• Title/Summary/Keyword: 형식논리

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Study on 『BianZhengGiMun)』's medical characteristics - In view of ShangHan - (『변증기문(辨證奇聞)』의 의학적(醫學的) 특징(特徵)에 관(關)한 고찰(考察) -상한문(傷寒門)을 중심(中心)으로-)

  • Lee, Won-Suk;Park, Sun-Dong;Park, Won-Hwan;Kim, Jun-Ki;Kim, Jong-Dae
    • The Journal of Dong Guk Oriental Medicine
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.33-85
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    • 1998
  • In order to find the characteristic medical methods of "BianZhengGiMun" by the author ChenShihTo, we have translated and analyzed the mentioned book. Upon analyses, the following facts were noted : 1) "BianZhengGiMun" is written and composed of case studies. Prescriptive methods described here differ rather from previously known methods, where as our nation's Oriental medicine practitioners refer and consider these methods as miraculous modern methodologies. 2) Book's content has much similarities to "ShangHanLun"'s original text. Moreover, the content is adjusted towards presenting methodologies not coverd in "ShangHanLun"'s text, together with adding more information to conserve "ShangHanLun"'s methods as well as to critique them. 3) Diagnostic methods mainly follow the ZangFuBianZheng(臟腑辨證)'s pattern, where it's recorded information and theories are valid. 4) "BianZhengGiMun"'s proscriptive methods usually follow BuYinShengJin(補陰生津)'s form, where they were appropriate for that period and circumstances. 5) In consideration of all of the above factors, ChenShihTo grasped ShangHan and WenBing(acute febrile disease due to exogenous factor) as WaiGanReBing(外感熱病)'s double sided characteristics, where this corresponds with the current belief. It is believed that this in turn would provide much practical value to the present time.

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A Comparative Study of Inductive and Deductive Instructional Effects on the Learning of Population Genetic Concepts (집단유전 개념 학습에서 귀납적 - 연역적인 수업효과 비교)

  • Kim, Wui-Gyeong;Lee, Mi-Sook;Lee, Kil-Jae
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.190-199
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    • 2003
  • The purposes of this study was to investigate the effect of inductive Instructional method and deductive one concerning the learners' population genetic concepts and achievement according to learners' cognitive characteristics. For the study, 180 students were sampled from a boys' high school: 90 students for inductive teaching method and 90 students for deductive teaching method. Group Assessment of Logical Thinking(GALT) and Group Embedded Figure Test (GEFT) were used as the measure of cognitive characteristics. The results of this study were as follows. 1) The inductive instructional method was more effective in the understanding of population genetic concepts and their achievement. 2) Inductive instructional method was more effective than deductive one for the learners in formal operational level and in field independent cognitive style. 3) For the learners in a transitional level and field dependent cognitive style, deductive instructional way was more effective than inductive way on the average, but it was not statistically significant. It was turned out that learners' cognitive level was one of important factors when teachers instruct the concept of population genetics.

Analysis of Film 〈Obaltan〉 focused on Narratology's Viewpoint (서사학적 관점으로 분석한 영화〈오발탄〉의 서사구조 연구)

  • Kim, Jong-Wan
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.11 no.11
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    • pp.111-119
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    • 2011
  • Movie research in the 1980's structuralism looks tendency to escape director or text research and analyze spectator or inspection action. These post-structuralist divert interest by analytic convention of spectators in analysis by director's intention or text type correctly. There is the age that spectator, inspectional action and inspectional subject weighs more than director, work and text itself. But, inspection of movie can be person's enemy by director's narrative strategy or spectator's analytic quality that depend on a text and spectator and their interaction usually, and only method to acquire universality chooses full analytic discourse to principle. We should be structured by symbol system that the event is consisted of movie language to reappear the event through narrative in movie and this symbol system, director's narrative strategy can cause fixed esthetic distance between spectator. Researches to analyze this distance need to keep universal validity as much as being accepted by effort to gap with director and spectator. Therefore, narrative poetry that I analyze movie narration style by 'narrated' and unit of 'narrating' and study the form and function so-called, is going to follow narratology's access method. The consistent argument of this narrative poetry is that story is consisted of the events and these observe to structured thing by unit that is sequence through arrangement with the other event that adjoin in the event. Also, director need consensus with spectator to reappear connection of this event logically and it is thing which this reappearance form can be done characteristic by narrative strategy in directing. I am going to try narrative structure analysis of movie by narrative that is connected at structure of the event and 'narrating-narrative acts' that is interested in way to reappear this story to spectator hereupon. Of course, at process of research, Roland Barthes and his followers wish to apply 'narrative function' and concept of 'narrative acts' that prefer from time to time.

한국근대미술의 인상파 도입과정과 아카데미즘 형성에 관하여

  • Im, Chang-Seop
    • Journal of Science of Art and Design
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    • v.9
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    • pp.89-115
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    • 2006
  • 한국근대미술은 유화 도입기인 1910년대를 한국미술사의 중요한 시작점이다. 1910년경부터 형성되기 시작한 유화 도입배경과 그것이 당시 사회의 절실한 요청에 의한 것이었는지, 그렇다면 그것이 무엇인지 규명하는 것이 한국근대미술 초기를 알 수 있는 중요한 문제일 것이다. 일본근대 유화의 역사는 국수주의와 서구주의 물결이 반복하는 과정에서 점차 일본화된 소재의 등장과 일본정서에 부합하는 화풍을 만들어 나가게 되는 것이 1890년대부터 1910때까지의 일본근대 유화계의 상황이라고 할 수 있다. 이 시기를 다시 요약하면 외광파와 인상파가 절충된 양식에 일본의 메이지낭만주의에 부합하는 소재 즉 일본전통이라고 할 수 있는 풍경에 대한 애착 등이 전체 유화의 기류로 나타나는 시기라고 할 수 있다. 실제 새로운 문화의 하나였던 유화는 점차 세계의 다양한 미술사조 속에서 일본화다운 것으로 발전하는 모습을 보여준다. '구로다 세이키'(黑田淸輝) 이전에 이미 형성되었던 일본근대 유화양식과 구로다의 외광파 양식, 또 외광파가 일본 근대유화의 주류로 형성하게 되는 계기, 여기에 프랑스에서 직접 배워 온 작가들에 의한 인상파 도입 그리고 일본 '메이지낭만주의'(明治浪漫主義)의 등장으로 인한 사회 환경구조의 변화 속에서 양성된 그들의 절충양식의 초기유학생들에게 큰 영향을 미쳤다. 우리근대미술은 '민족적 자부심'과 '민족적 열등감'이 동시에 존재하는 사회적 배경논리에서 출발하지 않으면 안 된다. 즉 근대미술의 사상적 배경에는 민족 개량주의적 발상과 계몽주의적 문화 활동에 있었다고 할지라도 근본적으로는 미술자체를 근대사회 발전의 연장선 속에서 파악하지 못했고, 따라서 미술자체를 새로운 문명수입이라는 근대적 풍물 정도로만 파악했던 것이 어쩔 수 없는 근대미술의 한계라고 할 수 있다. 이 시기에 미술을 주목한 이유는 근대적 사회로 발전하기 위한 하나의 필수적인 요소로 미술자체를 파악하고 나아가, 식산흥업(殖産興業)의 수단으로 인식 했던 신지식층에 의해 시작되었다고 할 수 있다. 문명의 발달이 미술의 발달에서 연원한다는 '미술문명론' 같은 시각이 미술자체가 성격이나 창작의 방향과는 무관하게 어떤 미술이든 그것을 활성화시키는 것이 근대 즉 문명화된 세계로 나아갈 수 있다고 하는 관점에서 비롯된 것이라고 할 수 있다. 한국근대미술에 있어서 아카데미즘 역시 일본근대미술과 불가분의 관계가 있음을 부인할 수 없다. 초기유학생들은 그 당시 일본의 잡지나 화단에서 일어나는 여러 가지 시안들을 피상적으로 이해하는 정도였을 것으로 파악할 수 있다. 이러한 맥락에서 보면 한국근대미술에 있어서 초기유학생들의 작품과 그 이후 선전에서 입선하는 작품들은 일본아카데미즘의 영향 밑에 있다고 해야 할 것이다. 일본 근대 유화에서 형성된 외광파의 요소와 인상파 요소들이 일본 낭만주의로 표면화된 하나의 일본근대 유화의 형식 그대로가 한국아카데미즘의 성격을 결정하고 있다고 할 수 있다. 게다가 1922년에 시작된 선전은 심사위원 대부분이 동경미술학교 교수이면서 구로다의 제자이거나 동료였다는 것은 이러한 사실을 더욱 확고하게 뒷받침하고 있는 것이다. 초기유학생들이 남긴 작품들은 완전한 인상파에 대한 지식이나 깊은 자아의식을 가지고 제작된 것은 아니라, 일본 동경미술학교에서 가르치고 있었던 것들을 그대로 수용했다고 할 수 있다. 따라서 이들의 그림은 구로다의 외광파라고 부르는 것들의 영향보다는, 인상파를 보고 배웠던 동경미술학교 교수들의 영향을 더 많이 받았다고 할 수 있다. 그리고 이들의 영향은 그대로 한국 근대미술의 아카데미즘을 형성하는데 커다란 영향을 미치고 있음을 부인할 수 없다.

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Understanding the Selective Attention and Animation Induction Device According to the Visual Capture of Audience (관객의 시각포획현상에 따른 선택적 주의집중과 애니메이션 유도장치의 이해)

  • Lee, Jong-Han
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.41
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    • pp.133-152
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    • 2015
  • Some artists and scientists in physics and animation originating from research on its form of expression thanks to the rapid development of the example in the late 20th century image production technology integrating existing media feature, perform a re-creation and pop culture content has been recognized as a key factor. animation of the modern emphasis is also commercial and artistic activities as show whether the artist can not be excluded that also target audience. The audience does not want only to receive offers simply 'seeing' and 'hearing' in the animation requires a more indirect mental met. the other side, the director should lead the audience to immerse myself in work as intended mystification induce the world. where a conflict occurs between the audience and the director and The director needs to have its troubleshooting point to 'Technology of the communication'. Which is reduced to 'How will tell,' is technology communication technologies that are abbreviated representations of animation director is accessible to the audience and it is a close relationship between the psychological aspect of audience. Because, the audience is reproduced in a limited space, but he called on the board of directors and the same time the screen, the audience located at reception and the director located at provide. It is given. led force is given to the director. for this reason, The director needs to pay attention to the psychological aspect of audience this can be explained based on psychoanalytic theory. In this paper, "How can you lie to the audience and the director is the same line?" put down logic that is the animation audience under the logic that takes place visually capture phenomenon "selective attention" and sub-concept of "goal-directed selection' and 'stimulus-driven capturel' for theory of psychology. also, Induction device to elicit selective attention of the audience accordingly, let's consider whether and how they apply in animation.

Effects of a Cognitive Acceleration Program on Primary School Students (CASE 프로그램에 의한 초등학생들의 인지가속 효과)

  • 최병순;한효순;신애경;김선자;박종윤
    • Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.1-14
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    • 2003
  • This study investigated the effects of the cognitive acceleration program devised for accelerating the development of formal reasoning ability of students. ‘Thinking Science’ activities developed by the Cognitive Acceleration through Science Education(CASE) project were implemented to 420 students in 5th grade aged 10+ in four elementary schools over a period of two yea. Homogeneity between the experimental group and control group was tested with SRT II, and the improvement of formal reasoning ability of the students was tested with SRT III. The results were analyzed by treatment, gender, and cognitive levels of the students. Statistically significant gains were shown in the CASE group compared with those in the control group. Cognitive level of girls in the CASE group increased as compared with the control group, while there was moderate effect in boys for the primary school. These results implied that the thinking science activities were effective in cognitive acceleration of girls aged 10+. It was shown that much more CASE students in concrete operational level shifted to formal operational level as compared with the control group while there were no significant effects in the other levels for primary school.

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Analysis of High School Students' Understanding Levels about Earth Science terms Written in Chinese Characters (한자로 된 지구과학 용어에 대한 고등학생의 이해 수준)

  • Jeong, Jin-Woo;Park, Hee-Moo;Jung, Jae-Gu
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.25 no.5
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    • pp.303-314
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    • 2004
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze high school students' understanding levels about earth science terms written in Chinese characters according to learners' characteristics. In order to investigate how the responses vary according to their characteristics, first of all, proper scientific terms are selected, and then corre sponding questions about them are offered as subjects, which consists of a Korean characters type, a picture type, and a Korean and Chinese characters type. During paper test and interview, the questions are given to fifteen students from general high schools in Jecheon, Chungbuk Province. The results of the study are as follows; Students in formal operation level and field-independency answered very well and also the terms of Chinese characters type and picture type improve the students' understanding and memorization. Generally, Chinese characters have more positive influence on their learning than the negative. Therefore, in general, it seems that it's more effective to explain the sound and meaning of terms in detail and to give learners enough time to draw a picture about each term by themselves when scientific terms are delivered to students in Chinese characters in class.

The Methodological Standpoint and the Meaning of "Discourse Study" in Social Policy Research (사회정책연구에 있어 담론연구의 위상과 의미)

  • Woo, Ah-Young
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.61 no.2
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    • pp.247-276
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this essay is to explore the methodological standpoint and the meaning of 'Discourse Analysis' in policy science. I discussed it in three dimensions including: 1) the ontological point of view, 2) the epistemological perspective, and 3) researcher's position in policy research. 1) From the ontological standpoint, I explained the policy as a text, context, discourse, and ideology, that is focused on being constructed by the formative power of language. 2) The ontological standpoint produced "the argumentative turn" in the policy analysis, and many policy analysts emphasize the argumentative process of policy making and evaluation. This argumentation process includes the interpretative and critical viewpoints as well as the normative and ethical characteristics of policies in the discourse analysis. We should reexamine reality critically because discourse is ultimately influenced by the prevailing cultural and social norms. Therefore, an interpretative and critical viewpoint is an epistemological perspective in the discourse analysis. This critical approach creates an awareness of the limitations on our thinking under the particular major discourse, and requires the self-reflection within and beyond the discourse. This process leads to the human emancipation. 3) In order to achieve this emancipation, the last approach suggests that we need to scrutinize "the subject" as a researcher, who is also influenced and subjectified by the major discourse and, thus must deconstruct his or herself. Last but not least, we should emphasize the researcher's role as a listener of the minor voice(discourse) and even the silence of the clients.

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Meaning Analysis (의미 분석)

  • Lee, Gun-Won
    • Annual Conference on Human and Language Technology
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    • 2000.10d
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    • pp.419-423
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    • 2000
  • 성공적인 의사소통의 경우에 성(性)이, 이(理)와 명(命)으로 나타난 것이 같다. 진리(aletheia)가, 언어(logos)와 운명(moira)으로 나타난 것들이 일치하는 것이 성공적인 언화행위가 된다. 측정대상(melos)과 본체(ousia)가 구분되는 것은 언어와 운명의 괴리가 있을 수가 있기 때문이다. 체계적인 언어처리의 지식기반을 측정대상에 한정한다. (1) 철학의 시작은 더 옳은 언어표현의 정의(definition)로 이전의 잘못 사용된 언어처리를 대체시키는 것으로 소크라테스는 보았다. [R. Crossman] (2) 잘못을 지적하는 등에(Tabanidae)의 역할과 옮은 지식의 상기를 돕는 산파법(maieutics)이 소크라테스의 의미분석의 방법이다. [R. Crossman] (3) 언어를 통하여 진리를 추구한다는 입장(via language)애서 한 언어표현이 그 진리의 운명으로 나타남과 어긋날 때, 운명을 택하는 것은 조화 보다 더 안정의 우위를 인정하는 논리적인 입장으로 합리성 보다 실용(pragma)의 우위를 인정하는 것이다. [W. Quine] (4) 공동체의 공통규범의 추구는 그 언어 속의 공통의 형식 또는 법칙의 추구에 기초하는 것이 자연스럽다. 여기에서 그 언어사용은 그 기저의 법칙(underlying rule)에 개입한다는 입장에 기초한다. [J. Searle] (5) 진리의 언어표현과 운명적인 사태들 사이의 괴리를 처리하기 위하여 체계적인 언어표현의 대상(The Young Tableaux)과 실제(The continuum)의 구분을 수용한다. [AMS(2000)] 언어표현의 대상은 나타난 것(현)(顯)이고 실제에는 나타나지 않은 것도 있다. 이천(伊川), 명도(明道)] (6) 이 나타난 것과 나타나지 않은 것에 간격이 없다는 것(현미무간)(顯微無間)은 그 의사소통이 성공적인 것이라는 것을 말한다. 따라서 그 언어의 표현완전성(functional completeness)은 언화행위가 성공적이라는 것이다.[J. Searle] (7) 수로 쓰인 것(상수)(象數)과 시로 쓰인 것(의리)(義理)이 하나인 것은 그 나타난 것과 나타나지 않은 것들 사이에 어떠한 들도 없음을 말한다. [(성중영)(成中英)] (8) 공통의 규범의 공통성 속에 규범적인 측면이 벌써 있다. 공통성에서 개인적이 아닌 공적인 규범으로의 전이는 규범, 가치, 규칙, 과정, 제도로의 전이라고 본다. [C. Morrison] (9) 우리의 언어사용에 신비적인 요소를 부인할 수가 없다. 넓은 의미의 발화의미(utterance meaning) 속에 신비적인 요소나 애정표시도 수용된다. 의미분석은 지금 한글을 연구하고, 그 결과에 의존하여서 우리의 실제의 생활에 사용하는 $\ulcorner$한국어사전$\lrcorner$ 등을 만드는 과정에서, 어떤 의미에서 실험되었다고 말할 수가 있는 언어과학의 연구의 결과에 의존하여서 수행되는 철학적인 작업이다. 여기에서는 하나의 철학적인 연구의 시작으로 받아들여지는 이 의미분석의 문제를 반성하여 본다.

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Research About Agricultural Change in Yanbian Area: from the Later of Qing Dynasty to the Current (연변지역 농업의 변화에 관한 연구 - 청조 말부터 현재까지를 중심으로 -)

  • Jin, Shizhu;Nan, Xuefeng
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.93-104
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    • 2008
  • This article will divide agricultural change process in Yanbian area into the period of japan rule, socialism and later time of the reform and open policy and so on. It will analyze the changes of Yanbian agriculture in every period influenced by external environment influence. The conclusions are as follow: first, under the influence of the japan rule, the policy about Korean Minority immigrants in japan and the original work agriculture and the group tribe construction, Yanbian fanning was controlled by the Japanese. Therefore, Yanbian's agriculture became the tool to satisfy the war and plunder the resource for Japanese. It shows the obviously peripheral characteristics. Second, in socialism time, Yanbian's agriculture was influenced by the rural communalization. The fanning completely belongs to the country, the agricultural production is influenced by the idea of "grain as the key link" which it only pays attention to take the cultivation industry and the production of grain in the interior of cultivation industry. Therefore, it has not been able fully to use the rich natural resource. Third, after reform and open policy, the countrysides were implemented family contract responsibility system, the farmer can rent the land for a long time, and the enthusiasm of agricultural production was improved. Moreover, due to the social market economy-system, the farmer carried on the agricultural production activities according to the market's demands and various departments of the agriculture obtained the coordinate development.

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