula for the High School in Korea and New Zealand (우리나라와 뉴질랜드의 고등학교 통계 교육과정 분석)

  • Shin, Woo Jin;Ko, Ho Kyoung;Noh, Jihwa
    • Journal of the Korean School Mathematics Society
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.19-38
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    • 2022
  • This study aims to find ways to improve the statistics education policy in Korea for the future based on the results from examining the high school statistics curricula in Korea and New Zealand. The statistics curriculum in New Zealand was analyzed comparatively with the corresponding contents of the probability and statistics domain in the Korea 2015 revised national mathematics curriculum. The analysis centered around achievement goals and key ideas of each of the two curricula. This comparative analysis provides implications on finding a direction in line with the global trend in the curriculum for statistics education and ultimately for Korea's statistics education for the future.

Integrated Arts Education Program with AI Literacy

  • Jihye Kim;SunKwan Han
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.28 no.12
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    • pp.281-288
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    • 2023
  • This study aimed to develop an integrated arts education program for improving AI literacy among elementary school students. First, we developed two thematic programs that are research on the goals of the art, music, physical curriculum in the 2022 revised elementary school curriculum, and a matrix of goals and elements of integrated art education. The developed program was revised and supplemented through the first expert validity test, and the second revision was made based on the results of students' AI literacy pre/post-test and satisfaction survey with the program. Finally, the final program was developed through the third expert validity test. We hope that the developed program will be used as a convergence education program to cultivate AI literacy in elementary school students.

Development of Nutritional Biochemistry Learning Goals and Core Competencies in the Dental Hygiene Curriculum

  • Yoon, Hye-Young;Shin, Sun-Jung;Shin, Bo-Mi;Lee, Hyo-Jin;Choi, Jin-Sun;Bae, Soo-Myoung
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.115-125
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    • 2022
  • Background: In the dental hygiene curriculum, efforts are being made to introduce an integrated curriculum based on the competency of a dental hygienist. Because there is a connection and overlap in learning contents between Dental Nutrition and Oral Biochemistry, which are basic dental hygiene subjects, it is possible to integrate these two subjects. This study aims to derive Nutritional Biochemistry as an integrated curriculum for Dental Nutrition and Oral Biochemistry, and to develop learning goals and competencies for Dental Nutritional Biochemistry. Methods: The learning contents of the integrated curriculum were composed by referring to the contents of the Dental Nutrition and Oral Biochemistry textbooks, and learning goals were derived from the learning contents. Moreover, competency was developed by analyzing the duties of a dental hygienist that can be performed through the learning goals. The Delphi survey was conducted twice to verify the content validity ratio (CVR) of the competence and the learning goal of the integrated curriculum. Results: In the first Delphi survey, the CVR for two competencies was 0.56 or higher. Moreover, it was revised based on expert's opinions, and as a result of the second Delphi survey after the revision, the CVR was either increased or maintained. Eighty-five learning goals were derived by referring to the textbook. According to CVR and expert opinions, after the first Delphi survey, the number of learning goals was reduced to 69. After the second Delphi survey, 68 learning goals were finally derived. Conclusion: The development process of the integrated curriculum conducted in this study can be utilized for integration between subjects in basic dental hygiene.

A Comparative Study of Scientific Literacy and Core Competence Discourses as Rationales for the 21st Century Science Curriculum Reform (21세기 과학 교육과정 개혁 논리로서의 과학적 소양 및 핵심 역량 담론 비교 연구)

  • Lee, Gyeong-Geon;Hong, Hun-Gi
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.42 no.1
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    • pp.1-18
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    • 2022
  • The two most influential rationales for the 21st century science curriculum reform can be said to be core competence and scientific literacy. However, the relationship between the two has not been scrutinized but remained speculative - and this has made the harmonization of the general guideline and subject-matter curriculum difficult in Korean national curriculum system. This study compares the two discourses to derive implications for future science curriculum development. This study took a literature research approach. In chapter II, national curriculum or standards, position papers, and research articles were reviewed to delineate the historical development of the discourses. In chapter III and IV, the intersections of those two discourses are delineated. In chapter III, the commonalities of the two discourses are explicated with regard to crisis rhetoric, multi-faceted meanings (individual, community, and global aspects), organization of subject-matter content and teaching and learning method, and the role of high-stake exams. In chapter IV, their respective strengths and weaknesses are juxtaposed. In chapter V, it is suggested that understanding scientific literacy and core competence discourses to have a family resemblance as 21st century science curriculum reform rationale, after Wittgenstein and Kuhn. Finally, the ways to resolve the conflict between the two ideas from the general guideline and subject-matter curriculum over crisis rhetoric were explored.

Analysis of the Learning Experience of College Students According to the 2015 Revised National Curriculum (문이과 통합형 개정 교육과정에 따른 이공계열 신입생의 고교 수학 및 과학 교과목 학습경험 분석: S 대학교를 중심으로)

  • Sinn, Dongjoo;Kim, Jinho
    • Journal of Engineering Education Research
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.3-11
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study is to empirically analyze the learning experiences of high school mathematics and science subjects of new students in science and engineering, and to provide basic data and respond to strengthen basic knowledge of science and engineering students in the future. The subjects of the survey were 481 freshmen in science and engineering at S University. First, as a result of analyzing the learning experiences of freshmen, the geometric subjects were significantly lower, which is the result of students' sensitive responses to transitional changes in the curriculum and SAT system after revision. In science, general elective subjects were higher than career elective subjects, and there was a deviation between science subjects, which is a result of reflecting the diversity and hierarchy of science subjects. Next, as a result of analyzing the difference in learning experience after revision compared to before the revision of the curriculum, the learning experience of Mathematics II increased significantly and the geometry decreased significantly. Both Chemistry I and II increased significantly compared to before the revision, and Earth Science I decreased significantly. This can be seen as a result of strategic choices based on obtaining grades in the CSAT and disadvantages in college entrance exams. As a result of the study, students' sensitive reactions to changes in the high school education environment were confirmed, basic mathematics and science-related courses were opened to alleviate variations in the academic ability due to elective courses, and countermeasures tailored to each university's situation.

A Study on Comparing the Computer Science Education Hours between Public and Private Elementary Schools (공립초등학교와 사립초등학교의 정보교육 시수 비교 연구)

  • Choi, Moonseok;Shin, Seungki
    • 한국정보교육학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2021.08a
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    • pp.107-112
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    • 2021
  • This study tried to analyze the hours for computer science education in private elementary schools located in Seoul, in order to find out how many lesson hours are required. According to online discussion participation in the 2022 revised curriculum survey results, it was found that students and parents wanted computer science education to be strengthened. Information education in public elementary schools consists of a separate unit in the practical subject based on the 2015 revised curriculum and is to be implemented for more than 17 hours. As a result of surveying the average hours of computer science education based on school reminder of 28 private elementary schools in Seoul, it was found that about 152 hours of information education were being operated for 6 years. This is about 9 times the gap in education hours compared to public elementary schools. Artificial intelligence is emerging as important, so the lesson hours of information education must be secured to strengthen students' future competency in morden society. Therefore, informatics curriculum should be independent as a subject and secure the number of hours in the elementary school level.

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A Comparative Analysis of Keywords in Astronomical Journals and Concepts in Secondary School Astronomy Curriculum (최근 천문학 연구 키워드와 천체 분야 교육과정 내용 요소 비교 분석)

  • Shin, Hyeonjeong;Kwon, Woojin;Ga, Seok-Hyun
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.42 no.2
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    • pp.289-309
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    • 2022
  • In recent years, astronomy has been snowballing: including Higgs particle discovery, black hole imaging, extraterrestrial exploration, and deep space observation. Students are also largely interested in astronomy. The purpose of this study is to discover what needs to be improved in the current astronomy curriculum in light of recent scientists' researches and discoveries. We collected keywords from all papers published from 2011 to 2020 in four selected journals-ApJ, ApJL, A&A, and MNRAS- by R package to examine research trends. The curriculum contents were extracted by synthesizing the in-service teachers' coding results in the 2015 revised curriculum document of six subjects (Science, Integrated Science, Earth Science I, Earth Science II, Physics II, Convergence Science). The research results are as follows: first, keywords that appear steadily in astronomy are 'galaxies: formation, galaxy: active, star: formation, accretion, method: numerical.' Second, astronomy curriculum includes all areas except the 'High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena' area within the common science curriculum learned by all students. Third, it is necessary to review the placement of content elements by subject and grade and to consider introducing new concepts based on astronomy research keywords. This is an exploratory study to compare curriculum and the field of scientific research that forms the basis of the subject. We expect to provide implications for a future revision of the astronomy curriculum as a primary ground investigation.