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The Effects of Management Consulting Quality and Consultant Capability on Entrepreneurial Firms' Performance (창업기업의 경영성과에 있어서 컨설팅품질과 컨설턴트역량의 영향에 대한 연구: 흡수능력과 자원역량의 매개효과를 중심으로)

  • Yoon, Ki-Chang
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.14 no.5
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    • pp.81-89
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    • 2016
  • Purpose - Prior researches have empirically focused on the effect of management consulting quality and consultant capability on entrepreneurial firms' performance. This study, however, focused on investigating the moderating role of absorptive capacity and resource capability between management consulting and entrepreneurial firms' performance. So, this study investigated the relationship among consulting quality, consultant capability, absorptive capacity, resource capability, and entrepreneurial firms' performance from the resource based view (RBV). Especially, this study focused on the mediating role of absorptive and resource capability in relational structure of entrepreneurial firms' dimensions. Research design, data, and methodology - In this study, research hypotheses and model are established by the prior researches from the fields of strategic management and entrepreneurial behavior. Concretely, H1~H4 are the relationship between consulting (consulting quality, consultant capability) and innovation (absorptive capacity, resource capability); H5 is the relationship between absorptive capacity and resource capability; and H6~H7 are the relationship between innovation (absorptive capacity, resource capability) and management performance. The data was collected 207 copies from entrepreneurial firms in South Korea. These firms were established in January 2014 and maintained by November 2015 in high-tech industry. The questionnaire was consisted of five dimensions; consulting quality, consultant capability, absorptive capacity, resource capability, and management performance. Each dimension measured multi items on a 5-point Likert scale. The hypotheses and research model are analyzed using structural equation modeling (SEM) with AMOS 22. Results - The results of this study are as follows. 1) Consulting quality significantly influenced on the absorptive capacity of entrepreneurial firms. 2) But, consultant capability did not influence on the absorptive capacity of entrepreneurial firms. 3) Consulting quality and consultant capability significantly influenced on the resource capability of entrepreneurial firms. 4) Absorptive capacity significantly influenced on the resource capability of entrepreneurial firms; 5) Absorptive capacity did not significantly influence on the management performance of entrepreneurial firms. 6) Resource capability, however, significantly influenced on the management performance of entrepreneurial firms. By these results, absorptive capacity of entrepreneurial firms had a mediating role partly among consulting quality, consultant capability, and management capability. The resource capability of entrepreneurial firms had a mediating role among consulting quality, consultant capability, and management capability, perfectly. Conclusions - According to this study, the high level of consulting quality and consultant capability may enforce the resource capability of entrepreneurial firms. It means, practically, that external knowledge is a driver for innovation, and then the innovation effects on the management performance of entrepreneurial firms. So, at the initial stage, the management consulting programs are very important to entrepreneurial firms and should be conceived as an essential element. This study may contribute to the advancement of academic in field of new start business, small business, or venture business based on resources, especially the role of absorptive capacity and resource capability between consulting programs and management performance. However, this study has some limitations. They are the measurement of consulting quality's items, cross-sectional research, and the limitation of concept and industry.

Exploring Practices of Interpretation and Communication in Art Museums (미술관의 해석과 소통의 모색)

  • Kim, Elm-Yeong
    • The Journal of Art Theory & Practice
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    • no.2
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    • pp.147-168
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    • 2004
  • This study examined the role of interpretation with various practices in art museums to seek a new meaning and a concept of art museum today. The exploration of interpretation would he a starting point to discuss about on art museums with professionals in each art-related field. While museums recognize the concept of interpretation and the scope of the functions in different levels, the study focused on the practices of collecting and exhibiting that will entrust the museum new realms of activities toward the audience. In particular, its emphases are set force on the information on the collections via the museum's web sites, interpretation policies, and theories and methodologies in exhibition development. Art museum websites well reflect how museums utilize the new medium to enhance the understanding of art works by providing in-depth art historical information, comprehensive contexts, and subject/concept based search methods. In recent decades, these have enacted changes to expand dimensions of interpretive functions in most museums, particularly in the United States and others. In an administrative perspective, Tate Gallery Interpretation Policy became an good example how an art museum put its interpretation philosophy as the basis of interpreting collection and public programs. Tate established functions of intrepretation and education not only within a task-based team but also as an intrer-divisional coorperation to provide an interpretation scheme of information provisions such as guide brochure, audio tour, multimedia content, and library. New environment and trends of museum exhibition, and its development processes stem from communication theories, object interpretation philosophy, display strategies, and various evaluation techniques through audiences, with the communication theories of Shannon and Weaver, Berlo's SMCR(Source-Message-Channel-Receiver) models were perceived as to understand the mechanism to communicate museum exhibits to visitors Suzan vogel's insight into object display strategy helped to conceive the mechanism of object recontextualization. She emphasized that the museum's practice to construe opinions and impressions through object display should be discreet and critical, therefore, the professionals to plan the exhibition should reveal the intention and their practices. For a prevailing new methodology from the field, the interpretive exhibition development processes are articulated as the front-end, formative, and summative evaluation, futhermore the team process in industrial product management models was adapted. These have turned out to be more interactive with visitors and effective to communicate the exhibition concepts and messages, hence resulting in enriched museum experiences. Finally the study concluded that understanding the aspects of interpretation should help art museums to set a framework for current practices to expand its public dimension. It can provide curators with a critical view to website planning and its content. And obviously, the interpretive exhibition development methodology will lead museum exhibition developers to be skilled in its current approaches to thematic exhibition concerning diverse subjects and topics.

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Point Recognition Precision Test of 3D Automatic Face Recognition Apparatus(3D-AFRA) (3차원 안면자동인식기(3D-AFRA)의 안면 표준점 인식 정확도 검증)

  • Seok, Jae-Hwa;Cho, Kyung-Rae;Cho, Yong-Beum;Yoo, Jung-Hee;Kwak, Chang-Kyu;Hwang, Min-U;Kho, Byung-Hee;Kim, Jong-Won;Kim, Kyu-Kon;Lee, Eui-Ju
    • Journal of Sasang Constitution and Immune Medicine
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.50-59
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    • 2007
  • 1. Objectives The Face is an important standard for the classification of Sasang Contitutions. Now We are developing 3D Automatic Face Recognition Apparatus to analyse the facial characteristics. This apparatus show us 3D image of man's face and measure facial figure. We should examine accuracy of position recognition in 3D Automatic Face Recognition Apparatus(3D-AFRA). 2. Methods We took a photograph of Face status with Land Mark by using 3D-AFRA. And We scanned Face status by using laser scanner(vivid 700). We analysed error average of distance between Facial Definition Points. We compare the average between using 3D-AFRA and using laser scanner. So We examined the accuracy of position recognition in 3D-AFRA at indirectly. 3. Results and Conclusions The error average of distance between Right Pupil and The Other Facial Definition Points is 0.5140mm and the error average of distance between Left Pupil and The Other Facial Definition Points is 0.5949mm in frontal image of face. The error average of distance between Left Pupil and The Other Facial Definition Points is 0.5308mm and the error average of distance between Left Tragion and The Other Facial Definition Points is 0.6529mm in laterall image of face. In conclusion, We assessed that accuracy of position recognition in 3D-AFRA is considerably good.

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A Nonunique Composite Foreign Key-Based Approach to Fact Table Modeling and MDX Query Composing (비유일 외래키 조합 복합키 기반의 사실테이블 모델링과 MDX 쿼리문 작성법)

  • Yu, Han-Ju;Lee, Duck-Sung;Choi, In-Soo
    • KSCI Review
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.185-197
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    • 2006
  • A star schema consists of a central fact table, which is surrounded by one or more dimension tables. Each row int the fact table contains a multi-part primary key(or a composite foreign key) along with one or more columns containing various facts about the data stored in the row Each of the composit foreign key components is related to a dimensional table. The combination of keys in the fact table creates a composite foreign key that is unique to the fact table record. The composite foreign key, however, is rarely unique to the fact table record in real-world applications, particularly in financial applications. In order to make the composite foreign key be the determinant in real-world application, some precalculation might be performed in the SQL relational database, and cached in the OLAP database. However, there are many drawbacks to this approach. In some cases, this approach might give users the wrong results. In this paper, an approach to fact table modeling and related MDX query composing, which can be used in real-world applications without performing any precalculation and gives users the correct results, is proposed.

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Reoperations on Heart Valve Prostheses (인공심장판막에 대한 재치환술)

  • 김재현;최세영;유영선;이광숙;윤경찬;박창권
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.31 no.12
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    • pp.1165-1171
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    • 1998
  • Background: All currently available mechanical and bioprosthetic valves are associated with various types of deterioration leading to dysfunction and/or valvular complications. Reoperation on prosthetic heart valves is increasingly under consideration for both clinical and prophylactic indications. This review was conducted to determine the factors affecting the risk of reoperation for prosthetic valve replacement. Material and method: From January 1985 to July 1996, 124 patients underwent reoperation on prosthetic heart valves, and 3 patients had a second valve reoperation. The causes of reoperation were prosthetic valve failure(96 cases, 77.4%), prosthetic valve thrombosis(16 cases, 12.9%), prosthetic valve endocarditis(7 cases, 5.6%) and paravalvular leak(5 cases, 4.1%). This article is based on the analysis of the experience with particular emphasis on the preoperative risks affecting the outcome of the reoperation. Result: Overall hospital mortality rate was 8.9%(11/124). Low cardiac output was the most common cause of death(70.6%). Left ventricular systolic dimension(p=0.001), New York Heart Association functional class IV(p=0.003) and serum creatinine level(p=0.007) were the independent risk factors, but age, sex and cardiothoracic ratio did not have any influence on the operative mortality. Follow-up period was ranged from 3 to 141 months (mean, 50.6 months). A late mortality rate was 1.8%. Conclusion: The surgical risk of reoperation on heart valve prostheses in the advanced NYHA class patients is higher, therefore reoperation is recommended before the hemodynamic impairment become severe.

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  • Sung, Hun-Mo;Lee, Dong-Keun;Min, Seung-Ki;Oh, Seung-Hwan;Jang, Kwan-Sik
    • Maxillofacial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.31-39
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    • 2001
  • The purpose of this study is to reveal the factors leading to the problem of unilateral condylar fractures and suggest a treatment guideline of treatment for good prognosis in surgical treatment. The factors can be age, sex, fracture site, degree of displacement, posterior occlusion loss, post-operative alteration of condylar head position, post-operative condylar head resorption, and maxillomandibular fixation period. One hundred and eleven patients with unilateral condylar fractures, who were treated by surgical method from 1990 Feb. to 2000 Feb., were studied. Minimum follow-up period was 6 months. The results were as follows ; 1. In the age group of 4160, females had significantly higher complication rate than males, therefore we must be careful about treatment of female in this age group 2. In level I fractures of the mandibular condyle, because there were abundant complications when the patients were treated with fragment removal, conservative treatment is recommended over the surgical approach. 3. There were no differences in the complication rate, in the level II, III fractures. but were severe complications in the cases of patients treated by Dr.Nam's method or fragment removal. Therefore, open reduction and internal fixation is recommended over Dr.Nam's method or fragment removal. 4. In level IV fractures, open reduction and internal fixation is recommended 5. Although there was a higher complication rate depending on the degree of deviation, there was no correlation between the degree of deviation and development of complications in each level of fracture 6. Because the complication rate was higher in cases of condylar resorption, vertical dimension loss, and alteration of condylar head position, we must make an effort to prevent such complications during treatment

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A case study on the conditions of direct transport for the preferential tariff treatment through Korea-EU FTA(Free Trade Agrement) (한.EU FTA하에서 협정관세적용을 위한 직접운송 요건의 충족여부에 관한 사례연구)

  • Han, Sang-Hyun
    • International Commerce and Information Review
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.207-232
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    • 2013
  • FTA(Free Trade Agreement) of South Korea and European Union(EU) took effect from July 1, 2011. Korea signed a contract FTA with the European Union by first among Asian country, and Korea EU FTA is evaluated that it is wide, comprehensive and high level FTA. Therefore, Korea EU FTA will become FTA that dimension is high, and FTA fermentation with the European Union may activate the Korean economy through extension of export. By the way, in Korea EU FTA, the stipulations on import and export clearance system is different compared with other FTA. Therefore, exporter and importers should compare thoroughly on essential factor of origin standard and preferential tariff which is set in FTA Agreement. In this study, I analyzed 'conditions of direct transport' that is prescribed in article 13 of Korea EU FTA. Particular, I analyzed recently example of appeal for review that decision is made in the Korea Customs Service(KCS). Laying stress on counter measure of business, conclusion in this study is as following. First, companies must understand correctly a single consignment and a single transport document under Korea EU FTA. Second, companies must not analyze wrong 'conditions of direct transport'. Third, when simplicity transshipment or temporary custody is consisted, companies must secure documentary evidence as soon as possible. Fourth, in case goods pass third country, companies must understand uprightly 'a single consignment'. Finally, companies should keep in mind to truth that European Union and EFTA are different FTA.

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The Effects of Communication on Emotional Responses and Store Loyalty at Customer Contact - Focusing on the Moderating Effects of Salesperson's Attributes - (고객 접점에서의 커뮤니케이션이 감정적 반응과 점포 충성도에 미치는 영향 - 판매원 신뢰성과 매력성의 조절효과를 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Sook-Hee;Kim, Yong-Ho
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.289-314
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    • 2013
  • This study analyzed differences in the effects of communication with salesperson's on customer's emotional responses and store loyalty at customer contact focusing on the moderating effects of salesperson's attribute. This study recognized the need for expanding the results of the prior researches to widen the understanding of communication, emotional responses, and store loyalty. This study tried to, first, examine the effects of communication between customers and salespersons on emotional responses and store loyalty at customer contact; second, determine the effects of reliability and attractiveness, which are attributes of salespersons, as moderating variables; third, examine relative influences of verbal and nonverbal communication on emotional responses and store loyalty. The results mainly showed, first, that communication significantly affected emotional responses and also had significant effects on arousal as well as positive and negative emotion, contrary to prior researches; second, that emotional responses significantly affected store loyalty; third, there was no difference in influences on emotional responses between verbal and nonverbal communication; fourth, the effects of communication on emotional responses depended on attributes of salespersons, demonstrating interactive effects between communication and attributes of salespersons. This study intended to provide theoretical expansion over relations between variables including the dimension of communication beyond empirical reconfirmation of prior researches. In addition, a strategic scheme was presented to manage positive relations with customers at customer contact.

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The Impact of Humane Entrepreneurship on Business Ecosystem and Economic Development (인간중심 기업가정신이 비즈니스 생태계와 경제개발에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Yong Jin;Kim, Ki-Chan;Song, Chang Seok;Kang, Myung Soo
    • The Journal of Small Business Innovation
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.3-10
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    • 2018
  • With the advancement in digital transformation with smart technologies and the collapse of industry borders, increasing is the importance of understanding customer problems, fostering employee capabilities, and enhancing the partner capabilities to properly provide the best service to customers. This is what is called the humane entrepreneurship in the 4th Industrial Revolution. Humane entrepreneurship is believed to play a critical role in developing business ecosystems and thus economic growth of nations. We empirically tested the ideas that 1) entrepreneurship as a meta-structuring action shape the healthiness of business ecosystem and 2) subsequently both entrepreneurship and business ecosystems affect economic development of a country. The results indicate that humane entrepreneurship does not directly affect healthiness of business ecosystem, but the balanced humane entrepreneurship together with opportunity in business ecosystems has a positive relationship with GDP growth. In other words, opportunity can be appropriated by entrepreneurs who have balanced sense between human and enterprise dimension. Data collection and methodologies are discussed further in the paper.

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A study on Hugo H\"arings Theory of 'Neues Bauen' and its Symbolic Meaning (Hugo H\"aring의 '신건축(Neues Bauen)' 사상과 그 이론 발전의 상징론적 측면에 대한 고찰)

  • Kim, Kyoung-Jin;Yim, Seock-Jae
    • Journal of architectural history
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    • v.12 no.2 s.34
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    • pp.41-59
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    • 2003
  • Hugo H\"aring(1882-1952) belonged to that special generation of architects born in the 1880s which became responsible for the establishment of Modern Movement in the 1920s as W. Gropius, Mies van der Rohe and Le Corbusier, etc. Although he have been overlooked by many historian, He was a key figure of the Modern architecture and as the main theorist for Organic stream in German architecture. He is well-known for his theory of 'Neues Bauen(New Building)', the organic functionalism that is epitomized as the design process from the inside outwards, starting with the life-processes of dwelling. So he argued that the builder must become aware of the life process his building is to serve, and he should not impose a form but try to find the form. These concepts are expressed well in his key-words, the 'Organwerk(organ-work)' and 'Leistungsform(form as achievement)'s. H\"arings theory can be found in the short early essay, 'Wege zur Form(approaches to form)' of 1925. But His concept of 'function' is based on the speciality and individual identity that concerned him from the start, not purely pragmatic aspects. After 1940s his theory moved increasingly in this direction. He defined this as the transition from 'Organwerk' to 'Gesetaltwerk', from mere anatomy to essence, being, personality, life. It suggest that Hugo Haring's idea of Gestalt is a dimension of mystical or symbolic meaning. This paper Is about the way in which this theoretical transition can be parallel with contemporary philosophers as E. Cassirer's philosophy of symbolic forms and M. Heldegger's phenomenology. And the key example of this viewpoint is (1921-1926) near Lubuk in Germany, with its 'cowshed' of pear shaped plan devised around the requirements and rituals of farm. This study presents the symbolic conception of Hugo H\"arings theory can propose the ability of a symbolic intuition as a view that re-integrate technical thinking with knowledge of other kinds beyond the immediate material.

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