• Title/Summary/Keyword: 11 wood species

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Durability and Properties of Coating Film on Lumbers Coated with Hwangchil (황칠처리재의 도막 물성 및 내구성)

  • 조종수;김종인
    • Journal of the Korea Furniture Society
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.11-20
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    • 2001
  • To investigate weathering and surface characteristics of coating film on lumbers coated with Hwangchil(varnish of Dendropanax morbifera), we carried out to investigate the resistance against discoloration, value of crack and surface characteristics of coating films on seven domestic lumbers and those of four introduced tropical lumbers. There was investigated to evaluate the properties of coating films by the varnish of Dendropanax morbifera. There was insignificant correlations between the hardness and moisture contents of each lumber treated by the varnish. There was no significant correlations between the thickness of coating film and the hardness, either. Although we investigated 11 wood species, we found only three species as resistance wood species against discoloration; Diospysos spp., Abies holophylla and Ulmus davidiana. The crack of coaing films was the largest on Zelkova serrata followed by Juglans sinensis, Cercidiphum japonicum, Tectona grands, Ulmus davidiana, Guibourtia tessmannii, Diospysos spp. and Dalbergia latifolia. However, there was no crack of coating films on the lumbers of Juniperus rigida, Prunus serrulata var. spontanea and Abies holophylla. The crack of coating film showed positive correlations with the thickness of coating film and hardness. The surface characteristics of the coating films evaluated on the basis of $R_{a}$ values indicated the lumbers of Ulmus davidiana($0.14{\;}{\mu}m$), Juniperus rigida($0.1 5{\;}{\mu}m$), Guibourtia tessmannii($0.19{\;}{\mu}m$), Dalvergia latifolia($0.20{\;}{\mu}m$) and Diospysos spp.($0.20{\;}{\mu}m$), Cercidiphum japonicum($0.24{\;}{\mu}m$) as good species while there was insignificant differences between softwoods and hardwoods. Tectona grands, Prunus serrulata var. spontanea and Abies holophylla showed rough surface with $1.53~2.63{\;}{\mu}m$ of $R_a$ values. The four kinds of rough indices($R_a,{\;}R_z,{\;}R_{max}{\;}and{\;}R_q$) showed very low correlations with moisture contents with the correlation coefficients. The $R_a{\;}and{\;}R_{max}$ also showed slight relationship with hardness.

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A Study on the Fabrication of the Laminated Wood Composed of Poplar and Larch (포푸라와 일본잎갈나무의 집성재 제조에 관한 연구)

  • Jo, Jae-Myeong;Kang, Sun-Goo;Kim, Ki-Hyeon;Chung, Byeong-Jae
    • Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.25-31
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    • 1974
  • 1. Various gluing qualities applying Resorcinol Plyophen #6000 were studied on aiming the strength relationships of laminated woods resulted by single species [poplar (Populus deltoides), larch(Larix leptolepis)], mixed species of (poplar and larch), preservatives, treated poplar the scarf joint with mixed species of poplar and larch and the scarf joint treated with preservatives. 1. 1 On the block shear and on the DVL tension test, the mean wood failure ratio showed an excellent value i.e., above 65% and the tangential strength for larch was higher than that of radial, but it was reversed for poplar as shown in Tables 1 and 2. 1. 2 The lamina treated with Na-PCP reduced slightly the strength but the limited strength allowed for manufacturing laminated wood was not influenced by treating Na-PCP as shown in Tables 3 and 4. 1. 3 The safe scarf ratio in the plane scarf joint was above 1/12 for larch and 1/6 for poplar regard less of the chemical treatment or untreatment as shown in Tables. 5, 6, 7 and 8. 2. In the normal and boiled state, the gluing quality of the laminated wood composed of single[poplar (Populus deltoides), larch (Larix leptolepis)] and double species (poplar and larch) glued with Resorcinol Plyophen #6000 were measured as follow, and also represented the delamination of the same laminated wood. 2.1 The normal block shear strength of the straight and curved laminated wood (in life size) were more than three times of the standards adhesion strength. And, the value of the boiled stock was decreased to one half of the standard shear adhesion strength, but it was more than twice the standard strength for the boiled stock. Thus, it was recognized that the water resistance of the Resorcinol Plyophen #6000 was very high as shown in Tables 9 and 10. 2. 2 The delamination ratio of the straight and curved laminated woods in respect of their composition were decraesed, in turn, in the following order i. e., larch, mixed stock (larch+poplar) and poplar. The maximum value represented by the larch was 3.5% but it was below the limited value as shown in Table 11. 3. The various strengthes i.e., compressive, bending and adhesion obtainted by the straight laminaced wood which were constructed by five plies of single and double species of lamina i. e., larch (Larix leptolepis) and poplar (Populus euramericana), glued with urea resin were shown as follows: 3. 1 If desired a higher strength of architectural laminated wood composed of poplar (P) and larch (L), the combination of the laminas should be arranged as follows, L+P+L+P+L as shown in Table 12. 3.2 The strength of laminated wood composed of laminas which included pith and knots was conside rably decreased than that of clear lamina as shown Table 13. 3.3 The shear strength of the FPL block of the straight laminated wood constructed by the same species which were glued with urea adhesives was more than twice the limited adhesion strength, thus it makes possible to use it for interior constructional stock.

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Studies on Laminated Wood(4) -Gluing faculties of laminated wood made of important species in our country- (집성재(集成材)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)(제(第)4보(報)) -국내산(國內産) 주요수종(主要樹種) 집성재(集成材)의 접착성능(接着性能)-)

  • kim, Su-Chang
    • Journal of Forest and Environmental Science
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.11-16
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    • 1983
  • Two species which belong to a needle-leaf tree, three species which belong to a broad-leaved tree and three resins were selected and made into samples. They were glued in the amount of spread-$200g/m^2$, clamping pressure-$10kg/cm^2$ and room temperature during 48 hrs. This experiment was carried out to investigate results on gluing faculty tests with examining block shear strength, wood failure, tensile strength and bending strength. The result obtained may be summarized as follows. 1. Strength values of each resin made not difference, but those of each species had difference. 2. The result which Picea Koraiensis Nakai had good wood failure reveals better resin strength than wood strength. 3. Pinus Koreaiensis sieb. et Zucc. had poor tensile strength regardless of resins. 4. A broad-leaf tree, Robinia pseudoacacia Linne had good bending strength.

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Flame Resistance and Durability of Compressed Structural Wood through Microwave Heat Drying Method (마이크로파 가열건조법에 의한 압축 구조용 목재의 방염 및 내구성)

  • Lim, Nam-Gi
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Building Construction
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.162-170
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    • 2011
  • As the result of implementing a treated material test and durability test after quickly drying S.P.F. species, a type of softwood structural material, within a short period time, soaking it in liquid phosphate flame proof agent for an hour, microwave heating it, and compressing it from 3.8cm to 1cm, when setting the appropriate heating time of microwave heating at 7 minutes at 5kW, it is observed that it satisfies the target water content (4~5%). It is shown that in a water content measurement of the wood that is compressed after being softened by soaking in the flame proof agent, drying and heating at 3kW for 9 minutes, all specimens satisfied 12~14%, the appropriate water content for exterior wood. Also, it is shown that in terms of the flame performance obtained through a flame resistance treatment of the compressed wood and a treated material test, the specimen soaked in flame proof agent for 30 minutes was the most excellent, and that the performance test result of the compressed wood in all areas, such as nail withdrawal resistance, compression, bending strength, and shearing strength, were all improved in their mechanical features to twice to three times better performances.

Dimensional Stability and Bending Properties of Small Diameter Log Treated by Sap-displacement Method

  • Lee, Jun-Jae;Koo, Ja-Il;Chun, Su-Kyoung
    • Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.61-71
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    • 2000
  • The effect of the treatment with CCFZ, FR-4, and PEG400 from butt end on the dimensional stability and bending properties was examined. Three softwood species such as red pine, Korean white pine and Japanese larch and three hardwood species such as poplar, alder and oak were investigated in this research. Shrinkage of red pine, Korean white pine, poplar, and alder treated with PEG400 decreased. However, there was no significant decrease of shrinkage in Japanese larch and oak. The decrease of shrinkage when moisture content changed from about 20% to 10% was larger than that at any other phase. In regard to the effect of treatment on bending properties, bending MOE and MOR of all specimens treated with PEG400 decreased significantly. Especially in the case of red pine, poplar, and alder treated with PEG400, bending MOR reduced 9%, 14%, and 12%, respectively. Reductions of MOR of the hardwood was also much larger than that of the softwood. However, in all species, treatment with CCFZ and FR-4 did not affect the change of bending MOE and MOR significantly. Comparing the large specimen which also included heartwood with the small specimen which included only treated sapwood, there was a difference in the change of bending MOE and MOR between them. The large specimens of Korean white pine, alder and Poplar, which had a relatively low proportion of sapwood(18~22%), showed the decrease of MOR by 11~13% more than that of small specimens, while red pine, Japanese larch and oak, which had a relatively high proportion of sapwood(35~40%), showed little decrease. It means that bending MOE and MOR of structural wood treated from butt end should be considered in terms of sapwood proportion as well as effect of treated chemicals.

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Evaluation of Drying Properties and Yields of Domestic Quercus Species for Enhancing Utilization (국산 참나무류의 이용활성화를 위한 건조특성 및 가공수율 평가)

  • Chang, Yoon-Seong;Shin, Hyun-Kyeong;Kim, Sejong;Han, Yeonjung;Kim, Min-Ji;Eom, Chang-Deuk;Lee, Young-Geun;Shim, Kug-Bo
    • Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology
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    • v.45 no.5
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    • pp.622-628
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    • 2017
  • In order to develop value-added utilization technology of domestic oaks the processing yield rate from the standing tree to the flooring material for the Quercus variabilis and Quercus mongolica were investigated. Also, to reduce drying time, improved drying schedule was applied and the physical properties were measured. The drying time was 173 hours in total, and the final moisture content was 5.39% (Quercus variabilis) and 4.17% (Quercus mongolica). The color difference of oak lumber before and after drying showed a significant change as ${\Delta}E$ value from 7 to 11. The shrinkage rates of Quercus variabilis and Quercus mongolica during drying were 8.1% and 8.5% in the tangential direction and 5.0% and 6.2% in the radial direction, respectively. The lumber manufacturing yield rate of sawn lumber was 30 to 40% and that of the final product was 8 to 15%. It is expected that the processing characteristics of the Quercus species investigated in this research could contribute to formulate an efficient production plan of domestic hardwoods that are still under utilization.

Wood Biomass Production of Twelve Tree Species in Coppice Plantations Managed Under 1-, 2- and 3- year Rotations (12수종(樹種)에 대(対)한 단벌기(短伐期) 맹아림(萌芽林)의 Biomass 생산(生産))

  • Hyun, Young Il;Kim, Jae Hun;Han, Young Chang;Lee, Kyung Joon
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.55 no.1
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    • pp.30-36
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    • 1982
  • Wood biomass production at 1-year, 2-year, and 3-year rotations on both low and upper hills at 2m 2m spacing (25,000 trees/ha) was studied for a six-year period with following 12 species; Lespedeza cyrtobotrya Amorpha fruticosa. Robinia pseudoacacia, Acer saccharinum, Platanus orientalis Populus alba ${\times}$ P. glandulosa $F_1$, Salix alba, Pinus rigida, Alnus hirsuta var. sibirica, A. inokumai A. gultinosa, and A. incana. In One-year rotation, Lespedeza cyrtobotrya produced largest amoung of biomass (2.6 t/ha/year, fresh weight) and Populus alba ${\times}$ P. glandulosa $F_1$ the second largest (2.2 t/ha/year) on low hill. In two-year rotation, the latter produced the largest amount (4.8 t/ha/year) and Alnus hirsuta var. sibirica second largest (2.8 t/ha/year) on low hill. In three-year rotation, the largest weight (11.2 t/ha/year) was produced by Robinia pseudoacacia and the second largest (6.2 t/ha/year) by Alnus hirsuta var. sibirica on low hill Amorpha fruticosa, Acer saccharinum, Platanus orientalis and Salix alba were not suitable for biomass or fuelwood productio due to poor growth. Biomass yield on upper hill was reduced considerably for all tewlve species, with less than 4 t/year at maximum Only nitrogen fixing species (Robinia and Alnus species) are recommended on upper hill for biomass production wood sprouting ability of species was generally associated with good biomass production. Calori values of ovendry wood ranged from 4,485 cal/g for Salix alba to 5,125 cal/g for Alnus glutinosa. For maximum biomass production a three-year ratation with coppice is preferred to one-year and two-year roataions The best species appeared to be Robinia pseudoacacia and Alnus hirsuta var sibirica.

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Production of Lignin Degrading Enzymes and Decolorization of Various Dye Compounds by Wood-Rot Fungi (목재 부후균의 리그닌 분해효소 활성과 염료 화합물의 탈색)

  • Jang, Tae-Won;Jun, Sang-Cheol;Ahn, Tae-Seok;Kim, Kyu-Joong
    • Korean Journal of Microbiology
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    • v.42 no.1
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    • pp.34-39
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    • 2006
  • Wood-rot fungi produce extracellular lignin-degrading enzymes, the best known of which are lignin peroxidase, Mn-peroxidase and laccase. In this experiment, some of them produced all of three enzymes. Many other wood-rot fungi produced one or two of those enzymes with various combinations. In this experiment, we tried to clarify the relationship between the pattern of enzyme production and degradative activity of several dye compounds. From the 36 strains of 23 species of wood-rot fungi, Mn-peroxidase activity was found in 30 strains of the fungi tested, whereas the activity of lignin peroxidase and laccase was detected in 11 strains and 12 strains of species, repectively, in Kirks low nitrogen media. In relation to the activity of lignin degrading enzymes and degradation of dye compounds, the white-rot fungi with three kinds of enzymes tested showed the best dye decolorizers. The fungi with Mn-peroxidase activity only decolorized poly R-478 and remazol brilliant blue R dye in proportion to the enzyme activity, while methylene blue, bromophenol blue and congo red dye were degraded in regardless of enzyme activity. Those dyes were degraded in relation to the growth rate of mycelium. Brown-rot fungi did not degrade all the dye compounds except bromophenol blue, in spite of moderate growth rate.

Assignment of the Allowable Design Values for Domestic Softwood Structural Lumber - Structural I-grade - (국산 침엽수구조재의 허용응력설정에 관하여 - 1종 구조재를 중심으로 -)

  • Oh, Sei-Chang
    • Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.11-16
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    • 1996
  • The purpose of this paper is to present a summary of assignment design values according to domestic softwood structural lumber grading rules. Allowable stresses for visually graded lumber were determined from basic data on small. clear specimens. The data corrected for variability such as natural defects and other factors. The procedure adopted by Japan was used for assigning allowable design values. Strength ratios in relation to each defect were taken from ASTM D 245-81. Korean pine(Pinus koraiensis S. et Z.), Korean red pine(Pinus densiflora S. et Z.), Japanese larch(Larix leptolepis Gordon) and Needle fir(Abies holophylla Max) were applied to this study. The calculated allowable stresses were same in Korean pine and Korean red pine. These values were highest in Japanese larch lowest in Needle fir. So, it is desirable for these species to be classified into different catagories Species Group. However, accurate comparison in design values on lumber grading rules among U.S., Japan and Korea was somewhat difficult. And full scale testing will be necessary for accurate determination of the correction factors to setting up design values.

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Studies of the Properties of Commercial Woods Grown in the Southern Part of Korea (한국산(韓國産) 유용목재(有用木材)의 기초재질(基礎材質)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Chung, Byung-Jae;Lee, Jyung-Seuk;Kim, Yoon-Soo
    • Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.3-19
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    • 1978
  • Five species, Abies koreana Wilson (A. koreana), Castanopsis cuspidata var. Sieboldii Nakai (C. Cuspidata). Machilus thunbergii Sieb. et Zucc. (M. thunbergii), Styrax japonica (S. japonica), and Quercus acuta Thunberg(Q. acuta) growing in the southern part of Korea were selected for the investigation of wood properties. In order to evaluate the wood properties of these five species, anatomical, physical, mechanical, chemical and pulping characteristics were investigated. And this study also covered wood technological problems related to the drying, gluing, debarking, flooring, and wood workability so that these species might serve to the best advantage. The results obtained were summarized as follows: 1. The trunk of A. koreana with many knots was straight. However, the trunks of S. japonica and C. cuspidata were crooked. 2. A. koreana showed the longest and the widest ill the fiber morphology; 2.97mm in length, 39.3${\mu}$ in width. In general, fiber width of all the species investigated were greater than those of other Korean hardwoods. 3. The specific gravity of Q. acuta was 0.74${\pm}$0.03, and that of A.koreana was 0.34${\pm}$0.02. The range of specific gravity of the other species was 0.47-0.52. 4. The adsorption of water was propotioned inversely with the specific gravity, but the adsorption of humidity was proportioned with the specific gravity. In spite of their medium density, S. japonica showed the greatest adsorption, and M. thunbergii the least. The water adsorption of cross section was twice greater than that of lateral direction, and there was a slight difference in between the radial and the tangential direction. 5. Shrinkage for tested five species was ranged from 5.36 to 10.24% in tangential direction, and 2.83~6.13% in radial direction. Q. acuta recorded the greatest shrinkage rate, and A. koreana the least. The greater was the specific gravity, the larger was the shrinkage rate. 6. The mechanical properties of Q. acuta were similar to those of Quercus mongolica which grow in Kangwon-Do. Strength properties of C. cuspidata, M. thunbergii, A. koreana were equivalent to those of other Korean commercial woods with similar specific gravity, except S. japonica which showed slightly higher strength than that of other species with similar density. 7. Higher glue joint strength for urea and phenol adhesieves was recorded in the species of M. thunbergii and C. cuspidata, however, high-density species(Q. acuta) and even low-density species(A. koreana) did not show good joint strength. 8. The attractive figure of M. thunbergii in texture seemed to he appreciated for decoration. And the grain and texture of other species were proper for furniture and building materials. 9. All of the species except Q. acuta were considered good for wood workability. 10. The denser the specific gravity was, the longer the drying time took. However, severe drying defects were formed in M. thunbergii whose density was medium. 11. All the species were considered suitable for the flooring wood expect A. koreana whose density was light. 12. Pentosan component in all the species was great, and the amount of extractives in Q. acuta was worth noticing. 13. Yield in kraft pulp was above the level of economic pulp yield, i.e. 45% in all species. 14. Debarking was easy in the species of A. koreana and M. thunbergii, and debarking after being boiled in water was the most efficient in all species.

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